#fundielegacies taylor madison
biblethumpersims · 2 years
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from the Simstablr of Candace Mills (@.godspiousprincess)
As you ALL know, the Lord has BLESSED my womb again!!!! That’s what happens when you are a PIOUS WOMAN that OBEYS GOD - you are REWARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS time, I want to PLAY a little GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT down below to GUESS what SEX this CHILD is, and if you are RIGHT then I’ll share a SPECIAL SECRET PROMO CODE to get TEN PERCENT OFF your next order of SMEXUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you can GUESS the NAME, I’ll give you a SPECIAL SECRET PROMO CODE to get FORTY PERCENT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a STEAL (NOT in a NON-GOD HONORING WAY!!!!!!!), so START GUESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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camlovesjesus 25m
congrats, sis!!!!!! if you work hard, you miiiight catch up to me ;) I’ll guess a girl, maybe named Lauren?
godspinkprincesstaytay 21m
You’re sooo FUN, mommy!!! I love you and JESUS!!!!!
diecryhate69 17m   holy shit are you roleplaying as your six year old daughter?
godspinkprincesstaytay 15m   No, I am RECORDING her REAL TRUE ACTUAL WORDS that she SAID in REAL LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little Tay-Tay is not a BIG GIRL who can type or go online YET, so until she is OLD ENOUGH to use her account I’m running it FOR her!!!!!!! ENJOY YOUR BLOCK!!!!!!!!
godisparadise 17m
How fun c: A boy? Joseph?
godspiousprincess 11m   You are a FAME-CHASING woman of SATAN, a CHILD of a CHILD of DIVORCE, and a NAME STEALING WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn’t SELL to YOU if I were a DIRT POOR PEASANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
godisparadise 8m   Oh ok. Sorry :c
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Taylor Madison Mills! What is the meaning of this?!”
“It’s a phone...?”
“It’s your phone, you stupid slut.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes. What you sooo didn’t even think of was that I’m, like, literally a super good and Godly mom, so I went through all of it. You’ve been talking to boys behind my back!”
“No! No! Just the one!”
“Shut it! I saw your 🥰 emojis, whore. You have literally destroyed your ‘I Love You’ virginity for your husband! What Godly man is going to want a girl that has a used up, filthy heart?! You’re barely thirteen, and you’re already a second rate woman!”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I-”
“Uh, soooo not good enough! You need to marry your boyfriend. It is literally the only way to save your purity. I’m gonna talk to your father, then to your heavenly father, and then to Allan Pittman’s parents. I won’t have any child of mine denied at the gates of Heaven!”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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Spring, Sunday Birthdays:
- [Sam & GIP] John Eaten, teenager. Received the Nature - Curator aspiration.
- Malachite Spinel Flanagan born.
- Taylor Mills, teenager. Received the Popularity - Media Guru aspiration. 
- [Simon & GodsMiracle] Jasmine Gale Eaten born.
- [Simon & GodsMiracle] Hunter & Holly Eaten, toddlers. Hunter received the X trait and Holly received the X trait.
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Okie, girls, remember: biiiig smiles! This has tooootally got to be the best ever Mommy Daughter Christmas pic for Simsta, or I will tooootally start throwing things! Nothing can ruin it!”
“Okay, mommy.”
“Okay, on one... two... th- Jesus!”
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“Jesus... mom, are you ok?”
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“She’s coming!”
“Who? Aunt Peace?”
“No, you buffoon- the baby! Oh, god!”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Taylor Madison! Get down here!”
“What’s wrong, mommy?”
“Your great aunt Peace is coming, so we need to clean the house.”
“What about daddy and Jeff?”
“Daddy’s at work, and Jeff is a boy. Men don’t clean, that’s women’s work. Now grab a mop while I lock the others in their rooms.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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One living dress up doll daughter leaves the bassinet, then another fills it. Welcome, Stephanie Bridget Mills.
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Sul Sul, my fellow #godlymamas! As the proud mother of a boy and a girl toddler, I’m learning soooo much about Godly motherhood! As promised in my last video, Top 7 God-Approved Ways To Raise Godly Christian Children, here’s part two: 7 Surprising Hacks To Put Jesus First In Your Baby’s Life!”
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“As we alll know, life begins at conception, but so does gender! Men and women are formed totally differently in the womb, so of course you must treat your toddlers totally differently over if he or she is a boy or a girl! Hack one: different deserts for different tots! Men aren’t told to keep trim and be attractive, so boys just don’t have to worry about food like ladies do! Now, it’s suuuuper important to keep your little man from gluttony, but a little chocolate once every so often won’t hurt him! But it will totally hurt your little princess! I give my sweet Tay-Tay some yogurt once every few months as a sweet treat - never chocolate, cake, or candy! Baby fat is suuuper hard to manage already, so your little girl needs to learn to watch her tummy as soon as possible! Healthy toddlers become become healthy children, and healthy children become Godly women who put God in charge of her diet!”
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“Never forget - our glorious Watcher looooves music! It’s the one hobby that all two of both genders can have! Women are naturally less talented than men, but my little girl is still a suuuper good xylophonist! This hack has been spoken about a looot, and for super good reasons! Singing about Jesus and God’s glory is a totally perfect hobby for the littles! And as soon as he and she are old enough, we’re adding aaaalllll sorts of Jesus-approved instruments to his and her schooling! And speaking of...”
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“Flash cards! You can act like a secular mother and keep Jesus out of any part of your baby’s education, but that’s soooo not it! A is for the apple that women used to doom humanity! B is for Bethlehem, which is where Jesus was born! C is for Christ, our Lord and Savior! Go on through the whole alphabet, assigning each letter a Godly meaning! You won’t see any ‘Z is for Zebra’ nonsense in our house - that distracts from the Lord!”
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“You might think you ought to potty train your kids the same, but remember my first tip! Men and women are totally different! Boys are naturally wayyyy more independent while women are naturally helpless, so you should finish potty training your boys before your girls! Just take a look at my Godly kids - my oldest, Jeff, was finished potty training wayyyy before Taylor! That’s sooo proof of God’s design!”
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“But the opposite is true for learning to talk! Women just can’t shut up, while men keep it short and simple! Your little girl will gain Communication skill without you even trying, while boys need a liiiiiittle more help! Now, this does not mean women are better talkers! Us girls like to gab and gaaabbbb about things that don’t matter, while every word a man speaks is important! Your little pink angel will learn to talk suuuper quicker, but your little blue angel will be better at using his words effectively!”
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“I’m nooowhere near the talker my wonderful hubby is, but I still use my words to glorify Jesus in our children’s lives! I’m aaaalways telling Taylor that she’s going to be a wife and mommy one day, and it’s obviousssly super important that she trains for it early! Mamas, listen up - letting your little girl pretend to be anything except a wife and mother only opens the door for Satan to infect her with feminism! My little sister snuck away to play with my brother’s firetruck, and now she wears pants! Protect your daughters, and ooonly let her play with gender-appropriate toys!”
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“And my last hack is a surprising one: home birth! Hospitals are infected with working women, and the first thing your baby might ever see is a woman of sin glorifying the Devil! That’s noooo way to introduce your precious baby to God’s Earth, so protect his or her vulnerable eyes from the Devil’s plan by birthing him or her in a Godly home!”
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“That’s all for now! Goodbye, and God bless!”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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Jeff Mills ages up...
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...Taylor Madison Mills is born.
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