#fun fact here we celebrate valentines day at june 12
nonotnolan · 3 years
No Not Nolan's Year in Review
I thought about doing a top ten list, but... given that I average one story per month, I figure-- why not rank all of my stories from this year? And so, here we are.
13) Auld Lang Slime - 122 notes - December 2021 It's a little unfair to judge this one so early, since it hasn't even been out for a full week. Nevertheless, it's a great story about a New Year's Resolution, and a guy who just needs an otherworldly nudge.
12) Fiverr Warlock: Freed from Master - 140 notes - November 2021 It's the weakest entry in the Fiverr Warlock series, but it's one of my favorites for the amount of lore building that it establishes. The world does have other magic users, after all.
11) Swappiversary - 141 notes - January 2021 This story is one of my favorites; I love the thought of exploring what happens to people months or years after a body swap. A married couple celebrates 10 years of being together.
10) Fiverr Warlock: On the House - 183 notes - April 2021 The second entry in the Fiverr Warlock series, this story focuses on a client who wants to kick his bully down a notch or two.
9) Setting Boundaries - 194 notes - June 2021 Having roommates can be rough. When you're stuck with a roommate who steals your body without asking permission, you have to make a stand.
8) Post-Exam Karma - 195 notes - December 2021 The head man on campus learns a hard lesson in treating people kindly, especially people who you trust with valuable things. Or perhaps it's a lesson in making sure you have leverage over the other person. Or maybe he just doesn't learn a lesson at all.
7) Here's to the Future - 218 notes - February 2021 I wrote this story as a Valentine's Day gift exchange with my boyfriend, and it's one of the few merging stories that I've ever written. It is every bit as sappy as you would expect a Valentine's story to be.
6) Fiverr Warlock: Professional Courtesy - 230 notes - September 2021 The highest scoring Fiverr Warlock story on the list, this one features a novice magic user who doesn't quite understand how to avoid detection while casting possession spells.
5) Information Overload - 265 notes - August 2021 Doctor Parker has been trying to pioneer a method of implanting knowledge directly into someone's brain. His lab assistants have a different plan in mind.
4) Having the Money - 285 notes - January 2021 When you have money, you can get anything you want for the right price. Anyone who says you can't buy health just isn't willing to pay enough for it.
3) One Week - 294 notes - October 2021 I don't often write alien possession stories, but when the right idea strikes my fancy, I'll try almost anything once. This isn't an alien who's trying to learn Earth Culture-- this is an alien who just wants to stay hidden. Despite his crewmate's best efforts.
2) Could be Worse, Right? - 323 notes - March 2021 Greg and Caleb find themselves in each others' bodies. Naturally, Greg wants to reverse the swap as soon as possible. Caleb, however, is a lot more relaxed about the entire situation.
1) Final's Week - 430 notes - May 2021 This story is by far one of my favorites, so I'm glad other people have enjoyed it, too. In a world where people can easily switch bodies for short periods of time, teachers have it rough. Coach Phillips tries to make it through his day without losing his sanity.
Special Mentions:
Fiverr Warlock: Swap and Servitude - 215 notes - December 2020 So, it's not technically a 2021 story, but I wrote it on Dec 27th, and it's the only Fiverr Warlock story that doesn't appear on this list. It seems fair to give it a shout-out. Fun fact-- I didn't know it was going to be a series at the time, so the first post of this story didn't have the sub-title.
Cupid's Valentine - 226 notes - February 2021 by @mergeman I would be remiss if I did not mention the story that my wonderful boyfriend wrote for me during our Valentine's Day exchange. I'm not always the best at sharing emotions, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that our growing relationship has been the best part of 2021. I look forward to seeing it develop in the many years to come.
65 notes · View notes
phakjira198 · 4 years
2020 Recap
Most people won’t reminisce the year 2020, but they’ll probably look back and think what a shitty year it was, with covid-19, lock-down and abysmal economy. But for me personally, 2020 wasn’t all too bad. I’ve learned a lot from this year. This year was like a roller coaster for me, a lot of ups and downs. A lot definitely happened, most of them are new things I’ve never experienced before. I mean, I think the reason why 2020 was not so bad for me is because I like who I am now. I think I’m a lot more stronger, a lot more confident, and a lot less tense than who I was in 2019 or earlier in 2020 itself. So here’s a list of recap of what happened and how it has changed me. 
1. Stressing about a side project that I had with Pat, Ammy and Dao, called Thunder Bolt (I think) 
2. Went to Perth and Melbourne, Woo hooo. Perth was a lot of fun; we stayed at an AirBnB and cooked every night. The lamb chop was wicked. There was a bush-fire when we went to Melbourne but it was still fun. 
-> at this point I was so sick of Arts and Museum lol. (because I over did it in Tokyo last year 5555)
3. Exchange decision: debating between Dartmouth, USA and Groningen, Netherlands. Made countless list of pros and cons. In the end, I decided that I need the sun and can’t stand only 7 hours sunlight everyday for a month in Groningen, so choose Dartmouth instead. Anyway Him pissed me off so much about deciding where to go, peeps keep pressuring me to choose because my grade is high. In the end it doesn’t even fucking matter bitch, you just need to ace your interview, which I did and got a full score baby! 
-> I just remembered that my Mac went cra cra and I had to change my screen. Thank god that I had Apple care otherwise, I’ll have to pay like 21000 Baht, but instead I got it fixed for free eiei. Anyway, I went to Australia without my Mac and I think that’s probably the longest that I’ve gone without my mac. 
1. Lot of school work, according to my monthly calendar 55555. Had to prep for the exchange interview and everything as well. And had champ thingy as well. 
2. Had a weird, random, study date-ish session with Pat. I don’t think he think of it as a date, he just wanted to study and I’m a somewhat useful resource ( or at least I hope so) -> because of working with him in Jan and like whatever the fuck happen in Feb, I started to develop a crush on him (again! jesus woman). But this time it was different, cause I actually told people about it, and by people I mean Tam 5555555. Anyway it was because on Valentine day, Tam, Por, Ohm, and I (we were all single, so sad) went out to celebrate the fact that we got to go to Dartmouth. And I was not very alcohol tolerant back then (notice the back then part, cause girl I can handle my alcohol nowadays 555), so when they asked me whether I liked someone or not, I hesitated and they spent the entire night try to figure out who. Later on that night when I got back home, I told Tam wa who 55555. But like it was just a crush, I didn’t like like him. Cause I don’t really know him well enough for me to “like” him. 
3. GOT MY FIRST CAR!!!!, aka Stacy. But haven’t really got the change to drive her yet 555555555. The story behind how I got the car sound very privileged. I didn’t noticed it at first, but then went I told Ming what happened, she was like what a rich people way, and I’m like oh yeahh. So I stopped telling the story 55555. Anyway, I’m gonna tell it here again cause only future Jessie will read this post. 
