#fun fact: I actually hate momma boy Alastor
nunalastor · 4 months
Here's to my knowledge about shotguns and bullets being worth something so I can talk about Alastor's death.
First of all the buckshot bullets that were probably used (named as they are intended to take out bucks which if he died by being mistaken for a deer is likely) actually come in one shot as a group of 9 to take out larger prey as per the designs of shotguns. The bullets separate from one another about half a degree every 10 feet or so. For the mark Alastor has, he was shot probably from 10-20 feet. This would do horrific damage to his skull in a mark about the size of someone’s fist at the front but at least one bullet would land where his mark is.
Alastor would not die immediately, but it would blind him immediately and the back of his skull would be missing. Depending on the circumstances around the area, like the season, would also determine what level of consciousness he had because warmer weather promotes blood flow aka kills him way faster.
That type of wound has been survived before with a rifle by a guy in WW1, it blinded him and he never slept again in his 20-30 years of extra life (he went insane) but he lived. With a shotgun it’s not going to and Alastor would lose consciousness in around 15-30 seconds because at least one of those bullets hit all the important things at the center of his brain. If his luck is really shit he might be able to go for a full minute or maybe but less likely two if he somehow doesn’t just go into irreversible shock. He may not fully die for another few minutes after that, so if there was a medic on hand there might have been something to be done (probably not, even these days that wound would be barely survivable let alone the 1930s) but this was the middle of the woods, so that hunter probably just had to watch him die.
Also because of the nature of how bullets work just to ruin Alastor's day a little bit more, the speed of compressed air would start small fires to maximize damage in Alastor’s brain. That part would only worsen with the distance away the hunter was.
Overall for Alastor the best outcome would be to lose consciousness within 15-30 seconds (or nigh-instantly if he landed on a rock or saw the bullet coming and clenched his neck muscles enough to knock himself out yes humans can do that, it feels like a design flaw) and for that consciousness to be pure shock and unable to process the dogs. That outcome does not seem to be what happened.
But no, he probably wouldn't have been able to call for his mother before death, because what remained of his brain would be trying to figure out wtf happened, and even if he somehow figured that out and wasn't in shock, his brain would have taken too much damage to form an actual word.
I imagine he heard a crack in the woods and pissed himself and called for his mommy before the hunter took pity on his ass and shot him
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