#fuck you fuck you fuck youuyy
sensitivedead · 4 months
HELP. if anyone knows how to freely obtain this article pls let me know! I am specifically looking for the english written article by Maurice Ducosté (the link is to this specific 1938 article, I haven’t yet found a link but read elsewhere that he wrote several papers in English, one in 1933 I’d also like to read but I cannot find a link on)
I have an account they want me to rent it but I’d like to 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ AWARRG MATEY the article or inspect it and get the pdf file or smthn? I’d greatly appreciate any help 🫶
I am doing hobby reading on the history of Cerebral Impaludation and Lobotomies, specifically interested in Ducosté’s work and the link between him, Egas Moniz, and Walt Freeman and plan on web sharing things I find in my readings here!
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