#fucking hell someone tell me to stfu and do replies instead
dullweapons-a · 4 years
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So i did talk about the change from Ayrin to Ray over HERE but i realize ray’s development doesn’t just stop there . . ? in my long google doc that’s a wip about his events through all the games , he did a lot & a lot changed with him ( built hyrule castle , he learned his sexuality during the hyrulean civil war , he tried to take the triforce when the sacred realm was discovered to wish for his mortality & was a bi pirate for a bit ! ) .
but i realized when he tried to save himself -- by exploding himself & the gate of time , he suffered : he lost his eye . so . . . he should have MORE damage the second time he exploded -- trying to save the knights in the citadel during the calamity . 
THE EVENTS & IT’S AFTERMATH ;    ( it’s a long one i’m blue now )
with the king of hyrule dead, zelda , link & the champions trying to fight the beast -- the knights of hyrule were without a leader. stepping up ray named himself the next in command. most of the knights were too frazzled to fight or they understood ray was probably the best person . he decided that the Citadel was their best shot at this because of placement . there he would make his last stand against the hordes of guardians in Akkala along with the rest of the army . if they could not stop the calamity at least he could buy the people some time to escape before escaping themselves .
one by one he watched his fellow men in arms fall , their blood staining the ground . the life gone from their eyes . their soul . . . now given to protect the land they loved . hot tears burned his face as he hit back the blasts from guardians –– screaming back at the men to run & bar the doors to the citadel . so long as he stood he would not let the mechanical beasts past this bridge !  despite his best efforts the demon tired after days of battling them , let his guard down. multiple guardians surrounded him , all attacking at once . 
he couldn’t run . he couldn’t fight them . ray dropped his sword & built up his magic as much as he could . 
–– he exploded .
himself, some of the guardians, and the bridge to the citadel were broken . he hoped that it would buy the knights inside enough time to save themselves . 
that was one hundred years ago. fifty of those he spent in a deep slumber, revered back to his weapon form : a rusty battle axe that laid somewhere by the ruins of what he tried so hard to protect . some bokoblin used him as a weapon to terrorize poor survivors of the war . . . soon enough he awoke , frazzled & confused -- still believing to be in the middle of the calamity . not knowing so long had passed he rushed inside the citadel ; only to find it silent . 
he ran through the dusty halls looking for someone -- anyone . screaming out all the names he remembered & begging for answers back . soon enough he found them , but not how he wanted to . holding onto one another in frozen fear forever as skeletons . some clinging to letters addressed to their families . others recording their last moments hoping someone would find them . 
this was there final resting place & ray couldn’t even join them . 
he stayed for weeks, mourning the loss of his brothers in arms . soon he realized his own issues . his right side of his body wasn’t working like it used to . not wanting to think about it he recalled what he had told dawn -- to wait for him in hateno if this calamity did happen as princess zelda feared . the journey to her was long & tiring . but , after weeks of travel he made it back to her -- only to get an earful for making her wait as well as a tearful reunion .
ray didn’t realize at first but now half his face was missing . well ray likes to round down & say 1 / 4 -- mostly to tease dawn
his right hand can’t grip a sword nor anything tightly enough . he’ll drop anything with weight if he tries to hold it ( even a cup ) . it enrages him to no end but he simply started training with his left as if it wasn’t a serious issue .
he spaces out every now & then , seemingly lost in thought . dawn will ask where he goes but he doesn’t notice he even does it . 
walks with a touch of a limp . he’s not in a lot of pain but it’s a low constant one in his right hip & knee . he never can get conformable , even in the softest of beds . 
slight memory issues !  sometimes it’s little things like forgetting where he placed something or the date -- but every now & then he will think its a different era completely & even speak a different version of hylian .  ( this is a less ‘ i exploded ‘ thing & more of a C- PTSD thing )
seems more chill at times ..........but really he’s in a state of shock . emotionally paralyzed by shame, guilt & self-blame . yeah ray had gone to war but never did he cause the death of the whole army . 
even after exploding ray is still the same mother fucker who will go hunt lynels for fun - hell he thinks its more of a challenge now that he can’t use his right hand . ray is VERY good at hiding his feelings anyway . he holds a poker face 24 / 7 anyway . dawn ( & lovers ) are really the only ones to see past this . 
nightmares worsen . the man barley sleeps now unless dawn forces him too . before he would awake with a quick heart rate & a jolt -- now he wakes up screaming in a cold sweat .
dawn is so happy to finally see ray again -- but seeing him as a shell of his former self was heartbreaking . she is always with him , afraid he’ll fall apart when she’s not looking ( in the fifty years between their reunion & the start of botw ray never worsens but she still fears it ) . dawn kinda started to baby him , much to ray’s dismay . 
softly she tries to ask him to seek repairs . fixing his weapon form will heal him just as it’s done for her . as always ray refuses -- taking this as penance for his sins  ( he even says this pain makes him feel more human ) but since he refuses repairs dawn has been researching a way to transfer ray into a new weapon completely . so far all she knows is that it will require a new master to be banded too . knowing ray killed their former master , she doesn’t think this will go over well .
everything stays the same since personality wise nothing changed too much ( i mean he’s a bit chiller but that poker face is still there baby ) . he just might be a touch weaker & walk with a bit of a limp !
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sintatae · 5 years
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stfu // 912 words (previously on old acc chimtaehyvng)
...in which you know yoongi’s a grouch, but you just can’t help it. those videos were just so funny.
pairing: yoongi x reader genre: fluff, couples that live together!, some typical yoongi swear words tbh, this was just a drabble, crack tbh
Yoongi and you were never the conventional couple.
You knew that what you wanted in a relationship was for your partner not to baby you, someone who could tell you the cold, hard truth, and someone who wouldn’t treat you so delicately.
And what better person was that, other than the ice man himself, Min Yoongi.
Having moved in together recently, you were starting to get to know his little habits, quirks, and tendencies.
I mean, you already knew he was a lazy shit that wanted to sleep all day. You knew that he could be a grouchy grandpa that rolled his eyes better than you ever did. But he was also a driven, hard-working artist. Which was why you should have known better than to keep pestering him to watch some funny video while he was busy writing.
It had been one of those days. Those days where everything seems funny and you keep laughing. Perhaps you were overtired, stressed from work, or just plain bored—you were being weird and you didn’t care who was in the path of your amusing, albeit annoying, destruction.
Yoongi was in the studio-made office room of your shared apartment, working on a new song. Usually, you knew this wasn’t a time for you to interrupt his creative process, and you respected that.
You weren’t sure what you wanted, if you were being needy or clingy (again, maybe you were just bored), but you found yourself laying on the couch in front of him while he worked at his computer.
You were just scrolling online, watching any random, or obscure video that seemed to pop up. Every now and then you would chuckle and cover your mouth, attempting to be careful of not disturbing your diligently, working boyfriend.
‘Attempting’ being the operative word.
“Babe, you’ve got to watch this video.” You said, holding back laughs.
“Yeah? Show me later.” Yoongi said, not even looking up.
A few videos later and—
“Hahaha—oh my gosh, Yoongi plea- you have to watch this, oh my god.”
“Mm. Okay I will. Later.” Yoongi replied.
A few more videos later.
“Oh my god what the hell, this fucking cat, I can’t breathe, look at this!” You laughed to Yoongi, yet again.
“Make me a list, I’ll watch them later. Now babe, please, I’m working okay? Give me like half an hour more, and we can laugh all we want.” Yoongi sighed, exasperated.
“Okay yeah sure, of course. Let me know if you need help with anything okay?” You smiled sweetly back at him.
Ten minutes later and another video of some DJ had you rolling in laughter.
“Hahahahahah- I, oh my, hahaha!”
“Hahahahahahaha I can’t breathe oh my gosh please I-”
“Babe, please-“
“Yoongi oh my god, hahaha!”
“Oh, yes?” You said, a few chuckles still bubbling to your throat.
“Can you help me with something?” Yoongi asked with a sweet smile on his face.
“Oh yeah sure!”
You stood up and went to go look at the screen that was lighting up Yoongi’s small, sculpted face.
However, what you saw was something you should have entirely expected, but were slightly taken aback instead.
The words “SHUT THE FUCK UP” were littered across the computer screen.
You actually felt your smile fall. You literally felt your face drop. Yoongi had no filter. You already knew that, but this. THIS. Oh. Oh, this.
You looked back at Yoongi, who had the most “done” expression on his face. He sighed exasperatedly, and shook his head, moving his chair closer to the computer screen.
You just stood there and stared at him in awe. Again, maybe yeah, you should have expected this. But, I mean, you were only just… laughing.
Pride getting in the way, you lifted your hand to flick him on the forehead before huffing and crossing your arms, walking to your bedroom.
You muttered something along the lines of, “I just wanted to show you a funny video. Jeeze, you grouchy, old man.”
Okay, so your ego was a little bruised.
“Stupid, grouchy, tiny old man.”
Okay, so your ego was a lot bruised.
Ten minutes later, you found yourself lying in bed…doing the exact same thing you were doing before. Watching videos.
You were just about to laugh again, when the door of your bedroom cracked open. You covered your mouth again, and turned to face the other way, feigning anger.
You felt the bed dip as Yoongi crawled in behind you.
“I’m sorry you were being annoying.”
You raised your brow and glanced at him from behind your shoulder.
“Okay, I’m sorry you were being annoying but I’m also sorry I wasn’t paying you any attention.” Yoongi said, slightly rolling his eyes.
You turned your body to look at him and there he was with his cute glasses, elbow propping his head up, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
You rolled your eyes, but cuddled closer into his chest.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I shouldn’t have bothered you, oh-creative-genius Min Yoongi.”
“Okay babe,” He said, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Now what were those videos?”
You flicked him on the head again, “You’re not getting any anytime soon, I hope you know that.” He rolled his eyes. “But oh my god, anyway, so you have to watch this…” You continued.
And there you were, laughing again, infectiously. Yoongi could only smile. You were a fucking nuisance, but you were his nuisance after all.
an: lmao this was just pure...trash but here it is i’m literally screaming at 19/20 year old me who tf let me write this
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jksofficialwifey · 6 years
Sugar, Sugar.
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Sugar daddy!Jin au & fckbuddy jungkook drabble
pairing: jk x reader/jin x reader
warnings: nsfw & sexual themes, cussing, a bit of smut if u squint hard enough, toxic relationships.
A/N: this was rushed and unedited, but i just wanted to post this drabble & get done with it so there's that 😝 sorry for the grammatical errors & errythin as always. ily all tho & i hope u enjoy this shtpost 😁😘
"Come get back in bed babe, I'm sure he can wait." Jungkook pleads, his lips now starting to pout.
"You know I can't kook, and even if I know he'll wait, I wouldn't want him to." You say, as you put on your clothes hurriedly, preparing to leave.
"Of course, you wouldn't want to keep your glucose grandpa waiting so long. He might have a heart attack or something," He sarcastically retorted now sitting up on the bed.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny kook. Though that ain't it, He's not even a grandpa. He's still 26, very healthy and active, if you must know."
"Ya whatever. He's the same age as my older brother though, your glucose granddaddy's probably uglier." He scoffed.
"Hey! My Financial supporter isn't ugly, He's ethereal. I bet if you saw him you'd want to be his sugar baby too. Your straight ass would probably reconsider being straight cos he's too beautiful for this world." You confidently replied.
"So, is that why you like him that much? cos he's beautiful? he prob gives good head too. But I know for a fact, no one can devour your pussy the best like me." he says and smiles smugly. "Ew. Please don't use big or cringy deep words again when talking about our sexy time, or I'm really gonna vomit. Also, I've told you a thousand times we haven't done anything. Not all sugar daddy relationships do and have to do stuff like that you know."
"Sure, says the one who used sexy time to describe how we make love. And if you're gonna vomit, do it on his expensive ass floor mat. Since he can afford to replace it and the whole house if he wanted to."
