#fuck dude they're sooooooooo....
posallys · 9 months
okay but i don't think you understand
She wiped a tear off her cheek. "You sound so much like your father," she said. "He offered to stop the tide for me once. He offered to build me a palace at the bottom of the sea. He thought he could solve all of my problems with a wave of his hand."
sally LITERALLY tells percy, while he's talking about how she doesn't have to put up with gabe, how she deserves better, how she deserves everything good in the world, THAT HE SOUNDS LIKE HIS FATHER. THAT PERCY TRYING TO PROTECT HER OUT OF HIS LOVE FOR HER SOUNDS LIKE POSEIDON. Percy, who nobody would ever deny loves his mom more than anything, sounds like how poseidon talks to sally. do you understand the implication there im literally shaking im so unwell. poseidon loves sally so much you just don't get it what if i start sobbing. sally literally compares how much percy loves her to how much poseidon does. im going to VOMIT
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vegaseatsass · 2 months
Reality tv is so fucking dangerous for me because my brain still whirs as if I'm watching fictional characters but I'm NOT and I should NOT be blorbofying or armchair diagnosing these irl human beings, it's simply safer for me to never ever engage. Tl;dr my god the exes on His Man 3 have eaten my mind, I can't stop thinking about them. I won't share REAL PERSON HEADCANONS (basically: who pings as neuroatypical) but I went from thinking Myeongkyun was the most hilarious entertaining television figure I'd seen in years to being really truly gutted for him and his like, slow struggling emotional processing which makes him sooooo frustratingly opaque even though he is trying, and his fuckboy affect which is so deceptive for how confusingly deeply (but just. sloooooowly) he actually feels. Youngjoon has been my favorite contestant this entire time (well, Youngjoon and Seungjin but let's not get me started on how it feels to watch Seungjin go untreasured episode after episode) and Hanmin jumped way up there in episodes 7 and 8 too because who knew he was the absolute kindest and most supportive and emotionally intelligent person in that entire house, I'm rooting SO HARD for him and Youngjoon I think they're such a crazy good match for each other augh. So the thing I find so compelling about Myeongkyun and Youngjoon's conflict is that it's really easy for me to understand where both of them were coming from; as absolutely maddening as it is to imagine being in Youngjoon's shoes and trying with so much hyperverbal self-awareness to reach some kind of clarity and just being hit in the face again and again with Myeongkyun's blase opaqueness, I really DO think they were both trying super hard and in good faith in that exhausting conversation! It understandably didn't FEEL that way to Youngjoon, as Myeongkyun led him in circle after circle, but I'm seriously like unhinged with how much I feel for Myeongkyun rn and his visible overwhelm. When Youngjoon was about to leave and tell Myeongkyun to figure things out on his own and Myeongkyun told him it's actually easier for him !!! to sort through his feelings with him there !!!! that's such an admittance, he absolutely was trying that whole time but what comes out of his mouth is sooooooooo not intelligible and thus as infuriating as humanly possible for Youngjoon, this incredibly verbal, emotionally analytic overthinker. They're such a bad match lmao and it's so so sad that Myeongkyun just assumed their relationship was moving as slowly as his feelings do and not that he was fully ghosted dklfjslkdfja I can just see BOTH THEIR SIDES I'm almost always on the side of the person who is like "how was I supposed to know what you ghosting me meant? I kept contacting you because I just thought you were busy!" vs. the ghoster who is all ugh dude why couldn't you read the room? but if Myeongkyun has always been like this - answering a direct question with "Maybe I'm ENTJ!" or "I don't want to tell you" or munch munch munching and "mmm"-ing and blinking and never ever answering what he was actually asked - it's pretty easy to understand why Youngjoon would assume this is a guy who neither cares about nor requires direct communication of any kind.
