#fuck you buppido
immortalarizona · 11 months
hi! i’m curious about how you’re characterizing buppido in your OotA game—in my experience playing and planning to DM, i’ve had trouble connecting with him and figuring out how to make his twist surprising and impactful.
also if you have any similar thoughts for shuushar, that’s another blorbo i don’t know how to make compelling lol
I'm soooooo flattered to have gotten this ask from you!!!! first off, I would like to apologize if this is largely incoherent; I have spent a solid seven (7) of the past 24 hours playing two different D&D sessions, both of them pretty brutal combats. this is gonna be a loooooong post, so my answer is under the cut :]
also, if anyone reading this post happens to be one of my players going snooping for my blog, STOP READING NOW.
okay cool
I'll start each character section with a quick description I wrote for myself on each of their personalities (or my interpretations of them, at least).
Buppido Diirdeklin is surprisingly talkative and friendly given the situation everyone is in. In fact, he doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything, diving into even the thick of battle with his perpetual, almost uncanny cheer. He seems to be very devoted to some deity unknown to non-derro, as after every battle, he kneels over the bodies of any enemy he has slain and appears to pray in silence for a few seconds. Buppido’s faith is the only subject which he remains reticent about, but he will happily engage in discussions of almost anything else with anyone else. He claims a desire to return to his people in Gracklstugh in order to help liberate them from their lives as second-class citizens under the duergar.
basically, how I saved Buppido thus far was through a lot of guilt-tripping the player characters and using what I knew of them (only what I reasonably figured he would know at this point; he's not secretly omniscient like Jimjar so there's only so much meta knowledge I can apply) to manipulate them. the angle I'm taking is that he wants something objectively good (for the derro to not be treated like dogshit) but is going about it in The most fucked up way possible (ritual murder because he think it'll give him back his divine power, which he can then use to fucking obliterate the duergar and free his people). he is very polite and has this veneer of kindness with which he treats the people he's manipulating. he will say whatever it takes to get the person he's talking to on his side, regardless of whether he actually believes it (but I do think it's more interesting if he genuinely believes he's doing the right thing). as an example of this in action, here's a copy of the monologue he gave the rogue when she was like "hey dude, I'm getting Real Bad Vibes from you, what's up." keep in mind that she is a tiefling.
"I heard what Kzekarit said to you a few nights back--so I trust that you will understand what it means to be judged solely on the basis of your blood. The duergar"--he almost spits the name--"have given us many names, none of them fit for polite company. Even our name in Undercommon comes from their word for 'derelict.' The audacity, when it is them that have forced us to live in the streets--if they allow us to live at all!" Buppido's voice has steadily been raising in volume this entire time, and he has to take a moment to catch his breath after that. When he continues, his voice is quieter, but no less passionate. "I have lived a long time. But I am blessed beyond measure. I am the exception. I am what is known among my people as a savant--one who has manifested magical powers. We are respected, yes, but. . . magic changes you. I have seen. . . things. . . in the shadows that I can never unsee. Things much worse than intellect devourers." His grip on his staff, which he is currently using as a walking stick, trembles, and he closes his eyes. "I have to believe that it was worth it. If I don't deliver us. . . no one will." He looks up at Promise again. "Do you understand now, little thief?" he asks, but it's not a question. It's a plea.
(for context, Sarith called the rogue "demonspawn" before promising that he would not hesitate to stab her if he saw a reason to do so when she asked where his loyalties lay.)
similarly, Buppido appealed to the ranger's sense of sympathy/pity with an excuse about nightmares and not entirely being himself when he woke up from one, which is why he tried to stab the twins. this was a bit of metagaming on my part, but the ranger is haunted by nightmares despite not sleeping (drow moment). it worked, and when the ranger had a mini emotional breakdown, Buppido then appealed to his sympathies further by patting the ranger's hand and saying that he would hug him, but he is not very tall, and his poor back can only take so much strain. the ranger then kneeled down, cast cure wounds to help Buppido's back pain, and gave him a hug. Buppido thanked the ranger for giving him another chance (as he had similarly given Sarith another chance) and told the ranger that he has a "good heart" and to "never change." (what he really meant was "you're so fucking easy to manipulate and I would prefer for that to not change.")