1. Midterm during the first week: so nothing much, just studying 
2. Drove my car for the first time after mid-term. Took it to uni for like 3 times and then number 3 happened 
3. COVID-19 hit baby -> online studying ->  I was enjoying life as fuck. My introvert self was striving. I was playing piano, doing arts, keeping a bullet journal. Watching shit load amount of studio Ghibli and other movies. 
1. Pretty much the same as march. To be honest, they kinda merged together cause you can’t really tell time when you’re at home all the time. It’s just like school holiday. 
2. Cheesy Avocado. Worked a lot on this joint-project for my 3 classes (software engineering, database system, ICE capstone). Spend a lot of time calling with Tam, Party and Nat. Shout out to Party for being a good PM; we would have never finished the work without you, and if I was the PM I would have drove myself crazy until the work is finish, you really help my mental health 5555. 
3. Songkran that doesn’t feel like Songkran at all. Had all my classes as usually, and didn’t get leave my house. ToT 
1. Final the first 2 weeks. Got a chance to work on a killer report for my history of animation class. I wrote an almost 20 pages report on “Whisper of the Heart”, a lot of it are my own analysis from scratch, so I’m very proud of it eiei. 
2. Prep for Agoda -> I was very lazy to do this. I procrastinated it to the very last minute and didn’t even finished it properly lol. 
3. Went out for lunch with friends for the first time since the pandemic at a Korean restaurant in Siam One. (Had a record driving time to Siam at 12 minutes I think) 
--> I think May was like boring af. Nothing really happened that much. 
1. Started my internship at Agoda as a data engineer in the Messaging team. It’s a part of a bigger team called Agoda Data Pipeline, and I worked on a project called improve Kafka Offset Monitoring, where I implement this new feature called “time lag”. I wrote a blog post about it but never actually posted on Medium 55555. It requires too much work man. But I first started the internship we had to work from home, because of covid-19, which was depressing as fuck. It was not fun at all!!! To top that off, it was difficult and I was lazy and just no no. Then we got to start working at the office on the 21 of June and that was a lot more fun and everything. I really enjoyed working there. 
2. Grandma passed away on the 19th of June. Thank god that I was working from home then cause I was crying my eyeballs out and it did not look pretty. But it wasn’t as bad as when P’Rin passed away (where I cry for non-stop 3 days and had to missed a trip that I was supposed to go on), because we were expecting it to happened. It was out of the blue or anything. The doctor asked whether we want to ฝอกไต her or not and the family agreed that we don’t want to put her through anymore pain, so we decided that we’re not going to do it. And the doctor said that if we’re not going to do it, then all we can do now is wait for her to go. I was in her room (well almost the entire family was) when her heart stopped beating and I think grandma was happy that we were all there. 
-> nothing much else. Just hangout with people, ทำบุญให้อาม่า and just work. 
1. Continue with the internship. At the Internship they had this thing called the the intern pitched competition and my team fucking won. (I probably already covered this in another blog post, so I’m not going to get into the details here). Anyway, we won 6000 Baht and spent it a Japanese restaurant in Gaysorn Plaza. 
2. Finished up the internship project towards the end of the month. 
3. Went drinking multiple time at Groove 5555. 
1. Went to Koh Kood, it was so goooddd (pun intended 5555). A couple of days  after the internship ended on the 5th of Aug. The trip itself was fabulous, pretty beach and fin food. But the weather itself wasn’t particularly good, but that’s okay. 
2. Started talking to a guy for the first time (Woo Hoo!). It was all fun and game until somebody loses their mind (and that somebody just happened to be me, SAD) But actually I haven’t lose my mind in August yet. August was a lot of fun, I really liked the version of myself was talking to him. I was open and honest and wasn’t afraid that he would judge me. We had like 3 cute calls, but that was it 55555555. I called him on his BD at midnight to wish him happy birthday; I was cute as fuck. Just think back about it is making me blush, and boy did I blushed a lot. I’ll probably write more on the experience later in another blog post. 
3. Started my senior year at uni. But this time it’s a little different because your home girl is a TA as well. I have the power to influences a the grade of a sophomore, felt powerful 555. We still had to do online studying, although I don’t really think it was necessary at that point, cause there wasn’t really new cases and people were out and about like normal just with their face masks on. The classes that I took this sem were good as well, I actually enjoy all of it, especially Stochastic and Optimisation, which makes me consider studying my master in Operation Research, but will still have to do more research on that 55555. 
4. Worked on the Global sustainable development SDG goal competition thingy, and we got into the final 10 rounds. But we didn’t win 5555555, but it was still great cause I made a new friend. (which is really rare for me 555) 
1. Your home girl 20!!!! I’m now officially legal and can drink and buy alcohol in public casually, which I am enjoying 555555555. Let’s just say I drink now 555. Btw I cried the night I turned 20 because I didn’t want to. I don’t want to grow up and I don’t want to become an adult, but I guess we can’t avoid it and we’re just going to have to embrace it instead. Also I think I was crying as well because I expected something from prime, I don’t know what I was expecting and keep telling myself that I didn’t expect anything but that’s not true. I did. Anyway he sent me a voice message and was the first one to wish me happy birthday eiei. And you guess it, I blushed bitch. 
2. Shit also went to hell this month with the Prime stuff. Specifically on the 25th of September, where Millie told me that Prime told her that he likes her. And that he asked her to watch a movie and eat out (which he never did with me wtf bro). So when that happened we stopped talking, like literally stopped after that night. The last thing on our chat was me sending him the brown bear confetti at almost midnight on the 25th and that was it, we never texted each other again. Which was really sad ( I mean sad for me but and easy way out for him), because I never get to know what happened, why it happened, and I didn’t get to scream at his fucking face. I eventually did in a dream later in December, which leads to a fucking closure after a 3 long and depressing months. (I just want to say, Fuck you Prime) 
3.  Nothing else really happened that much but studying and love stuff. I was so fixated on the love stuff though 5555, but can you really blame me; it was my first time actually liking a guy not having a crush on him. (You know what just thinking about what happened my eyes are tearing up 555) 
--> Just 
1. October was a month of tear. Jessie was experiencing her first heart break; earlier this year back in July, Jessie just told Millie that she has never experienced heart break before in her entire life, but now she does. What a growth man. I did not enjoy the experience one bit, it was depressing, and just bad for me in many aspect. I tried to summoned stone cold bitch Jessie and killed of soft Jessie, which ultimately lead to me feeling numb and just plain sad. I lost inspiration, I just don’t enjoy the little shit like I used to; let’s just say I was not in a particularly good place. The only way to maintain my mental health was to run. And thanks to the free personal training that I got from Mr.Prime when we were talking, I started running more. 
2. Midterm. Got full score for introduction to stochastic modelling bitches. I remember going to Sea life right after Stochastic exam and just try to get my shit together. I really thought that I had picked up the pieces together but I really hadn’t, it was only 2 and half weeks since it happened. I was rushing into healing too much and didn’t know that these things take time to heal. Screw you knw for telling me that it only took you a week to get over Tam, that was total bullshit, and I tried to used that as a fucking standard, which just killed me. 
