#full disclosure i am absolutely tipsy rn (went ham at the cheesecake factory tonight lmao🤪) i think this is coherent amd typo free
mickittotheman · 20 days
Hey! How about I & R for the fanfic writers ask?
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
Other than Shameless I've written fics for two other fandoms: Supernatural (destiel) and Captain America (stucky)
Right now shameless is my favorite of course! I did genuinely love the stucky fandom a lot though, but between endgame (don't get me started smh) and some general stuff going on in my life I fell out of it
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
Ooooh this is a good one.
I remember reading Blade by Tim Bowler as a kid and being Shook lol. I managed to find an excerpt. I don't think the full series was out, I read up to the second or third one I think? And then when the fourth/fifth ones came out I checked for them at the library for YEARS but the library never got them and tiny me was Devastated.
Also I'll have to say that Tahereh Mafi's style of writing in Shatter Me had high-school Mechy in a chokehold lol. She did this thing where words would be crossed put or
And it made me loose my little tiny mind.
Also various poets of course, such as Edgar Allan Poe (edgy adolescent mechy strikes again), Robert Brault and of course Richard Siken.
Fanfic wise I honestly probably SO many authors but the one that sticks out the most is probably owlet, who wrote the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail series.
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