#fun fact. this took THREE discord messages to send. its long. suprised i didnt hit the tumblr mobile paragraph break limit lol
fearforthestorm · 2 years
just spent a hot minute transcribing a lore scene between Legundo and Viking from Legs' stream tonight (09 Nov), so I'm gonna go ahead and post it here too! link to timestamp embedded here, or the timestamp is about 1:29:23. transcript under the cut due to spoilers :D
begin transcript:
VP: Dude, how much d'you think she'd pay for diorite? You think she'd take your word for it?
L: Oh, so we're having this conversation now. We're having this conversation now, huh.
VP: I mean, we can (have this conversation now). I'm still waiting.
L: Okay. Yeah, so let's talk about that. Cause, as I've learned, didn't you tell Fix to stop me?
VP: I- (laughs) I may have told him to do something, but-
L: Oh, Fix did something alright! You saw what happened when those diamonds got removed, and I'd warned you what could happen.
VP: To be fair, I didn't do that.
L: No, but, if I had done what I'd promised you I would do, that's what would have happened.
VP: (sighs) Do you want me to explain exactly what I had in mind?
L: Is the end of the world worth whatever you were planning to do?
VP: mmmmm well if everything had gone to plan, the world wouldn't've ended, so,
L: Well, the diamonds got moved and the world ended.
VP: Wellllll, if, if the two people you send to, to do the thing, stop eachother and no one steals the diamonds, then, it's just fun to watch.
L: ...So it was all a game to you.
VP: Isn't this all just a game? (giggles)
L: That giggle is so upsetting, I'm not gonna lie.
VP: (giggles even more)
L: So, so, then it's not about the diamonds!
VP: No, I do need them. I would have gone and gotten them myself, I have that ability of course.
L: Then you would've caused the end of the world.
VP: Well, I didn't know that at the time, and it's Fix's fault, so. It's not my fault anymore. Er, couldn't even be my fault.
L: But I know you told him to do it, so, what are you talking about? You keep talking about..."the interest rate on my word". You obviously have something in mind. Spill it.
VP: Uhhhh how long have you got?
L: What do you mean?
VP: (slightly hushed, as though more to himself than to Legs)...How long have I been on this server? In this world?
L: Ohhh, I don't know. Cause there's been - there was a time before we all saw you, right?
VP: (brief silence) I don't even know the answer to that question.
L: ...Okay.
VP: What was I before I died, Legs?
L: I dunno! You're just a ghost :)
VP: I don't even know the answer to that!
L: Maybe you were a land shark! (punches Viking and he phases into the ground)
VP: Yeah, cause you can do that as a living being, right?
L: No, you can't do that as a living - oh, yeah, that kinda doesn't track huh.
VP: uh-huh.
L: So, what do you want from me?
VP: (overlapping w Legs) I need the diamonds. I need diamonds. A lot of them.
L: Okay.
VP: A lot a lot of them. Cause...hmmmm. There's a book, there's a certain thing, there's a chapter in it that I can't - I don't remember very well but basically I need a lot of diamonds to do something similar to what we did to Jamie, and it would allow me to kind of remember things hopefully maybe?
VP: Or it would just blow me up into a million little pieces or it would just end the server or it would cause everyone on the server to instantaneously have bad gas. I'm not really sure.
L: Okay, so I'm down for like.. two out of five of those, but...
VP: Oh, I wonder which two.
L: That's for you to figure out. So, what is it? You keep saying interest on my word. If I would've done what you told me, I would've blown up the world. It would've been my fault instead of Fix's.
VP: And, guess what, we've all forgive Fix, seems like everyone's just kind of moved on from what he did. "Oh, he relapsed, oh he's a genie now, he grants wishes" like everyone's just kind of okay with it now. He built you a desert!
L: That is kind of convenient, yeah, I'm totally cool with that actually.
(Overlapping speech - can't distinguish what Viking continues to say about fix)
L: (forcefully) So what do you want? What do you want.
VP: Help. I want your help. With this. I also need to talk to a couple other people, but I want diamonds. A lot. I've been mining myself, but I need like - about how many stacks would you say were in that ritual, cause that's about how much I need.
L: About 4?
VP: Four stacks of diamond blocks...sounds about right? About one per pillar (at the exorcism). This ritual's different, but...it's a lot of netherite, too. But I can do that part. Just a lot of things to guarantee that nothing goes wrong, basically.
L: Yeah, cause we kind of skirted it just barely over the line with Jamie.
VP: Yeahh, and, well, she is still gone. Like, missing, dead, just not here.
L: Yeah, and we have no idea where she is, too. What if what you're planning to do puts you in the same position? What if she's like you were?
(Viking briefly walks around a bit, shouting about/at Jamie, as though she may be a ghost able to see them, like he was.)
VP: Anyway, ummmm...I'll have to think about that, honestly. I hadn't thought about that.
L: Cause you keep trying to be all menacing, you don't even have a plan.
VP: (noise of frustration) I have...a desire to solve problems. And that is what, that is where it lies. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but I just want to fix the problem at hand.
L: Make a shop! Start earning! Capitalism! That's how it works.
VP: (laughs) I mean I guess if I have to, yeah.
L: There you go, I'm helping!
VP: You're very helpful! I feel like I got cheated out of an IOU. But, well, I know never to delve in those again, cause...ah, it's too messy. It's too messy.
(They get out an enderchest, Legs shows his IOU that he got back from Viking before quickly putting it back away.)
L: Viking, I feel like that was a rare time where you were completely honest with me.
VP: Huh. (pause) Good! I felt like I was being completely honest. Is this what it feels like to be not hiding something?
L: Yeah, a little bit! Kind of warm and tingly inside.
VP: I hate it.
(both laugh.)
VP: Well, I'm, uh...I'm gonna leave now. And...thanks? I guess?
(they say goodbye, Viking leaves.)
/end transcript
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