"I really have to go kook, see you whenever i do," You say now truly heading for the door. He just nods at you, acts indifferently though he was begging for you to stay a little longer, just awhile ago.
"Jin, Sorry if i was late. The traffic was horrible you know how they are."
You tell him upon arriving at his place, though you know it wasn't just the traffic that made you arrive late, it was because of another guy you didn't tell him about but he didn't seem to bother to ask too. "It's okay love, I completely understand. How are you today though? are you feeling alright? you texted me yesterday that you were so tired, are you overworking yourself again?" He says a bit concerned and empathetically.
He's always been so considerate and kind to you, and you've always liked that about him. "Yea, I'm good. Peachy. I was just worn out because of work yesterday, (and of riding jungkook's cock til we both passed out) but now i'm feeling great." You smiled at him trying to reassure him you were fine.
"How about you dear? dear. your endearment for him, how are you feeling today?" You asked. "I'm feeling good too. Actually better, now that you're here with me." He smiled, and you blushed a little embarrassingly, though it was cheesy but you had a soft spot for him.
"Anyway, I'm glad you aren't overworking yourself, but remember you can always ask me for more support if you want to. You know I'd give you everything in the world, anything for you." You were quite flustered by his words.
"Thanks, Jin. for everything really, you've always been so kind and helpful to me, though I don't do much or even enough for you, to repay you." was your pathetic reply.
"No, don't say that again love. You know, you being here with me is enough. You don't have to do filthy things to repay me. You know I'd be happy already if you just spend your time with me."
"But what if i want to do filthy things with you? I mean, if you allow me to. I want to make you feel good, daddy." You don't always call him daddy, in fact you rarely call him that. Your relationship was just pure companionship actually. That was what you both agreed on, when your partnership started. You both wouldn't do anything sexual ever. At first you thought he was asexual, but he said he wasn't when you asked him. Now, you wanted to repay him for all the good things he's done for you, but how will you when he doesn't want you to? You were confused and a bit taxed actually.
"Y/N you know what we agreed on...let's not break our agreement. I think you should rest more, maybe you're still feeling unwell." he replied quite tiredly. he doesn't usually call you by your name too, was he mad? disappointed? you weren't sure, but you didn't like it and you weren't sure you wanted to know.
"Ok...I'll just go to the room then," you replied. "Actually love, I think you should just go home. Maybe you'll be more comfortable resting there." Did he just say he wanted you out of his sight? ouch that hurt quite a bit, ok mayhaps a lot.
"Oh. ok then, I'll go home sorry for bothering you," You say, starting to walk away from him and head for the door. "Y/N, It's not like that. You know you're not a bother to me, and you never will be." Jin says.
"No, I get it. You don't want me and that's okay, we're just fellow associates anyway right?" you snap at him.
"No, why are you being like this love? I do want you. I just don't want us to be like them and everyone else. I don't want us to use eachother to that exent. I want us to be friends first, to get closer and if it leads to something more then why not? please...let's not fight about this," he pleads pityfully.
"Do you really though? do you want me? anyway, it doesn't matter. Let's just talk about it later tom. just call me or whatever." You say as you open the door and head out fast, not hearing what he might've replied to your question.
"You're back early? bet ya 5 bucks glucose guardian had a stroke and u had to send him to the ER and leave him there?" Jungkook was still there when you came back, and on his dumb ass phone, playing games. Apparently he was in a mood for jokes as always, but you weren't.
"Stfu junglecock, I'm not in the mood. Why are you still here anyway? don't you have other hoes to do? just make sure to always keep safe and try to catch fewer curable stds, or I'll never fck your nasty ass again."
"Wow someone's pretty ass is pissed, what's wrong baby? did your grandpa have a hard time getting his ancient magic stick up? is that why you're so mad cos you needed a good dicking down but you didn't get it?" he annoyingly implied.
"Jungkook, if you don't shut the f up for real you'll never be able to use your magic stick again, and I'm really serious about it." you glared at him as you said it.
"Ok. fine babe, chill. I know what always helps you relax..." He says as he drops his phone and moves towards you, backhugging you and rubbing your shoulders softly. He knows that you like how calming it feels although you don't forget the sexual implication that comes with it too.
"You know you can tell me anything right? we're not just fuckmates, we're saltmates too. We're friends aren't we?" He says while looking at you, trying to guess what's on your mind. "Of course we are kook. It's just things with jin...I feel like I'm not doing enough or good enough for him. Sometimes I feel like he just doesn't want me, but then he says he does. And I'm just- confused i guess."
"Hey, don't be too hard on yourself babe. You both agreed on that partnership, so why should you do more than what you agreed on? he's not asking for other things or forcing you to do something to repay him right?" he says a bit bitterly.
"No. He's not like that." You reassure jungkook. "Anyway, we'll probably make up later tom. and everything'll be just fine. So, you were talking about helping me to de-stress?" you told him suggestively.
You and jungkook went on it all through out the night. He pounded on you like there was no tomorrow. After your 8th round, the both of you were taxed and almost asleep. Or so you thought he was too, til he made small talk.
"Baby, are you still awake?" he asked, moving closer wrapping his arm around your waist to hold you tight. You mumbled something like "urm yea" and he took a peek at you to see if you we're still actually awake.
"You don't have to go back to him ya know," he said out of the blue, making you face him. "You could stay with me. You could be happy with me y/n. We could fuck forever happily." You didn't know what to say to that.
"Can i be honest? these past few months I didn't think I'd feel something more for you, But I did. I do. I kinda like you more than just a fckfriend y/n, hell I think I'm inlove with you. Do you feel the same way? even just a bit?" he suddenly asked and you didn't really know what to respond. So you replied something lame, "I think you're just tired guk, maybe we should really sleep now." You said looking somewhere else in the room, anywhere but his handsome face, you tried to avoid the subject, hoping that maybe he'll drop it and forget it but you know he won't.
"Is that your reply to my confession? Wow, I didn't think you'd be this mean baby. Are you rejecting me cos I'm not as rich as him? I can support us both too you know. I can save up for the things that will prob cost us our whole lives if you want to have them. Anything for you. I may not be as debonair and grand as him, but I promise you I'll love you and give you everything you want more than him. You'll have my whole heart and all of my attention, so will you please stay and choose me instead?" he begged. But you already made your choice a long time ago.
"I like you too guk, and I'll stay." you said though you know better. You lied. You left his handsome figure still sleeping soundly behind. After you told him you'll stay last night, you both fell asleep right after. But now here comes the morning, and you're already halfway to the door. You take one last look at his beautiful face, knowing it might be a long time before you see it again.
"Jin, I think I wanna go with you on that business trip." You said to him, eager to leave with him right away. "You mean the one in Japan I'll be going to later? I thought you didn't wanna come love? but ok, i guess you changed your mind. it'll be lovely to be with you there." You're glad he's okay with you coming with him.
"Yeah, I realized it'd be boring here on my own and I already filed a leave for work. And i'd probably miss you too so I wanna come with you." you said and a faint blush showed on your cheeks.
"Just probably? so you won't really miss me? jk. love, did you already pack your things? you should get ready. I'll have to stop by the office for a bit to get some things, so just meet me there when you're done. I'll be going now, so I can get ready and check that I didn't forget anything at the office, so I'll see you later love?"
"Yea, see you later Jin." You didn't call him by your endearment but you hope he didn't mind. To your surprise and delight, he gave you a peck on the cheek before running off to leave.
"Uh excuse me, can I ask if Jin's still inside his office?" you told the secretary.
"Kim Seokjin our CEO? yes, he's still inside his office. And who are you miss?" The secretary inquired.
"Uh I'm-"
"She's my girlfriend and fiancee. Her name is y/n and you should remember her face from now on." The familiar ethereal voice said from behind you, It was Jin who just arrived to meet you. The secretary apologized soon after, she was probably regretting why she had asked that question, though you assured her it was okay. "Hyung are you leaving now for that japan business- Y/N, is it really you?"
You wouldn't forget the owner of that voice of course. Though you left him behind. He spoke from behind you, and you didn't wanna face him or move. You didn't until Jin asked you, "Love, do you know my brother jungkook?" You turned slowly to face them, and mustered the courage to reply.
"Yes, We were kinda friends during college." you lamely said. "Oh. You didn't tell me you were friends with my brother. Anyway, yes jungkook I'll be going on that business trip, and Y/N will be accompanying me." Jin told his younger brother.
How could you even know jungkook was his younger brother when he didn't even tell you? He might've mentioned a brother before, but Jin didn't say it was actually Jeon Jungkook. And they have different last names anyway, so they're probably just half brothers? your pondering was interrupted by no other than jungkook speaking,
"Oh really? Before you go though, can i ask y/n this question; Is my brother the sugar daddy you were always talking about? or is your glucose guardian a different one too?" his words shocked and hurt you, though you couldn't blame him, you hurt him too.
"Jungkook, what the hell are you talking about? you don't know anything about us you brat. Mind your own damn business." You've never heard Jin cuss before, or it was rare that he did. Mayhaps he was really mad this time.
"Y/N what is he talking about? what does he mean that I'm the one you're always talking about with him? I thought you were just old college friends?" Jin inquired. "Jin...I-" you wanted to tell him about everything, but no words seem to come out of your pathetic little mouth yet.
"Oh come on baby, It's just a simple question. Is my brother the old hag you always come back to, for money or what? if he isn't, then how many are they? just curious babe." Jungkook sarcastically said. Jin was furious at this point, how dare Jungkook call you his baby? and the accusations he's saying are just over the top. Jin knows he's your only financial supporter, he's the only one right? "Jungkook you ass-" before jin could finish speaking, you spoke, though you were holding back tears.
"Yes. He's my benefactor, my sugar daddy, whatever you call it. And so what if he is kook? it's none of your business anymore. And just for the record, he's the only one. I don't have any other patrons or sugar daddies."
"Great. Just fcking amazing then, You were screwing both of us at the same time, that's why you never told me your sugar daddy's name, you planned this didn't you? I didn't see you as a gold digger who targets siblings but here we are-" Jin grabbed Jungkook by the collar because he couldn't take all the bullcrap the younger was saying about you. "Jungkook if you don't shut your filthy mouth I swear-"
"You'll what hyung? punch me? kill me? I'm already dead. Can't you see hyung? she's the one playing with us! ask her what the two of us have been doing behind your back! Sorry hyung, but i didn't know you were her sugar daddy though," Jungkook shouted.
"Love, I don't know if what he's saying is true, but i wanna hear it from you. Please tell me what's going on? why is he saying you're screwing the both of us?" Jin pleaded at you.
"I...he's my fckbuddy Jin. I'm so sorry, we didn't touch each other and I have my needs, so i had to find someone else to fulfill them. But we stopped it already. I left him and lied, and maybe that's why he's so mad at me." You said exhausted with it all,
"I promise you though I didn't know he was your brother, and I wouldn't have messed around with him if I knew. Dear, please believe me. I truly am sorry." Now it was you who was pleading.
"I'm not mad at you for leaving, I'm mad at you for lying to me. You shouldn't have said you felt something for me when you didn't." Jungkook said, now more glum than angry.
"You were really lovers then? You should have told me you wanted to hook up with other people y/n. We could've made it clear in our agreement. Maybe all of us wouldn't be hurting so much," Jin calmed down too, though disappointment and sadness was written all over his face. "I can't and won't compete with my brother y/n, we might not agree with things all the time but I can't bear to see him hurt. Jungkook likes you, and if I have to let you go so he'll stop hurting, then I will."
"No. Jin please don't do this, you're the one that I love, not Jungkook. Please don't give me up." You begged jin.
"I'm sorry love, but I can't choose you." And that was the last thing Jin said before he left you.
Jungkook took took you back after all, and you started dating him. You've learned to like him after Jin left. Though you heard Jin inherited their multi-billion dollar company in japan, and was managing it too. You were just moping around when you got a text from your boyfriend Jungkook: "When are you coming home babe?" it read. "Probably not soon yet, babe" you replied.
