#fuck positive attention hed settle for /tolerance/ hed settle for nonhostile /indifference/ literally anythign would be better than his past
jaegersol Β· 2 years
Thinking about how Grimmjow’s never had a family or anyone love him and making myself sad 😭😭
#[ ooc || π–”π–šπ–™ 𝖔𝖋 π–ˆπ–”π–“π–™π–—π–”π–‘ ]#even when i think about his time as a human#pre hollowfication#hes never had a loving family hes never had anyone support him and genuinely wish good things for him#his fraccion are the closest#the CLOSEST THING HES HAD and even they wouldnt have hesitated to kill and consume him if he ever slipped a single step#they only wanted his success bc it ensured their success#grimmjows never had anyone#and as a hollow its all he wants really#someone to fill that emptyness inside of him or more accurately to help him fill that emptyness himself#can you imagine life without a single kind word?#without your worth being diminished to how good you are at killing others?#i just πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­#the first person to ever say anything complimentary to him was probably aizen#it could have been just some throw away line#idk it fucks me up#no wonder he follows ichigo around like a puppy and makes a nuisance of himself at the shoten#he must be starving for even the smallest slivers of positive attention#fuck positive attention hed settle for /tolerance/ hed settle for nonhostile /indifference/ literally anythign would be better than his past#like fuck he was just a kid who died alone and scared and pointlessly after withstanding years of abuse#and then his afterlife is being hollow?#where survival requires him to murder and eat others?#where the only thing that determines his worth is how strong he is?#no wonder he hinges his entire identity on that one facet
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