so, y'know. a lot of Manipulate Mansplain Manslaughter, with a side of Moral Complexity. like, man's a fucking serial killer, but he also has an ultimate goal which my party at least seems to empathize with. as for the emotional impact, you really only get as much out of the reveal as your players put into the character during the lead-up. my party has a Massive found family dynamic going already (Topsy has already sarcastically called the ranger, who she accidentally bit by the way, "dad," to give you a sense of how things are going), and Buppido fits right in as a sort of grandpa figure. he will find the most emotionally vulnerable PCs, worm his nasty little way into their hearts through false displays of kindness, and try to drive a wedge between them and any other characters who see through him. (I suggest giving him expertise in Deception. it feels appropriate.)
Shuushar the Awakened claims to have spent a lifetime in contemplation and solitary meditation in order to overcome his people’s legacy of madness, and it shows in the aura of enlightened calm he exudes despite the horrors he has suffered during his imprisonment. Nothing seems to be able to drive him to anger, and he is utterly unafraid to die for his belief in peace and goodness. He is always happy to offer tidbits of wisdom to those who ask for them, and also to those who don’t. Shuushar hopes to return to his hometown of Sloobludop in order to share his enlightenment with his fellow kuo-toa, as well as anyone else he encounters along the way.
Shuushar,,, drives my players a little bit insane, and I definitely haven't been utilizing his full potential (the players have been mostly fixated on Sarith, the twins, and the cleric NPC I brewed up to replace Eldeth). I've mostly been using him as a vehicle for foreshadowing through what I call Shuushar Stories. he's just. the Worst Fucking Storyteller and it's delightful to write, actually. here are two of the ones I feel contribute most to his characterization:
#1: Darklake Hag
“Yeah, so when they threw me out of Sloobludop, they didn’t even give me a boat, so I had to steal one. Or I was planning to, but then my friend Bloppdagadil snuck out after me to give me her spare boat and also a bag of crawlers. They weren’t fresh, but it was still a great gesture. What a gal. . . Shame the merrows got her. Nasty surprise when the fishermen I was traveling with pulled bits of her out of the Lake in their nets. . . Anyways, yeah, so I was traveling in Bloppdagadil’s boat when suddenly, I’m stuck on a sandbar! So I get out and try to push the boat back into the water when this weird green lady appears out of nowhere and asks me if I want to make a deal with her—I think it was for infinite wisdom or something. I told her, ‘No thanks, I’m good,’ and I push the boat back into the water. Enlightenment is more about the journey than the destination, really, and it wouldn’t mean anything if I didn’t earn it. . . The boat got caught in a whirlpool a few days later. I think it was the green lady’s fault. She said goodbye very ominously.” 
the key takeaways from this one are these:
the Darklake is dangerous, and Shuushar exists in a world where it's just Normal for people to die. you accept it. you move on. it is what it is.
he believes in the journey over the destination. the end does not justify the means.
he has a strong moral code and refuses temptation at every turn (you could play with this in your own campaign depending on how well your players take to him).
he is just a Weird-Ass Guy (affectionate).
foreshadowing for the green hag in the Darklake which I'm gonna present as an option to save Sarith (but at a COST, mwahahahaha).
#2: Funny Story, I Was Exiled
“I will warn you that I didn’t leave Sloobludop on the best of terms, really. Everyone was always moving, moving, moving with the land currents, but I just wanted to stand still for a minute. Ploopploopeen didn’t like that. He didn’t like that at all. . . Oh, Ploopploopeen? He was the archpriest of the Sea Mother—had just been promoted, and his first act was to tell me to never come back. Said I was a ‘bad influence’ or something, and that his daughter would get the wrong idea, watching me. . . I’m not mad about it. Love and fear, together, are a strange thing, and either one alone can drive people to do things they know in their hearts are wrong. Tost about by unseen currents. . . I wonder if he remembers me. I want him to know that I forgave him a long time ago.”
what this monologue was meant to convey:
foreshadowing, mostly. tryna set up Ploopploopeen's motives a bit better than in the module.