"What do u mean baby? how long are you gon stay there?" he texted again, probably for a really long time You replied mentally. You were still on your business trip or that's what jungkook thought, what he doesn't know is that Jin is the business trip, and you're just on your way there. You liked Jungkook he was hot, but you loved Jin more or maybe his money a whole lot.
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imagine-exo · 6 years
A Taste of Home
Admin VIA here! Guess who finally finished her oneshot, a day before she’s supposed to move into her dorm? Apologies for not keeping up with the regular imagines, but I really wanted to crank this out before move-in.
I chose anon’s prompt “Friends to lovers with Baekhyun, or literally anything a little angsty and fluffy with baek” and went incredibly overboard. My goal? 1K words. End result? 3.4K where the hell did all this come from?? 
I had more to say, but it’s currently 1:42am and I can’t remember it. I’m just glad I finally got this done! (Without checking it over, so please let me know if there are any typos!)
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x reader
Genre: Fluff, angst, best friend!AU
Word Count: 3.4k (ish)
By: Admin VIA
Rated T for language. I really did try to keep this PG, but I couldn’t help but swear a couple times.
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There are quite a few words that people associate with Byun Baekhyun. Singer is one. Puppy is another. But for you? Best friend is what he is to you.
But you desperately, passionately, selfishly, wish that that wasn’t the case. That you could be something more.
Falling for Baekhyun was pretty much involuntary, and most definitely hopeless. But, you tell yourself firmly, at least you’re lucky enough to be friends with him at all.
Your phone lights up and a text from needs to stfu flashes across the screen.
hey do u wanna buy me a matcha latte tomorrow?? pls have mercy on this poor boy
Not particularly, tbh
rude :((( not even for your best friend?? what can i do to melt your heart, elsa
Pay for your own coffee
ur so mean to me 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 but FINE, i’ll buy my own AND treat you to your vanilla rose like a REAL FRIEND
Aww, love you~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
If only he knew how true that statement was, you think wryly. You drop your phone on the nightstand and wrap yourself up in your blankets, dreaming of a bright smile and of a universe where it was a familiar boxy-smiled boy keeping you warm instead of your thin, tattered blanket.
The bell chimes merrily as you push open the door to the small, bustling cafe. The barista on duty looks up at the sound of the bell, flashing an endearing gummy smile at you in welcome. Baekhyun’s not here yet, so you take a seat by the window, where a small vase is filled with bright yellow sunflowers. You prop your head up on your palm, losing yourself in the hustle that passes by the cafe.
“Here!”  A cup of vanilla rose tea latte is thrust in front of you, along with Baekhyun’s mischievous smirk. He slides his own green tea latte across the table, slipping into the seat in front of the window.
“Move, you’re blocking the view,” you jibe.
“Bitch, I am the view,” Baekhyun retorts, lifting his chin in faux arrogance. You giggle, conceding in your mind. Especially now, with the sunlight falling on his hair and making turning the strands golden, Baekhyun looks absolutely radiant.
Suddenly, Baekhyun gasps dramatically. “Puppy!” he all but shrieks. You turn around just as the dog’s owner (and pretty much everyone else in the cafe) turns to look at him.
By the time you glance back around at him in bewilderment, Baekhyun is already out of his seat and making a beeline towards the panting pomeranian.
“Can I pet him? Or her?” he asks the girl hopefully, eyes alight. You can see her melt as he projects the full force of his puppy eyes at her, and she nods, smiling shyly. Baekhyun gets right to work, plopping onto the ground to stroke the dog’s ears and scratching lightly around the flank.
“Him,” the girl replies. “His name is Pickles.” She bends down, stroking Pickles’s fur, flushing when she makes eye contact with Baekhyun, whose smile has turned coy.
“And what’s your name?” He asks.
“I’m Suzanne,” she introduces herself, holding her hand out for him to shake. He grasps it, smiling warmly.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful lady,” Baekhyun compliments. “I’m Baekhyun.”
Still sitting in your booth by the window, you snort. What a flirt. Though you tease him about his greasiness, you can’t help but feel your heart flutter, wishing it was meant for you. And not for the first time, you can tell that yet another unsuspecting soul has fallen for Baekhyun’s charms. In fact, you can see the exact moment her heart melts — her eyes soften, her cheeks lift up in the tiniest hint of a smile, and a gentle blush spreads over her face and neck. You’re not surprised in the slightest. Baekhyun has always been able to effortlessly charm everyone he meets, though not merely through his endless flirting — and you are no exception. His kind eyes and contagious laughter haunts you even in your dreams while leaving himself clueless to the extent of his significance. You are also used to Baekhyun’s obliviousness— in all the years that you’ve been friends, never once has he reciprocated his admirers’ feelings, until the poor girl finally moved on. You are the odd one out in this scenario. As hard as you try, you are unable — or perhaps unwilling — to let go of your love for him.
Suzanne laughs gently, thanking him.
Something is different about this encounter, however. You watch, mystified, as Baekhyun’s smile turns bashful. He nibbles at his bottom lip and fidgets with his fingers, avoiding her gaze to look down at the puppy still underneath his hands.
“Sorry, was that too cheesy?” Baekhyun asks, still staring at Pickles.
“Yes,” you say, walking up to them.
Suzanne startles, and Baekhyun tries to glare at you, but he can’t do so without grinning. You can’t help but feel your mood lift when he sends you a brilliant smile, while Susanne’s face starts to fall, looking disappointed. She’s a nice girl, you can tell.
You empathize with her.
“I’m Y/N,” you say, shooting her a friendly smile. “I have the misfortune to be this idiot’s best friend.”
“Nice to meet you!” she replies, mirroring your smile. You bite your lips, unsure of what to say next.
“Err, I have an appointment soon, so I should really grab my coffee and go,” Suzanne says reluctantly, her eyes sliding over to Baekhyun.
He pouts. “Can we meet up again? Er...I mean, I would really love to play with Pickles some more,” Baekhyun grins.  
Suzanne smiles happily, genuinely, and her face is alight with a warm, comfortable glow. You can see why Baekhyun is so taken by her, but you can’t help but feel slightly inferior. Baekhyun waves to Suzanne as she heads out, pocketing his phone and her newly saved number carefully, almost reverently. Sliding back into his seat across from you, he sighs blissfully.
“She’s so pretty,” he says, eyes glowing and a dopey smile on his face. You hum noncommittally, letting him gush to his heart’s content as you try to force your own feelings aside, for the sake of his happiness.
Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into a month since Baekhyun met Suzanne in that cafe. Since then, Baekhyun and Suzanne have gone on countless dates, both with and without Pickles.
Since then, you have frequented that lively cafe, that window booth that allows you to lose yourself in the heavy flow of traffic. In fact, you’ve spent so much time there that the gummy-smiled barista knows your name, order, and and practically everything else about you.
“Vanilla rose tea latte, just the way you like it,” Minseok’s voice sounds next to your ear. You look up, smiling gratefully at him, and hand him the exact change, which he tucks into his apron pocket. Seeing as the cafe isn’t too busy, Minseok slides into the seat across from you as he always does whenever he sees you sitting there alone.
“So, no lover boy today?”
You snort. “Minseok, you know we’re not dating, he’s dating Suzanne.”
“Yeah, I was there when they met,” he grins at you. “But I noticed that you didn’t deny anything—you’re totally in love with him.” Minseok speaks matter-of-factly, as if he didn’t just casually reveal the secret you’d guard with your life.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you splutter, caught off guard.
Minseok merely quirks an eyebrow at you, lips curling into a smug, lopsided grin. The glint in his eyes are all too knowing, and you know he didn’t fall for your flimsy denial.
“Why the fuck are you so perceptive?” You grumble.
The barista laughs. “Is there anyone who can’t tell that you’re in love?”
“You’re in love with someone?” A familiar voice says, incredulous. You look up to see Baekhyun, shocked. “Who?” He asks, pouting.
Minseok smoothly slides out of the seat. “Good afternoon, Baekhyun. Let me go make your coffee. Er, remind me of your order again?”
“Matcha latte,” you respond instead.
“Er, I’m actually feeling an Americano today,” Baekhyun plops into the seat that Minseok had just vacated, staring intently at you.
You blink at him. “I thought you said those were too bitter for you.”
“Who?” The boy in front of you demands again, ignoring your unspoken question. Minseok turns around, sending you a wink.
“Uh, nobody you know,” you respond, cursing inwardly at the retreating barista. You can tell Baekhyun doesn’t quite believe you, but he drops the subject. You’re a little suspicious—he must have something else on his mind. Usually, he continues acting bratty until you give him what he wants—it’s like your presence brings out the toddler in Baekhyun.
“What do you think about Suzanne?” Baekhyun asks.
You startle, not expecting the question. “Well, she seems nice? And she seems to make you happy, so that’s good. I think she’s good for you,” you say. And you are being genuine—Suzanne’s quiet, steady presence is a good balance against Baekhyun’s spontaneous nature without holding him back.  
“I think I really like her,” Baekhyun confides quietly, a soft smile playing on his lips.
You smile weakly back, trying to ignore the sharp dagger of jealousy piercing your heart. You know she’s good for him. “That’s great,” you tell him as sincerely as you can. “I’m glad you’ve finally found a girlfriend.” You try to shake off your bitterness by reviving your usual banter. You’d think a month would be enough time to get over yourself, you think sourly. After all, Baekhyun is your best friend, first and foremost. You refuse to let unrequited emotions cloud your desire for your best friend’s happiness.
“Do you think…it’s too soon to ask her to move in?” Baekhyun asks shyly, hope in his eyes and a sheepish grin on his lips.
You gape at him. “Yes!” You splutter, telling yourself that your fervent opposition is for his own sake, and not because of your fear that his relationship will grow even stronger and leave you behind. “You’ve been dating for a month!”
“I thought you liked her!” Baekhyun protests. He clearly wasn’t expecting your answer, and is growing defensive.
“I do!” You blow air out through your nose, frustrated. “But I’ve met her like three times! So yes, I do like her, from what I know about her, but I don’t know her!”
“But I do!” Baekhyun flares. “I’m going to do it anyway.”
You sigh. This is the spontaneous side of Baekhyun presenting itself as impulsivity, and you’ve known Baekhyun for long enough to know that whatever you say will not be able to change his mind. “Why did you ask me in the first place, then? If you just ignore everything I say.” Your words are biting.
“I thought you would be supportive! I guess I should’ve known better.” Baekhyun sends you one last betrayed glance, before striding towards the door, brushing past a bewildered Minseok holding cup of dark coffee, absent of the beautiful foam art you’re used to.
You exhale slowly. How did things come to this?
Days pass, and you find yourself in the same seat, by the same window. The same drink is set in front of you every time, yet somehow, you never seem to tire of it.
“Why don’t you try a different drink?” Minseok asks, as he sets the vanilla rose tea latte down for the third time that week. “I know it’s your favorite drink, but damn, even I’m getting sick of it, and I’m not even the one drinking it.”
You hum a little, taking a sip and letting the gentle sweetness fill your senses. “I don’t know,” you answer. “It’s not that I don’t want to try something new,” you muse. “I do want to try the barista picks and stuff. But this is familiar to me? It’s in my comfort zone, and I can’t bear to give it up.”
Minseok tousles your hair playfully. “Well, if you ever decide that you want a change, I’ve got just the thing for you.”
Before you can reply, the bell above the door jingles. Minseok turns around, greeting on his lips.
Baekhyun drags his feet in, clearly upset, eyes clouded over and far away.
“Baekhyun?” Minseok calls his name gently.
Baekhyun smiles weakly. “One Americano, please.” He speaks quietly, a far cry from his usual boisterousness.
“You were right,” he mumbles.
You grimace. Baekhyun’s pain is your pain, and it hurts to see him so lifeless. “I usually am,” you attempt to joke, “but what about this time?”
“Suzanne said it was too soon.” Baekhyun looks straight into your eyes. “We...we’re on a temporary break.” He sounds as if the words are hard to force out.
