thefundiesaga · 9 days
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Baby arrival and announcement! 🍼👶🤍
Please welcome our sweet daughter Zara. Zara arrived in the small hours of the morning. I had her at home with my mom and my sister Raelynn with me to support me. After a TOUGH 23 HOURS our little girl arrived. Being at home was amazing I got to feel the holy spirit and truly feel at one with the Watcher.
Zara is the apple our eye but happily she won't be an only child for long! That's right WE'RE PREGNANT. Our little girls will be less than a year apart in age. How exciting!! I am so thankful for my mom's watcherful example of motherhood that she has shown to me! Before Zara was born we discussed if we would allow our daughter to wear pants. This questions was put before us by a visitor at our church. We believe women should only wear skirts and dresses. We also believe that we should not wear revealing clothing. Of course the visitor was intrigued by this idea and asked for the text that supports this. And know dear friends we share it with you.
"A women must dress differently from men, they must cover their bodies to honor their parents and husbands" Chap 2 verse 3-4
"Women cover yourselves in feminine clothing , not those that are masculine" Chap 2 verse 4-5
We hope that you feel the watcher through our journey on Simstagram!
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100talberts · 3 years
Fundie Simblr List
If I’m missing anybody, let me know!
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thefundiesaga · 10 days
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Our New Home 🌿🏡🏞️🏚️
Greeting friends we have recently moved into our very own house in Copperdale, its quite a little journey from Newcrest. But we both felt the pull from the watcher to make the journey here. We are happy to have our house with three bedrooms and a little bit of land to grow our own veg. Unfortunately that will have to wait until Spring as we bought our house in the middle of winter!
We managed to buy our home debt free as it needs a little work. Luckily my dad build us some furniture so help get set up and now we just have to do the rest. I'm so lucky my husband is such a good provider. We live mostly from the land and we are so blessed to have the Copperdale river beside us! We don't have long until our blessing arrives! Thank you to all of you who follow us and thank you to my parents for raising me in such a godly home!
Blessings, Ralphine
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thefundiesaga · 2 months
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Wedding bells
The day has happened our dear Ralphine married her Beau Jackson at our family church in Newcrest. Our darling Ralphine wore MY WEDDING DRESS!! The flowers were stunning ,we went for a winter wonder land wedding. We had the ceremony inside. But convinced the happy couple that they NEEDED to go outside and get some pictures. It was well below zero but my darling daughter never complained once! We said a quick prayer before the wedding to bless Ralphine and Jackson in their future endeavors and hopefully that they will be blessed with children soon!
Right now they are preparing for their move to Copperdale , Jackson got a deal with some land so they can finally live out their farm life! We will pop over soon to see how things are going . But GOSH I am going to miss her and the house is going to feel empty!
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thefundiesaga · 2 months
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TheNaylorFam *TW *
The happy couple! 🤍🔔🤵💍💙
Introducing Mr and Mrs Long . Mr Hank long is an elder at our church who met our darling Rosebella at Voyage of direction. They clicked instantly and after monitoring there conversations closely threw group chat we have given our devoted little girl away in marriage. Rosebella is so HAPPY. Especially since Hank shares her convictions for having children. These two believe that every child is a blessing and only a fool would try and prevent a BLESSING! They are currently living in a trailer outside Brindleton Bay. Hank is very convicted to live a life away from secular society and we can only admire them!
They are doing up their trailer as they wait for the watcher to provide them with their little blessing. Please keep Rosebella in your thoughts as she is so desperate in becoming a mama at her age!
Yours ,
Renee Naylor
AN: Someone pass me a bucket - why did I do this you ask ? Shiny happy people . This account is for fun and to poke fun at the fundies. This could be a real for many young women in the world . Rosebella met Hank when she was 17 and is very naive and has been brought up to see men as her provider and protector . So of course a "Watcherful" man would be a prince charming for her. I don't plan to report on these very much and with good reason.