Lol sorry I've never posted into this tag before and this is a super incoherent blur of feelings before I go offline for the next two days but I just have to get it out of my system because I don't think I've ever had a reality show change my perception of somebody as much as Myeongkyun just like. Visibly hanging on by a thread while saying all the absolute wrong things in his stupid cool guy voice. and then breaking down as soon as he was alone. did. "Dating Minseon is... a possibility" went from sounding like a half-assed non-commitment to me, to Myeongkyun very seriously working through his feelings at his regular slow slow speed, and I'm fully rooting for them as well atp.
I wish this season had more friendship and less shady secret missions because everyone is so miserable... including me, who is sitting here typing nonsense instead of posting about my safely fictional characters.
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
can i rant for bit cuz ugh why do all the men on dating apps suck?? i hate how some men really seem to fetishize plus size women. like when you're trying to talk with them and all they wanna talk about is sexual stuff from the get go 😡😤 like hello?!? im more than just my body?? ive never even met you dude. ive got a personality, interests, etc. like do these men think they're doing plus size women a favor by aggressively sexualizing them?
it honestly sucks so much. so in order to cope I've been fantasing about hotch 😏
like imagine dbf!hotch where he overhears you ranting about dating and the men on the apps and later tries to talk to you about it. he'd tell you that they're all boys and you need a man.after hearing how upset and objectified you feel he'd probably decide to actively pursue you. especially if you've had a will they-wont they thing going on.
i just really want him to seduce me and give me a reason to delete all my dating apps
I'm so sorry this is so late but girlie I feel this so hard. I legit gave up on dating apps cuz it was just "let me see how big your tits are" "😜 wanna meet up and fuck?" Even if your profile says you're not looking for that, youre looking to date! I thought at one point I found someone who was chill and wanted to just go on a date but then 🧍 well, we won't get into that. All in all, ppl need to stop fucking fetishising fat ppl. It's dehumanising. Do we want to be desired sexually? Absolutely. But not just that tho. We want to be loved and accepted for who we are and how we look. I really hope that you do eventually find someone who doesn't just see you as a sex object, ❤️‍🔥 anon because you deserve it 💖💖
Dbf!Aaron Hotchner is sooooooooo🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭��🤭🤭🤭 OOOOOGH
He is fucking PISSED knowing you're being treated like this on dating apps. He thinks it's fucking disgusting that people see you as nothing but a fetish. He fucking adores you. He thinks you're funny, sweet, beautiful, kind and well, of course he thinks you're fucking sexy too. But knowing you're trying to deal with all this shit makes him angry.
So he does whatever he can to show that he's, first of all, into you very much so. But also that hes not after you just for "having a good fuck with a thicc girl". The thought of people treating you as less than human, just sexual organs because of your curves makes him fucking sickened. Man starts to rly make an effort to show he is interested in you. He tries even harder to make you smile and laugh, treats you to stuff, is extremely attentive if you ever vent to him. And he can see it's working, you've got a pep in your step, and you always have that adorable shy smile on your face whenever he talks to you or looks at you. Big fan of fixing a stand of your hair.
One day something changes, you come to him upset and frustrated and you show him the dating app. You vent about it to him all about the disingenuous guys on there only seeing you as a thicc chick to fuck so they can tick it off their bucket list. And so he hugs you close, kissing the top of your head and says he can't stand to see you so upset anymore. But he has something to say that could help.
You pull away, confused. And he's looking at you with so much tenderness your heart tightens. He smiles, brushing a stray tear from your cheek.
"Sweetheart, those stupid boys don't know what they're doing. They don't know how to treat a woman, how to make her feel loved and cared for and seen as more than just their body type. I... I want to know if you'll have me. Accept me to show you how you deserve to be treated."
You can barely string words together, it's cute. But he sees more tears again and he panics, thinking he's gone too far.
"I'm sorry, this was not appropriate. I-"
"Yes.. I- yes, I want you." You interrupt him. It makes him pause, staring at you for a moment as he studies your expression. You glance away, feeling shy again. "I only started using dating apps because I didn't think I'd ever get to be with you, Aaron..."
Oh, oh sweetheart. His heart is soaring and he pulls you close for a tight hug, swaying you gently.
"Sweetheart, you have me. I'm yours."
