#but my heart goes out to those poor babies whose accounts closed down the day they wanted to stop lying
webawee · 1 year
Okay this is kinda stupid but my dad made me a twitter account when I was like 10 or so, and today I, seeing how much of a dumpster fire twitter is now, decided to log back in and see what was going on.
So, while I was on there I figured why not change my age to what it actually is because you only have to be 13 to have an account, right?
✨ w r o n g ✨
And now my twitter account is locked because I wasn't 13 when I first created the account. Lmao, am I supposed to be mad? Do y'all even know how many kids lie about their age to create an account and then change it later on when they are of age? Every single kid I knew back in school.
This is kinda entertaining. I mean, kids shouldn't be on social media under 13 anyway, but there are probably millions that are, and if their accounts are being shut down when they decide to stop lying, guess what? that's gonna make them lie even more, dipshit.
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Thoughts/ reaction to AWAE 3x6
That opening scene of the preparations for the county fair makes me nostalgic for some reason. Also, I need this background music in my life. I love AWAE's cold opens.
And... we're off to a bad start. I have a terrible cold and so does Anne. I know exactly how that feels. And to have something important coming up as well... Poor Anne.
Matthew and his radish are the expected golden content of this episode and I'm all in for it.
If this episode consisted of nothing but the colourful everyday life at the Cuthbert household, I would still love it as much as any other episode. Maybe even more than some.
Gilbert is making me laugh. How is a white shirt key in making a good impression to anyone? If anything, I wouldn't seek the approval of people whose opinion of me depends on a white shirt. And what does he need Winifred's parents' approval for? Is he marrying her now? As far as I can remember, he wanted to marry Anne last week. Seriously, Blythe, make up your mind!
"Not thinking that far ahead", my butt! Last week, as far as I remember, you were thinking that far ahead. With Anne in mind.
And there goes our dashing young hero... Who can't figure out whom he likes. Seriously, I want to like Gilbert because I love Gilbert, but he's not making it very easy for me.
Anne is the classical Smitten Teenage Girl™ in this scene.
"Special occasion? - No, not really." Yeah, right, that's why you tried on every single one of your virtually identical white shirts a scene ago. But we wouldn't want Anne's family to think you're dressing up for another girl, would we now?
What is Anne sneaking out for? Since when does she need to sneak out to visit Diana? She's not Jerry.
Diana knows things about Gilbert's subconscious that he's hidden away so carefully that he doesn't even remember they're there: "Maybe it was an excuse... To see you."
Minnie May makes such a good Diana impression... Am I a bad person for thinking that maybe she could be the kind of daughter her mother wants, while Diana embraces her happiness with Jerry?
Look at Anne almost quoting the source material... and I think the comparison with Elizabeth and Darcy is quite accurate, at least on account of my reactions to both couples. I mean, you have two individuals who are very obviously made for each other but will go out of their way to convince everyone, including and especially themselves, that they’re not. Also, Anne reminds me so much of Elizabeth Bennet, AWAE Anne in particular. And of course, this line means that all the visual parallels were on purpose! Poetic cinema is coming full circle by acknowledging itself.
Ok, but Minnie May is such a typical little sister. I love her so much. But why won’t Diana tell Anne about Jerry?
Gilbert is dressing up for Winifred. Meanwhile, Matthew is dressing up for his radish. Spirit animal material much?
And all of a sudden Anne is the typical Smitten Teenage Girl with all the associated behaviours: awkwardness, embarrassment, noticing weird details about the object of her affections (the chin comment, anyone?), and now “he loves me, he loves me not”. Come on, girl, you’re different. You’re better than that. But, of course, the ways of love are mysterious. 
The baby horse is still the cutest thing in the world. Along with baby Delly, of course.
And now Anne even has her hair done in the very same style as all the other girls. At least that was different before. I mean, I love the look on her, she’s as beautiful as ever, but I’m getting the rather unpleasant idea that she’s losing her uniqueness and it’s all because of Gilbert; and based on what we saw of him in this episode so far, he’s not worth it.
On the other hand, the books had her become more... conventional, or at least conventional-presenting, by the time she turned 16, so that might count as source material accuracy.
The fortune teller cracks me up. Cigarette smoke in an orb? Really? Also, Anne totally said what I was thinking: “I think I learned more from the daisy”...
“Does my hair look more auburn?” That’s Book Anne right there.
The background music... you can tell by it that the Baynards just entered the scene... also, Derry. Derry! Oh my goodness gracious, DERRY!!!
I love the subtlety of their exchange about the book and the handkerchief. They’re doing this secret romance thing very well.