3. Skinny Bitch Jessie emerged. I lose my appetite because of the heart break so I ate a lot less. Actually I think I consumed a normal amount of what an average human being should consumed, I just ate way too much before 55555. And like with all the running, my weight got down to like 50, 51, which is the skinniest I’ve ever been since I got to uni. Maybe even the skinniest I’ve ever been since year 11 as well.  
1. Shopee GLP application. I didn’t get the job but it was a great experience. I learned what a case interview, and thinks it very oppa. The process of preparing for it was fun, but I wasn’t totally into it because I was still dead inside. And still have no passion, no inspiration, no motivation, no goal, and everything because of what happened in the last 2 months. The only reason why I wanted to job was because I wanted the money 5555555. 
2. Won DevDisrupt Hackathon 2020. Ter did most of the work though, but it was still a lot of fun, and something that I could add to my resume 5555. 
1. HAPPY JESSIE IS BACK BITCHES!!!! I LOVE December Jessie; she’s STRIVING. Thank god I got my shit sorted out before the end of the year. She is once again enjoying life, feeling inspired, and motivated. And she’s doing all this while she is dressed to the nine every single fucking day! 
0 notes
devontroxell · 4 years
Marketing Calendar 2021: Dates You Shouldn’t Miss This Year
We finally got through 2020 – from now on, It-That-Must-Not-Be-Named – and Q1 is just around the corner. It’s time for you to start scribbling down your New Year’s Resolutions to make sure we start the year off fine. If you’ve found your way here, we’re guessing that’s because “Crush Marketing in 2021” is probably one of yours.
To help with that, we decided to recap all relevant dates for 2021 in one blog post to help you strategize for the year ahead. Read on and find out which dates you should include into your marketing strategy and get our free 2021 Marketing Calendar.
Table of Contents
Why is it important to have a Marketing Calendar for 2021?
Marketing Calendar for 2021
Download the 2021 Marketing Calendar
Why is it important to have a Marketing Calendar for 2021?
Most people think that the implementation of a marketing strategy is the longest part of the process, when it is actually one of the easier steps at the end of the process.
The real work comes before, when you’re setting goals and establishing priorities.The earlier you start planning through every step of the strategy, the less problems you’ll run into down the line.
This year has shown us that unpredictable circumstances require brands to be able to adapt their communication strategies to engage with their target audience.
In order to do that in the best way possible, let’s make sure you’re preparing your marketing strategy for success:
Preparing your marketing strategy
Before you start, ask yourself these questions:
What do you want to achieve and how can you get there?
What are your USPs? Why should people buy your products or services?
What sales promotions can you offer (special deals, freebies, discounts…)?
What distribution channels are best to achieve your goals?
Keep in mind that a year has so many special dates, holidays, and marketing moments – planning is a must in business and in life!
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It is important to decide which promotions (like special deals or key product sales) you want to focus on, and your decision should be based on the goals you established for yourself when you planned your marketing strategy. Focusing on the wrong promotional strategy can easily ruin your KPIs, and nobody wants that!
When thinking about your holiday or special day marketing campaigns, remember to plan out your promotion in different stages:
Before the actual date: Let your customers know about what’s coming ahead of time and how they can benefit.
During the day itself: Make your big sales push via email and leverage any social media buzz.
After the main event: Don’t forget to follow up with those that converted to obtain their feedback on the process or offer additional products or services.
Finding the right marketing channels
Once you have decided what the right marketing strategy is and what kind of sales promotions you’re going to offer, you’ll need to focus on getting your marketing messages to your audience.
For marketing promotions around special dates, like the ones we’ve added on our Marketing Calendar, the best strategy is to go omnichannel. Marketing campaigns around these dates that combine different channels (for example, in-store, online, social media or email marketing) allow you to engage with your audience in a different way and also provide many upselling and cross-selling opportunities.
There is a range of channels for you to leverage, but that doesn’t mean you should try to use them all just to tick those boxes. While something like TikTok might be a bit of a stretch if you’re trying to sell dental implants, there are a few must-haves that will apply to most businesses.
One of those channels is email (yeah, you probably guessed that…). Email continues to be the best marketing channel for ROI, as it allows you to personalize, segment, and optimize your email campaigns with detailed stats. Another big plus is that your marketing messages will stay in your contacts’ inbox for them to use that promo code or find your store’s address when the time comes.
To plan and schedule your email campaigns right on time, let’s have a closer look at 2021 dates to keep in mind.
Marketing Calendar for 2021
You already know January is all about New Year’s resolutions, goal setting, and mourning the loss of the bright holiday season.
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Start off by wishing your users a Happy New Year, and use this month to offer special deals on products or services that might come in handy when they start working on those New Year’s resolutions.
Other special dates in January include the Chinese New Year and Blue Monday, so think about what you can do to make your users’ days a bit warmer!
Dates you shouldn’t miss in January:
January 1: New Year’s Day
January 8: Winter Sales (European countries)
January 18: Blue Monday
January 28: Data Protection Day
The excitement of the new year might be gone, but that doesn’t mean February doesn’t have some special marketing dates in store for you!
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In fact, February has two of the biggest marketing moments of the year: Valentine’s Day and the Super Bowl.
According to the National Retail Federation , US Valentine’s Day gift-givers spent a record-breaking $27.4 billion in 2020, and consumers were predicted to spend around $17.2 billion on food, decorations and team apparel forSuper Bowl 2020, with each person spending an average of $88.65.
Looking at these figures, February is definitely a month to keep in mind when it comes to creating marketing campaigns.
Other special dates in February include Groundhog Day, always fun on social media, and Mardi Gras.
Dates you shouldn’t miss in February:
February 1: LGBT History Month
February 1: Black History Month (US)
February 7: Super Bowl
February 2: Groundhog Day
February 12: Chinese New Year
February 14: Valentine’s Day
February 16: Mardi Gras
March is all about women… and green.
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We’re moving away from all the muscle power of the Super Bowl and onto a different kind of power this month: the power of women. March is all about the movement of women’s rights, and International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th.
So use this opportunity to show a bit of your corporate side and share stories from the women in your company and how you support equality in the workplace.
Other special dates in March in our Marketing Calendar 2021 include World Wildlife Day, National Pi Day, Mother’s Day in the UK and a fan-favorite… St. Patrick’s Day!
Dates you shouldn’t miss in March:
March 3: World Wildlife Day
March 8: International Women’s Day
March 14: National Pi Day
March 14: Mother’s Day (UK)
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
With Easter starting in April this year, you can look forward to longer and warmer days for your easter egg hunts!
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For some, Easter is all about tradition, be it religious or not. For others, it’s more about the chocolate rabbits and egg hunts. So why not hide an Easter Egg in your marketing campaigns to increase engagement this April?
Other special dates in April include Earth Day and April Fools’ Day, so maybe a great excuse to have some fun with your email marketing campaigns?