“Do you love her?” You ask quietly.
Baekhyun plays with the rings on his finger. The hopelessness in his eyes and in his actions tell you all that you need to know. Yes, he is in love.
You sigh. As much as you want him for yourself, you resolve to cast aside your own feelings so that you can help him find his own happiness. You put your hand on his, stopping his fidgeting with his rings, and draw courage from the warmth of his hand.
“I think you scared her,” you tell him softly. “Give her some space and call her again tomorrow. I think you should be patient.”
Just then, Minseok comes by with Baekhyun’s Americano. He makes a move to clear your empty cup, when you stop him.
“I think I’m ready to try something new,” you tell the barista earnestly. “What do you recommend?”
Baekhyun gapes at you, lips parted in surprise.
Minseok’s eyes light up. “Give me a minute!” he says cheerfully. As he walks off, Baekhyun looks at you questioningly.
“Is Minseok the one you’re in love with?” Baekhyun asks, hesitant.
You blink in shock. “What? No! Where did you get that from?”
“You’ve always refused to try anything else whenever I asked!” Baekhyun pouts at you, eyes narrowing. Though he seems offended, you can see your best friend’s usual playful temperament coming back.
Minseok sets your new caffeine down with a flourish. “Lavender earl gray latte!”
“Thought it was time for a change,” you shrug casually, addressing your words to both Minseok and Baekhyun. Minseok beams with pride before walking off to tend to his other customers. “Feelings don’t last forever, and neither do tastes,” you muse, almost to yourself.
“So you are in love with someone.”
Baekhyun’s voice is flat, borderline angry. You look up in shock. Perhaps he wasn’t pretending to be offended after all; you can see the fire brewing behind his eyes.
“Wait, what’s wrong?” You’re bewildered at the sudden change in mood.
Baekhyun is growing angry now, a rare sight in itself. “I have never kept something from you in all these years that I’ve considered you my best friend. So why did you think it’s okay to hide something so important from me?”
“You’re not entitled to my life,” you snap back, matching his tone in intensity. You need to change the subject before he finds out even more. Words are spilling out of your mouth without filter now, in your panic to hide your deepest secret.
“Well, yeah,” Baekhyun says, bewildered and indignant and clearly offended, “but I thought you trusted me.” He bites his lip, looking so much like a kicked puppy that you can’t help but sigh heavily, feeling all your cloud of anger start to dissipate around the edges.
“Look, Baek, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you,” you start to explain, taking care to keep your voice level. Before you can finish, however, Baekhyun mutters underneath his breath.
“Sounds like an excuse to me.”
“Excuse me?” Your temper flares right back, burning as bright as it was before. Baekhyun snaps his head up, looking at you sharply in the eye.
“I said, sounds like an excuse for your cowardice to me.” You never knew that his voice could be so cold, as his eyes burn so hot. His gaze is scalding — still the embodiment of the sun, but instead of the warm sun rays that you normally bask in, you’ve forgotten to wear sunscreen and now the rays are scalding your skin, blistering and peeling away your layers of self-control, one by one.
“I am scared!” You shout at him suddenly, voice breaking. Baekhyun finally shuts up, staring at you with wide eyes. “I am absolutely terrified. I am so fucking in love with you that it petrifies me!” There it is. Your best kept secret, hanging in the open air, completely out of your reach. The only thing you can hope for is that Baekhyun will catch it, rather than watching it fall and shatter on the ground along with the glass shards of your heart. You grip the handle of your mug tightly, watching the coffee swish around the brim, nearly spilling over.
Silence greets your statement. For once, the ever talkative Baekhyun is speechless, mouth open in an attempt to find that words that do not exist.
“So forgive me,” you lower your voice now, muttering sarcastically, “if I wanted to preserve this friendship that you seem to treasure so much.” You stand up and turn away, hiding your face before Baekhyun can see the hot tears roll down your cheeks and under your chin. It’s fallen, you think. Fallen and shattered and irreparable, just as you feared. You begin to take slow, heavy steps in no particular direction but away, unshed tears blurring your vision.
“Wait.” Thin fingers wrap themselves around your waist, pleading. “I didn’t know,” Baekhyun admits meekly, innocence and confusion coloring his voice. After your deafening confession, his response sounds like a mere breath.
“I know.”
Your voice cracks, defeated and pathetic.
“So please, just let me get over you.”
This time, it is you who leaves Baekhyun behind, your new coffee order sitting on the table, untouched.
A week passes with no word from Baekhyun. You’re trying your hardest to move on, but it’s difficult when all you do is stare at your phone and hope to see needs to stfu flash across the screen.
You’re afraid of going back to Minseok’s cafe and being reminded of the emotions that escalated there, but in your misery, all you really want is a vanilla rose tea latte. Just as you drag yourself onto your feet to make the trek to the cafe, the doorbell rings.
When you crack open the door, you’re greeted by Baekhyun’s familiar boxy smile and two matching coffee cups.
“Vanilla rose tea latte, just for you!” He hands you the cup, grinning at you, and it’s as if the events of the the past week — no, the past month — had never happened. He takes a sip of his own cup, and you can smell the matcha from where you stand.
You take a long drink from your cup, and the familiar sweetness of the latte brings you instant comfort — it tastes like home.
“Y/N,” Baekhyun begins, seriously, earnestly.
You look up, fearing the worst. Was the coffee an attempt to butter you up?
“Will you go on a date with me?”
You swallow your mouthful of coffee too quickly, and it burns going down. “What?” You hack out, choking. “What about Suzanne?”
“I didn’t call her,” Baekhyun tells you. “Not immediately. I thought about what you and I thought about me, and realized that what I felt for Suzanne wasn’t love. I was happy, yes,” he smiles slightly, “but I was so focused on myself that I didn’t think of her feelings.”
Baekhyun then grins cheekily at you. “But you’ve always been thinking of me, haven’t you? About how I felt, and you were willing to give up so much for me.”
“I’m glad you understand,” you finally say, “how hard it is to put up with you.”
Baekhyun beams. “But you love me!” he exclaims happily, throwing his arm around you. “And you can’t deny it this time!”
You crack a smile. “Yes,” you agree quietly, “I do.”
And when his lips meet yours in a chaste first kiss, you think the flavor of matcha has never tasted better.  
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pllsetskyonice · 7 years
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
2,900 words
“What are you talking about?”
“Your Twitter? Your thread that spends about ten tweets waxing poetry about the size of my dick? Everyone’s talking about it, the fans are going crazy, I had Victor ringing me up half an hour ago to ask if it was true and if I really had deflowered Russia’s Fairy like that, and I just – what the hell were you thinking, Yuri?”
In which Yuri gets drunk and Tweets some things he probably shouldn't have.
AO3 link
So @94mercy made this post that headcanoned that Yuri gets drunk one night and talks about the size of Otabek’s dick on social media, and I immediately knew I had to write it. Otherwise known as me just wanting to join in with all the hung!Otabek content that’s been coming out of this fandom in recent weeks. 
(Also tagging @daddybek because that’s where this all started back in February)
They’ve been dating for a few months when it happens.
Yuri goes round to Mila’s for a few drinks after practice one day, and they steadily make their way through a bottle of vodka, laughing and talking about their respective partners. The music is loud and Yuri feels all loose and giggly as he reaches for his phone, taking selfies and documenting their escapades on Snapchat. He’s never been this drunk before, so drunk he’s not even sure what order his memories from the last few hours go in, so drunk that he can barely stand, so drunk that the room is spinning.
He sits down and opens Twitter, starting to type. He doesn’t even think about what he’s Tweeting, just starts a thread and keeps on going until he gets it all off his chest. Mila is grabbing at his hands and pulling him up so they can dance together again, and Yuri’s phone lies on the couch, forgotten.
So he doesn’t see what he’s done until morning.
It’s the sound of his phone vibrating loudly on the bedside table that wakes him up. He’s in Mila’s spare bedroom, a small sized room with what feels like the most uncomfortable bed he’s ever slept on, but it evidently didn’t bother him at whatever time he collapsed onto last night. At least he made it into bed, he supposes. That’s an achievement, even if he’s still wearing yesterday’s clothes.
He grabs at his phone, squinting at the screen. It reads 6 AM, and is somehow fully charged, even though he has doesn’t remember plugging it in last night. It’s far too early. Yuri wants nothing more at this particular moment in time than to roll over and go back to sleep to avoid dealing with this hangover from hell, but it’s Otabek that’s calling him, so he supposes that he’d better answer.
“Hello?” he says, his voice sounding all croaky as he unplugs his phone and rolls back onto his back. There’s light streaming in through a gap in the curtains, and Yuri would get up and close them properly, but they’re too far away to deal with right now. Instead, he opts for the easier option: pulling his blankets over his head.
“Yuri, what the fuck?” Otabek asks on the other end of the line. Even in this still half drunk, hungover state, Yuri can tell that this is Not Good. “What were you thinking?”
“What are you talking about?” Yuri replies. He wonders if it’s about his and Mila’s Snapchat stories, but from what he can remember there’s nothing too outrageous on them, just some really bad singing in questionable English to pop songs neither of them like.
“Your Twitter? Your thread that spends about ten tweets waxing poetry about the size of my dick? Everyone’s talking about it, the fans are going crazy, I had Victor ringing me up half an hour ago to ask if it was true and if I really had deflowered Russia’s Fairy like that, and I just – what the hell were you thinking, Yuri?”
Yuri fumbles with his phone, opening Twitter with his phone call with Otabek still active in the background. He doesn’t even need to go onto his profile to see it, it’s all over his timeline. “Oh, shit,” he swears as he scrolls through the Tweets. “I don’t even remember posting any of this. I was so drunk, Beka. So drunk. I’m sorry.”
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Alright buckle in its gonna be a bumpy ride let me tell you a thing or two about the size of @otabekaltin’s dick
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I hope you’re ready bc I sure as hell wasn’t the first time I saw it – tho in fairness he did warn me about it beforehand
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
But I’m gonna be honest here and say I had to take a moment when we did somethinh sexual for the first time bc girl, I couldn’t’ cope
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Shall we talk about the time he fucked me for the first time?
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
After all of the prep (srsly ive never seen so much lube lmao) he finally entered me (is that even the right word idk I’m so drunk rn)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I’ve never felt so full in my whole life it was SO GOOD 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND (although hands off he’s mine)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
honestly tho I swear the sex gets better every time? He REALLY know what he’s doing with that thing let me tell you
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I did once ask if he needed a licence for it, he didn’t take it well lmao. Anyway, tl;dr: @otabekaltin’s dick is a godsend and
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I am forever grateful that I’ve got to experience such a masterpiece so many different times in so many different positions
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 5h ago
Replying to @yuriplisetsky, @otabekaltin
Holy mother of god is this true? PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS TRUE
Yuri Angels @yuriangels10 · 5h ago
Replying to @yuriplisetsky, @otabekaltin, @c_giacometti
“Yeah, I figured, from the numerous spelling mistakes and yours and Mila’s Snapchat stories from last night,” Otabek says, sighing. “But that doesn’t make this okay, Yuri.”
“I know,” Yuri says miserably as he continues to scroll through the shit storm that’s taken over his Twitter. “Do you want me to delete the tweets?”
“I’m not sure what good that’ll do at this stage,” Otabek says. “They’ve already been screenshotted and reposted too Tumblr and Instagram and Facebook so many times that deleting the original tweets doesn’t mean that people will stop talking about it.”
