#ft. lincoln
they-hermes · 3 months
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There’s only just one thing that we have in common
neither of us will be missed.
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williammarksommer · 7 months
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Drive in Cabins
The Continental Divide series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Tmax 400iso
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citruscore · 1 year
actually link in 1A and taylor in 4B if possible.... <3
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coming back from the arcade
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iambecomeahamburger · 3 months
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very normal couple
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silkchvffon · 3 months
closed for @invcntions as per usual atp
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« LINCOLN, PLEASE, » marci begs as she pounds on his door, her heart racing so hard in her chest that it's the only thing she can hear. « i know you're angry, you have every right to be, but this is urgent. » she recalls kyle's words and feels the noose around her throat tighten with the memory. she shouldn't have said half the things she did, and now she has to live with the consequences — which isn't what scares her. the truly terrifying part is she can't ensure her boys' safety. « it might ... i don't ... koa and elias might be in danger. »
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hvneymelons · 4 months
Closed Starter: @themissing-linc
"Guess what song played at the coffee shop this morning," Dee began, breaking a piece of her croissant and dipping it into the cup of coffee before her, "If you guess correctly, I'll help you fold the laundry." Dee had stopped by to drop off some bread and croissants she'd baked the previous night. It wasn't uncommon for her to appear with something for the family. Her and Kay used to spend so much time baking with one another, something that Dilara had originally sucked at but improved as her friendship with Kay grew. Now she made it her mission to come by with some new recipes or just to ensure everyone's staying alright. Making sure to keep Kay in good spirit before checking in on Linc and offering help wherever she could. "I'll even give you three tries."
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alarakcplan · 24 days
starter for: @jeremylincoln location: briar ridge summer music fest
Alara was just getting to the point where the buzz she was feeling was beginning to make her question if she wasn't having a good time after all. She'd regretted showing up for the festival the second her cowboy boots touched the sand and had immediately set out on a mission to drink until the choice to attend didn't seem quite so stupid anymore. Making her 'grand entrance' back to the town she'd tried to leave behind - and failed at doing so - twice now, at such a public gathering of pretty much the whole damn town, wasn't her brightest idea ever, but hey, who was Alara Kaplan if she wasn't kicking things off with a bang?
But as the music blared, the sun began to set over the water, and the warm summer breeze danced over her skin, Alara couldn't help but lose herself a bit to the night. As RAYE's 'Worth It' floated over the beach, she found herself swaying to the beat, her black vest and matching cut off jeans hugging her curves, when she felt eyes on her. She couldn't explain how she'd known, but as she turned around, her eyes, as if drawn like a moth to a flame, found Jeremy's and Alara's breath caught in her chest. For a brief moment, she was a teenage girl again with a crush on her best friend's ridiculously good looking older brother, and the giddiness of finding his eyes on her had her looking down at her feet, biting her lip as if she were embarrassed. But then she remembered who the fuck she was, and as her head snapped up to meet his gaze head on, a smirk firmly planted itself on her lips.
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Just because they'd finally slept together after spending practically her entire childhood and teenage years hoping he'd notice her didn't mean she'd fawn all over him now. Instead, Alara proceeded to act like she hadn't seen him, continuing to dance to the music and only occasionally letting her gaze flit in his direction. Just as she was beginning to let loose again, a hand snaked around her waist, and someone was pulling her back against their body. Alara froze. Turning around, she shoved the man off of her. "Didn't your mother teach you it's polite to ask first?" Storming away, she headed in the direction of the drink tent, painfully aware of the fact that this would mean she would be the one initiating contact with Jeremy. And in this little cat and mouse game they played, that just wasn't as fun.
But what could she do? Letting out a huff of a breath, and shaking off the creepy encounter, she moved to lean against the bar near him, ordering a whiskey on the rocks before finally daring to glance in his direction again. "So what? You're too cool to join in the festivities?" she asked doing her best to keep her voice teasing and unaffected as she looked at him. How did he manage to get even more attractive in the year since she'd seen him?
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hazalyildizs · 3 months
15, 18, 22
15. personality description - Calm, kind and tame, unless provoked.
