#fun day in komorebi yay
folkbreeze · 4 months
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hot bartender serves the hottest drink available and tries to flirt with client -dumbass client doesn't say a word-
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So I made a sim again!
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Yall meet Hugo!
I have a whole story made for him so be ready for some extra things!
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Hugo was an orphan since the 2nd grade and lived alone since, never finding a proper family nor know much of his family and their origin. By the time he turned 21 he received a letter from a lawyer from his mother who explained through paper he inherited some land from his material grandparents in Mnt. Komorebi, so he packed his things and moved up north and began his life living among the locals away from the city discovering who he is in the adventure
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I decided to let Hugo be his own business by making and selling his art as soon as he moved into his new home.
Next was the neighbors:
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Yay we made a friend!
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That look when you suspect your new friend will take your man lol
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Awww this looks fun!
After they left I decided I want him to find romance so I took him to the hot springs!
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We started a fire, luckily no one was hurt-
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No men in the hot springs T^T but hey Hugo made another friend!
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Oh hold on-
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Okay then-
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There we go! I knew Hot Springs was a good idea-
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Oh he's a snob and made Hugo uncomfortable
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Oh-hi there. He just popped up lol-
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Eeeeeeey things look better here!
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Aww poor baby still hid from the world-
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And with that this would be just a first day for Hugo. I am hoping to achieve the following:
Find romance
Get lots of money
Get a better house
Travel up the mountain
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00katrinka00 · 1 year
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #32
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Dear Diary, It's officially term break. Since Janie is in Mt. Komorebi the band isn't meeting for practice. I've been trying to write some songs for us, but I can't seem to come up with anything. I hope this writer's block goes away soon. -Violet
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Violet spent most of her days off either working or sleeping. It was clearly getting on Lacy's last nerve. "Hello!" Lacy exclaimed waving her hands around in an attempt to wake Violet out of her slumber. "Will you just get up already?"
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Violet finally sat up. "Jenna and I are going bowling," Lacy told her. "I was wondering if you'd like to come?" "I have to work." "Not until later. Just come bowling with us, it will be fun!"
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"What if I don't want to go bowling, what if I want to lie in bed all day, ever think about that?" Violet asked. "You're going," Lacy demanded. "Meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes."
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Lacy found Rosie making a mess in the front hall as she waited for Violet to get changed. "I'm glad you aren't my kid," Lacy told her. "Yay!" exclaimed Rosie as she continued to pour sugar and chocolate sauce onto the floor.
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"You know," Lacy told her. "I can't even tease you about having a generic toddler face anymore. I'm going to have to find something else to tease you about." "Mean Lacy," Rosie told her, although she didn't seem too bothered.
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When Violet finished changing she wandered into Leo's room. He was playing video games. "Want to come bowling with Lacy, Jenna and I?" Violet asked "You sure you want me interrupting your girls day?" "Not a real girls day." "I guess, I've always been better than you at bowling"
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Jenna was waiting in the lobby for Lacy, Violet and Leo to show up. "Hey!" lacy exclaimed while taking a seat. "You guys are thirty minutes late," Jenna told her.
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"Yeah, sorry about that," Lacy apologized, "Violet was sulking in bed, again, and then she wanted to stop and invite her brother." "All good," Jenna said. "Let's just get bowling.
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As they tried to begin their bowling match, Lacy was swarmed by townies. "Oh my watcher, are you the Lacy Landcaster?" one townie exclaimed "Aren't you meant to be dead?" "You look just like her, can we get a picture?" another townie exclaimed "Leave me alone" Lacy said irritated
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Lacy ignored them and decided to just start bowling. She was pretty confident with her performance.
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"Does that happen a lot?" Jenna asked. "I guess. I'm told I look a lot like one of my ancestors, the real Lacy Landcaster, famous actress and everything. I was even named after her" Lacy lied. She didn't want the whole world to know she was the real Lacy Landcaster reincarnated.
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Jenna just shrugged and stepped up to the lane for her own turn. She was less successful than Lacy. "What in the watcher!" She exclaimed waving her hands around. "There was no way I threw a gutter ball."
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Up next was Violet who missed the lane completely and ended up dropping the ball on the ground behind her. "I guess bowling isn't my strong suit," she laughed nervously wondering how many people had saw.
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And then it was Leo, who somehow managed to do even worse than Violet, despite his words earlier that morning.
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All in all, Lacy won the game with a score of 140. "Did you see your fall?" Violet teased. "So, embarrassing, and I got a better score than you." "I hate to break this to you, Vi, but I got a 19 and you got a 27, we both sucked," Leo told her. "Still better than you!"
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Over at the snack bar Lacy was busy recanting Leo's fall to everyone who would listen. He just decided to go along with it, as Violet and Lacy couldn't stop laughing.
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After the bowling shenanigans it was time for Violet to head into work, where Owen had appeared to have not shown up leaving Violet to handle the afternoon rush all by herself. "Here you go sir," she exclaimed cheerfully. "One mango boba made fresh by yours truly!"
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After the rush had died down, Owen did finally show up to work. "Where the hell have you been?" Violet exclaimed angerly. "I had to work the rush all by myself!" "Tiffany knew I was going to be late; I had a meeting with the academic advisor at school." "What? Why?"
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"I'm looking to graduate early, needed to find out what I had to do," Owen explained. "Is this about Lacy? Because she won't tell me anything." "Not about Lacy. It gives me a head start with college, the faster I finish school the quicker my older sister can go back to school."
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"Oh," Violet trailed off. It occurred to her that she really didn't know very much about Owen. Whenever they were working, she'd only ever talked about herself. She didn't even know his sister had never finished school.
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