“True,” Yuri agrees. He hasn’t checked Tumblr yet but he already feels like the Yuri Plisetsky tag will be trending on there, full of screenshots taken from Twitter and detailed posts discussing it all. Instagram will be full of people screaming in the comments, and Facebook will have people criticising his decision to share this all on the internet for everyone to see. No doubt someone has already put together a compilation video on YouTube of closeups of Otabek’s crotch with Yuri’s tweets edited onto it. “I can’t apologise enough for all of this. I’m so sorry.”
russian fairy @plsetsky · 4h ago
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Jenna @xxknifeshoesxx · 4h ago
Replying to @plsetsky
I can’t believe that this is confirmed, what the hell
skate away @quadloop · 4h ago
Replying to @plsetsky, @xxknifeshoesxx
Is it just me that rlly wants to know just how big Otabek is now?
russian fairy @plsetsky · 4h ago
Nah (I mean it might be bordering the slightly creepy territory but still, SOMEONE FETCH THE GUY A TAPE MEASURE)
“I know,” Otabek says. “I’m not happy that this has happened, but it has, so we’ll deal with it – oh no, Victor’s just messaged in the group chat.”
Victor: [multiple screenshots of Twitter threads]
Yuri: …
Yuri: why the hell should we have to explain ourselves to you two??!
Yuri: jesus
Yuri: stop yelling
Yuri: I was drunk and said some things on twitter, it’s not a big deal
Victor: It very clearly is!
Victor: Yakov is going to have your head off over this, I’m surprised he hasn’t called you yet
Victor: If you thought he was mad at you after Welcome To The Madness, then you’ve really got another thing coming
Yuri: I can handle yakov thank you
Otabek: I’d make a joke about how if you can handle my dick you can handle anything but somehow I don’t think that would be appreciated
Yuri: oh my god beka
Victor: You’re right, it wouldn’t be appreciated
Yuuri: Maybe
Yuuri: Maybe it doesn’t matter because they’re both consenting adults and what goes on behind closed door isn’t anyone’s business but theirs?
Victor: Yuuri I love you but that’s not the point
Victor: They’re going to get people going on about this for months, in interviews, in articles, online… it’ll come back to haunt you in five years’ time at a party when someone’s flicking through their camera roll and finds the tweets and is like, “oh wow who remembers when?”
Yuri: alright I get it my tweets are a ghost that’ll come back to haunt me
Yuri: can we all please calm down I really don’t want to deal with this rn
Victor: Is that because you’re hungover? Well you should’ve thought about that before you got drunk and posted a bunch of stupid tweets to twitter!
Yuri: *true, not stupid
Yuri: and stfu victor
Yuri: no one cares what you have to say
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 3h ago
I’M YELLING pic.twitter.com/t35v5f
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 3h ago
Someone should get yuri drunk more often this is GOLD
Mila Babicheva @mila_b · 20m ago
Replying to @phichit_chu
I honestly don’t know if I should be apologising or not
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 20m ago
Noooo! Definitely not lmao I WANT TO KNOW ALL THE SECRETS
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this banana bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/235g5y
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this cucumber bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/43qg5
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this aubergine bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/4gaf35
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this leek bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/98rga3
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this can of dry shampoo bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/257g23
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this chair leg bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/5gsgj1
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this table leg bigger than otabek’s dic? pls respond pic.twitter.com/43tg83
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this branch bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/6grg24
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this tree bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/7gr32t
Yurabek For Life @yurabek4life · 6m ago
Replying to @slicetheice
@yuriplisetsky is this dildo bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/24gw46
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 6m ago
u ruined it
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 6m ago
gtfo my thread
There’s a knock on the bedroom door and Mila enters, a glass of water in one hand and her phone in the other. Her hair is messy and she obviously didn’t get around to taking off her makeup last night, as her eyeliner and mascara is smudged around her eyes and what’s left of her foundation is decidedly patchy.
“Hey,” she says quietly, walking forward and placing the glass on the bedside table. “Thought you could probably do with a glass of water.”
“Thanks,” Yuri mumbles, reaching for the glass and taking a few small sips. Though his phone call with Otabek has now ended, they’re continuing to text as they both keep an eye on what’s happening on social media. Victor keeps texting him too, and Yakov keeps calling him, but Yuri is ignoring those. He doesn’t need a lecture right now.
Mila shuffles on her feet, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over her hands. “I’m sorry,” she says quietly, looking down at the carpet rather than at Yuri. “I never should’ve got you that drunk last night.”
“You do realise I don’t really give a shit, right?” Yuri replies. Mila’s head snaps up and she stares at him, brow furrowed.
“What?” she asks, confused.
“I don’t care, Mila,” Yuri says. “Maybe in a perfect world I wouldn’t have posted those tweets and sent the figure skating fandom into a meltdown, and maybe people at Google questioning wouldn’t be wondering why there’s been a sudden increase in people Googling what the average penis size in Kazakhstan is, but it’s not the end of the world. Otabek wasn’t best pleased at first but I think he’s getting over it now. If anything, it’s just given everyone another reason to be jealous of the fact that I’m dating him.”
Mila scoffs, a smile spreading across her face. “You’re something else, Plisetsky,” she says. “Are you going to tell me, then?”
“Tell you what?” Yuri asks, feigning ignorance as he continues to scroll through Twitter. He’s trending, but he’s not exactly sure how he’s supposed to feel about that given the circumstances.
“How big he is, of course!”
“Fuck no. Get out my room.”
“Technically speaking –”
“Did I fucking stutter?”
17 missed calls from Yakov
Yakov: What on earth is going on
Yakov: I hope you have a reasonable explanation for all of this
Yakov: I am concerned about that boy’s influence on you
Yakov: Please answer your phone calls
Yakov: Answer the phone when I call you!
Otabek Altin retweeted
russian fairy @plsetsky · 5h ago
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Otabek Altin @otabekaltin · 1m ago
Replying to @plsetsky
Hell yes he is. ;) #yurisizequeen
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 30s ago
Replying to @plsetsky, @otabekaltin
#yurisizequeen CONFIRMED
Worldwide Trends · Change
@yuriplisetsky and @otabekaltin are Tweeting about this
General Election
UK General Election ends in hung parliament
The King and The Skater III
@phichit_chu is Tweeting about this
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled?
Kazakhstan’s Hero
Otabek Altin is now being celebrated for entirely different reasons than the ones you’re thinking of
1,257 Tweets
Yuri Plisetsky
Gold medallist Russian figure skater. Otabek Altin’s boyfriend. Size queen.
St Petersburg
Joined March 2014
Born March 1
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 10m ago
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 10m ago
Replying to @phichit_chu
I was just showing who I am
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 8m ago
This whole thing is making my day #yurisizequeen @otabekaltin so how well does he take it?
Otabek Altin @otabekaltin · 8m ago
Now that would be telling ;)
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 7m ago
Is that code for “I’ve never had anyone take it so well before”?
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5m ago
Why must I be exposed in this way
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 4m ago
You exposed yourself
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 2m ago
Yuri: I’m never drinking with you again.
Mila: Yeah, whatever you say
Mila: I will get you drunk again and get you to spill your secrets all over Twitter
Mila: Sure, keep telling yourself that
Mila: So, you want to have a few drinks next Friday?
Yuri: …
Yuri: Fine. I’m in.
Yuri’s been back at his apartment for a few hours, doing nothing more than curling up on the couch and watching Netflix and contemplating if he can stomach food yet when the doorbell rings. He stares at the door for a few moments, confused, because he no one’s told him they’re coming around. Maybe he left something at Mila’s and she’s decided to drop it off when running errands or something. Sighing, he pauses Netflix, drags himself off the couch and shuffles to the door, his blanket wrapped round his shoulders like a cape.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Yuri demands when he opens the door and sees Otabek of all people standing there. “You decided to just hop on the next plane to St Petersburg or something?”
“Um, yeah,” Otabek mumbles, brushing a hand through his hair as a faint blush spreads across his cheeks. With his other hand, he holds up a bag from the local convenience store. “I also got food. Wanted to make sure you were actually going to eat something today.”
Through the thin white plastic of the bag, Yuri spots a familiar label. “You got me Pringles.” They’re one of his favourite foods that he’s not really supposed to eat when he’s training, but they’re also what he really wants right now.
Otabek grins. “I did.”
“Have I told you how much I love you recently?” Yuri asks, making a grab for the bag. Looking like a kid at Christmas, he takes the lid off the Pringles and tears at the paper/foil one, before taking several crisps out of the tube and putting them all into his mouth at once.
“Well, you’ve told the world about how much you love my dick, but apart from that, no, I don’t think so.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Yuri says through a mouthful of crisps, rolling his eyes. “Come on, get in here.”
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 13m ago
Look who flew all the way from Almaty just to be here! ♥♥ pic.twitter.com/36uhghefh5
Otabek Altin @otabekatlin · 12m ago
Replying to Yuri Plisetsky
It’s good to be back. ♥♥
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 10m ago
I bet it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 10m ago
Oh yes ;)
321 notes · View notes
josai · 8 years
someone i once knew
This one is for @paradoxicalpsychic ! Thank you so much for so much encouragement and prompts!! Read on AO3 here!
Talking has never been Aomine’s strong suit.
Words just… aren’t easy.
Aomine is brash and abrasive; he says whatever is on his mind, and really doesn’t give a shit about the consequences. You don’t like being told the truth right to your face? Tough. He’s not the kind to sugarcoat things, because he honestly just doesn’t see the point in it.
If he’s being honest, his nature has always been a cause of strain in his relationships. Some of his friends have gone, not willing to put up with it; the few who have stuck around have helped dull the edges around his personality, but he’s never going to be a nice guy. It’s just not who he is.
But since his poor attitude has lost him the only relationship he ever really wanted to try for - well, he has realized that he can’t keep living his life this way.
Still, though, when confronted with someone, the words that he really wants to say, the ones buried deep, they really struggle to come out. When he’s forced into social interactions, he just reverts back to old habits.
It’s a lot easier talking to someone… not face-to-face.
He’s only been talking to Tiger for about a month now, but it feels like he’s grown closer to him - to this friend online that he’s never actually met - than anyone else in a very long time. It was a good decision to move to the American servers one afternoon when he’d had just about enough of shit on his own.
Now, if you ask Aomine, he’s still not exactly sure how it happened. It started in a game of Overwatch, online - grouping up after a good competitive game, and playing together for a couple of hours. They added each other as friends, which lead to chatting in-game - which then turned into exchanging contact information and messaging each other.
What began as a simple message of “Game tonight?” has evolved to so, so much more.
They talk about everything and anything. It’s like nothing is off-limits - whatever they’re thinking about, whatever comes to mind. Things they’re watching on tv. Stress at work. Friends, family. They can talk without worrying about anything, because Aomine knows that Tiger’s not going to judge him. Why would he? They don’t know each other in real life. Their opinions really don’t matter, at the end of the day.
When it really comes down to it, if Tiger and he ever really had a disagreement, they could just stop talking to each other, and that would be it. No awkward hellos in the elevator, no having to see one another at parties - none of it.
Maybe that’s the beauty of it.
Not that Aomine would want to do that, though. He’s actually managed to… open up. He’s told Tiger about a lot of things that he’s hardly talked about with his friends. His struggle with anxiety; his fears of not being able to hold down a proper relationship. Hell, he’s even told him about his ex!
He never imagined being able to open up about Kagami. The two dated for only six months, and it was such an emotional roller coaster for Aomine. The two were just awful at communicating with each other, selfish and unforgiving. They probably shouldn’t have even tried - the timing was awful, and they both just had too much happening in their lives - but they wanted to. Aomine wanted to, because he loved him, and when things were good, they did make each other happy.
If only Aomine could have been honest with him. If only he hadn’t pushed him away when he was injured and pulled out of the world of professional basketball. If only he’d trusted, maybe things would have ended differently -
Aomine’s run over every situation in his head, despite the fact that he knows it’s not going to ever really be fixed. He can’t go back in time, and they’ve been over for more than six years now. He’s pretty sure Kagami isn’t even in town anymore, anyway.
It’s been almost freeing to have an outside perspective, to have someone else tell him that he’s not a monster for breaking up with him. That it takes two.
Between the two of them, conversation just comes simply, easily.
He finds himself reaching for his phone a lot, and he doesn’t particularly want to stop.