Dates you shouldn’t miss in April:
April 1: April Fools Day
April 2: Easter Friday
April 4: Easter Sunday
April 5: Easter Monday
April 12: Start of Ramadan
April 22: Earth Day
There are a few important dates in May, but is there any more important than Star Wars Day? Whether you’re a fan or not, there’s no denying that this is a BIG date on social media, so make sure you leverage it!
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Many countries also celebrate Mother’s Day in May. This is a time for many to show appreciation towards their mother(s) and mother figures.
This day (and of course the other 364 days in the year) is perfect to lavish mothers with lots of love, flowers, and chocolate. So remember to think about moms everywhere when you plan your special offers and promotions.
Other special dates in May in our Marketing Calendar for 2021 include May Day or Labor Day in many countries, and the start of Roland-Garros for tennis lovers.
Dates you shouldn’t miss in May:
May 1: May Day
May 4: Star Wars Day
May 9: Mother’s Day (US)
May 17: Roland-Garros
It’s getting warmer and warmer outside, and that means it’s time for summer fun.
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For many companies, the summer means a slump in sales. Instead of (online) shopping, events like vacations and other outdoor activities are in people’s minds. So, don’t be surprised if your marketing performance starts to decline rather than grow during the next few weeks.
Does this mean you should interrupt your email marketing campaigns? Absolutely not!
In fact, the summer might be the best time of year to stand out from your competitors and get in touch with your contacts. Make sure you start working on adjusting your email marketing strategy for the next couple of months.
June is also Pride Month and Father’s Day in many countries. This year, it will also be big on the sporting side, with the postponed Euros 2020 adding on to the usual Tour de France.
Dates you shouldn’t miss in June:
June 1: Pride Month
June 11: Euro 2020 Starts
June 20: Father’s Day
June 21: World Music Day
June 27: Tour de France
The holiday season is finally here! And even though we warned you to plan ahead in June, you might be finding it quite challenging to keep your users engaged during the summer.
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Unfortunately, last year’s Euros 2020 and Summer Olympics couldn’t take place, but 2021 is giving us another possibility to experience both to their fullest. The postponed 2020 Olympics will take place between July 23 and August 8 and everyone will be watching, so take advantage of the hype with some fun sports-themed messaging!
Other special dates in July our marketing calendar 2021 include the Summer Sales period in some European countries, and Emoji Day!
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Dates you shouldn’t miss in July:
July 1: Canada Day
July 4: US Independence
July 14: Bastille Day – French National Holiday
July 17: Emoji Day
July 23: Olympics Opening Ceremony
August is generally a slow month in many countries. The summer is in full swing, but as the weeks pass, more and more people start coming home from their vacation. So it’s the perfect time to target them with any offers or promotions they might’ve missed.
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How do you do this effectively, you ask? Well, with email segmentation, of course!
With email segmentation, you can filter contacts based on their past behavior (for example, anyone that hasn’t opened an email since a certain date) and resend them any special summer offers they might have missed.
Dates you shouldn’t miss in August:
August 6: International Beer Day
August 8: Olympics Closing Ceremony
August 19: World Photography Day
September is here and it’s back-to-school season… and not just for kids!
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In fact, September sometimes feels like a second January. Some might hate it, some might love it, but we all feel it. New goals, new projects, and new marketing opportunities. Children (and adults!) can’t wait to buy new school bags, pens, pencils and planners for the new school year.
Keep that in mind and plan some marketing campaigns to re-engage your customers after the summer with incentives like special promotions, sweepstakes, and exclusive offers.
And don’t forget to target people who left goods and services in their online cart. ;)
Dates you shouldn’t miss in September:
September 1: Back to School
September 6: Labor Day (US)
September 18: Oktoberfest
September 21: International Day of Peace
The scariest month of the year has finally arrived!
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Autumn is officially here, and so is Halloween! This means that, offline as well as online, monsters and other creatures could be just around the corner, waiting to scare people.
For marketers, October marks the start of Q4 and the holiday season, a huge period for brands everywhere. With big dates coming up, it is the time to start planning what your holiday strategy will look like, and it is also the moment to let your creative juices flow and start getting festive.
>Dates you shouldn’t miss in October:
October 1: Black History Month (UK)
October: Columbus Day
October 10: World Mental Health Day
October 31: Halloween
November is the strongest time of the year for B2C sales, and it’s the official month for buying our holiday gifts. Immediately after Thanksgiving come dates like Black Friday, Black Week, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, so it’s time to kick it into high gear.
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In other words: You should definitely have these dates marked in red on your 2021 marketing calendar so you can send special promotions and offers.
We know you won’t forget, but just in case, we’ve already marked them for you on our downloadable Marketing Calendar for 2021.
Dates you shouldn’t miss in November:
November 4: Diwali
November 25: Thanksgiving
November 26: Black Friday
November 27: Small Business Saturday
November 28: Hannukah
November 29: Cyber Monday
The best comes last: It’s finally Christmas!
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It’s cold outside, the streets are covered with snow, and there’s festive decorations and lights everywhere! While some prefer to go outside, those that stay in might do a lot of online shopping for those last-minute Christmas presents. This is your chance to give Q4 a final push with special holiday campaigns and offers!
But December is not just about selling – it’s also about joining in on the festive atmosphere and thanking your contacts for spending the year with you.
You can get creative and run a little Christmas competition on social media (Best Christmas Tree or Craziest Holiday Decorations) where your customers can win coupons or goodies, or film your team singing Christmas Carols for an original Merry Christmas campaign.
As you can see, it doesn’t get more creative than December to end the year successfully.
Dates you shouldn’t miss in December:
December 24: Christmas Eve
December 25: Christmas Day
December 26: Boxing Day (UK)
December 31: New Year’s Eve
Download the 2021 Marketing Calendar
We’ve saved the dates you can’t forget and given you all the resources you need to make 2021 your best marketing year yet. Now, it’s up to you to work on your campaigns and increase engagement with your offers, promotions, or competitions.