Shuushar has hidden depths! he's not some dumbass stoner (though I do try to portray him like he's constantly high, because I think it's funny), he has philosophy! and compassion! and an incredible ability to forgive those who have wronged him! he's a genuinely good dude!
the delivery of these really helped his character come across, tbh. (these ones were given during the session proper, not between via text chatting.) he's just spacey and--not monotone, exactly, but very level in his tone. he's calm. he's unshakeable. maybe your players will appreciate that, or maybe they'll find him annoying and want to stuff a rag into his mouth to get him to Shut Up. (and even that in itself can become compelling; I think we've got a bit of an in-joke developing that We Don't Let Shuushar Tell Stories.)
thanks for the ask, and I really hope this helped!! it was delightful getting to ramble about my own devious machinations, and I would be happy to chat further about my takes on each of the NPCs if you so desire :D
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krunk-mcdunk · 4 years
Top 5 RPG moments
idk if this is for video games or tabletop so i’ll do both
5. every interaction with the moon man mascot from outer worlds, wish i could free u king
4. you do not have proficiency in shield was legendary despite its origin
3. choosing whether Daud lives or dies in dishonored cause he’s such a rad character and i can never bring myself to kill him
2.  literally fucking everything from out of the abyss but especially my husband Buppido and My Child My Sweet Precious Baby Stool, that run was so fuckin killer ahaha get it :’(
1. once we were sneaking into a cult den and several of us successfully pretending to be one cultist named clark until we didn’t so we had to blast a dude apart and he screamed “clark why” and for some reason i said “i’m sorry old friend”
that phrase became our wifi/password for a while and i got my friend who was dm’ing a lil coffin that says “clark why” on it
also it was during a poppy themed campaign so
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eviipaiadin · 6 years
oh i never made a post about it but my current d&d campaign is almost done. we had our ‘finale’ session on saturday and will have our ‘grand finale + epilogue’... eventually
the ‘final’ battle against the demon lords (mostly just yeenoghu) was pretty brutal and horrifying with a few pretty easy encounters before that to wrap up some loose threads
with just the final battle against my semi-homebrew demon lord who has been known to help the protags before but has now kidnapped one (1) of them for ‘’’’reasons’’’’, i have some overall thoughts about my experience running this campaign (under the cut cuz this gets long)
so i’ve attempted to run campaigns before, mostly using the old pokemon tabletop adventure system but i also did a short star wars campaign with some irl friends and i honestly am shocked that we are going to finish this campaign
i’ve always had issues with time management and committing to long-term goals. arceus knows i’ve written half a billion wips and often flake out on group roleplaying and other things so the fact that this campaign that we started over two (2) years ago is gonna finally be completed is very shocking to me.
for all the shit i talk about out of the abyss, i’m so fucking glad i’m running a module. sure, i’ve homebrewed a lot of stuff in the process but it gave me a framework to build from. the idea of running my own campaign, set in my own setting, with me having to come up with all the plot beats myself, is kinda horrifying but i really do want to do it.
making and buying maps and using roll20 in general has also been a big help. i’m a very visual person and the few times i’ve played games theater of the mind style, i’ve lost track of everything.
in regards to my competence as a dm, i think i’m a solid like 6.5/10, which is way better than i thought i’d be going into this. my organizational skills are not great and i would on occasion be running things by the seat of my pants. there were a few sessions that really sucked (namely everything involving the cyrus goes to jail arc, the gang gets attacked by a beholder and their small army, the ‘people get items’ session, and the maze engine) but also some that were really great (the purple worm nest, the tomb of pharaoh phasulias, the kobold keep, and the maze engine). there were also lots of just good sessions and some that weren’t awful but had moments that fell far flatter than i thought they would because i overestimated how threatening something would be (rip namagus, the world’s biggest disappointment).
i learned about how important having well-stated house rules prior to the game is. not even like just mechanic stuff but also what kind of stuff someone is comfortable with having their character do/have done.
i also learned that i really can’t do generic scary villains. all my villains are way too goofy to be scary. when i make demogorgon, the prince of all demons, into just some snarky asshole that constantly tells people to just like kill their friends and family and burn stuff, it kind of... makes it less enjoyable? at least for me.
that isn’t to say i don’t enjoy comedy characters. nappa the compulsive lying moss lurker, themberchaud the fat cat red dragon, ree asho the french thieving fake item salesperson... and of course, buppido the russian idiot derro that somehow survives every bad encounter. my favourite characters are easily jokesters or just plain jokes but i really wish i could better turn off my obsessive need to try and be funny all the time to make actually menacing villains.