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thefundiesaga · 3 months
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Catch up with Raelynn's family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Raelynn is our eldest child and married her husband Demarcus six years ago now ! 😯
The have had 5 children so far... Prudence-Grace (5) Valiant (4) Righteous (2) and TWINS Patriarch and Constance fate (1). We don't get to see them very often but when we do we treasure there company. Demarcus works for a watcherful internet search engine. Ensuring that true Believers don't have to run the risk of seeing unpure things . Of course we only use our computer for school work. They have been busy growing their family and church in Willow Creek. Raelynn and I chat at least TWICE a day. To pray and share tips . Since my baby Riley is getting older by the minute! On our last phone call Relynn shared some news with me ...
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BABY #6 is on the way and it is a little Girl! we have brainstorming ideas but we haven't found something yet! I am so happy to be a grandmother to all these wonderful Children .
Blessings Renee Naylor
AN: I can smell the co-depency in the air. Also Renee your son is 10 now he is definitely not a baby- thank you for coming to my ted talk :0
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thefundiesaga · 3 months
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Another set of wedding bells!🔔💍🤍👰🤵
Please let me introduce to you Mr and Mrs Byron Benet! After meeting in high school co op these two lovebirds tied the knot at the Pier watcher Church in San Sequoia. They are currently using their honeymoon to mission in Salvadora! I am SO Inspired by this young couple. Roselina has always been my little shadow and her sister Raelynn's too . We are THRILLED! Roselina is missing us all greatly but we can't wait to visit them in Tomarang once they are back! Hopefully we won't have to wait long to here some news for them 😉
Truly this couple are inspirational not only have they given their lives to the Watcher by spreading his message . They have also decided to leave the size of their family up to the WATCHER. This girl takes after my own heart! Blessings to you both!
Prayers to you all ,
Renee Nayor
AN : Rosalina rolled to be a full fundie and to have 9-12 kids . Keep a look out on my next post for a catch with her older sister and all her *precious* children.
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thefundiesaga · 5 months
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15 years later ...
Hi Friends Welcome back to our family blog as you can see as lot has changed ! We have welcomed seven children into the world . The watcher has blessed us with two sons and five daughters . Although I had hoped to become blessed with more children but we are content with the helpers and helpmeets for the watcher. Here is my favorite family photo of us all. Our children are as follows: Raelynn and Roman (14) Ricky (12) Roselina (9) Roseabella (8) Radella (4) and Ralphine (1). We have moved into a new house too ! We still live in Newcrest and have bought a warehouse we renovated ! We have a HUGE garden as well which is full of our own crop and swings for our children if you are interested in buying our produce you can visit the garden stall in Henford on Bagley .
I have been trying to instill music into our children lives most of my children love to play the violin but we could do with some guitars and a keyboard if anyone knows anywhere . Hopefully in the near future we will be able to share the watchers world with everyone ! We are hopefully that Ralphine is not our last child please pray with us for our miracle baby !!
Renee Naylor
AN: Special thank you to @typical-fundie-fridays-fan for their pose "Full Quiver" . Also fingers crossed Renee's dream of a travelling family music group never happens ! 🙈 Also does anyone know a fundie that lives in a warehouse ????? 😁😁😉
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thefundiesaga · 6 months
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We've got a secret can you guess what it is ?
Babies Naylor coming soon !
We are thankful to the watcher that soon our little house will welcome four tiny feet inside . We are doubly blessed as the watcher has seen fit to bless us ! We are excitingly getting our house ready for our children to be borne . I plan to have a homebirth , given my age and this being my FIRST pregnancy it can only be good . We haven't found out the gender of our children but we are looking at baby name books as we speak. We haven't decided if we should do a name theme . Comment below what you think we should do !
I just love fulfilling my role as a goldy woman that welcomes the gift of motherhood and embracing feminine clothing and dressing like a lady. If I ever have a daughter I WILL instill these values . I love making my sweet husband meals and sharing my time with him but I'll be honest the first few weeks were TOUGH . I was so use to doing things my way and I didn't take his opinion into con sideration. Remember ladies marriage is hard but it is our watcherful duty to submit to our husband.