They have a lot in common. They both play video games, sure, but they also both like basketball - even though they have different favourite NBA teams - they watch the same shows on television, and they have similar personalities. Hell, they even both work as firefighters, albeit on different sides of the world.
After a long day at work, Aomine heads home and goes straight for the couch. He flops down, falling into the fabric easily; it’s comforting, and he flips over on his back to get more comfortable. He contemplates turning on the television, but there’s no game on that he needs to see, and he doesn’t feel like listening to cooking show repeats as background noise.
He hesitates, before pulling his cell phone out of his pocket. It lights up in his hands, indicating a new discord message, so he opens it up right away.
[10tigerprincess]: i swear to god, if i have to hear my boss mispronounce my name one more time, i’m gonna lose it
[10tigerprinces]: and the court by my place is still under constructions so i cant even do that ffs
Aomine laughs, shaking his head. He doesn’t even need to think, his reply coming out easily.
[jamparadise]: still? It’s been what - two weeks already?
[10tigerprincess]: yeah i’m starting to get real fuckin tilted
[10tigerprincess]: won’t ever be able to practice at this rate
[jamparadise]: dw you wont ever be able to beat me anyways
[10tigerprincess]: i look forward to proving you wrong
[10tigerprincess]: but you still gotta send me a clip of that “special shot” of yours you say you can do, ok? i’ll believe it’s kickass when i see it
[jamparadise]: sure, remind me after i eat
[10tigerprincess]: takeout again?
[jamparadise]: fuck you
[jamparadise]: i’m too tired to cook
[10tigerprincess]: canned soup isnt cooking either but ok
[10tigerprincess]: do you even eat vegetables?
[jamparadise]: this burger definitely has lettuce on it
[10tigerprincess]: this is why i worry about you
[jamparadise]: haha, hilarious
[10tigerprincess]: i’m serious
Aomine rolls his eyes, and takes a big bite of his burger. He slides back a little further on the couch, and exhales; it’s been a while since he’s had one. He doesn’t eat them too often, but a good cheeseburger is just what he needs, every once in a while.
[jamparadise]: nah, well, it’s a place my ex used to like. i don’t go there much now that we aren’t together anymore.
[10tigerprincess]: why not? Is here there a lot?
[jamparadise]: i haven’t seen him there but, it’s just… i guess i’m scared i’ll run into him
[10tigerprincess]: hasn’t it been, like, a few years?
[jamparadise]: yea but still, idk
[10tigerprincess]: are you still pining?
[jamparadise]: fuck no!
[10tigerprincess]: aw, it’s cute
[jamparadise]: oh stfu. are we gonna play tonight or what?
[10tigerprincess]: yeah sure, i probably won’t be home until late tho, so long as that’s okay
[jamparadise]: no problem. just text me a couple of times if i dont respond right away.
[10tigerprincess]: gonna nap?
[jamparadise]: i think so. worked the morning shift so i’m exhausted
[10tigerprincess]: ok, i’ll text you, have a good rest
[jamparadise]: thanks princess
[10tigerprincess]: i will cut you
[jamparadise]: don’t work too hard
[jamparadise]: royalty really shouldn’t
[10tigerprincess]: ffs jam
Aomine snorts, and finishes up the rest of his cheeseburger. It’s good - he needs to remember to go there more often. If he runs into Kagami - fine. They’re not kids anymore, so he probably isn’t holding a grudge… right?
He finishes his food, and contemplates moving to bed - but that really seems like too much work - so he stretches out on his couch, legs hanging off the end because it’s really too small of a space for him. He turns on his phone, to pick some music to listen to while he sleeps, but remembers that clip he said he’d send to Tiger.
It’s been a while since he’s seriously practiced some basketball moves, but there’s one he just can’t seem to get right. He doesn’t have anyone to practice with seriously around home, either - anyone who will, is still far below his level, even though he stopped training long ago - so it’s just him and the court. The last time he was there he had Satsuki record a clip of him trying it out - maybe Tiger will be able to give him some pointers on what he could be doing better. So he sends the clip over, and opens up his music for some good rainy mood music. It always puts him to sleep.
He drops his phone down on the coffee table, and closes his eyes. Sleep tugs at his senses almost immediately - he’s been overworking himself lately and he knows it, but he has to. He can almost taste his next promotion. He’s been at the edge of it, of moving up to supervisor, which he feels like it’s time for. He just has to keep at it.
It feels like no time at all has passed when the sound of his ringtone fills his ears - it’s a loud song from an artist he recently discovered, with a heavy beat that always wakes him up. Groggily, he blinks a couple of times, before stretching his long limbs up and grabbing his cell phone. He turns it on, stumbling through his passcode, before it opened up to reveal the messages.
17 unread messages.
What the fuck?
He opens them up, and finds that half of them are from Satsuki, who has a habit of sending texts with just a single word on each line, so it’s really just one message. But the rest are from Tiger.
[10tigerprincess]: are you serious?
[10tigerprincess]: i just got that video
[10tigerprincess]: thats you?
[10tigerprincess]: is this a joke?
What is he getting on about? Aomine ignores the rest of the messages and instead types a new reply.
[jamparadise]: uh yeah, it is. wtf? whats wrong with you?
[10tigerprincess]: seriously???
[10tigerprincess]: youre fucking with me, right?
[jamparadise]: no??? wtf dude??
[10tigerprincess]: oh.
[jamparadise]: whats your problem??
[10tigerprincess]: no. no problem.
[jamparadise]: ???
[10tigerprincess]: nevermind. It was just impressive
[jamparadise]: well i told you so
[10tigerprincess]: dont let it go to your head
[10tigerprincess]: but why didnt you to pro?? seems like you could have
[jamparadise]: no, can’t. got injured right after hs when they were scouting...can still play but not at a pro level anymore
[10tigerprincess]: oh… i’m sorry
[jamparadise]: dont be, ive made my peace with it
[jamparadise]: you done being weird now? you still want to play?
[10tigerprincess]: sure, give me 10. just finishing my food. wanted to make sure you were awake.
[jamparadise]: alright, cool. i’ll warm up.
Aomine stares down at his phone, still confused, but shakes it off. Maybe Tiger thought he wasn’t being serious about being good at basketball.
Well, now he knows the truth about that, at least.
He heads over to the computer, logging on, and promptly forgets all about the weirdness as they get lost in an evening of gaming.
 Work gets busier, which means Aomine has less and less time to spend online. Some days he manages to answer Tiger’s messages, other days not - his friend doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but always makes sure to check in a few times a day, just to make sure everything is okay.
When he finally gets a three-day weekend - which is practically unheard of, but it comes as a sort of bonus with his new promotion - Aomine spends the first day sleeping until long in the afternoon. It’s after three by the time he manages to shake himself awake, drowsy and dazed, but feeling good and rested - finally.
Not ready to stand up, he reaches for his phone and it lights up; he’s got a few messages, which he answers pretty quickly. A few buddies from work, Satsuki, and - Tiger.
He’s worried, again, and Aomine can understand why. He knows he’d be worried if the situations were reversed - so he wants to quell that.
[jamparadise]: hey, i’m awake. pretty sure i just slept for 12 hours straight
[10tigerprincess]: feeling human again?
[jamparadise]: yeah, i’ll be back to normal once i shower
[jamparadise]: still smell like smoke... idk if i’ll ever get used to how it clings to you
[10tigerprincess]: idk, probably not
[jamparadise]: well, whatever, it’s easy enough to get rid of
[10tigerprincess]: for some reason i feel like youre the kind of guy who uses a million bath products anyway
[jamparadise]: wtf no, only like 4
[10tigerprincess]: 4?
[jamparadise]: dont believe the “hair and body wash” bullshit, that shits not good for your hair or your skin
[10tigerprincess]: well i’m fucked
[jamparadise]:  you won’t be, unless you get your shit together
[10tigerprincess]: thanks for the advice tips
[jamparadise]: first one’s free, after that it’s $50 a pop
[10tigerprincess]: you’re expensive
[jamparadise]: you get what you pay for
[jamparadise]: i’m not some cheap ten dollar experience
[10tigerprincess]: i see that, high-class
[10tigerprincess]: well what’s your plan for today? wanna game?
[jamparadise]: fuck yeah, im ready for an 8 hour marathon
[jamparadise]: be on in 30
He’s ready to move his body by the time he gets out of bed; he makes his way to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and stepping into the shower. He uses his six products in the shower - Tiger doesn’t need to know the whole truth - coming out of the shower and taking his time in putting on a pair of clean, warm clothes to lounge around in. It’s an old pair, from back in the training academy - they’re worn and hang a little low on his hips, but he likes how soft they are.
Food seems like a lot of work, but Aomine knows that if he doesn’t eat something proper that he’s going to get an earful from Tiger about it. He raids his fridge, and finds some leftover rice. He may not be a chef, but even he can cut up some vegetables and fry them up with the rice. It’s a quick and easy meal; in no time he has a bowl full of food that he sets down on his desk, grabbing a cold bottle of beer to go with it.
He plops down into his chair - which yes, he spent way too much money on, but it’s comfy as hell when he spends hours in it - and crosses his legs, starting up his dishwater computer. It churns to life, slowly, as he pulls out his phone.
[jamparadise]: starting up my comp now. you good?
[10tigerprincess]: yeah
[10tigerprincess]: can we talk on mic today?
[jamparadise]: huh? sure i guess?
[10tigerprincess]: i mean it’ll be easier than typing during the game
[jamparadise]: yeah i guess that’s true.
Aomine shrugs; he really doesn’t care, he just can’t be bothered to set up his headset half of the time, and Tiger never has his on so they don’t use it. He gets up to get it, digging it out of his tech cupboard, before coming back and plugging it all in. By the time he’s ready, his computer is up and he starts up the game. He’s fixing his headphones around his ears when the main menu loads, and he’s immediately thrown an invite.
10tigerprincess invited you to a group. Press Y to accept, N to decline.
He clicks on Y and as soon as they’re in group chat, he hears a bit of static, and then what has to be Tiger’s voice fills his ears.
“Hey,” he says, and his voice resonates somewhere in Aomine. They’ve never voice chatted before, but for some reason he sounds so familiar… so wholesome. His voice is deep, and masculine; it shows his age, but in a good way - they’re not teenagers. It brings a smile to Aomine’s face.
“Hey yourself,” Aomine answers, picking up his bowl of fried rice.
“How’s it going?” Tiger asks, his voice easing as the microphone settles in picking up the sounds, but he sounds.. A little weird. Well, not that Aomine has much to compare to, but his voice sounds hesitant, almost. He must be on open mic, because Aomine can hear the sound of his keystrokes, and his mouse moving across the desk. It sounds like he doesn’t have a mousepad.
“Great,” he answers, a mouth full of food. He chews, and swallows it down with a heavy sigh. “I’m home now, so that’s good.”
Tiger makes a hum to show that he’s listening, but he doesn’t say anything. Aomine can hear him clicking on his keyboard.
With no answer, Aomine keeps on talking. He’s never been one to be too quiet. “Hey, what’s up with the voice chat? I thought you hated using mics.”
“What?” Tiger clears his throat, “Oh, uh, I never had a good mic before. But I bought one this morning.”
“You bought one? Why?” Aomine finishes the last of his rice, dropping his bowl on the side of his desk with a loud clank. Tiger tuts in annoyance before answering.
“Well, I don’t know, it just seemed like a good idea.” He huffs, sounding almost annoyed, and the sound amuses Aomine. He wants to push it a little bit further-
But, then he hears another soft sigh, and he relents. He’ll torture him another day.
“Sure, it is.” Aomine nods, and their queue ends, throwing them into a quick play match to warm up. Aomine thinks something is off when Tiger picks Torbjorn to warm up with - he’s pretty strictly a tank main, and it’s a character he hardly chooses, but he doesn’t question it. Aomine makes his selection, and the game starts.
It’s a good thing they’re just warming up, because Tiger is all over the place - missing shots, standing still and getting killed, not contesting the payload - all things he would have ripped someone apart for doing, on a normal day.