18. do you miss how things were a year ago? - A little, but being here is pretty great too because I get to be around my twin more. @yasemins
22. description of crush. - Already answered: I'm attracted to both sexes, so whoever this person is, they would have to have a big heart. A pretty or handsome face is useless if you're unkind. Plus points if he looks like a certain lumberjack. @lincolnreid
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tysingh · 7 months
closed starter for @joshlincoln at the sinners and saints event ft. passion 🌶️
Tyler had been prepared to put the night down as an overall loss, her shitty mood not helped enough by the flowing booze to put her in the right mental state to be open to having a good time. Luckily for Ty, the night was saved by the appearance of an old friend. There weren't many of them that she'd managed to hang on to over the years, but Linc was someone that she'd been through all of the ups and downs with of being a professional athlete from a young age. That familiarity, coupled with his similar inclination for trouble, was the perfect storm of what she needed to salvage the evening.
"I'm telling you, there's absolutely a fucking hot tub on the roof and we deserve to be in it," she insisted, one hand wrapped around the hem of Linc's shirt, partially as a way to drag him along and partially as a way of securing herself from drunkenly tumbling down anywhere. Ty didn't know for sure if there was a hot tub on the roof, but she was assuming that a fancy place like this had no reason to not have one up there. Smashing the buttons for the elevator a half dozen times impatiently, the elevator eventually coming to a stop on their floor and opening up to just two other figures tucked into the corner.
Were Ty paying enough attention, she might have noticed the fact that belt buckles were undone and shirts were halfway off from the couple in the corner. Instead, she barged right on in, pulling Linc with her just as the doors began to close. There was a jolting start to the elevator, going up barely two floors before a loud creaking sound started and everything came to a complete halt. Once again, Ty's hands started to smash buttons to try and will the thing back to life, a frown now settled in her drunken eyes.
There was a moment of silence before a low moan came from the other corner of the elevator, the couple paying no mind to the fact that they were stopped or the fact that there were now other people present. "Oh, you've got to be fucking joking," she grumbled, trying her best to tear her eyes away from the passionate make out session taking place beside them. "Linc, make them stop. Or I will."
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I think about this video a lot
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jennamarsdcn · 7 months
STATUS: Closed for @jeremylincoln
LOCATION: Sterling Lakes
Jenna's heart was beating out of her chest as she ran down the sidewalk, her cheeks flushed in a whirlwind of emotions. Anger. Embarrassment and most of all, uncertainty. Because she had no idea what would happen once she knocked on that door and it would be opened. Just a few minutes ago, little Mr Nico Marsden used all of his 9-year-old might to kick the old soccer ball he found by the fence all across the neighborhood. Even though he claimed it wasn't his intention, it simply happened, Jenna was sure the speed of that damned thing left a mark in the grass where he kicked it. It was bad enough that they'd have to search through the neighboring properties but the very few seconds of silence were followed by the sound of glass shattering and that's when she considered making Lena an only child after all. Sending her kid inside and promising they'd discuss this later, Jenna was still in her slippers and a cardigan that had more holes than fabric when her fist finally made contact with the door. Taking a few steps back, she wrapped her arms around her own frame when the sound of hinges made her look up. "Hey there." Although she tried to smile, her insecurity was written all over her face. "I'm Jenna. I live down the street and my kid just became a possessed juggernaut and threw a ball over here. I think something broke cause I heard crashing and I -" Taking a deep breath, the air rushed out again with a heavy sigh. "Shit, I'm really sorry for this. Could I take a look at what the damage is? I'll replace whatever he broke."
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fcundaticnsofdecay · 11 months
status: closed
based: linked in source
for: @hedonistiics
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it was earlier than she normally would wake up but nothing about the night was normal. truly she never imagined she would be waking up in a bed that was not her own or her boyfriend's. she had been overwhelmed with a sense of horror but managed to contain her reaction. she knew that she couldn't go home smelling like a brewery. she couldn't remember fully the events from the previous night but the lack of clothes was a big hint. she had tip toed to the bathroom and quietly shut the door. in no time at all she was in the shower and trying to ignore how strange she felt. she was so lost in the feeling of the warm water and the smell of the soap. she barely realized that the door was opening but she froze upon hearing footsteps. the blonde glanced through the glass door and froze," hope you don't mind, i just needed to get cleaned up."
