#fuck you tumblr hiding my post 😑
duusheen · 1 year
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Thanks to the study session with Miracle, Jay managed to pass the exam with a good grade. He thought that would be enough to convince his dad that he could balance music and studies just fine, but Leif didn't want to hear it. Instead of the usual arguments, it seemed like such a heated fight that Leif had to leave the house to cool off and avoid saying something that would probably make things even worse with his son
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newhope8 · 9 months
I will be linking this back to my main pinned 📌 organizational post & starting a new collection called “Story Captions”. I’ve done something like this on AO3 already, so I may or may not migrate those over to my Tumblr at some point.
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These 2 are watching you from across the kitchen as you eat your evening meal. 😏 You’re only nervous for just a moment before a hidden, playful, bratty side of your personality makes itself known. You are eating soup and prepare to bring another mouthful of the delicious broth up to your lips when you happen to catch Han Jisungie’s gaze. His eyes smolder into yours from across the room and his pupils start to fully fucking dilate. He man-spreads his legs apart, as far apart as his hip joints will let his legs move, and his tight black trousers do not one FUCKING thing to hide the bulge of his dick, which has started to deliciously outline itself against the pathetic material. Really, those damnable pants are in the fucking way, aren’t they?
Your eyes flicker over to Lee Know, Jisungie’s partner in crime. He tilts his head & regards you with a quiet, yet equally sultry contemplative stare. You have the presence of mind to swallow some air back into your lungs before trying to take a slurp of your soup. Yet to be completely truthful, the only thing you wanted to truly slurp on was resting between Jisungie’s legs. And if he didn’t stop massaging his own dick by bringing his legs together at the knees, squeezing his thighs tightly together, then letting his legs fall open again, you were going to literally scream and pounce on Lee Know instead. (Think of how a woman can press her legs together in public and potentially get herself off by squeeze-clenching her vaginal wall muscles then letting her pussy relax, over and over again {{Kegel exercises anyone??}}. Jisungie is doing something similar in this instance with his dick. The dick would be the pussy & his thighs the vaginal walls themselves. Ah fuck, this may not make sense. Forgive me. 🫣
You subconsciously feel your own eyes dilate in response to Jisungie’s movements. Not to be outdone, Lee Know doesn’t man-spread his legs, yet just lightly runs his hands up and down his toned thighs (which are fuckingly enclosed in equally tight trousers). You feel a sudden blotchy red blush creep up your chest and across the tops of your boobs and suddenly decide ok boys … game on … enough is fucking damnit enough.
Breaking your gaze from theirs, you look down at your soup bowl and load up your utensil. 🥄 You bring the spoon up to your mouth. You let the over-filled soup spoon just linger in front of your lips for what seems like a lifetime, at least as far as Jisungie & Lee Know are concerned. The steaming liquid is inches from your mouth. Even before you return your 1/2-fucked out gaze back to theirs, from your peripheral vision, you see them swallow in unison. You look up again, catching Jisungie’s eyes, then Lee Know’s. You have a sudden spark of boldness and open your mouth wide, way fucking wider than you need to, to consume your soup. You think, ah fuck … if this was that well massaged dick instead of my soup spoon. Giving yourself some courage, you do indeed pretend the spoon is indeed Jisungie’s dick as you put the utensil fully into your mouth and tilt the end of the spoon backwards, letting the warm salty liquid fall down the back of your throat. Slowly dragging it 🥄 out of your mouth, you lick the end of it clean and swallow what soup didn’t make it all the way down. The sight that greets your eyes is more than enough reward for your bravery … for the moment anyhow — Jisungie has both his legs clamped tightly together & both hands pressing hard against his fully hard dick. His eyes are glued to your tits, which are now poking painfully against your fucking bra. Why did you decide to wear one tonight, of all nights? Why … for the love of all that is holy and sacred in this world? WHY? 😩 Lee Know is doing the opposite — his legs are fully splayed open (like how Jisungie was mere moments before) and he is running one hand lightly over his dick, just tap-tap-tapping the end of it through his black pants.
You use your voice for the first time since this entire little episode began. “You want some soup boys?” 😏💦🍵
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Seriously, go check out this fan artist’s page on Instagram. Her name on there is riya_likes_coffee_. You will NOT be disappointed. 🔥
@channieandhisgoonsquad and @its-hannjisung — let me know if you see a notification from this @ tag. 🙏🏻💕 Thanks lovelies! 🦋
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