Needless to say you freed up a lotttttt of space on your phone getting rid of all the dating apps 🥰 plenty of storage for the incoming pics you and Aaron will take together from this point forward.
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silenthillmutual · 5 months
2,3, and 9 for Alfred then!!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
hmmm... kind of hard to say, he's the vlad jr of bloodborne. which something i can agree on w both characters is they're really effective as characters and really terrible as people. and w alfred i think its "this is how deep church propaganda goes" bc he's just bought into it wholesale despite it being very unlikely imo that he'd have even met logarius. also tbh i collect crazy blonde dudes like fine china: with the express purpose of breaking them.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
there are few things about bloodborne i'd say i dislike from a story perspective but from a personal perspective killing annalise does make him suck so fucking bad.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
oh my god NO. hell no lmao. i know i can be a difficult person to live with but he would be so so so much worse in a very different way. i do however think that making his life more difficult on purpose would be really, really fun for me. i would enjoy gaslighting him and it would be sooooooooo easy. unfortunately one wrong move would result in my death and i have too much going on rn to risk that.
character asks!!
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs The Hunt
And lastly before bed, we did some exploration and, as the song goes, A Few Of My Favourite Things.
Right, I know, there's a rebel camp, I should look at that, but I want the points surrounding first. Lemme just have a quick look around, see if there's anything worth hunting.
Y'know what? I miss when the nasty poisonous areas just went away after you shot things in them. I struggle to harvest this way! Any searching for green shiny is going to have to wait--
...The fuck is that thing? And how am I supposed to climb to it? The fuck now? Look, I'll come back later when there's a little less bullshit, okay? Though I'm going to be stepping in blight no matter what.
Oh for-- MORE FIREGLEAM? When can I blow that shit up already?
Right, I clearly can't take a side route to the rebel camp, so I'll just... Wait. Wait that says "Unknown Clawstrider Grounds". That says Clawstrider. I NEED THOSE BITS LET'S GO.
IT'S THE DILOPHOSAURS! YEEEEEES! Though I'm not really getting close enough to appreciate them at this point. Maybe when I can ride one.
I shot its tail clean off yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Right. A little more upgrade to this spiffy armour and ... y'know what? Why not? I know it needs some more upgrades but I'll make it work. Now lemme grab a few more campfires.
Sooooooooo ... half these campfires are being used by rebels. Okay, I guess that makes a little more sense than having them be Randomly Out There Because Reasons. Anyway. Time to brush up on head shots.
Ah, perimeter guards. I have a friendly patch of grass, and I have a sharpshot bow. Rider, then Charger. Repeat once for second Charger. And ... Guard One on battlement ... and Guard Two on battlement. And apparently no one noticed that their sentries dropped dead. Okay, now a way in.
This river does not go in the ways rivers usually go. But fuck it, I'm in now.
One thing I really love about picking off these settlements is shooting several guards in the face from hiding and them freaking out about where the hell the arrows are coming from--
Oop. They're shooting at my patch of grass, I'd better move for awhile. Just skirt around for the opposite side's patch of grass briefly. Line of sight rocks.
And ... wait. That last one is just ... not panicking anymore. Did she think I just ... shot almost everyone and left? Welp, sorry-not-sorry, arrow to your faaaaaaaaaace.
...There's a prisoner. There's a prisoner. Dude, why are you following me? You could just ... like ... run! I'm about to get into a fight with the leader!
Or ... you could just follow me because you're made of trauma. Okay fine. Just ... try to keep up.
Okay ... sir? That Blaze needs to be blown up and you are standing right in front of me. When I said "try to keep up", I didn't think I had to add "do not get in my way"!
BOOOOOOOOOM. Hee. That never gets old.
Right. Leader-time. Drawbridge down, and ... two guards. One, two; done. Now the leader.
...Hey ... rebel leader dude, sir? You've been listening to your underlings yelling and then dying, and you heard a massive explosion, and you saw your two bodyguards get shot and ... you're ... still just sitting on your throne? Do ... I ... need to approach for a cutscene or--?
