#fun fact you gotta search dior eluchil or else you get dior the brand
adwendoodles · 4 years
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Finally finished the Doriath crowd (some of them, at least). So the Doriath royal family + Daeron, Beleg, and Mablung!
this is gonna be long... why did i decide to make so many characters. the count is up to 72 now. 72. And I might add others like Oropher and Thranduil and Voronwë if, you know, i I feel like torturing myself
- i was honestly not going to include daeron, beleg, or mablung and then i realized that 80% of the reason im making this is so my friend, who is constantly lost about the silmarillion (yet valiantly tries to read the fanfics i rec) has a reference and even though these are mostly minor characters i was like... oh well time to draw them. i still quite enjoy the detail that the sindar look a lot like the noldor and most of them have black/brown hair so i gave him that + the typical doriath skin color bc im an idiot and forgot to add more genetic diversity to doriath aljdlkfdslkfds
- why does everyone draw beleg with silver hair????? i realize it might be 90% not caring that silver hair is usually a trait of thingol’s kin or i mean, he might also have silver hair on his own, but if that got described in the silm i completely didnt process it and so now im just so curious. is it canon?? is it fanon??? is it fanon so fanon it might be canon??? pls enlighten me
anyway regardless of the reason im really into silver haired beleg lmao. i went ahead and did it. he’s actually reffed from a real person for once! isn’t this guy just so hot??? i dont think i meant him to be beleg when i pinned the image but when i was trying to figure out how to draw beleg i saw it and i was just like!!!  so i follow my thirsty brain instincts
*disney voice* now all of china knows you can’t ref
- mablung i have like zero mental image for but i finally realized i could like... use more than one skin color for doriath.... ..... ...... so i went ahead and did it. kinda inspired by a google search of his name tbh??? in related news if anyone is up for hearing me gush about dakkun39′s silm art at them for 30 minutes hit me up bc these were some of the first silm fanarts i ever saw and they STAYED WITH ME i LOVE the piece with galariel at the first kinslaying like THAT SHAPED HOW I SAW THAT ENTIRE SCENE and the first time i saw it i had no idea who any of these people were i LOVE IT 100% that’s my entire galadriel look headcanon. im also quite fond of their haleth and all of their maedhros pieces are amazing as well
*cough* moving on
- i’ve done thingol melian and luthien so moving onto beren... uhhh idk about beren im always torn between ‘scruffy forest man hasn’t bathed in a decade’ and ‘handsome rugged dude’ and i landed far away from both but im okay with this?? the real question is why he’s blond. normally i picture him with dark hair?? i think i should blame the internet for telling me his hair in canon is blond cuz i... do... try and respect canon... usually.....
- i really love this one hc that dior the fair looks like beren hahaha. he looks enough like luthien that ppl can praise the resemblance, but truthfully he much more closely resembles Young Handsome Lordling Beren. i feel like i messed up his eyes but i’ll... fix that in post production
- nimloth!!! another person i have no headcanon for except “dark hair question mark” i used the opportunity to try and draw a cool headdress i saw on pinterest... with dubious results.... also curious that she wears a crown/headdress and dior doesn’t...
- elured and elurin!!! i had to draw them as kids for obvious reasons :’c they’re wearing simple child clothing i guess, and have silver hair bc they’re elu’s heirs so im guessing that to ear that title when they’re like, 6, they must resemble great grandpa a bit (also im quite fond of the silver haired elu twins hc)
- conversely, elwing resembles melian! not actually a headcanon i had but it really worked here???? also i like that out of all of melian’s descendents besides luthien (who is always an outlier and should not be counted), elwing is the one that actually uses maia-adjacent powers (i do like the idea that the power to transform was somewhere inside of her, and ulmo helped bring it out. im not sure a normal elf would survive literally turning into a bird).
i actually drew like, 4 different versions of elwing. there’s child elwing, adult elwing with nauglimir, bird elwing, and adult elwing without nauglimir
in related news, i now need to draw earendil with the silmaril forehead lamp to make everything consistent
- the one thing i’ve learned from this is that even with refs i cant draw kids ahahahah... something to practice on i guess
- also in case anyone was curious ive now finished 57 characters. the only remaining elves that are currently on the list (aka: the house of finwe. tho knowing me im prooobably gonna add voronwe... *sigh*) are gil-galad, gwindor (boyfriends and spouses count as part of the house, right? of course they do thats why i drew them), arwen, elladan and ellohir (mostly bc im still debating whether to give them the noldor background color or the sindar bg color), and glorfindel and echtelion who are not part of the house of finwe (tho they might be depending on the headcanon) but are relevant enough imma draw them anyway. the remaining rest are humans (me, biased?? nooooo)
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