#funnily enough he refused to let me get instagram when i was 13
webawee · 1 year
Okay this is kinda stupid but my dad made me a twitter account when I was like 10 or so, and today I, seeing how much of a dumpster fire twitter is now, decided to log back in and see what was going on.
So, while I was on there I figured why not change my age to what it actually is because you only have to be 13 to have an account, right?
✨ w r o n g ✨
And now my twitter account is locked because I wasn't 13 when I first created the account. Lmao, am I supposed to be mad? Do y'all even know how many kids lie about their age to create an account and then change it later on when they are of age? Every single kid I knew back in school.
This is kinda entertaining. I mean, kids shouldn't be on social media under 13 anyway, but there are probably millions that are, and if their accounts are being shut down when they decide to stop lying, guess what? that's gonna make them lie even more, dipshit.
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