#fuck I neeeed to write a jealous eris fic 😭
daycourtofficial · 2 months
do you think in the wonderful eris x night court reader universe he is jealous of anyone like OFC sexy jewel of prythian night court princess has all the high lords drooling but is there just one person that pisses him off and he always tries to snark or make jealous in return 😭 territorial baby jealous eris is so funny to me
It’s so much funnier to give love interests one specific person that they just seethe with jealousy over. In a lot of acotar fics it’s usually Helion or Tarquin (both single, both very sexy and sweet). I think it’d be really funny if it’s one specific guy. Like he’s just a guy, some guard night court!reader knew in Velaris. He’s literally just a nice guy, no problems with anyone.
But something about him just pisses Eris off to no end 😭 (like Dinkleberg in The Fairly Oddparents)
If it’s a high lord, the obvious option is Tarquin bc I feel like Eris has some hint of his mother’s affairs with Helion. Tarquin is just so nice and Eris is like “what’s this guy’s deal???” “Tarquin? He’s nice? He wants his people to be happy?” And Eris is just like “what’s he playing at?? Trying to steal my wife??”
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