We have plenty of room in our little house we have met of few of our neighbors and LUCKILY they are also followers of the watcher! How quaint ! If only our little town was full of believers and we could built a paradise in the watchers image ! Follow along as we near closer to welcoming our sweet babes ! Blessing to you and prayer to the sinful!
Renee Naylor
AN: That whole idea of building a paradise is giving me mega cult vibes 💀. But also expect this newly married and mother to be dishing out advice two seconds after birth because remember marriage is hard.
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thefundiesaga · 6 months
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Never withering Naylors
Hi there folks we are the Naylor fam there me Renee and my wonderful husband Ralph . We are recently married and have moved to fair Newcrest! We have recently purchased our first home debt free! Here is a few get to knows us points !
. We are Watcher followers! We attend our wonderful church twice a week . Wednesday as a midweek bible study and Sunday as a full day of worship.
. Ralph is one of two children and I am sadly an only child . We were once rebellious children but the love of the Watcher reached us in high school! Since then we have made some lifestyles changes .
. I Renee do not work , we believe that a women's place is in the home . As such I keep myself busy with household tasks , knitting and playing my violin.
. Ralph has a part time job as a handy person and spends the rest of his time making sculptures and furniture. His goal is to become talented enough to build an entire house full of hand made furniture! Aren't I lucky 🥰
. We believe that children are a blessing from the watcher and as such we do not intend to prevent the number of children we will have! We hope to be #Quiverfull 😁😁 are therefore be able to raise as many souls up to the WATCHER.
. We also believe in MODESTY! Something that many of our fellow sims seem to have abandoned . I , Renee only wear skirts and dress that either stop or go pass my knee . I also wear high neck tops as well. I wear my hair long and take pride in my appearance and ensure that my husband finds me pleasing! After all we know that a man only strays when a women lets herself go 😉 . My HUSBAND Ralph also follows a appearance goal . He wears his hair short , no facial hair . He also wear shirts that have a high neckline , he also wears this at the beach.
We hope to use this platform to share some of our daily lives and the word of the watcher with you ALL ! After all we are all sinners saved by his grace. ⛪✝️
Blessings to you all ,
Renee Naylor
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thefundiesaga · 1 day
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"Stay close to the watcher and ye will be blessed"
Baby #3 Arriving Soon!
We are blessed and humbled to announce Zara and Xanthe are going to be big sisters! Truly we are THRILLED to be blessed so early after Xanthe was born. We took this opportunity to take photos with the girls while we can as we know life can get busy. Don't you just love the dress I'm wearing you can get your own in many different at Modesty Queen in Copperdale! They have given me a code just use the phrase #tradwifeforlife20 to get twenty per cent off!
We are now onto the letter "Y" please add your suggestions for us as this letter might be a bit tough 😂😂
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thefundiesaga · 4 days
Greenwood cottage , Copperdale , Saturday 23rd of June 8:03pm
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"Hello , Della thank you for coming over. It's been so loong since we have seen each and it will be good to chat"
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"Hey Fifi , I was surprised to hear from you but I'm s excited to meet the kids and Jackson. How have things been?"
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"Fine. The reason I asked you over was talk about your soul. The way you are living is a sin. The watcher forbids tattoos and unnatural piercings. I am afraid dear sister you will be punished in eternally damnation. You must repent and ;eave the world of sin in Del sol valley and find a watcherful man and take your place as his helpmeet, wife and mother to his children. Let's Pray! Like we use to when we were younger!"
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Della Thinks "Wait , what? Did she really make me come all this way for this?!
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"Unfortunately sis that isn't happening , you see my life is pretty great. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. I also get to make decisions about MY life. I can wear what I want , eat what I like and SLEEP WITH HOWEVER THE F*** I LIKE. Thanks for the preaching sis but no thanks. I'm perfectly happy with my life. Besides haven't you heard those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. BYE!"
