#fun fact according to Cinderella. none of the crew survived except for her
camping-with-monsters · 5 months
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I’ll have an actual bio posted when I have a refined and official reference for this character, but this is Rouge Roundcarriage! She was a crew member in Captain Cinderella’s old crew back then— specifically her first mate! And uh… and also her wife.
Then there was what I like to call the “Red Ambush” (name could be subject to change) and uh.
May her soul rest easy. Cinderella misses her.
Edit but I figured I should mention that I got some big help from @pazam for the design and @pizzabits for giving an insanely good reason to the coloring when I showed the color swatches for this character guh :)
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raguna-blade · 5 years
So, got a glimpse of new girls Persona and my immediate thought is...Well this breaks the theming doesn’t it? So far, with all of the Crew, their Initial Persona are rogues or tricksters of some nature. And Looking into Cendrillon, or basically, Cinderella, I’m...Not seeing it. But let’s take a step back and take a look at what is going on in that story. Because so far, All of the Initial Persona’s match up to their character’s story in some way, and usually pretty directly. Gotta do that whole thing at some point because i’m curious to the extent but...
If Mona’s can spoil his whole deal, no reason Kasumi’s can’t either.
So if that’s the case, first things first. I’m assuming the Rouge/Trickster aspect is still in play here, so how does the cinderella story fit into that mold? At a glance it doesn’t really except...Well let’s break down the average Cindy story (I am FULLY admitting here now if there are extra steps and such involved in the Cindrillon story proper I haven’t seen them, I just did a quick wiki walk and I wanted to get this off my chest)
Cinderella Is Nobility, mother dies, father remarries, evil step parent and sisters. From High Class she is thrown down into being a servant (technically, she is still nobility, but only technically at this juncture), and works as a servant does, and works hard, if only because she has to survive.
Then comes the ball. Contrary to the general view of it, at least as I understand it, She’s not out and about hunting for prince. She just want’s to go out and have some fun for once. The Prince is her Karmic reward, her designated love interest after all that. But anyway, she want’s to go to the ball, and she generally get’s ready for it and...
Her step folks fuck it up for her. Necessitating a Fairy Godmother intervention Which sets her up with a slamming dress and such, and a means to go to the ball. Which she does, she has a blast, she charms the HELL out of the prince, and then promptly at midnight she fucks off back into drudgery, but with her fun night.
Later, you have the whole slipper thing, with her prince charming finding her again, the slipper fits, and she is raised back up to her proper place of nobility, and her torturers are sent scattering.
Now, I know you almost certainly know the cinderella story, so broke this down to make it a bit clearer (and also to get in mind for later bits). At the time that she goes to the ball, she’s nobody. She’s basically a prisoner made servant/slave, and while she may TECHNICALLY be nobility, that’s not really relevant anymore. She’s a nobody far as the world is concerned.
And that’s where the trick lies. This Nobody, with some supernatural aid, manages to become a somebody, someone who not only get’s to have her fun, get’s to be the person she want’s to be for a little while, but also, intentionally or otherwise, charms the hell out of one of most powerful people in the land, enough so that after her fun is over, after some rather fierce pushback by her unfooled stepmother, she ultimately ends up triumphant with her enemies defeated, a smitten suitor, karmic justice AND a return to her “true” place among the nobility.
That’s a FANTASTIC rogue, if perhaps a bit of a funky one. And in the Cendrillon opera proper, Cendy and the Prince seem to get pretty close only for her to be told it’s a dream, or some such, before nope totally nailing that prince.
This leads to some predictions, based on that, and what we’re seeing in the trailers and such. Not like there’s any real spoilers on hand, but if you’d prefer not to have even the hypothetical, now is the time to dip out, if you don’t already see where it’s going.
If the story generally applies to Kasumi, She’s basically not who she appears to be. There is some shit going down in the background. And if she is Cendrillon in this story, that casts the one person she’s been getting a tremendous amount of screen time with as the Prince.
Which leads, I think, to the question of what the heck is up? She so far seems to be trying to get in close with Akira/Ren which taken with her earliest reveal of having severe doubts about the phantom thieves, suggests that she is doing what Traitor could not and actually infiltrate them.  Now this actually wouldn’t be hard, because early on they weren’t exactly subtle, and I THINK she’s just a plain ole first year? If she’s a transfer, perhaps a bit more difficult, but depending on her point of entry, not that hard.
But the thing is, and going back to the Cindy aspect, charming the prince isn’t really her objective. That’s just a happy coincidence by all counts. Her goal involves taking on/down the phantom thieves in some way. They’re the ones she’s interested in. Keeping with parallels, Which are almost certainly too rigid for this but anyway, this implies that for all the good girl act that’s going on, SHE IS A LEGIT thief/rogue/delinquent underneath it all, forced to put on the good girl face.
Which, let’s be real here for a second, Literally none of the Phantom thieves Actually are. Delinquents I mean. The most questionable kids of the group lies somewhere between recluse Futaba and Dyed Blond but otherwise an alright student Ryuuji. Although I suppose Ryuuji IS one by rights. We’ll come back to that actually come think of it.
But hey, Raguna, That seems...Like a stretch. It seems suspect.
I feel you. I too find it a bit questionable, but there is definitely one thing that’s making me MORE sure of this very basic guess work right now. If you wanna put in some extra work (because I am not versed in this processor and I don’t want to do the dumb) check out the initial persona’s of everyone. Even traitor. Notice anything?
Look at their faces.
With the Exception of Captain Kidd (who is straight up just a skull man) and MAYBE arsene, Every single one, without fail, has a mask or some kind of facial covering that could obscure their identity. And if we’re being honest about Kidd, A Skull isn’t exactly a useful identifier on sight.
Arsene Has some kind of glass mask that’s not really indicative of a face at all. It LOOKS like it could be a face mask.
Captain Kid, Indescript skull face aside, has a hat and eyepatch combo that makes getting a clear face view hard
Carmen has the leapord/panther mask.
Goemon has kabuki makeup.
Johana has the face plate (and beyond which, is a transformer)
Necronomicon is a UFO, inherently Unidentified.
Milady has the Masquerade mask
Robin Hood is wearing SOME kind of a mask, actually rather similar to Arsene’s face plate.
ALL of them have something obscuring their face, or otherwise making it difficult to positively ID them after the fact.
Cendrillon, on the other hand, has no mask whatsoever, and Dress aside, would be easily identifiable (Heck, of the initial persona in the crew she’s the MOST exposed, skin(???) wise.)
But we’ll see. There is a focus in Cendrillon (according to the wikiwalk) on dreams and if certain things actually happened,  which given the whispers of the new content having a lot to do with dreams is...Well, we’ll see.
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