#fun fact i used to work as a bartender AND bubble tea maker at the same sushi restaurant
spindas-juice-bar · 2 years
Got my sister hooked on espresso martinis last christmas and she asked for more espresso vodka this yeah lol. I've been brainstorming how to spice things up and have a few ideas but would love if you have any suggestions. She's way to lazy to use actual espresso so it's gotta be without that lol. A few of the things I've come across that might have some potential:
Rhodium Coffee & Black Walnut Flavored Vodka, mezcal, simple syrup from brown sugar that they use for bubble tea, flavored bitters (Xocolatl mole bitters? idk lol), and i saw something saying maybe you could use Green cardamom to spice it up.
okay so putting my rusty bartender skills to the test:
honestly in a really simple way, any syrup flavouring that you would use in an actual coffee would work well in an espresso martini - for the holidays specifically, gingerbread flavoured syrup would be insane. Off the top of my head you'd probably have to thin out the syrup if you were using actual coffee stuff but just drip in a bit of boiled water until the desired consistency is achieved and you'll be fine.
also never done it but you could potentially halve the vodka and top up with amaretto to bring out the nutty coffee flavour? never tried it but again, off the top of my head i don't think it would be a bad idea, and would sweeten it a lil bit more.
Honestly all the stuff you've listed already does sound really decent, esp the brown sugar (the concept of alcoholic bubble coffee sounds insane).
But that's my two cents
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