Ralphine looks on in shock
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thefundiesaga · 5 days
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Presenting the Mr. Riley Naylor family 🔔💍👰🔔
Riley and Joy tied the knot in our very own back garden. They exchanged vows with my dear Ralph leading the ceremony. The vows were SOO romantic I've added them below.
Riley" Dearest Joy , I promise to be faithful to you. To guide you and lead you as the watcher commands. I pledge here in these witnesses to leave the size of our family up to the watcher and to raise them in his image. Your are a beckon of womanhood who strives everyday to be watcherful and a true gift to me , my family and you parents. I am honor to make you my wife."
Joy "To my Riley, I am so thankful that the watcher has brought us together. The time we have spent getting to know each other the last few days months has been so memorable. I cannot wait to serve and obey you in this life before we meet the watcher. I hope that he finds me a worthy woman to become a mother one day in this I have prayed nightly. I also pledge to leave the six of our family up to the watcher. It is my honor to become your wife today."
Aren't these vows so Beautiful! This momma's heart was weeping for JOY. I have to say Joy reminds me a lot of myself growing up and I am even more happy to say that Riley and Joy will be staying with us in our house. Since it is so hard to accommodate big families these days we giving the house to him. It's only fair since Riley is the youngest and his brothers already have homes of their own.
AN: It's also because he's your *cough* favorite* cough*. I took inspiration from jed and katey duggars vows which are something else 🤮🤮
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thefundiesaga · 6 days
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Another Blessing! Name theme announcement 🎊🎉🔔
W are Thrilled to add another blessing to our household! As many of you know we are fundamental Watchers and as such we believe that the watcher has it in his desire to have many children to raise in his image. Myself and Jackson are big believers that having a big family is the only true way to live! We are so excited to see what gender our baby is. We have decided to give our children a name theme. My mother chose to name us all with the letter "R" to honour my father Ralph who I am lucky enough to share a full name with almost! My oldest sister Raelynn chose to include names found in the holy book.
We have decided to name our children via the alphabet but we have decided to start from the end hence ZARA! Our belief is that the back of the holy book can often be forgotten too often and we hope that by using this blog and the names we have chosen for our children we can draw people closer to the watcher. Speak soon friends , we have to travel to Newcrest soon for a family event.
Kindness Ralphine
AN: I'll be honest the name theme the fundies choose is half my interest lol. Either starting all kids with the same letter can be full of unique name or boring . Anyone have a favorite theme?
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thefundiesaga · 7 days
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Wedding bells 🔔💍👰
It's time again for another wedding! Our youngest child is engaged! Our dear Riley and Joy have decided to take the next step in holy matrimony together! Riley is so touched by how helpful Joy has been to us recently. they started talking and the rest was history. Joy has similar modesty standards as ours and has similar beliefs!
Joy is pro homeschool, pro big families and pro watcher! She is truly worthy our our darling Riley and we can't wait for the wedding bells that wont be far away...
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thefundiesaga · 8 days
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Please welcome our *special* guest Miss Joy Braggan . Joy is currently helping around our house. All my daughters have now left and have their own children to look after. And as much as I hate to say it I'm now in my elder years and doing the housework takes a lot out of me. Joy is a pious young women who was adopted by her parents from Mt Krombi Joy became saved when she was FIVE! She enjoys helping at the church and volunteering at the Elder years home. She is also passionate and regularly prays outside the HEATHEN Sim Parenthood! Joy is content in her single life but she has said to me that she can't wait to be a MAMA just like me. Unfortunately her parents only adopted Joy and she has missed the big families that she has experienced at our church.
Truly joy is such a blessing and truly HONORS HER PARENTS!!! We are so thankfully to have sweet Joy in our lives!
AN: Why would Renee post about someone who is not linked to her family? Why indeed dear reader...
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