#GOD. this was. definitley a scene!! i am So Normal.
fearforthestorm · 2 years
just spent a hot minute transcribing a lore scene between Legundo and Viking from Legs' stream tonight (09 Nov), so I'm gonna go ahead and post it here too! link to timestamp embedded here, or the timestamp is about 1:29:23. transcript under the cut due to spoilers :D
begin transcript:
VP: Dude, how much d'you think she'd pay for diorite? You think she'd take your word for it?
L: Oh, so we're having this conversation now. We're having this conversation now, huh.
VP: I mean, we can (have this conversation now). I'm still waiting.
L: Okay. Yeah, so let's talk about that. Cause, as I've learned, didn't you tell Fix to stop me?
VP: I- (laughs) I may have told him to do something, but-
L: Oh, Fix did something alright! You saw what happened when those diamonds got removed, and I'd warned you what could happen.
VP: To be fair, I didn't do that.
L: No, but, if I had done what I'd promised you I would do, that's what would have happened.
VP: (sighs) Do you want me to explain exactly what I had in mind?
L: Is the end of the world worth whatever you were planning to do?
VP: mmmmm well if everything had gone to plan, the world wouldn't've ended, so,
L: Well, the diamonds got moved and the world ended.
VP: Wellllll, if, if the two people you send to, to do the thing, stop eachother and no one steals the diamonds, then, it's just fun to watch.
L: ...So it was all a game to you.
VP: Isn't this all just a game? (giggles)
L: That giggle is so upsetting, I'm not gonna lie.
VP: (giggles even more)
L: So, so, then it's not about the diamonds!
VP: No, I do need them. I would have gone and gotten them myself, I have that ability of course.
L: Then you would've caused the end of the world.
VP: Well, I didn't know that at the time, and it's Fix's fault, so. It's not my fault anymore. Er, couldn't even be my fault.
L: But I know you told him to do it, so, what are you talking about? You keep talking about..."the interest rate on my word". You obviously have something in mind. Spill it.
VP: Uhhhh how long have you got?
L: What do you mean?
VP: (slightly hushed, as though more to himself than to Legs)...How long have I been on this server? In this world?
L: Ohhh, I don't know. Cause there's been - there was a time before we all saw you, right?
VP: (brief silence) I don't even know the answer to that question.
L: ...Okay.
VP: What was I before I died, Legs?
L: I dunno! You're just a ghost :)
VP: I don't even know the answer to that!
L: Maybe you were a land shark! (punches Viking and he phases into the ground)
VP: Yeah, cause you can do that as a living being, right?
L: No, you can't do that as a living - oh, yeah, that kinda doesn't track huh.
VP: uh-huh.
L: So, what do you want from me?
VP: (overlapping w Legs) I need the diamonds. I need diamonds. A lot of them.
L: Okay.
VP: A lot a lot of them. Cause...hmmmm. There's a book, there's a certain thing, there's a chapter in it that I can't - I don't remember very well but basically I need a lot of diamonds to do something similar to what we did to Jamie, and it would allow me to kind of remember things hopefully maybe?
VP: Or it would just blow me up into a million little pieces or it would just end the server or it would cause everyone on the server to instantaneously have bad gas. I'm not really sure.
L: Okay, so I'm down for like.. two out of five of those, but...
VP: Oh, I wonder which two.
L: That's for you to figure out. So, what is it? You keep saying interest on my word. If I would've done what you told me, I would've blown up the world. It would've been my fault instead of Fix's.
VP: And, guess what, we've all forgive Fix, seems like everyone's just kind of moved on from what he did. "Oh, he relapsed, oh he's a genie now, he grants wishes" like everyone's just kind of okay with it now. He built you a desert!
L: That is kind of convenient, yeah, I'm totally cool with that actually.
(Overlapping speech - can't distinguish what Viking continues to say about fix)
L: (forcefully) So what do you want? What do you want.
VP: Help. I want your help. With this. I also need to talk to a couple other people, but I want diamonds. A lot. I've been mining myself, but I need like - about how many stacks would you say were in that ritual, cause that's about how much I need.
L: About 4?
VP: Four stacks of diamond blocks...sounds about right? About one per pillar (at the exorcism). This ritual's different, but...it's a lot of netherite, too. But I can do that part. Just a lot of things to guarantee that nothing goes wrong, basically.
L: Yeah, cause we kind of skirted it just barely over the line with Jamie.
VP: Yeahh, and, well, she is still gone. Like, missing, dead, just not here.
L: Yeah, and we have no idea where she is, too. What if what you're planning to do puts you in the same position? What if she's like you were?
(Viking briefly walks around a bit, shouting about/at Jamie, as though she may be a ghost able to see them, like he was.)
