#fun fact this song is on my rewind because it's the namesake of an E1!Gem wip i have in my drafts
slashmagpie · 10 months
spotify wrapped-77?
Send me a number 1-100 and i will try to write a short fic based off whatever song that corresponds to in my spotify wrapped replay 2023!
“Oh, hello.”
The newcomer blinks. One ear twitches. Ren turns towards her, eyes wide, startled. 
“It’s good to see you again,” says Lizzie, and she’s only a little facetious, only a little bitter.
“Where… are we?” Ren looks around. It’s dark. The void stretches on and on forever, flecked with specks of light.
“Dead,” says Lizzie dully.
“Oh.” He blinks, rubbing at his head. “I don’t know what happened, I was—I was Tango, for a bit, I think? And now—oh. Oh, I feel sick.”
“Yeah, it’ll do that to you,” she says, flicking a nail. “How’ve you been, Ren? I haven’t seen you in a while.” She stares at him through narrow eyes.
“I haven’t seen you either, my Queen,” he says with a bow. “It’s been far too long.”
She snorts. Hugs her knees to her chest. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“What did I do?”
“My Queen,” she echoes, mocking. 
“Well.” Ren hesitates. “You were.”
“Not anymore.” She reaches up, swipes her wrist across her eye. She’s not crying anymore, though. There are no tears to wipe away. It just burns. “Now I’m dead!”
“Are you okay?” Ren asks.
She laughs. “I died. It wasn’t even for my task! It wasn’t even cool! I just—I looked at an enderman—why wasn’t I wearing a bloody pumpkin?! I spent so long trying to convince Cleo to wear a pumpkin, and then I—agh. It was embarrassing. I’m an embarrassment.” She buries her face in her knees. “Don’t look at me.”
Ren is quiet. She thinks, for a moment, that he’s moved away, but then there’s a hand in her hair, and a voice saying, “I don’t think you’re an embarrassment, my Queen.”
She snorts. “Everyone else does,” she says lowly. “I died before Jimmy. Do you know how embarrassing it is to die before Jimmy? Everyone says he’s cursed! I’m just—I’m just—incompetent. And nobody even cared.”
“I care,” Ren says softly.
“You’re dead too.” She scowls into her skirt. “You weren’t even really alive.” 
“...That doesn’t mean I don’t care.” 
“You didn’t.”
“Last time—Last Life—you—you didn’t want me anymore. And then I died. And this time—I was alone again. I thought I worked better alone. Certainly worked better than all that nonsense with the Fairy Fort. But—here I am again! Dead!” She laughs. “Stupid game. I shouldn’t have played.”
“I know the feeling, my friend.” He settles down, sitting beside her with a sigh. “It’s okay. You don’t have to play again if you don’t want to. God knows I don’t.”
She steals a sideways glance at him. “How come?”
He grimaces. “Do you know how I died last time?”
“Grian dropped dripstone on my head. I didn’t even see it coming. It was—it was a one in a million chance, my dude, the luckiest shot in the world, and he made it. Everyone thought it was so cool. Nobody thought that it was sad that I was dead. Well, except for Grian, who thought it was sad that BigB died because of me.”
Lizzie tilts her head to the side. Peers up at him. “That must be pretty embarrassing for you, huh,” she says.
His ears flick back against his head as he sags. “So embarrassing.”
“Well…” She straightens up a little. Rubs at her eyes again. Says, “I suppose if someone must see me in such a state, it should be someone who’s just as pathetic as me.” Offers him a small smile.
“Aye, my Lady,” he says with a laugh. “What a pathetic pair we make.”
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