Well. That didn't kick this party off. Doesn't even seem to notice me. Okay. Fine. ARROW IN YOUR FACE.
Oh, and now you acknowledge my presence. And thanks for moving your shield out of your own way. That's nice. *POONK* arrow to the face again.
That's done; what's in the shiny crate? ...More armour. I mean, great for a trapper, I'm sure, but not really my jam.
Now, back to a shelter and see if I can upgrade anything but the trapper armour. ...Not yet, but I need more bits from Clawstriders. Good thing I picked a shelter close to their hunting grounds. I know what I'm doing tomorroooooooooow...
Yes, I know I have to go back to work tomorrow. But there's evening, and I often play for about a half-hour in the morning just to kick things into high gear. The bonuses of working from home. Seems like a perfectly good time to take down a couple of more Clawstriders for parts.
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zumpietoo · 1 year
Oh Geez, Yet Again....
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A) no, Cole looks totally sexy in all pics
B) yet AGAIN, false equivalency between posed, red carpet/pap pics, fully groomed and dressed by others versus, chilling in your own clothes. No shortage of, ironically, pics of Peepster, actually, fully made up, etc looking like utter shit, nonetheless.
C) Cole didn't "lose" PP, he dumped her ass. Because she was a cheating, slutty, hot (and not in a good way) neurotic nightmare mess. And turns out they were very on/off again, with endless splits during the time they were together.
D) These pics are like 5 years old, too....
That said, this is actually an excellent opportunity to further discuss what, exactly, their objective here is....(which, BTW, they'll never, ever accomplish):
It becomes moar and moar apparent this isn't even remotely about "destroying" him----because, dudes, how exactly would you 10 total child sock accounts, blathering endless lies/endlessly contradicting yourselves/being painfully out of the know about a total stranger everrrr remotely accomplish that? On your semi-hidden tumblr, no less?
Plus you've previously claimed victory (nope), took a "vacay" (mommeee cut off your phone/internet, I guess)---and still returned.
You'd also be waay less devoted to Peepster and pushing the myth of her "winning" the break up, menny years later and by having to hire Walmart Coles to power couple (until even that wasn't enough and THEY either dumped or cheated on her) as "proof". Oh or that she's a prostitute, herself, to dudes who are and were firmly committed to others.
You wouldn't, again, bizarrely pretend a long term, ongoing relationship COLE has "failed/never happened", based entirely on painfully shallow criteria....you wouldn't be so obsessed with me and/or spreading weird, again based in painfully shallow criteria, lies about me that only show how very little you know of how real humans interact in the real world....
Or perpetuate all your endless, weird false equivalencies (my fave being shaming me for bargain hunting (and that even being a total lie) is kewl, but I'M elitist for pointing out one celeb is richer than another?)...
Soooo.....what IS their objective?
THEY'RE the ones who want SH to reconcile....but only in the form of Cole grovelling back to PP, calling her hiz kween, announcing she's most wonderfulest being ever....(she's a dumb bimbo bitch, let's all be real....she was able to depict a facade for awhile, largely because Cole probably guided her. No moar), admitting she dumped him cuz OMG!!! Cheetah!!! (all of which is untrue, buuut....it's what they want)...
And why? Cuz, again, they're obsessed with this narrative (it pops up about other wimmin periodically, as well....and, again, is always in patently untrue cases).....AND they self inserted as PP (even if they sometimes want to fuck her too) and their values are so shallow, they really do think there IS no greater achievement than for a woman to be purely decorative....even when she no longer is.
So dudes, I see you. And I laugh at you. The problem here is, you lost....a loonnggg time ago. And you'll never stop losing. And it kills you, so you've created an entirely separate, new narrative....thusly.
As I think of it, it further explains why I'M cast as a villain, because (as even MOMMEEEE admitted), I always "leaned Cole". I always really only liked PP because COLE liked her....and it turns out, probably not nearly so much as we all thought, at the time.