i’ve also realized (related to the bad session stuff earlier) that i cannot balance stuff for shit. i like the heroes fighting a few powerful things which you can kind of get away with in smaller parties but with a party of (usually) six (6) pcs, they get focus fired too fast for anything too interesting to go down. that and my constant disrespect for magic bites me in the ass constantly when the party wizard plays far smarter than i could ever dream of, making any attempts at ‘mastermind’ archetypes a big ol’ waste of time.
now if you’re like a fledgling dm or someone who is thinking of doing it, don’t let this big ol’ thing freak you out. this is just my first go at it and it won’t be perfect the first time, obviously. you just gotta like do your best and learn what works and what doesn’t.
at the end of the day, i had a lot of fun dming this. was i stressed the fuck out at times? hell yeah. did it all work out? hell yeah (x2). people are forgiving and i’m sure most of my players would say i’m better than a 6.5/10 dm. except maybe kota but he has this weird thing called ‘standards’.
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immortalarizona · 11 months
if you're interested i always wanna hear about oota npcs...! how'd you approach topsy and turvy?
heyyyy!! sorry it took me so long to reply, I was trying to do the responsible thing and finish my homework Before I got to do fun things on tumblr. (I still have a math project left to do tonight, but it's only due at midnight, it's fiiiiiine.) this is probably going to be another long one, so I'll just put a cut here right now :)
okay, so!! the Tinsplitter twins (yes I made up a surname for them, same as I did for Buppido and Derendil and Jimjar, because No One Can Stop Me):
they're somewhere in the range of 15-20, age-wise. not children in the same way Stool is (they are a whole two months old, I have decided), but definitely not adults either. I started by having them always whispering to each other about something, with Topsy coming up to one of the surface-er PCs (might have been the rogue?) to ask her if she remembers what day it is (and therefore what phase the moon is in, because I've decided that a lunar cycle is three tendays for the sake of my sanity). the twins refused to elaborate on why they were asking, and after they received their answer, they went back to debating between themselves. I had this whole other foreshadowing planned out where Topsy would struggle with kleptomania and Turvy would struggle with even worse paranoia due to their wererat instincts, but I was also trying to juggle the Sarith foreshadowing and Jimjar foreshadowing and Ront's storyline with the barbarian and Shuushar Stories and Stool getting adopted by the fighter, so that particular idea fell by the wayside, alas. still, in a bit of text-based RP between sessions, the rogue and the bard had a little chat with Jimjar where they shared their theories on the twins (as well as the secretly dhampir barbarian) and bet on when one of them would "cause a commotion." (Jimjar is literally my setting's moon deity in disguise. of course he fucking knows when the full moon is coming, and of course he won that bet. this is another bit of foreshadowing that I'm trying to set up :D)
just last session was the full moon, and oh boy, was it tasty. the ranger had cast alarm around the camp and had included the twins in the list of people that could set it off, so he was immediately pinged when the twins snuck off in the middle of the night. they left the following note scrawled on one of the walls in ormu pigment: Sorry. Must leave. Not safe. Do not follow. Thank you. -T&T.
they had taken all their stuff with them, indicating that they had no intentions of returning to camp. it was this, plus the fact that they're fucking children, that convinced the ranger and the fighter to go looking for them. Jimjar dragged the rogue along (they had that fun long-term madness due to a night spent in faerzress where they were each other's lucky charms), and Buppido and the bard also came along, if I recall correctly. (I think Ront had already died and the barbarian had been fucking kicked out of the party during some truly terrifying-for-me-as-a-DM RP at this point, hence the barbarian's absence. fun fact, the artificer in my PC art post is the player's replacement character, and I'm so excited to finally meet him.) the group easily passed the survival check to follow the twins' trail (the droplets of blood from where Topsy had been clawing at her own skin didn't exactly make it hard) and came across the twins in a small cavern overlooking a 60-foot cliff. (the cliff was my failsafe in case things started looking like a TPK. thankfully, we didn't need it.) Turvy begged for the party to run, because Topsy was in too much pain to speak, and then they transformed, and it was time to roll for initiative!
