#fun fact: the pop song hc was made because I was listening to Shawn Mendes
magicmindless · 1 year
Do you have any hcs about Fitz? I liked the hints you gave of his and Petrona's relationship and I wanna know more :b
Here yah go. I don’t think about this man much but I tried
A HC list but it’s just Professor Fitz
- Hardworking and eccentric but means well, though he can be a bit snarky or easily frustrated sometimes
- He has the appearance that he doesn’t get phased by bad things but he just keeps his bad feelings inside
- His full name is Isaac Fitz
- He hates schedules because he has a hard time with being decisive and tends to change little things so often that they don’t work for him
- Has a crazy high spice tolerance none of his children can beat
- After some investigation, he thinks there could be a way to make replica warp coins which work exactly like the real thing, however, the ethics of this are questionable at best since these are very sacred objects which the technology shouldn’t be messed with so the project is on hold
- Petrona is his daughter and they have a close relationship. Fitz checks in on her at work whenever he can and worries about her a bit excessively which annoys her sometimes but she knows that he just does it because he loves her
- He’s also very close with Iggy since he spends a lot of time with him when Petrona is at work, which is pretty often. They practically live together which is… actually a little depressing, but they’re never unhappy with each other
- Radley was his son but… well, y’know. He’s a radish now
-NuMarcus is also his son but he has no feelings towards him after all the questionable stuff he’s done
- He likes small mammals like rabbits and hamsters and raccoons. When he saw Skip with Pastrami the rat during Mocharia he asked him if he could hold Pastrami and Skip allowed him to. Fitz was very happy
- He actually seems to like all types of animals. Reptiles, amphibians and he even used to capture and collect bugs as a kid
- He doesn’t know what furries are but he might be one, and his fursona would be a skunk
- He doesn’t believe in ghosts but the concept of them scares him
- Pop songs on the radio are kind of his guilty pleasure, and will sometimes sing to them alone, even doing the typical thing where he’ll pretend to sing into a microphone when it’s really just a hairbrush or something (Once Iggy walked in on him doing this)
- Disney songs are also something he loves. He hasn’t bothered with watching all of the movies, he’s mainly watched the old classics but some of the songs he likes even from movies he hasn’t seen
- Despite his limited knowledge he’s an LGBT ally all the way. He even bought Iggy a pride flag when he found out he was a demiboy (he’s trying his best okay?)
- Back in school his favorite subject was, of course, science though his least favorite was literature. He’s traumatized from analyzing William Shakespeare, just hearing the name gives him Vietnam flashbacks
- Whenever he gets transmissions back from Ripley in Munchmore he has to use a thesaurus or Petrona to help him understand what the hell she’s saying. (He asked for in-depth detail but not like this)
- Speaking of Ripley, they didn’t really interact much at Truffleton, but when they started collaborating for the Munchmore expeditions they got to know each other better and he sees her as another daughter
- Okay so going for the angst part of the Fitz family AU he’s gotten nightmares about his wife dying and Radley turning into a Radish
- Him and Louie have been friends since they were young and dumb. He still sticks around to help him with restaurant and food ideas and such, however, because of other reasons he thinks maybe the dumb is still retained in him sometimes
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