VP: Anyway, ummmm...I'll have to think about that, honestly. I hadn't thought about that.
L: Cause you keep trying to be all menacing, you don't even have a plan.
VP: (noise of frustration) I have...a desire to solve problems. And that is what, that is where it lies. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but I just want to fix the problem at hand.
L: Make a shop! Start earning! Capitalism! That's how it works.
VP: (laughs) I mean I guess if I have to, yeah.
L: There you go, I'm helping!
VP: You're very helpful! I feel like I got cheated out of an IOU. But, well, I know never to delve in those again, cause...ah, it's too messy. It's too messy.
(They get out an enderchest, Legs shows his IOU that he got back from Viking before quickly putting it back away.)
L: Viking, I feel like that was a rare time where you were completely honest with me.
VP: Huh. (pause) Good! I felt like I was being completely honest. Is this what it feels like to be not hiding something?
L: Yeah, a little bit! Kind of warm and tingly inside.
VP: I hate it.
(both laugh.)
VP: Well, I'm, uh...I'm gonna leave now. And...thanks? I guess?
(they say goodbye, Viking leaves.)
/end transcript
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losersclub3000 · 4 years
Ok I am so curious about your writing process! Obviously it can't be linear... bc its not a linear story. But like, did you already have all the routes in mind? Or did you write one main one and then finish each branch individually? I notice alot of parallels in some places before they all meet up and it definitley seems like there's one main branch that you follow and you can take little detours but mostly it stays on one path. Oooo is that you playing on the concept of inevitability??
oh anon u got me theres nothing i love more than talking abt the act of writing
(also for anyone thats interested below the readmore is my original flowchart from my notebook for this fic 🥺)
so like.... normally i write very linearly which was REALLY A BIG CHALLENGE FOR ME TO NOT DO THIS TIME AROUND..... but so much fucking fun i love pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone in writing and this was SUCH an awesome way to do it imo. like i really feel like ive improved so much over these past two months!! which is such a great feeling im  🥺🥺
anyway! so like. i started this out by yelling at my (now former, rip) roommate/(current, always) best friend abt how i wanted to write a time loop fic (we both love the groundhog day musical) and also a choose ur own adventure.. and she was like jamie. u fool. just combine those concepts.
and so i spent a couple days with a notebook just. alternating between sitting on the couch and staring off into space in Deep Thought on how the fuck i would do this and like. frantically scrawling out a flowchart which like. is LITERALLY falling apart and so scribbled over now but like i cherish it so much i wanna frame it lol... so here it is:
Tumblr media
if tumblr doesnt botch the quality u can zoom in and see all my original plans!!! lots of details have been changed but in essence this is the bare bones of the fic!!! im emo lol... but YEAH you can really see 1) how absolutely unhinged i am 2) how fucking inside out i had to know this fic and 3) the mechanics of how the fic flows! act 1 (black) goes up until stan/the letters and thats where you make the most choice, then act 2 (red) is me leading you all to the inevitable!!
so the way i conceptualize this fic is in two main branches in act one (which literally you cant see at ALL here but i made a clean graphic in ps that shows it better) that basically sets u on different paths from the first choice: tell eddie or not... and i tried to make those branches representative of that choice like in the “tell him” branch you get a lot more richie/eddie confessions and scenes, but in the “dont tell him” branch we focus more on richies friendships and his fixation on the time loops! so like. each branch has its merits depending on what kind of emotional developments youre looking for from richie, BUT
they do all eventually lead to the same place! which yes is definitely me playing on inevitability... a couple asks back i talked abt the themes of this that rly compelled me to write this in the first place and thats one of them!! very tied in w recovery and forgiving urself for things u cant control, which is what richie has to do to break the loop.
so in a way theres a main branch and theres not? act 1 you get a lot of choice, but act 2 i push you into it. for me it was kind of like... i want you to be on the same journey as richie? at the start youre not sure whats going on so you can kinda go wherever and do whatever, but then as you start to learn more you kind of realize this is maybe heading in one direction so you have less say in what happens as we move towards acceptance..
GOD IM EMO thank you for letting me ramble so much!! this fic is rly special to me and i put so much thought into every little bit of it  🥺 thank you so much for reading and coming to chat with me! i love you!! 💗
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withallthingslove · 6 years
the handmaid’s tale s2ep6 thoughts
under the cut
- Serena is one of the most complex and complicated characters (obviously she’s a terrible person but as a character she’s awesome) . It doesn’t help that I’m in love with yvonne. 
- the doctor (the same one who offered to impregnate june last season) referring to Hannah as june’s “first pregnancy” is such a slap in the face. Ugh
- Serena offering to let june see the ultrasound... it definitely wasn’t done to taunt june... she genuinely wants june to see the baby as a way to make harmony.
