#fucking shows up with springtime chica like 'hi guys. this is chica 2.' and they spiderman point at eachother like :O
monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Roxy in a Jurassic Bark fic where the biggest struggle is finding loopholes in the security rules so she can show Monty and Chica everything she's found whilst exploring all the high security areas.
Like yeah they physically can't walk through the door to this discontinued attraction, but Roxy can take a lot of pictures! Yeah they can't use some of the old software Roxy found preinstalled in her head that lets her interact with a different discontinued attraction, but she can find the stuff they sold to the public so they could interact with it for them! Yeah she can't tell them all about their predecessors she found deactivated in the basement, but she can sneak them out of the basement to meet them for themselves! They can't play all the games to win all the prizes they want, but Roxy can dismantle some of them and reassemble them in areas they can reach!
Suuurreee she can't do everything, but Roxy has been finding loopholes for unfair rules and systems her entire life, she's not gonna stop just because she's in charge of keeping a murderbot at bay. She's got too much spite in her soul to make it easy on the higher ups!
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