Download the 2021 Marketing Calendar (Digital Version)
Marketing Calendar 2021: Dates You Shouldn’t Miss This Year published first on https://wabusinessapi.tumblr.com/
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imnotsebastiansten · 6 years
38 - about 2018
JANUARY 2018 Where did you go on new year’s? i stayed home Who kissed you on new year’s? no one lmao Did you have a New Year’s Resolution this year? neh Does it snow where you live? yes it does, but im not sure we had snow in january 2019 Do you like hot chocolate? fuck yes Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? no Is January anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) hmm yea, i started talking to loveless in january but in 2019 not 2018, i have some friends who are born in january, one of my favorite actors in also born in january (hale appleman)
FEBRUARY 2018 Were you single? yep Who was your Valentine? no one When you were little did you buy Valentine’s for the whole class? neh we dont do that here Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not? what What did you receive for Valentine’s day? nothing What did you give for Valentine’s Day? nothing Is February anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) one of my good friends birthday is in february MARCH 2018 Are you Irish? no Do you like corned beef and cabbage? no What did you do for St Patrick’s Day? we dont celebrate it Are you happy when winter is pretty much over? in march 2018 we had fucking snow so it was far from being over APRIL 2018 Do you like the rain? depends Did you play an April fool’s joke on anyone this year? if i had the opportunity to make a prank i did, i didnt plan anything in advance tho Do you get tons of candy for Easter? eh not really Do you celebrate 4/20? nope im not 12 Do you love the month of April? its fine i guess Is April anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) i met sebastian stan in april 2018 heck yes MAY 2018 What is your favorite flower? sun flower Finish the phrase “April showers…” no Do you celebrate May 16th: National Piercing Day? i didnt know it was a thing Is May anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) comic con takes place in may JUNE 2018 What year did/will you graduate from high school? 2020 Did you do anything fun during this Month? not really i was still in school for the most part of it Have a favorite baseball team? neh Is June anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) just the fact that school is over is enough for me JULY 2018 What did you do on the 4th of July? nothing special Did you go to the fireworks? no Did you blast the A/C all day? i dont have an ac Is July anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) my moms birthday AUGUST 2018 Did you have a sunburn? no, im really proud i could keep my pale self away from the sun Did you go to the pool a lot? not even once Did you go out of town? yes, i went to two camps Is August anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) i know quite a lot of people who were born in august
SEPTEMBER 2018 Are you attending college/school? unfortunately Do you like fall better than summer? sort of but only because its not as hot, fall has its own cons What happened this month? nothing as far as i remember OCTOBER 2018 Whats your favorite candy? kit kat What was your favorite thing(s)about this month? not sure i think the parks were pretty because of the colorful leaves and everything What are you planning to be for Halloween? nothing i dont celebrate it Are you going to be trick or treating? never been and most likely neve will NOVEMBER 2018
Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving? we dont celebrate it
What are you going thankful for this year? meeting sebastian stan and getting a cat Do you love stuffing? never had it Anything exciting happen this month? i got a cat!!!! Is November anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) got a damn cat DECEMBER 2014 Do you celebrate Christmas? sort of Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe? no Get anything special last year? not really What do you want this year? idk What do you love most about December? the fact that for the most of it i dont have to go to school Is December anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) my birthday i guess
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
23 Valentine's Day Movies People Never Get Bored Of
Valentine’s Day is a great day to cuddle up and watch a movie about love. In fact, they actually made a movie called Valentine’s Day, but it was just a rip-off of Love, Actually. With so many sappy movies out there, it’s hard to sift out the good from just more of the same.
So we’ve done the work for you! Here are twenty-three of the best romantic movies ever made to watch on Valentine’s Day.
23 – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
In this moving film, it is slowly revealed that a couple chose to have a procedure that erased memories of each other. Jim Carrey plays Joel, opposite Kate Winslet playing Clementine. As the movie slowly reveals loving and intimate moments in their relationship, you become more and more emotionally involved in the story.
Best Quote
Joel: “I could die right now, Clem. I’m just… happy. I’ve never felt that before. I’m just exactly where I want to be.”
22 – About Time (2013)
Tim Lake (played by Domhnall Gleeson) discovers a superpower when he turns 21: he can travel in time and change past events. While he could try doing any number of things to make the world a better place, he decides to use his power to…get a girlfriend. His romantic interest is Mary (played by Rachel McAdams), and their relationship endures its share of trials and tribulations.
This film is from the creators of Love Actually, and it’s worth a try for anyone looking for a well-done romantic comedy.
Best Quote
Tim: [voiceover] “We’re all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.”
21 – The Notebook (2004)
The Notebook is beloved by women everywhere for good reason. Allie (Rachel McAdams) is such a warm and likable character, pursued by the equally charming Noah (Ryan Gosling). Their love story withstands many tests but we realize that it lasts into their old age.
Wonderful performances by McAdams and Gosling have made this a super-popular and award-winning film. It might be cheesy, but it’s heartwarming and genuine too.
Best Quote
Noah: “I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived: I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.”
20 – Love and Basketball (2000)
While many romance movies are difficult for men to watch, Love & Basketball helps draw male viewers into this “chick flick” genre becuase of its underlying sports theme. Quincy (Omar Epps) and Monica (Sanaa Lathan) meet on the basketball court as kids. Their love/hate relationship develops as their lives continually intersect – they’re both pursuing their individual dreams of playing pro ball.
If you’re young, enjoy sports, or crave passion, this movie’s for you.
Best Quote
Monica says, “It’s a trip, you know? When you’re a kid, you see the life you want, and it never crosses your mind that it’s not gonna turn out that way.”
19 – Cactus Flower (1969)
Kate Hudson’s mom, Goldie Hawn, won an Oscar for her portrayal of Toni Simmons, a confused 21-year old woman in a relationship with an older man (Walter Matthau). Although it sort of looks like an Austin Powers film, Hawn’s wit and charm allows you to still get into it.
The complicated love story is about the various lies a dentist tells to keep a relationship. Interestingly enough, the story was appropriated by by Adam Sandler in Just Go With It (2011).
Best Quote
Toni Simmons: “Now why don’t you go back and mind your own business like everyone else in New York City?”
Although it’s one of those bleak comedies, Lost in Translation has a great romance at its heart. Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) really capture what it feels like to be traveling somewhere completely unfamiliar and wanting a connection. The brief moments of Anna Farris spoofing Cameron Diaz add just the right amount of laughs to tide you over, until the moment when Bob whispers something in Charlotte’s ear and they say goodbye.
Best Quote
Charlotte: “Let’s never come here again because it would never be as much fun.”
17 – When in Rome (2010)
Although Forgetting Sarah Marshall is Kristen Bell’s most popular role, her performance in When in Rome (2010) is underrated. Bell plays Beth, an ambitious New Yorker who steals some coins from a famous love fountain in Italy during her sister’s wedding. Because of her theft, she’s chased down by Danny DeVito, Will Arnett, Jon Heder, and Dax Shepard, who are under a love spell.
The movie is lighthearted, funny, and a great way to create and celebrate a happy Valentine’s Day.
Best Quote
Beth: “Dad. When you married Mom, did you ever think that you wouldn’t make it?”
Beth’s Dad: “Elizabeth Ann. Honey, you cannot learn from my mistakes. You’re going to have to go out there and make your own. Now, you could get your heart broken or you could have the greatest love affair the world has ever known, but you’re not going to know unless you try.”
16 – 50 First Dates (2004)
You’d be hard pressed to come up with a more likeable couple of people than Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. In 50 First Dates, they’re in Hawaii, and after they meet, Henry Roth (Sandler) turns from a playboy to a devoted boyfriend—the only problem is the girl of his dreams has no short-term memory, so she relives the same day over and over. This movie brings laughs, but it’s also a sappy romance movie as only Sandler can do. It’s a chick flick anyone can enjoy.