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hedonistiics · 11 months
starter for: @aconites
pairing: lincoln & grace
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having been forced into the family business quite some years ago, lincoln had gotten used to attending various types of events at the invitation of his parents. he'd always attended alone but with every invitation it had become harder and harder to avoid his parents' setups. every event came with a different introduction to a different woman who would be 'just perfect' for him. lincoln was well aware he was getting older and would be required to settle down with some snooty, entitled, rich bitch before too long, but not yet. the failed setups along with the loneliness he felt in this world he'd never asked to belong to, was the reason he'd acquired himself a sugar baby. not only did he get the date he so desperately needed, but he got to spoil someone who needed it. he'd met grace a couple of times to get acquainted with each other, and tonight was the first event they'd attend together. the woman was quite a few years younger than lincoln himself, but he hoped his parents would accept that he was off the market, despite it being all for show. he found himself in a seedy neighborhood and never in his life had he been happier for his bodyguard and driver accompanying him. knocking on the apartment door grace had instructed him towards, a scowl formed on his features. but as the door swung open, he took her in and the scowl disappeared. she was dressed to the nines, looking elegant and not overly made up. "fucking stunning," he complimented, distracted by her looks for a moment. it didn't take him long to get back to reality though, looking over her shoulder at what he could see of the tiny apartment. "you can't seriously live here, can you?" lincoln questioned and shook his head, wanting to tell her that she deserved a mansion or a fucking palace. not the dump this place was and not to mention it couldn't possibly be safe.
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silkchvffon · 1 year
❛ ✖︎  —  closed  starter  —  @invcntions​. °
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     THEY’RE  SUPPOSED  TO  BE  PRE  –  GAMING,  it  was  even  elias’  suggestion  just  so  he  could  ease  up  those  nerves  of  his,  but  he’s  barely  touched  his  now  lukewarm  beer.  he  can’t  meet  lincoln’s  eyes  because,  having  been  away  at  college  for  the  entire  semester,  elias  knows  he’s  going  to  say  yes  to  anything  his  best  friend  wants  —  including  this  party.  he  is  already  notorious  for  disliking  parties,  but  even  more  so  when  he’s  gonna  have  to  navigate  his  way  around  koa  again.  elias  loudly  groans  as  he  stretches  out  on  the  couch.  «  actually,  i’m  not  feeling  very  well,  »  he  lies,  badly,  glancing  at  his  friend.  «  maybe  we  can  just  stay  in  ?  order  a  pizza  and  watch  the  office  or  something.  »
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hvneymelons · 2 months
Closed Starter: @themissing-linc outside Linc's window :P
There were plenty of places Dante could be at the moment, but instead of heeding all those warnings his better judgement tried to sell him, the musician stood outside with his guitar in hand. Ready to sing his way back into good graces with Lincoln, whether it worked or not. Dante wasn't stupid. He knew things weren't going to be that easy, but he wanted to show the other man that no amount of ignoring him was going to stop Dante from trying. Yes, he'd been stupid and clueless, and eventually became an ass without even realizing it, but he was trying to make amends as best as he could. Lincoln hadn't entirely dismissed the idea of him and Dante coming together the last time they spoke. In fact, if Dante remembered correctly he said I'll think about it. Certainly it's been enough time to think about it by now, right? Dante didn't bother to question himself anymore and began to run his fingers through his guitar. The familiar chords of The Past Recedes cutting through the silence of the night and hopefully making their way through Lincoln's slumber. Hear me it called and then Dante's voiced joined the plead. He ensured to pick the perfect song, knowing how much it meant for both of them since before the band even came together. Back when it was just the two of them talking about their dreams, and the places that they would go. When they played pretend in each other's room and performed like the whole world was watching. That's when Dante truly saw how special Lincoln was and just how bad he wanted to be in his life. There was no describing the fondness that formed over his heart.
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leilabarak · 1 year
closed starter for @wyattlincoln at room service
Focus was one thing that had almost never been a problem for Leila before. She could sit and work on a project all day and not realize it most days, but right now it felt like an impossible task to even get the smallest things done. One of the designs she was working on building out was close to being finished, Leila just needed to get the aesthetics side of it done to be able to send out to the company she'd contracted with. Heading down the paint aisle to grab the colors she wanted, Leila was met with the disappointment of finding the one she needed at the very top of the shelf. Huffing out a bit, Leila tried to reach up for it, her fingertips barely grazing the can as she hopped up. "Short people are people too," she grumbled under her breath, not realizing someone had come up the aisle until she looked up and saw Wyatt. "Erm...don't suppose you'd mind helping me get that one up there?"
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