the last thing I wanted was a death match, so I played the twins as fighting more out of animalistic fear and a perceived need for self-defense than anything, which fits with the wererat lore I later established in the homebrew mechanics doc I sent out to my players for review. this did allow for the bard to give the party a safe exit from the cavern with a peace offering of food and a very good animal handling check--but not before Turvy bit the ranger in like round one and the ranger rolled a 9 on his con save. (I had him roll another con save at the start of his next turn to see if he would start transforming because what the fuck do you do in this situation the DMG never covered this, and, well. . . nat 1.)
in the morning, when the detransformed ranger led the similarly detransformed twins back to camp, Topsy and Turvy were absolutely miserable. they felt horribly guilty for having passed on their curse, and they were fully packing up their bags and preparing to leave the party because they believed that the party wouldn't want them around anymore. "We're monsters, aren't we?" they said, and Ront would have absolutely said yes if the barbarian hadn't eaten him the day before.
anyways, thankfully, the party was able to convince the twins that yes, they still wanted them around, and they really wished that they would've said something sooner so that they could've helped them sooner and maybe avoided all of this. I've got it tentatively in brain that the twins have some sort of Emotional Issues relating to parents (perhaps they lost their father at a very young age, and perhaps they originally fled home after being bitten so that they wouldn't hurt their mother), so all this genuine (or, well, seemingly genuine in the case of the bard, that stinky stinky bastard man) kindness had them even more in tears than they already were. the session ended with a group hug, and the next few days of out-of-session RP largely followed the ranger very consciously taking the twins under his wing and swearing to find them a cure for their curse, even before finding a cure for himself. Topsy has already sarcastically called him "dad" when he expressed a desire to protect them from whatever the fuck is going on with Buppido, but trust me, it'll be genuine soon enough.
I loooove language itself as a mode of storytelling, so I set up this Thing where svirfneblin generally don't teach their mother tongue to outsiders, something which Topsy and Turvy explained after the bard asked if there were any lullabies they found soothing that he could use to try and soothe the rats within and they sang one in Gnomish--or the namneblin, as I've termed it from cobbling together D&D Gnomish with Tolkien Gnomish to get what I want. at some point, the twins are going to start teaching the party the namneblin, which is their way of emotionally claiming the party as family. (this is gonna make it ALL THE MORE tasty and devastating when the Cool Uncle bard reveals that he's actually a murderous little meow meow who's been manipulating mansplaining manslaughtering this entire time, and I CANNOT WAIT.) they may even start calling the ranger a term which they refuse to translate, but which Jimjar will--a term that translates to "father." I fucking love found family. I am having a blast.
unfortunately, now we're way beyond the characterization given in the module. they don't really have any personality beyond "secretly wererats," so I'm still working on who they are now that that furry little secret is off their chests. they're both pretty curious, but thus far, I think Turvy is actually the more adventurous one of the two. he's expressed an interest in flying, something which Topsy finds absolutely terrifying, and he's also a bit less mature than his sister. (he laughed when the rogue made a "these nuts" joke during one of the bard's stories, and laughed even harder when Stool was like "I don't understand. What's a 'these nuts'?", while Topsy smacked him.) I'm thinking Topsy is just a few minutes older, and as such, she has that Older Sibling Protective Instinct in her. Topsy and Turvy are almost identical on a mechanical level, but now that the party has leveled up again, I've chosen to give them different survivor talents (see Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft for reference; I'm kinda just making things up as I go along) to showcase their different personalities. Topsy has the Desperate Scream talent, while Turvy has Adrenaline Surge, hinting that she's more of a fighter while he prefers to stay out of the fray. (they both each have a dagger and a sling, but I think I might let the player controlling them in combat know that Topsy prefers the dagger while Turvy prefers the sling.) I'm also tossing around in my brain different interests each of them could have, just to differentiate them further. I'm thinking Topsy could really like shiny things and collecting rocks and fun facts about rocks, while perhaps Turvy really wants to feel what it's like to soar through open air. or maybe he really likes plants!! who knows. I am definitely open to suggestions for hyperfixations to give each of them :]
so yeah, the Tinsplitter twins!! resident party children (alongside Stool) and catalysts of a found family dynamic that brings so very much joy into my heart and that the bard and I are going to heartbreakingly destroy at some point in the future of this campaign <3
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eviipaiadin · 7 years
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
There’s a reason I tag our campaign as ‘Dungeons & Shitposting’. But here’s a list of all the dumb in-jokes I’ve had over my years of playing and running games. (Under a read more because it’s a lot)
D&D 4e or ‘OTK the Campaign’
“Bards are just better warlords!”