Best Quote
Dr. Keats: “Tom was in a hunting accident and he lost part of his brain. His memory lasts only ten seconds.”
Ten Second Tom: “I was in an accident? That’s terrible.”
Dr. Keats: “Don’t worry, you’ll totally get over it in about three seconds.”
15 – Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
A testament to just how far a man will go to win over the woman he loves. Slumdog Millionaire portrays a poor man being tortured by the police for being suspiciously good at Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Dev Patel plays one of the most lovable characters on film.
This compelling film won no fewer than eight Oscars and garnered a lot of critical acclaim. The mixture of love, violence, and socioeconomic messages makes for a great date night screening. It’s a great pick to watch with someone who appreciates good films and with whom you want to share an intelligent conversation.
Best Quote
Jamal Malik: “I’ll wait for you at the train station every day at five.”
14 – The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) always has problems—the media hates him, the police hate him, other superheroes hate him, and he’s constantly struggling with his love life because of it. Regardless of how you feel about the new Spider-Man series, they made the right move dropping Mary Jane for Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). Their romance is one of the most memorable in comic book history.
Best Quote
Peter Parker: “We all have secrets: the ones we keep… and the ones that are kept from us.”
13 – The Tourist (2010) (Runner Up: Original Sin)
It’s not just that Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie are beautiful people; the location shots in Paris and Venice are simply stunning. This cat-and-mouse tale has enough thrills going for it to satisfy your intellectual needs, and it has some nail-biting action scenes to boot. You’re never quite sure who to believe, but you can’t deny there’s chemistry between the two—if there’s anyone who could steal Jolie from Pitt, Depp seems like the type.
Best Quote
Hotel Waiter Guido: “Bongiorno!”
Frank Taylor (Depp): “Bon Jovi!”
12 – This Means War (2012)
Reese Witherspoon is omnipresent in chick flicks – for good reason! All of her romantic comedies are enjoyable, but This Means War wins for mixing spy-versus-spy action into the mix. Chris Pine and Tom Hardy do a great job of keeping men distracted from Reese’s message that it’s OK to date multiple people. Adventurous couples will love this action-packed romp.
Best Quote
Trish (Chelsea Handler) “Don’t go with the better guy, go with the guy who makes you better.”
11 – (500) Days of Summer (2009)
Zooey Deschanel is that quirky and beautiful girl everyone wants to be or be with. In short, the boy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) meets the girl (Deschanel), and falls in love, but she’s just that into him. The movie highlights their relationship in a non-linear fashion, and is a great portrayal of modern love and relationships. (500) Days of Summer isn’t your traditional romantic comedy, and maybe that’s a good thing – unlike all the others, it’s a thought-provoking film about love.
Best Quote
Rachel Hansen: “Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn’t mean she’s your soul mate.”
10 – Walk the Line (2005)
This portrayal of Johnny and June Cash is an epic biopic. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon beautifully capture the essence of the romance. Johnny loved June Carter so much, he knew he had to marry her. Seeing their love blossom over the course of their lives is a great way to celebrate life and a relationship with someone you truly love beyond anything. These two real life people even died around the same time. It’s said Johnny died of a broken heart after June passed.
Best Quote
June Carter: “Well, then start loving yourself, so we can go back to work.”
9 – Ghost Town (2008)
The cynical among us love Ricky Gervais. In Ghost Town, he plays a man who can see dead people and is now doomed to help them with their love problems. It’s a wonderfully unique Valentine’s Day romance story. Everyone’s tired of people bragging about their relationships on Facebook, and Gervais portrays this feeling perfectly. Love isn’t always as much fun as it sounds; sometimes, you just end up involved in other people’s drama.
Best Quote
Bertram Pincus (Gervais): “All work and no play makes Jack- a vital member of society.”
8 – Shrek (2001)
It’s hard to believe it’s been over a decade since Shrek came out (!). This is a fun, backwards fairy tale where the ogre gets the girl. Featuring the voice talents of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, and John Lithgow, Shrek is a feel-good movie that’s perfect for the young – and mature – at heart.
Best Quote
Shrek: “For your information, there’s a lot more to ogres than people think.”
7 – Seems Like Old Times (1980)
Ahhh, the classics. One of the best movies from the 80s, Seems Like Old Times is a Neil Simon film that still maintains its charm. Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn are a divorced couple, and, after being forced to take part in a bank robbery, Chase hides out at Hawn’s house. The only problem is Hawn’s husband (Charles Groden) is the district attorney, so a lot of hijinx ensue. If you pine for an old flame, Seems Like Old Times is the Valentine’s Day romantic comedy for you.
Best Quote
Glenda (Hawn) “Chester. You just went through a stop sign.”
Chester (Chase) “I can’t help it. I don’t like to read when I drive.”
6 – About a Boy (2002)
You’d think watching a man hang out with an unrelated boy would be a little weird – and not great romantic-film fodder. But in About a Boy, it plays out beautifully. This is a buddy flick and a romance rolled into one, and it teaches men that parenting isn’t scary. If you’re a slacker who still hasn’t grown up, About a Boy is for you.
Best Quote
Marcus: “After a few visits, Will seemed to think he had to ask me serious questions, when I knew he really wanted to watch Xena Warrior princess.”
5 – True Romance (1993) (Runner Up: Natural Born Killers)
Quentin Tarantino isn’t exactly known for the romance in his films, but True Romance, which he wrote, is an epic romantic crime drama. There are drugs, hookers, and all sorts of guns. The love between Clarence (Christian Slater) and Alabama (Patricia Arquette) is something we all wish we had. By the time this movie reaches its bloody climax, not only will you be in love with Elvis, but you’ll know the origin of Sicilians.
Best Quote
Clarence Worley: “You just said you love me, now if I say I love you and just throw caution to the wind and let the chips fall where they may and you’re lying to me I’m gonna fuckin’ die.”
4 – Titanic (1997)
If you’ve never seen Titanic, you must! And if you have, consider watching it again for Valentine’s. This classic romantic-disaster film won eleven Oscars, because of its superb cast, plot, and music.
Spoiler Alert: The ship sinks, and it takes like half the movie. Before it happens though, Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) steals Rose (Kate Winslett) from her rich husband-to-be. Titanic is a tear-jerker with an epic romance that is fated to failure.
Best Quote
Jack Dawson: “Where to, Miss?”
Rose DeWitt Bukater: “To the stars.”
3 – Bride and Prejudice (2004)
This Bollywood take on the classic “Pride and Prejudice” is a musical delight. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan may not be well-known in majority-English-speaking countries, but she is beautiful and talented – her acting, singing, and dancing expertise is on full display. This movie is beautiful, tells an old story; and you’ll look sophisticated for suggesting it. The colorful costumes and set designs are like taking an exotic vacation from your couch.
Best Quote
Lalita Bakshi (Rai): “You should be stirring your husband’s dinner not trouble.”