As the game ends with the inevitable Defeat , Aomine breaks the silence. “Everything okay?”
“Hm?” Tiger hums, before inhaling sharply. “‘Course. Just warming up.”
“Right,” he nods, “you just don’t usually suck so damn hard.”
Tiger snorts, and the atmosphere relaxes; Aomine breathes a little bit easier in their second game when Kagami goes back to choosing characters he’s good with. Aomine, like the little shit he is, has to annoy the entire team with his Hanzo pick. It’s great.
Chatting comes easy, during the game - not a lot, but there’s some in-between enemy callouts, and cursing whoever’s killed them last.
They’re in the middle of a match, Aomine is concentrating heavily on getting some sniper kills, when a sound breaks his concentration and he misses, getting counter-sniped instead. He curses under his breath, shaking his head; but he still hears it, a quiet, soft hum coming from his headset.
Tiger is humming . Aomine has no idea what the song is - probably some American pop song, which Aomine can’t be bothered to follow, despite his English being pretty decent - but there’s something about it that just strikes a chord in him-
Oh, wait.
Kagami used to hum.
Aomine sighs, hesitating as his character spawns back into the game. He hasn’t thought about Kagami much at all lately - not now that he’s been so busy with work, and he’s had Tiger to hang out with on his down-time - and he isn’t ready to think about him now.
“Jam? What are you doing?” The humming stops and Tiger speaks, jarring Aomine out of his thoughts. “Are you disconnecting? Lagging? You and your damn ping-”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Aomine reassures him, shaking his head. He moves just in time before he gets booted for inactivity, and tries to shake off that familiar feeling, to no avail. They fall back into the game - Tiger keeps humming, and Aomine’s nerves are on edge for a little while, until it actually starts to relax him.
Tiger doesn’t seem to notice Aomine’s distress, thankfully, and they win the game; one victory turns into three, and Aomine is pleased that they’re on a winning streak. They’re just about to win their first match when somebody on the other team starts shit talking them in the chat; of course, both Tiger and Aomine are quick to respond, snorting and laughing at the salt and just how bad this unfortunate player is.
jamparadise: gg eeeez
jamparadise: I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.
Handsoap: fkin toxic
10tigerprincess: the only one who can beat me is me
Aomine freezes.
His heart is somewhere between his throat and his chest cavity, and his voice comes out strained. “What did you just say?”
“Huh?” Tiger sounds confused, and he probably is - Aomine doesn’t remember saying that, hasn’t really since he quit basketball, so there’s no way he could know - “We both played the same character, and I wrecked. He’s just gotta deal.” He snorts a laugh, and crunches down on whatever snack he’s eating, chips or popcorn in some ridiculous American quantity, probably.
“I’ll be right back,” Aomine spits out, and promptly mutes his mic. He ignores Tiger’s voice on the other end, pulling off his headphones and dropping them down on his desk with a loud clank.
He heads to the bathroom to splash water on his face, but it doesn’t do anything to help calm his nerves, or ease the churning in his stomach.
They lose the next game.
 Every time they play from that point on, Tiger uses his mic.
Aomine comes to enjoy the sound of his voice, although he doesn’t stop getting little reminders of things that he liked.
Things that he misses.
After a long day and some games, they sit on Discord and just… talk.
It’s been a couple of hours now since they finished playing and turned off the game, but neither one has hung up. They talk about nothing, but also anything - Aomine doesn’t feel like he’s having to force the conversation, either. Topics come up naturally, or Tiger steers the conversation in a new direction.
“You sleeping okay now?” Tiger asks, voice light. He remembers everything Aomine tells him - he can tell he’s listening, because it’s been almost a month since he mentioned his difficulties sleeping.
“Eh,” Aomine shrugs, even though Tiger can’t see it. “Better than before, but still not great. Usually at least a few hours in the night.” It’s better when I fall asleep after listening to you talk, he thinks, but there’s no way he’s saying that out loud.
“Any idea what’s causing it?”
“Not sure exactly.” Aomine shifts, finding a comfortable spot, crossing his legs on his chair. “It was never great. Got worse when I quit basketball; got better for a while, but the last couple of months have been rough at work, so it’s probably that.”
“Ah, yeah,” Tiger hums, “That’ll do it. We had a bad fire about six months ago? I still dream about it sometimes.” He pauses, and then holds back a bit of laughter. “You know what actually really helped?”
“Nature documentaries. I don’t know what it is - but something about just watching something peaceful while falling asleep was just… nice?  It sounds even more stupid when I say it out loud,” he laughs, full-bodied and wholesome, the sound resonating deep within Aomine, somewhere, “I’m pretty sure I watched every documentary narrated by David Attenborough within the span of like, a month. I’d just put them on before bed. Sometimes it was just background noise, to fill the quiet of the apartment. Other times I’d watch and just let myself think about nothing else. I’ve got a whole shelf that’s just for nature videos.”
“Are you serious?” Aomine laughs, shaking his head. That was not what he expected to hear - but at the same time, it completely fits, and it feels so real. “How many of these documentaries are about tigers?”
A chuckle, and, “Only about six.”
Aomine snorts, “Only?”
“I like tigers, okay?”
“Yeah, I got that, princess. ” He snickers, enjoying the way that Tiger lets out a huge, annoyed sigh. “Still can’t believe that name. I was hopin’ it’d be some hot chick, but then as soon as you started typing, it was so clear that wasn’t you.”
“Were you disappointed?” Tiger asks, and it’s meant to come off casual, but he sounds almost concerned.
“Disappointed? Fuck no. This is even better. Now I know there’s a very masculine firefighter who willingly lets people on the Internet call him Princess .” Tiger lets out a full-bodied laugh, and the sound brings a smile to his face.
“Well, good. Because I… kind of have something I want to tell you.” He inhales, and if Aomine didn’t know any better, he’d think he was nervous.
“Yeah?” Aomine holds back a yawn against the back of his hand; he’s tired, he worked a full shift today and then came online to play with Tiger, as this was one of the few times that worked with their time zone differences.
“I’m coming to Japan, and I’d like to meet up.”
Aomine freezes. “...What?”
“Yeah,” Tiger clears his throat, voice picking up, “I have family there, and there’s a funeral I need to come back for - nobody that I really even knew, so it’s okay, but, since I’m going to be there, I was thinking, if you want to…”
Silence drops down heavily, but Aomine doesn’t have to even consider his reply. “Yeah. I want to.”
 Things move in fast-forward after that.
Tiger tells him he’s coming in a week and a half - the funeral is just outside of Tokyo, so it isn’t far from where Aomine lives and works. Aomine has to trade half of his soul and McDonalds breakfast for two weeks just to get the days off on such short notice, but he knows it’ll be worth it.
His apartment isn’t too big of a disaster - he’s gotten not half-bad at cleaning, really - but he still spends his day off cleaning things up. He isn’t even sure if they’ll end up here, TIger hasn’t shared his plans yet, other than where they’ll meet up, in five days time.
He’s nervous, even though he doesn’t know why .
Tiger knows that he can be a shithead sometimes. He’s talked him off the edge, he’s provided him comfort after a long, grueling week of work; he’s worried about him, he’s been his friend. They talk shit together daily. He knows what he’s getting into.
Besides, they’re just friends.
He feels sixteen again, nerves alight with anticipation as he pours over possibilities for things that they can do together. He knows that Tiger likes basketball - they could head down to the court by his house, maybe shoot some hoops. Food? That’s always good. He’s probably not staying long. He didn’t tell Aomine when he was heading home, but it can’t be more than a few days for something like this.
He figures that they’ll do something low-key, maybe come back to watch a game or something. Of course, Aomine gets all the best sports channels.
He’s still not calm enough to get a good night’s sleep, though.
They exchange e-mails, and Aomine gets a message as soon as Tiger lands in Japan.
His skin tingles with anticipation. He’s always known that there is literally an entire ocean separating them, keeping their friendship - or whatever this is - from being in the flesh.
But not anymore.
Aomine has to finish his shift, and does so with vigor; he feels renewed, energy coming from some unknown place, considering that he hasn’t been sleeping well.
He finishes later than anticipated after they get a call out - almost by an hour , and he’s annoyed, but he knows that Tiger isn’t going to be upset about it. He knows what it feels like. Aomine rushes back to his apartment, throwing his phone in its charger while he hops in the shower.
He cleans himself off quickly, effectively getting rid of all the grime from work, stepping out feeling refreshed and invigorated. He gets dressed, not having to think about his options because he’s already laid everything out; a pair of clean, dark jeans, and a gray shirt. He steps into his favourite red shoes, picking up his phone to check for messages from Tiger.
He’s got one.
Tiger: hey, i just got down to the court. you gonna be here soon?
Me: yeah, be right over.
Butterflies dance in his stomach, and he swallows down his nerves. He grabs his duffel bag - he’s willing to bet that Kagami is going to want to play, at some point, so he’ll need it - and heads out the door, questions swimming around in his brain the entire time.
He’s absorbed in his thoughts; he feels his phone buzzing in his pocket, but he can’t be bothered to check it. If it’s Tiger, he’ll see him soon - anyone else he just doesn’t care about right now. It buzzes twice, but he ignores it, turning the corner and walking straight into the basketball court. If he stops, or looks up, he knows he’s going to chicken out - he just has to go and hope for the best -
Aomine looks up; this voice is crisp without the barrier of the Internet between them. He isn’t sure what to expect, looking up, but-
This isn’t it.
Aomine sucks in a deep breath as his eyes meet with the last person he expected to see today.
Here? Now? It’s definitely Kagami - looking older, more rugged, than he did the last time Aomine saw him. He’s taller, more broad - but looks at Aomine with the same piercing gaze that always has had the power to break down every barrier he’s ever created.
Aomine looks around, and doesn’t see anyone else - okay, it’s fine. Tiger’s not here yet.
“Aomine…” Kagami starts, his voice smooth as silk, a confident smile on his face, “It’s good to see you.”
Aomine, on the other hand, isn’t entirely sure he still has a pulse. His heart feels like deadweight in his chest, anchoring him to the spot, despite how much his instincts are telling him to run. His ex? Today? Really? Who did he piss off so badly in a past life?
Kagami watches him, and Aomine does nothing but stare, which effectively wipes that confident smirk off of Kagami’s face. He then blushes, scratching the back of his head - he looks away, face shifting, more nervous… and shy?
He just does not have time for this right now.
“Aomine, I-”
“I’m meeting someone,” Aomine blurts out, taking a step backwards. “I gotta go.” He turns on his heel, dragging his feet to a walk, quickening his pace to try and get as much space between himself and Kagami as possible. He can’t listen to whatever reply Kagami stutters out. He definitely has a pulse now - his heart is beating a mile a minute, rattling around inside his chest, and he might puke.
“Wait!” Kagami calls, and Aomine can hear his footsteps following him. “Aomine - wait!”
Aomine ignores him, instead choosing to quicken his pace. He turns, instinctively heading back towards his apartment, his safe place.
Kagami is not giving up though, and his footsteps get closer. Aomine was always faster, and can keep pace; they keep going, until Kagami’s shout stops him dead in his tracks.
“It’s me! You’re meeting me!” Kagami all but yells, screeching to a halt and just managing to stop before he rams into Aomine’s back.
Aomine turns around, expression unreadable. Kagami swallows hard. “What?”
“It...  It’s me. You’re meeting me.” Kagami looks down at the ground, inhaling deeply before looking up and trying to meet Aomine’s eye. “I’m Tiger.”
Realization dawns across Aomine’s face, sharp and fast and painful. The humming, the quotes, the late-night talks - Christ, they talked about their relationship !
“This whole time? It’s been you?” Aomine’s voice is smaller than intended, and Kagami swallows hard.
“Yeah. I mean - I didn’t always know that it was you… but… it’s always been me.” Kagami takes a step closer, reaching out to touch Aomine -  but he flinches back hard, taking two steps to separate them.
