#fuck eric adams; all my homies hate eric adams
witchern · 2 months
4.8 magnitude earthquake hit nyc today and i can't wait for the mayor to respond by adding another 700 nypd cops to patrol the subways and shoot at the ground if it moves.
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
actually i’m not even finished (said about something i was talking about literally yesterday and have barely thought about since) complaining about sex education. once again. i am going to slander eric and adam. FUCK adam all my homies hate adam. i don’t CARE if he’s a himbo king or whatever the fuck he is so deeply annoying and shitty and bad at communicating and eric is my best friend so i’m literally allowed to hate his boyfriend. do you even understand how deeply fucked up it is to present a show as a way to accurately and respectfully represent healthy teen sex ed in a humorous and educational manner. and then to make one of your main couples (main gay couple even. they did this to the main gay couple) have the most toxic and unhealthy dynamic anyone has ever seen on a teen drama. (exaggeration. there’s worse out there but for our purposes let me have a little hyperbole). adam literally not only verbally bullied eric but physically as well. adam. the white boy headmaster’s son who’s popular and well liked and in every way in a position of social and physical power over eric. and then what. he’s gay and repressed so it’s okay?? are you kidding me. to show eric not only forgiving him but then dating him is the most fucking disrespectful shit ever. no one who has any love for themselves and their inner peace would do that. and eric is literally a character that was initially presented as being proud of himself and every facet of his identity, he was supposed to be a character that would prioritize his own well-being over what. being horny. what reason does he have to be with adam? they aren’t eve friends they’re just both gay and want to have sex with each other. and the show wants me to believe they’re in love. ok show me that they enjoy each other. you can’t because their plot every season relied on them having horrible communication skills. idk how to tell y’all this but you should be good at communicating with someone you love. if you can’t talk to someone you’re not in love. anyway i’m tired of thinking about this. eric deserved better fr
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narrie · 3 years
ik we are talking about delusional harries, but i missed the sex ed chat so i just wanted to pop by and say i really liked that in s2 they listened to the fans and “corrected” eric&adams love story like they realized that “the bully actually bullies you bc he likes you” trope was a bad call and tried to make adams arc better, like he didnt got together with eric IMMEDIATELY but at the end of the season when he already had owned up to his mistakes and apologized. And they did the same in s3 with isak, the end of s2 when he deleted the message that was wack and made him a shitty character but in this season they made him own up to what he did as soon as he kissed meave (which i dont think was the og plan tbh) so yeah, thats all, also aimee please marry me
yeah i was surprised with the way they "resolved"/brought that deleted message up! very different than what i imagined bc at the end of s2 u were like FUCK isaac all my homies HATE isaac and then when he confessed what he did and explained it it was like...okay i understand where ur coming from. in general this season got me feeling a lot different than i did after s2 bc when maeve and otis finally had their kiss in the rain and whatever i didn't actually care that much??? like i started s3 with the thought of "if maeve and otis don't end up together it's on SIGHT" but then sm happened in that season where ur like...okay but is that actually what i want lmao we'll see what s4 brings i guess
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