2 – Love, Actually (2003)
Love Actually follows the intertwining stories of eight British couples dealing with love in very different ways. It’s a romantic comedy and a Christmas film, but its sappiness is matched by genuine and heartwarming moments. It’s impossible to watch this movie without laughing, crying, and falling in love with at least one character! Love Actually may be the best romantic comedy ever written.
Best Quote
Billy Mack (Bill Nighy) “Hiya kids. Here is an important message from your Uncle Bill. Don’t buy drugs. Become a pop star, and they give you them for free!”
1 – The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
This Oscar-nominated flick might not come to mind as a movie perfect for Valentine’s Day. But you and your Valentine’s Day date just might find that refreshing!
Martin Scorsese is known for his thrilling films, and Wolf of Wall Street does not disappoint. It’s a raw and emotional movie, with some violence, nudity, and drug use – all to show the underbelly of the high-octane world of finance. DiCaprio’s performance is compelling and exciting – this movie is worth your time!
Best Quote
Jordan Belfort: [to the waiter] “Oh, I’m good with water for now.”
Mark Hanna: “It’s his first day on Wall Street. Give him time.”
The post 23 Valentine’s Day Movies People Never Get Bored Of appeared first on Lifehack.
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bluelricart · 2 years
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Me and my girlfriend | A valentine’s day gift to her
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
23 Valentine's Day Movies People Never Get Bored Of
Valentine’s Day is a great day to cuddle up and watch a movie about love. In fact, they actually made a movie called Valentine’s Day, but it was just a rip-off of Love, Actually. With so many sappy movies out there, it’s hard to sift out the good from just more of the same.
So we’ve done the work for you! Here are twenty-three of the best romantic movies ever made to watch on Valentine’s Day.
23 – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
In this moving film, it is slowly revealed that a couple chose to have a procedure that erased memories of each other. Jim Carrey plays Joel, opposite Kate Winslet playing Clementine. As the movie slowly reveals loving and intimate moments in their relationship, you become more and more emotionally involved in the story.
Best Quote
Joel: “I could die right now, Clem. I’m just… happy. I’ve never felt that before. I’m just exactly where I want to be.”
22 – About Time (2013)
Tim Lake (played by Domhnall Gleeson) discovers a superpower when he turns 21: he can travel in time and change past events. While he could try doing any number of things to make the world a better place, he decides to use his power to…get a girlfriend. His romantic interest is Mary (played by Rachel McAdams), and their relationship endures its share of trials and tribulations.
This film is from the creators of Love Actually, and it’s worth a try for anyone looking for a well-done romantic comedy.
Best Quote
Tim: [voiceover] “We’re all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.”
21 – The Notebook (2004)
The Notebook is beloved by women everywhere for good reason. Allie (Rachel McAdams) is such a warm and likable character, pursued by the equally charming Noah (Ryan Gosling). Their love story withstands many tests but we realize that it lasts into their old age.
Wonderful performances by McAdams and Gosling have made this a super-popular and award-winning film. It might be cheesy, but it’s heartwarming and genuine too.
Best Quote
Noah: “I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived: I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.”
20 – Love and Basketball (2000)
While many romance movies are difficult for men to watch, Love & Basketball helps draw male viewers into this “chick flick” genre becuase of its underlying sports theme. Quincy (Omar Epps) and Monica (Sanaa Lathan) meet on the basketball court as kids. Their love/hate relationship develops as their lives continually intersect – they’re both pursuing their individual dreams of playing pro ball.
If you’re young, enjoy sports, or crave passion, this movie’s for you.
Best Quote
Monica says, “It’s a trip, you know? When you’re a kid, you see the life you want, and it never crosses your mind that it’s not gonna turn out that way.”
19 – Cactus Flower (1969)
Kate Hudson’s mom, Goldie Hawn, won an Oscar for her portrayal of Toni Simmons, a confused 21-year old woman in a relationship with an older man (Walter Matthau). Although it sort of looks like an Austin Powers film, Hawn’s wit and charm allows you to still get into it.
The complicated love story is about the various lies a dentist tells to keep a relationship. Interestingly enough, the story was appropriated by by Adam Sandler in Just Go With It (2011).
Best Quote
Toni Simmons: “Now why don’t you go back and mind your own business like everyone else in New York City?”
Although it’s one of those bleak comedies, Lost in Translation has a great romance at its heart. Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) really capture what it feels like to be traveling somewhere completely unfamiliar and wanting a connection. The brief moments of Anna Farris spoofing Cameron Diaz add just the right amount of laughs to tide you over, until the moment when Bob whispers something in Charlotte’s ear and they say goodbye.
Best Quote
Charlotte: “Let’s never come here again because it would never be as much fun.”
17 – When in Rome (2010)
Although Forgetting Sarah Marshall is Kristen Bell’s most popular role, her performance in When in Rome (2010) is underrated. Bell plays Beth, an ambitious New Yorker who steals some coins from a famous love fountain in Italy during her sister’s wedding. Because of her theft, she’s chased down by Danny DeVito, Will Arnett, Jon Heder, and Dax Shepard, who are under a love spell.
The movie is lighthearted, funny, and a great way to create and celebrate a happy Valentine’s Day.
Best Quote
Beth: “Dad. When you married Mom, did you ever think that you wouldn’t make it?”
Beth’s Dad: “Elizabeth Ann. Honey, you cannot learn from my mistakes. You’re going to have to go out there and make your own. Now, you could get your heart broken or you could have the greatest love affair the world has ever known, but you’re not going to know unless you try.”
16 – 50 First Dates (2004)
You’d be hard pressed to come up with a more likeable couple of people than Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. In 50 First Dates, they’re in Hawaii, and after they meet, Henry Roth (Sandler) turns from a playboy to a devoted boyfriend—the only problem is the girl of his dreams has no short-term memory, so she relives the same day over and over. This movie brings laughs, but it’s also a sappy romance movie as only Sandler can do. It’s a chick flick anyone can enjoy.
Best Quote
Dr. Keats: “Tom was in a hunting accident and he lost part of his brain. His memory lasts only ten seconds.”
Ten Second Tom: “I was in an accident? That’s terrible.”
Dr. Keats: “Don’t worry, you’ll totally get over it in about three seconds.”
15 – Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
A testament to just how far a man will go to win over the woman he loves. Slumdog Millionaire portrays a poor man being tortured by the police for being suspiciously good at Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Dev Patel plays one of the most lovable characters on film.
This compelling film won no fewer than eight Oscars and garnered a lot of critical acclaim. The mixture of love, violence, and socioeconomic messages makes for a great date night screening. It’s a great pick to watch with someone who appreciates good films and with whom you want to share an intelligent conversation.
Best Quote
Jamal Malik: “I’ll wait for you at the train station every day at five.”
14 – The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) always has problems—the media hates him, the police hate him, other superheroes hate him, and he’s constantly struggling with his love life because of it. Regardless of how you feel about the new Spider-Man series, they made the right move dropping Mary Jane for Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). Their romance is one of the most memorable in comic book history.
Best Quote
Peter Parker: “We all have secrets: the ones we keep… and the ones that are kept from us.”
