#fucking bean guzzler
sicksucculentz · 2 years
Layla and Marc are texting back and forth while she’s at the store. Marc is discussing cars with her as she’s browsing around the crackers isle.
Marc: “the gas millage on those cars are just complete shit. Albeit those little cars like a Subaru are shockingly pretty tumble and have great millage!”
Layla: “what about those jeeps I see you looking at all the time?”
Marc: “hell on the insurance. Gas guzzler to. I also don’t think something like that would fit on the roads where we live can we get nachos”
Layla: “the fuck was that at the end? You hate nacho cheese. Did you switch in the middle for you text? Hahah”
Marc: “B E A N S”
Layla: “nachos with beans for Jake got it buddy”
She then sends a picture of herself to Jake posing with some chips and a can of beans like it’s a family member.
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maqr-is-thinking · 2 years
*sees you hyping him up*
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robin-hoodlum · 3 years
Do you have ideas for your cowboy au or is it just aesthetic?
I DO HAVE IDEAS -Cracks knuckles- but they are jumbled just as my thoughts usually are so I apologize. This is what I have so far:
1- the clones were rescued by Jango (at the behest of Boba tbh). I’m not sure precisely how the little details were, but basically this gunslinger saw his clones, how they were being raised and went “This is fucked” And stole them all. The clone war was more of a war of rights and they won. (with the help of, surprisingly, the Jedi and the Mandalorians) They work all over, a lot becoming farmers, some becoming bounty hunters (a group largely run by Boba and Jango), basically they are actual fuckin citizens and that’s how it SHOULD BE. 
(1a- so the side result of this is that when the fight to take down the Jedi started, they really didn’t have as much structured support. The ultimate goal of freeing the clones worked, but the Jedi and Mandalorians were reduced significantly in number and now sort of stay low to keep from drawing too much attention. 
1b- Vader never existed, And the twins are thriving as both political and Jedi persons. Leia was trained as a Jedi, Luke runs a little school now and both were raised by their parents. Anakin is a disaster. Uncle Obi wan runs a ranch where a lot of the clones chose to work and it makes a great vacation for the twins when Padme and Anakin need a break)
2- The Mandalorians are still a religion/creed with different sects of belief. They are still known as badasses in all forms, tho. The one common thing is the darksaber, and whoever wields it is largely seen as their leader and representative. During the clone wars, their planet (lands? I think its in space but this can all be argued seeing as I messed with it all anyway) was destroyed and stripped of its resources because the imperials saw them as a threat. 
3- The Jedi are kind of the same... kinda. More of a code of living. (The force still exists because I said so). Just like the Mandos, their own home was also destroyed and taken over, forcing them into hiding and functioning largely as an underground group. Once the war was won, and all settled, they came out of hiding for the most part, but still made an effort to be strictly peacekeepers and resort to battle as a last resort, as it was supposed to be. 
3a- I imagine they all started their own sorts of peace keeping groups too. Like for some examples, I like to think (and I know) Plo koon took care of orphaned children (Clone cadets, Padawans, basically any child that was affected thusly by the war) alongside several other Jedi. Mace probably became some sort of liaison or political leader to represent them as a people. (Maybe? Idk. He seems like he wants a break maybe he runs some sort of general store) For examples.
5- It’s got kind of the same political settings as The Mandalorian I would imagine. Most of the empire is gone but they still exist, and a lot of people deny the signs. Mando (HErE WE GO THE GOOD STUFF) is the provider for his clan, as it is in the show. the difference is he’s not the only named one. -looks at paz- and so it’s more of a joint effort. 
6- So Mando gets the same sort of storyline there- definitely large differences tho because of how much I changed shit. He goes to get the bounty, bounty is kid. Well shit gotta adopt. Duh. Mandalorians treasure kids why tf would he turn him over? No. Congrats Din, It’s a bean boy. He worries about how he’s supposed to care for this kid that can MAKE SHIT FLOAT and TOSS PEOPLE AROUND WITH HIS BRAIN and also be making money for the clan, so he asks around and finds out about the Jedi that still run around helping people, and also there is a school teacher who happens to be a Jedi. Gotta find that guy
7- Well once more it becomes the side quest storyline of the century. We have Razor, who is our loveable and dumb steed, she loves food more than anything (guzzler, if you will) except for Din himself, who she would carry into the depths of Hell if he had asked. She also starts off by not liking Grogu, because he’s stealing her best buddy’s attention away from her. Thankfully, they figure it out over time. And it’s adorable and one day Din wakes up to see Grogu sleeping on Razor’s flank, and she has her head near him in a protective way. 
8- He meets with Boba when he needs information (Slave is Jango’s baby but he will throw shoes for Boba as well) And they go on a mini adventure to find this sith-damned elusive school teacher who always seems to be on the move for some reason. They meet several clones, Jedi, Mandalorians, and Imps along the way and it’s nuts
9- Accidental Manda’lor Din? Accidental Manda’lor Din. Poor man has no idea what is about to go down but it’s gonna go down and it will be glorious
This got really long and I apologize but these are the basic(?) ideas I have 
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