The expression on his face shifts, no longer able to hide the hurt; he bites his lip, open and vulnerable, completely thrown by what Kagami has just told him. “Okay, well,” he clears his throat, swallowing down bile, “That was great. Real funny. That the punch line? You came all the way here for that?”
Aomine can’t bring himself to look up to see Kagami’s reaction, the surprise and hurt, but all he hears is the deafening silence that surrounds them, confirming everything he doesn’t want to be true.
“Great, well, then, if we’re done here,” Aomine starts, voice cracking. He laughs, hollow and resigned, fighting down anger with every fiber of his being. He turns to leave, again, this time desperately needing to get away, before he can’t hold it back any longer and he either cries, or punches him in his stupid fucking face.
“Wait-” Kagami’s calling to him, but he isn’t listening. Fuck, how could he be so damn stupid? How did he miss this? Looking back, it was so damn obvious - he should have noticed, he should have seen , but he didn’t. And now? Now he feels like the world’s biggest idiot, embarrassed and ashamed. He fell for it hook, line, and sinker, and he couldn’t regret it more.
He can hear Kagami’s footsteps, but none of his words really register. He’s too angry to listen, his vision swimming red and hazy, his limbs barely remembering how to work properly. That is, until Kagami takes a deep breath and yells, as loud as he can, “ Stop you idiot, I’m still in love with you!”
And Aomine trips, crash landing right down onto the sidewalk; he hits the pavement with a loud scrape, cursing and gasping under his breath. Kagami is at his side in a second; he crouches down, and all of his words start flooding into Aomine.
“Shit, fuck, I’m sorry - god, that looks bad - are you okay?” Kagami reaches out and takes a hold of his bicep; Aomine follows his gaze, and only then notices the sizeable scrape on his forearm, and the blood dripping down on the sidewalk, red and angry.
Kagami is touching him.
Aomine yanks his arm back on instinct, hissing with pain. He’s still reeling from Kagami’s confession. “I’m fine. ”
“Fuck, Dai-Aomine, just, let me help you, okay? You live close, right? Please - I have to talk with you.” Kagami’s eyes are wide, and honest; Aomine wants nothing more than to give him anything and everything that he wants. It would just be too easy.
Instead, he grits his teeth. He’s so damn conflicted. His heart aches; being so close to Kagami is dizzying. “Fine.”
Kagami relaxes, and nods his head; he helps Aomine up, wrapping a hand around his bicep to help lift him to his feet. His grip is firm, and he doesn’t let go as they start the walk back.
As it turns out, Aomine’s muscle memory remembers more than he’d thought it would. It’s easy to fall back into it; Kagami is strong and steady, as they walk, and if Aomine wasn’t being careful, he’d have let himself get tucked against his side, fit in close like the spot belongs to him. But it doesn’t anymore.
Aomine’s thoughts are swimming and Kagami is still flustered, so they don’t talk on the walk back. Aomine leads the way to his apartment, dropping down his duffel bag as soon as they step in.
“I’ll go clean this up,” he says, walking over to the bathroom. His knees hurt, too; he wonders if he’s got some scrapes, underneath his jeans. He absentmindedly steps into the bathroom, realizing too late that Kagami is following him.
“Let me,” he says, and guides Aomine up and on the counter. He fumbles under the sink for the first-aid kit, pulling out odds and ends that he needs.
Kagami is focused as he works, just as Aomine remembered.
He keeps his gaze locked on his arm, fingers moving delicately, and with care. He cleans out the wound first, treating it with purpose, stopping every so often to check to make sure that he’s not pressing too hard, that the gauze isn’t too tight, that it doesn’t hurt too much.
Kagami is focused, and Aomine takes what he can get - he watches him work.
His gaze sweeps over Kagami’s face; just as he remembers it, only now sharper, the lines of his face drawn a little more heavily. His eyes are deep, and concerned, and Aomine knows he could get lost in them.
He lets out a breath, eyes following the slope of his neck, down to his broad, strong shoulders. He’s even more built than back in high school; Aomine knows that it would feel amazing if he were to let himself be held, like they used to.
So many memories start to flood back, and fill his system; he inhales, and he can smell Kagami, that familiar, musky scent that’s so ingrained in his memory. He thought he’d forgotten it - but no, he still reminds him of their one-on-ones on the court, the adrenaline rush of a good game. He shifts, and he can feel Kagami’s warm hands against his skin.
But they’re not the same people that they once were. There was no closure when they ended things - it was abrupt, and filled with regret. Aomine longs to fix it.
Kagami finishes his work, securing the gauze around his arm. He slowly puts away the first aid kit, gaze finding Aomine’s. “Daiki?”
Christ, how did he not realize this earlier?
Aomine has to look away - he’s going to melt under that gaze, and he knows it. “Yeah?”
Kagami’s voice is smaller than he’s ever heard, and scared. “Can I stay?”
Aomine’s stomach lurches; he can feel the heat of Kagami’s gaze on his skin, but there’s only one answer to that question, really. “Yeah. Stay.”
Kagami exhales loudly, and looks relieved. He takes a step back - their closeness finally catching up to him - and shifts on his feet, awkwardly, not sure where to go, or what to do with his hands.
He’s saved by Aomine, who slides off the counter, feet finding the cold tile floor. “Come on, let’s go sit.”
Kagami nods, and follows after him, a little like a lost puppy. Aomine finally kicks off his shoes in the hallway, Kagami following suit. They make their way to the couch, and Aomine sinks down on it comfortably; Kagami sits beside him, leaving ample space in between.
Aomine has absolutely no idea where to begin. He’s still processing - there are so many questions swimming around in his head. How long has Kagami known? Why didn’t he just say something?
Is he seriously still in love with him?
Sighing, Aomine looks down at his arm, where Kagami has bandaged his wound perfectly, the corners of the gauze pulled tight. It’s so damn obvious that he treated this seriously, and that he cares about making this better. Fuck. It’s such a Kagami thing to do.
He wasn’t perfect during their relationship, either, but Aomine knows he doesn’t deserve this.
Aomine can’t start, but Kagami takes a deep breath and just starts talking. “Fuck, Daiki, I’m sorry. You just gotta know how sorry I am. For everything… for what happened in the past… and for not telling you as soon as I realized… I just… I tried, so many times, but I couldn’t find the words, you know?”
Well, miscommunication was their specialty. Aomine knows he can’t do that again.
“Every time we talked, it just made me wanna see you more anyway…” He laughs, small and nervous, and Aomine feels his restraint snapping. “I’m sorry… I know you’re mad…” I’m not… “I know I don’t deserve to be here after all of this…” You don’t? What about me ? “I just can’t help myself… I’d always regret it if I didn’t try, you know?” Aomine’s throat has ceased function at this point, but Kagami just keeps going. “I missed you something fierce, Daiki. Even now, I still think about you all the time… I’ve tried asking Kuroko or Momoi for details, but they both just say the same thing - Just talk to him, Kagami. Christ, like it’s that easy. I knew you wouldn’t want to see me.” But I did, and you know that… “But then, when you sent me that video? It cleared up so many things… I realized it was you, and that the ex you mentioned - it was me! When I realized that, and I realized how you still felt… Fuck, Daiki, it was a fucking punch to the gut, you know that?” He groans heavily, and drops his head in his hands. Aomine still says nothing, just staring, his throat dry and tongue feeling heavy.
“It-It just made me see everything that went wrong, you know? God, we were both so fucking dumb. If we had talked together half as easily as we do now, online? We’d still be together.”
It’s almost laughable, really. What a pair of idiots they are.
Aomine swallows, and finds his voice, words falling out without his consent. “You really think so?” His gut twists under the look Kagami gives him - he looks so scared , like he’s ready and waiting for backlash, expecting to be hit. But Aomine says nothing else.
Kagami hesitates before he answers, looking down at the floor. “Well.... yeah. I think so.”
His heart swells, aching painfully the more that Kagami talks. His voice - it’s soothing, Aomine can feel it in his bones, smoothing out the hard, cracked lines in his being. It reminds him that this is Kagami, yes - but he’s also the friend he’s spent late nights with, laughing and talking, sharing anything and everything with. He’s the friend who would check up on him when he didn’t get online for a few days, even through the mess of different time zones.
But more than that - this is Kagami . He’s still Kagami, the person who’s always had the power to lift him up, and make him want to be a better person; a better man.
Part of him wants to be stubborn. To let himself feel all the anger and hurt that’s churning around inside of him, to refuse Kagami, and never have to feel this way again. It’d be so easy to just give in; it’s what he wants, and it’s what he did six years ago.
He doesn’t want to be that person anymore.
Kagami reaches out, tentatively and slow, and Aomine lets him. He lets his hand rest palm-up, on his knee, and Kagami lays his hand down on top of his, gently and with purpose. His fingers jump at the touch; it’s been so long now, that he’d almost forgot how nice it feels. Aomine threads their fingers together, and Kagami squeezes his hand, tight.
It’s warm, safe, right .
“What now?” Aomine asks, voice strained; Kagami squeezes his hand, and it’s comforting. It helps to ease the weight on his chest. There’s so much that he wants to say, but can’t.
I’m sorry.
Please take me back.
He waits for Kagami to take the lead, who just turns his gaze over to him, looking at him pointedly. His expression is so open, and Aomine can see all the rush of emotion on his face, almost too much to take in.
“I wanna try again.” No, you don’t.
Aomine’s limbs feel heavy. “Are you sure?”
Kagami laughs - he really laughs, and shifts closer on the couch. His free hand finds Aomine’s chin, and tilts his face up, until their eyes meet. He looks so, so relieved.
“ Yes, ” he nods, voice light and honest. Aomine’s chest tightens, but he has to know-
“So you’re going to give me a second chance?”
“Are you?” He asks, red eyes glazed over, staring heavily down, “I forgave you the moment I saw you, Daiki. The only one you need to forgive is yourself.”
Kagami’s words are exactly what he needed to hear - he breathes, fully, finally , and lets a relieved smile cross his face. Kagami is smiling, so he grabs that stupid fucking necklace - and makes a mental note that this time, he’s going to tell Kagami how much it bothers him that he wears that idiot’s ring, but not one for him - and yanks him in close, until they’re separated by mere centimeters.
“I hope you know that you’re never getting away from me again,” he whispers, voice low and heavy; he can see the tremble in Kagami’s spine.
“I’m counting on it.” He can feel Kagami’s warm breaths,  and does the only thing left to do - he closes the distance between them, and kisses him. The initial press of lips is so soft, and slow, as they get reacquainted with each other. Aomine fingers twirl in Kagami’s hair, holding him in close, and Kagami’s hands slide up the back of Aomine’s shirt, pressing firmly into the sensitive skin of his lower back. A whine escapes his lips; all the pent-up frustration and feelings they’d both been trying to forget bubble right up to the surface, and Aomine feels it all, fast and sharp and hard.
He’d forgotten how sweet Kagami tastes, but he’s never going to make that mistake again.
It’s easy, really, to fall back into it. Aomine’s missed so much - the soft touches, the heated kisses, the banter, everything.
Even the way that Kagami never lets him live down anything. Ever.
They’re pressed together, laying on Aomine’s couch; his back against Kagami’s chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat. The couch is way too small for the both of them, so Aomine’s legs hang off the side; but it’s nice, this way. Kagami's hands are resting on his chest, their fingers laced together tightly. Seriously, is this real life?
“I can’t believe you didn’t pick up on my hints.” Kagami snorts. “ The only one who can beat me is me? I mean, come on!”
Aomine fake-laughs, “Oh, you’re just a fucking riot, aren’t you, Princess ?” He snickers, and Kagami responds by faking pushing him off the couch - only to pull him down and back into his lap, arms wrapped around him tightly. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?” Aomine sighs, resigned, but he can’t help but feel happy.
This feels right.
“Never,” Kagami snickers, and Aomine can feel him smile into his hair. “And also, I’m still gonna wipe the floor with your ass on the court this afternoon.”
“You’re on.”
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