- god I’m gonna be a wreck if she doesn’t escape with that baby
- Also I love when serena is nice. She has a short fuse for sure but it’s clear that she also has some strong caring/maternal instincts. She is desperate for something to care for
- aunt lydia slyly mentioning serena’s mistreatment to fred. lololol aunt lydia is onto serena just like commander pryce is onto fred.
- I am loving this june and serena being nice to each other thing. Mainly because I love the dynamic between them and part of me wishes they could be friends if serena wasn’t so terrible
- Nick & june openly proclaiming that sometimes they think of a future where they are together with their baby >>>>>
- nick and june holding hands and rita catching them >>>
- The sass between the three of them >>>
- god watching eden with nick is almost unbearable. She’s just a kid and she’s been brought up to think all of this is normal and based on her reaction of gripping the bench when she said she knew what’s expected of her... she’s scared to have sex but feels it is her duty.
- June’s interaction with Fred in the kitchen is so relaxed. she knows how to play him 
- these serena flashbacks... fred is definitley attracted to strong women. Although he still attempts to control her at the same time he recognizes he is not worthy of her strength
- love the parallel of serena on the college campus with the modern day debate. In this case the crowd is right because she is legit trying to start a fascist movement. But as soon as she sprouts the fertility rate dropping fact you see some people change their mind and start agreeing with her. 
- so does this mean she’s infertile because of the gun shot?
- WOWOWOWOW FRED KILLING THAT GIRL. 100% did not expect that. I figured the scene was going to be present day because of his hair and I didn’t think past Fred had the balls to do anything like that. He clearly will do anything to prove himself though
- Also lowkey disappointed because I was hoping june escaped again and that scene was fred tracking down people helping her
- gosh the handmaid brunch or whatever and serena’s face when she realizes what happens to ofglen... serena is cruel but sometimes I wonder if she knows how cruel gilead is. Because she doesn’t see most of it
- when serena gently touched june’s shoulder as she walked out of the room. She seems like she genuinely wants a connection with her
- THE NURSERY SCENE. Both women acted their asses off but when serena says “absolutely not” through tears I almost started crying. June was plotting, but she has to be that way because of the position she is in. And she pushed too much too fast (by reminding serena she is a human) so it made serena think june was taking advantage. 
- But considering she took June to Hannah as blackmail you would think she’d take her to be nice. And serena also doesn’t like being reminded that at the end of the day she is june’s oppressor. So when June brings up the past or pushes serena, she snaps. 
- Observation on their reactions: Both leave thinking the other one is the worst and feeling betrayed. June because she doesn’t think Serena is capable of being decent (she isn’t), and Serena because she thinks June is always manipulating (she is). Both are upset because they were starting to view the other as a friend and then reality happened. I.e. when serena said “just when I was thinking we could be...” and then stops bc she cuts herself
- June saying “oh you want to fuck somebody you don’t want to? poor thing.” to Nick. YES QUEEN SNAPS
- Nick said I love you. And he said it as his reasoning why he didn’t want to sleep with Eden. Before this it was just an unspoken thing again and now it’s out there in the open. I think June loves Nick which is why she breaks down afterwards. Because him saying it complicates everything.
- Poor Eden. No foreplay. 
- Also that was worse to watch than I thought it would be
- Also I think Nick faked it because he did not last long at all and we know June was building up his sexual stamina. 
- UGH WHY IS FRED THE WORST. I knew as soon as he put his hand on her stomach, no as soon as he walked into her room... ugh. He’s so sleazy. And June has to be assaulted while pretending she’s into him. That was harder to watch than the Eden sex
- Nick and Pryce... they both clearly trust each other a lot and I think in a way Pryce is a mentor/father figure to nick. 
- So why did Nick request to leave? I think he is unraveling and his plan is to turn the waterfords in to protect june and get as far away from that house as possible. Because he doesn’t know how else to help. I don’t think he has a a master plan or anything he seems pretty on edge
- Serena and June are back to their back and forth and I love it. Also love the callback to the book of June getting a picture of Hannah
- That ending tho. I never thought I’d be cheering for a suicide bomber
- I wonder if Ofglen was always part of Mayday and her whole pious thing was an act. Or if she really lost everything so she gave up on her ideals
- Also my girl Alma recognized the bomb first and took off and I am proud and relieved
Next Episode:
Fred isn’t dead we know he’s in later episodes
Pryce is probably dead. That’s why Cushing is doing the investigation and why the Waterfords are able to go to Canada in later episodes because Fred isn’t being held back by Pryce.
This episode will probably show Rita’s true allegience since the showrunners have teased it and Amanda Brugel is taking over the instagram for the week leading up to the episode. 
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