#fun fact in my intial thoughts notesapp scribbles i have rory crying about it after the fact -
a-wins-a-win ยท 2 months
You have elaborate Rory and Meghan lore?? ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
i do have elaborate Rory & Meghan lore!! they are my tragic lesbians and i love them a lot <33
(i have several fic concepts actually, someone just needs to convince me to Actually Write them)
as the story goes, initially Rory & Meghan had hopeless crushes on other girls (Diane & Nadia, respectively). They became friends initially due to proximity and a shared penchant for smoking - which is what would lead them to coming out to each other, as much as they could without saying the words out loud, anyway.
One day they're all hanging out and Rory is getting tired of Lucas & Jason's shit, and when she wanders away Meghan follows her, they complain about boys and Meghan ends up kissing her.
they didn't have crushes on one another beforehand, but as the only two lesbians either of them knew it was all too easy to fall into a not-quite-platonic-not-quite-romantic situationship. as time progresses though they realise that they actually are Falling In Love with one another as people, not just Messing Around as girls.
but because of course Meghan's story ends the way it does, they don't have a lot of time together. Rory is distraught in a way that no one else understands after she dies, but there's not anything that they can really do about it.
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