#fun fact the words on my header aka when you hover over my icon and shit
graunblida · 1 year
@aigonakru​ sent: 78 ( from lincoln )  //    spotify wrapped meme
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        “ and then, ” she pauses, because it isn’t like her to dwell on dreams nightmares. she’s experienced enough to last a lifetime, and has learned to cast them away swiftly upon waking ( though sometimes faint memories would linger ).  “ i look up at the skies, at the gods, ” leksa tilts her head back, gazing up at the swirling greys and blues. the shades give indication storms may be just over the horizon. “ my blood flows out from wounds to the ground... ” the commander is lost in thought a moment as she seems to stare past him. just what would lincoln make of this, if anything? perhaps simply humoring an old friend?   
goi, rode, goi!- arkona 
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