“I’m working with this really cool archfey. She’s kinda underground, you’ve probably never heard of her.”
Raviel Thade, Door-to-Door Raven Queen Salesperson
“...You never said that your Vicious Mockery was dealing non-lethal damage to the cow...”
“I’m a paladin, right? That means these villagers respect me, right?”
“...And there goes the halfling, hoping to hitchhike to meet some competent adventurers...”
Homestuck 4e or ‘I Am The Only Person In This Damn Campaign That Doesn’t Know No Houseglueds’
“Evii, do you have a +1 in any stat at all?”
“His name is literally ‘Villain’. I ain’t trusting him.”
Pokemon Religion vs Fusion Science
“Why are you guys laughing so hard? All I did was push him down some stairs.”
Legends or ‘The Origins of Captain Creig Cornswaggle, the Courageous Commander of The Cruel Craven and Co-Owner of The Crow’s Call’
Literally anything about Captain Creig Cornswaggle, the Courageous Commander of The Cruel Craven and Co-Owner of The Crow’s Call
“Diplomancy: Friendship Really is Magic.”
“...And then I stuck her with my shadow sword!” | “Is that what kids are calling it nowadays?”
“Ew, I can’t believe you’re into dead people.” | “For the last time, I’m a necroMANCER not a necroPHILIAC!”
Gregory the goblin head
“If you’re gonna threaten us to kill something for you and you’re that tough, do it your damn self.”
“Voice is a privilege reserved for the GM and the GM alone. You players peasants must use text.”
“I can’t fucking believe the fate of the world once again rests in the hands of the two (2) short ones.”
“No, you cannot build a mountain of corpses to escape. I’M RAILROADING YOU SO I CAN REINTRODUCE A PLAYER CHARACTER. STOP BEING DIFFICULT.”
“I surrender, suckers.”
“My pirate gear is the HEIGHT of fashion. Keep your stinkin’ tux to yourself.”
Fate or ‘Evii Makes a Weird Character for Extended Pun Purposes’
Peter ‘Pan’ Handel
“He’s 50% man, 50% goat, 50% alligator.”
“You still sound Russian. Gimme some more vodka, maybe that’ll fix it.”
(It was a single very short session so not much memes there, unfortunately.)
World of Darkness or ‘Deadbeat Dirty Drug Cop and Rich Kid with a Penchant for Speed Ruin Everything at Record Speed’
“I slap him with the mummy hand.”
“How many levels do I need to put into [stat] before I can dual-wield shotguns?”
“How many sanity points does it cost for me to make a one-liner here?”
“We might not have a silver bullet. But maybe there’s enough silver in the five hundred (500) bullets we pumped into him to do the trick.”
“I can’t believe our most powerful ally is a devil hooker.”
Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 1 or ‘Lie Detector is Overpowered’
“Your character is [age between 20-55]? None of these tokens work for that.”
“I attempt to read the sign.” | “It says [whatever’s on the sign].” | “HEY GUYS, THE SIGN SAYS [whatever’s on the sign]!”
“My ahegao is a built-in lie detector.” | “YOUR WHAT?!” | “You know, the dumb single standing up hair.” | “THAT’S NOT WHAT AHEGAO MEANS, EVII!!”
“I believe in my Shuppet. So that means it does an extra... 8d6 damage.” | “Fuck off.”
Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 2 or ‘Who Let Me Be In Charge?!’
Bipen begins.
“Oh no, not Bidoofs!”
“...So you killed her Charmander.” | “OOPS!”
D&D 5e 1 or ‘The Wheatley Featherstep Saga’
Another character that exists for Evii to make bad puns
“Kaiser is the best and the strongest and can beat Baphomet with two (2) arms tied behind her back.”
Decibel the definitely-a-drow
Owly the owl
“So you can’t actually roll low enough to be hit by the aftermath explosions from these things...”