And you hate that/me for it, because you view that as a betrayal, too. It kinda places all this weirdness in my askbox (during their menny break ups, turns out), in further perspective, too----they were fed lies/made fanfic and then wanted me to agree, so repeatedly looked to gaslight me thusly.
That I remained consistently pro-Cole is precisely what made them hate soooo, soooo, sooooooooo hard.
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romancemoving · 2 years
✨ @oddisms. meme. still accepting! ft. @bruisedconscience and @dxsole god i love ya.
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❝Stephen's really, like... Silly, sometimes. I know he's supposed to be the most brilliant scientist in the world and stuff, but he's silly.❞ Virote always found him skulking around his workspace, looking over schematics and blueprints and government contracts for drones. He never went in to interrupt unless it was to bring him something to drink or check in on him. Never to tell him to take a break. Stephen wasn’t much of a break taker, anyway. ❝He loves technology. Robots and stuff. It's because they'll do what they're told, he says. I wonder why he keeps me around, then. I already asked him this and he told me that he only keeps things around if they’re beneficial. Still... I don’t know what my benefit is. We’re fundamentally different, probably to a point that makes us completely incompatible. I’m pretty sure he finds my interests ridiculous. I’d like to think I’m intelligent, but I’m not intelligent in a way that he is. And, sometimes, I wonder if that makes me look bad.❞
Which was funny to think about—Virote usually never gave a shit about looking bad. Deep down, he knew his own worth on the scale of smarts. He was usually the smartest person in the room. You’d be hard pressed to find someone on a similar wavelength. Stephen was beyond that wavelength, however. Didn’t wanna dwell on it too much. 
❝Sometimes he gets this little look on his face... When he smiles. It's goofy. And, he gets closer. So close that his mustache tickles me. He kisses really well. I dunno, I—I spend a lot of time around him. I spend a lot of time thinking about him when we’re apart. I don’t know what to call us, though. Probably because I never anticipated getting this close to him. Do you think he likes me, even a little? You know, maybe I’m being too insecure. Anyway! I’m sooooo into him. Like. Super duper ubercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I have the dumbest, most stupid crush on him. I’d love to take him to space with me. To the Moon.❞
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❝Jasper is my best friend's father. I seduced him.❞ Somehow. By some miracle of God and being utterly swagless, somehow. ❝I met him through Didi. I mean, like. Didi is my friend, she's great. Anyway, I met him through her. I was sooooooooo into him from the jump, like. Look, I love professors. I love space. I love professors that are into space, 'cause I'm from space. Do you dig?❞ Virote didn’t know shit about chemistry. Took it in high school and then never referred back to it unless forced to during his earlier years in college. Jasper was all about it, though. 
His old academic work did a lot of the talking for him. Virote read through a lot of his published papers. Impressed. Didn’t understand a lot of it, but he was still thoroughly impressed. The smoking, the shaggy hair, being taller than a tree, and the essence of being unabashedly French was... Strangely alluring. ❝He's a dweeb. Whenever I look at him for too long, he starts stumbling over his words and his IQ drops by a lot. It's kinda fun to watch. I've never had that kind of power over a man, but I like it! I like fucking with his head. Sometimes, he acts like he’s too shy to touch me. Which is ridiculous, right? Like, isn’t the stereotype of French men supposed to be like. You know, like. They’re crazy romantic and not-so-very-shy about it?❞
The first time Virote sat close to Jasper, the poor dude nearly exploded. He also could’ve sworn that he heard a glass breaking across hard flooring and Didi shrieking in the distance ( though, her being emotionally disturbed by her close friend dating her father didn’t deter him too much. ) ❝Jasper always looks so cute when he's in his little library, reading stuff about, um. Chemicals and whatever. What do chemists read about? Baking soda and acid, right? I'm glad I made my move. I'm really in it for a long-term commitment. Didi might throw up when we eventually move in together and make ourselves a cozy little life, but I'm willing to sacrifice her lunch for the sake of me finding someone to love. I really like Jasper. I always have. But, hey, I was too shy to say anything. I’m not shy, anymore. I made my offer, he took it.❞
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