13 – The Tourist (2010) (Runner Up: Original Sin)
It’s not just that Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie are beautiful people; the location shots in Paris and Venice are simply stunning. This cat-and-mouse tale has enough thrills going for it to satisfy your intellectual needs, and it has some nail-biting action scenes to boot. You’re never quite sure who to believe, but you can’t deny there’s chemistry between the two—if there’s anyone who could steal Jolie from Pitt, Depp seems like the type.
Best Quote
Hotel Waiter Guido: “Bongiorno!”
Frank Taylor (Depp): “Bon Jovi!”
12 – This Means War (2012)
Reese Witherspoon is omnipresent in chick flicks – for good reason! All of her romantic comedies are enjoyable, but This Means War wins for mixing spy-versus-spy action into the mix. Chris Pine and Tom Hardy do a great job of keeping men distracted from Reese’s message that it’s OK to date multiple people. Adventurous couples will love this action-packed romp.
Best Quote
Trish (Chelsea Handler) “Don’t go with the better guy, go with the guy who makes you better.”
11 – (500) Days of Summer (2009)
Zooey Deschanel is that quirky and beautiful girl everyone wants to be or be with. In short, the boy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) meets the girl (Deschanel), and falls in love, but she’s just that into him. The movie highlights their relationship in a non-linear fashion, and is a great portrayal of modern love and relationships. (500) Days of Summer isn’t your traditional romantic comedy, and maybe that’s a good thing – unlike all the others, it’s a thought-provoking film about love.
Best Quote
Rachel Hansen: “Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn’t mean she’s your soul mate.”
10 – Walk the Line (2005)
This portrayal of Johnny and June Cash is an epic biopic. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon beautifully capture the essence of the romance. Johnny loved June Carter so much, he knew he had to marry her. Seeing their love blossom over the course of their lives is a great way to celebrate life and a relationship with someone you truly love beyond anything. These two real life people even died around the same time. It’s said Johnny died of a broken heart after June passed.
Best Quote
June Carter: “Well, then start loving yourself, so we can go back to work.”
9 – Ghost Town (2008)
The cynical among us love Ricky Gervais. In Ghost Town, he plays a man who can see dead people and is now doomed to help them with their love problems. It’s a wonderfully unique Valentine’s Day romance story. Everyone’s tired of people bragging about their relationships on Facebook, and Gervais portrays this feeling perfectly. Love isn’t always as much fun as it sounds; sometimes, you just end up involved in other people’s drama.
Best Quote
Bertram Pincus (Gervais): “All work and no play makes Jack- a vital member of society.”
8 – Shrek (2001)
It’s hard to believe it’s been over a decade since Shrek came out (!). This is a fun, backwards fairy tale where the ogre gets the girl. Featuring the voice talents of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, and John Lithgow, Shrek is a feel-good movie that’s perfect for the young – and mature – at heart.
Best Quote
Shrek: “For your information, there’s a lot more to ogres than people think.”
7 – Seems Like Old Times (1980)
Ahhh, the classics. One of the best movies from the 80s, Seems Like Old Times is a Neil Simon film that still maintains its charm. Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn are a divorced couple, and, after being forced to take part in a bank robbery, Chase hides out at Hawn’s house. The only problem is Hawn’s husband (Charles Groden) is the district attorney, so a lot of hijinx ensue. If you pine for an old flame, Seems Like Old Times is the Valentine’s Day romantic comedy for you.
Best Quote
Glenda (Hawn) “Chester. You just went through a stop sign.”
Chester (Chase) “I can’t help it. I don’t like to read when I drive.”
6 – About a Boy (2002)
You’d think watching a man hang out with an unrelated boy would be a little weird – and not great romantic-film fodder. But in About a Boy, it plays out beautifully. This is a buddy flick and a romance rolled into one, and it teaches men that parenting isn’t scary. If you’re a slacker who still hasn’t grown up, About a Boy is for you.
Best Quote
Marcus: “After a few visits, Will seemed to think he had to ask me serious questions, when I knew he really wanted to watch Xena Warrior princess.”
5 – True Romance (1993) (Runner Up: Natural Born Killers)
Quentin Tarantino isn’t exactly known for the romance in his films, but True Romance, which he wrote, is an epic romantic crime drama. There are drugs, hookers, and all sorts of guns. The love between Clarence (Christian Slater) and Alabama (Patricia Arquette) is something we all wish we had. By the time this movie reaches its bloody climax, not only will you be in love with Elvis, but you’ll know the origin of Sicilians.
Best Quote
Clarence Worley: “You just said you love me, now if I say I love you and just throw caution to the wind and let the chips fall where they may and you’re lying to me I’m gonna fuckin’ die.”
4 – Titanic (1997)
If you’ve never seen Titanic, you must! And if you have, consider watching it again for Valentine’s. This classic romantic-disaster film won eleven Oscars, because of its superb cast, plot, and music.
Spoiler Alert: The ship sinks, and it takes like half the movie. Before it happens though, Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) steals Rose (Kate Winslett) from her rich husband-to-be. Titanic is a tear-jerker with an epic romance that is fated to failure.
Best Quote
Jack Dawson: “Where to, Miss?”
Rose DeWitt Bukater: “To the stars.”
3 – Bride and Prejudice (2004)
This Bollywood take on the classic “Pride and Prejudice” is a musical delight. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan may not be well-known in majority-English-speaking countries, but she is beautiful and talented – her acting, singing, and dancing expertise is on full display. This movie is beautiful, tells an old story; and you’ll look sophisticated for suggesting it. The colorful costumes and set designs are like taking an exotic vacation from your couch.
Best Quote
Lalita Bakshi (Rai): “You should be stirring your husband’s dinner not trouble.”
2 – Love, Actually (2003)
Love Actually follows the intertwining stories of eight British couples dealing with love in very different ways. It’s a romantic comedy and a Christmas film, but its sappiness is matched by genuine and heartwarming moments. It’s impossible to watch this movie without laughing, crying, and falling in love with at least one character! Love Actually may be the best romantic comedy ever written.
Best Quote
Billy Mack (Bill Nighy) “Hiya kids. Here is an important message from your Uncle Bill. Don’t buy drugs. Become a pop star, and they give you them for free!”
1 – The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
This Oscar-nominated flick might not come to mind as a movie perfect for Valentine’s Day. But you and your Valentine’s Day date just might find that refreshing!
Martin Scorsese is known for his thrilling films, and Wolf of Wall Street does not disappoint. It’s a raw and emotional movie, with some violence, nudity, and drug use – all to show the underbelly of the high-octane world of finance. DiCaprio’s performance is compelling and exciting – this movie is worth your time!
Best Quote
Jordan Belfort: [to the waiter] “Oh, I’m good with water for now.”
Mark Hanna: “It’s his first day on Wall Street. Give him time.”
The post 23 Valentine’s Day Movies People Never Get Bored Of appeared first on Lifehack.
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