Decibel dying and immediately being reincarnated by a giant magic thing
Wheatley banishing Baphomet and all the demons back to the Abyss by accident, saving Kaiser and also kicking off the Wedding Crashers Arc
Wheatley’s Double Death Room
Wheatley, Lawful Good Monk, befriends local Chaotic Evil vrock
Wheatley adopts a fire snake after being complicit in murdering her family (oops!)
Halfling Lucky can’t save you if you roll a billion 1s in a row
Sultan of Many Titles vs Chiyoko of Many Titles+1
“You know, if you had actually had the Deck of Many Things on your person, you would’ve auto-won the encounter.”
“Why can’t I beat an 11 on Insight checks?!”
D&D 5e 2 or ‘Dungeons & Shitposting’
“Salith has the strongest drow fists in existence.”
“She has a tentacle rod and we are ending the conversation there.”
[Arceusawful Russian accent] “What do you call dark elf who cannot swim?”
Kana the NPC slayer
“For the Sea Mothah!” [fish slap]
“I fucking hate spiders.” | “I fucking love spiders!” (These two (2) characters are now dating.)
The Nature Society has made lumberjacking illegal.
Everything about Nappa/Cabbage, really
“’Allo! My name is, ‘ow you say, Ree Asho!”
The Cavalry
I am kana man 410,757,864,530 DEAD KOBOLDS
“Hey Frank”
 Speedrunning the campaign
“Look you guys, the beholder isn’t even at full power!”
Potion of Good Performance (not actually a sex thing!)
A traditional derro and kuo-toa burial
“The tree did it!”
The Messenger’s Guild
The Cyrus is Framed and No One has Fun for at Least Five (5) Sessions Arc
The Return of Bipen (”I’m a Dragon~!”)
The Return of Captain Creig Cornswaggle, the Courageous Commander of The Cruel Craven and Co-Owner of The Crow’s Call
The Tomb of Pharaoh Phasulias, Home of Pharaoh Phasulias
Demon lycanthropy is extra bad lycanthropy
Torchguard Commander Rickert is tired, grumpy, but kinda hot (at least to Navi)
“You’re Linda!!” (can’t remember if that was the right name)
The We Kinda Got Invited to a Wedding But Only a Few of Us are Still Playing the Characters that Knew the NPCs Getting Married so the Impact is Greatly Lessened as a Result Arc
Yoil Kreth and the Mechanized Execution Combative Heavy Axe (MECHA for short)
Oh Boy More Travelling NPCs We Really Don’t Care About
My awful impressions of Cyrus and Bipen when their players aren’t around
Fluffy is a Good BoyTM
Themberchaud the Fat Cat Dragon
Thesmachaud is buff, scary, but kinda hot (at least to Kana)
“Oh god we killed Buppido!”
“Your demon sense senses a billion (1,000,000,000) demons.”
D&D 5e 3 or ‘Evil Squad’
The Conch Horn Plan
Mr. Skeletal the First to Mr. Skeletal the Third
Magnifying glass
Portable ram
“Okay, I am not gonna put my hand back in that hole.”
“OUR GODDESS WAS A 2WHO?!” (Related: “IS THAT A 2WHO?!”)
Thanks, druid friend, for your important contributions
“Leviathan!” | “It’s Laevaetaen!” | “Laeviathan!”
D&D 5e Mini or ‘I Miss You, Hug-Hug’
“Fuck you, I’m muting my mic for the rest of this session.”
Hug-Hug being the cutest lil gobbo ever
The Ten Billion (10,000,000,000) Hour Sacrifice Debate Room
D&D 5e 4 or ‘I Hate Time Travel’
Soul micromanaging everyone’s characters
“Keep the fisting to a minimum, my monkish friend.”
Barin, Champion of Booze
[insert ff14 realm reborn cutscene instead of narration here]
“Wait, our group is the one (1) that best understands this plot?!”
D&D 5e 5 or ‘Spooky Shadowfell Scures’
John ‘Thicccc’ Taric
“I have a very sharp shovel.”
[goggles that make you have night vision]
“Form of...!”
i’m missing some smaller one-shots and stuff but i can’t think of any major memes to come from them
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