#fun fact I accidentally burned Giorno’s bloody eye with a tea light candle
tonariofjananda · 1 year
I dunno I think they might share a couple similarities
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Some ramblings about the concept of bloody tears below…
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Someone was wondering about Tonari crying blood in the OP on Reddit some time ago and tbh it always made me wonder, I’d just get distracted by how pretty that 1 second was lol. This is interesting tho, I guess it acts as a fake death knell. It’s arguably the only thing that was 100% lie the opening, if that was the intended symbolism. It might not be, idk 🤔 If anyone is more familiar with the symbolism I’d love to hear your thoughts. Or who knows, maybe they just did it cuz it looked beautiful. And damn if my girl doesn’t look beautiful 😔
Then there’s Giorno, who, due to childhood trauma, is incapable of crying. He trembles instead. It’s not a detail that’s crazy important to the overall story, but it does shed some light on more emotional scenes where he begins to shake. That said, there’s a scene towards the end of the arc where his stand gets hit over the eye and shatters. I always thought it’d be cool for the scene if his eyes went read and he “cried blood” à la Castlevania. He technically does this in other stand battles, sustaining an injury around his eye in one fight, and having streaks of blood fall from his forehead and down his cheeks in another; but the final battle comes directly after he knows how many of his friends have died . It woulda been neat little detail, but maybe Araki didn’t want to overuse it after having done something similar twice. Still a cool thought tho!
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Actually I can’t believe I forgot about Fushi also “crying blood” on Jananda towards the beginning of the tournament. While I think his tears can fall under this explanation, I think he more closely falls under the same explanation as Giorno. Both the idea that he can’t cry due to normal means, but also the fact that he’s thinking about Gugu while this happens, so he really is overwhelmed with emotion tbh.
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