Ok, a second ago everything was so beautiful and hopeful, and then... first, Diana notices Gilbert before Anne does - and in quite an unpleasant position. And then Diana’s mother goes on about “extricating” themselves from the Baynards... poor Derry. Especially poor Diana. I just wish all this classist behaviour would go to... Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire (bonus points to all those of you who get the reference, and to me for referencing a work about classism in relation to classist behaviours).
Miss Stacy is the epitome of feminism in this scene - wearing trousers and giving all the men a run for their money at shooting. Go, Muriel!
As much as I dislike Rachel Lynde’s general behaviour, the relationship she has with her husband just has to be admired. Maybe she just wants Muriel to have what she has, and she’s failing to see that maybe not everybody needs or wants the same things.
And... Billy’s back. I remember saying back when I was watching 3x1 that if i never saw him again, it would still be too soon. I don’t mean to spread hate, but I’m sick and tired of his sexism and racism and homophobia and toxic masculinity. But well. To each their own.
I love that Prissy is back as well. She made the right decision about herself when we last saw her, and she doesn’t seem to have taken a single step back. In fact, she appears to have moved forward since we last saw her. Good on you, Prissy! But now Josie seems to be headed down a similar rather toxic road to the one that Prissy barely escaped - and with Prissy’s own brother, too. I hope it all works out well.
This is the moment I realise how unfortunate it is that Prissy and Josie aren’t very close. If they were Prissy might have warned her against some signs of toxic behaviour that she herself didn’t recognise back then...
Of course, Billy. Of course the game is “rigged”. But not for Jerry, it seems. In your face, Andrews!
I. Am. Dying! I just want to shout “Derry!��� from the rooftops. 
The little dog matches her gloves, you guys! Also, every time Diana says “Merci, Jerry!”, I just melt into a big puddle of fangirl. 
The county fair is treating my boy Jerry really well, I must say.
Can we talk about Diana’s boldness, though? She’s really living life to the fullest, if only in secret. I hope my daring girl is free to pursue her happiness one day. And that day better be soon.
This conversation must be so uncomfortable for Gilbert. And he’s putting himself through it for a girl that isn’t even meant for him. He knows it, no matter what he tells himself or everyone else. 
I just pictured Matthew saying to Gilbert “What are your intentions towards my Anne?”, and now my heart is breaking at the thought that he might never get to say it.
I am totally with Anne on this one, but you have to admit that the fortune teller was right about one thing at least - “The universe works in mysterious ways.” As frustrating as this episode is Shirbert-wise, I stand by my ship and I hope they will both come to their senses soon enough. We wanted angst, didn’t we? We wanted pining and obstacles and a realistic development - well, there it is. Why are we frustrated about it? This stage is not final.
“That boy is not your fish.” No, but he is her lobster. Gosh, I’m full of references today. 
“Classmate and family friend.” Oh please. I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I like Winifred better than Gilbert in this scene: “Do you spell it with or without an E?” I really wish Gilbert wasn’t in the picture right now because if it weren’t for his role in each of their lives, Anne and Winifred might just be friends. 
This was awkward. Really awkward. Gilbert didn’t hesitate for a second when he introduced Anne as his classmate, but now he’s stumbling over what label he should put on his relationship with Winifred. If I were to put it for him, it would be “friend”, maybe even “mentor”, but who knows what he or Anne are thinking during that long pause. 
The tension, the suspense... is this MasterChef? Last I checked it was not.
Ok, but Anne in this episode is so much like Book Anne, at least as far as I can remember. It’s been a while since I last read the books. Gilbert is as far removed from his book counterpart as can be, though, and I don’t like it. 
Most unusual? What is that supposed to mean? Also, I agree with Anne about entering herself, but maybe not with the connotations of “unusual” she’s thinking about now. She’s all kinds of wonderfully extraordinary, I mean. I hope she never forgets that.
Oh, look, she came to that realisation. I love that; and Marilla is such a mood on the balloon. But seriously, I'm delighted to  see Anne coming back to her old self. 
Is that Gilbert dancing between Anne and Winifred? Poetic cinema.
Ruby and Moody? I ship it! They are both absolute cinnamon rolls and deserve each other so much!
“Pretty face”? Is that all she is to you? Whoa, things took a turn for the darker pretty quickly. 
“I want your pretty face”... and I want you locked up. At the very least. He had no right to do that to her!
Ok, I know we’re in the middle of one of the darkest moments this series has shown us so far, but we need to talk about Ruby being oh so excited about Moody writing a song for her and the prospect of becoming Ruby Spurgeon. Wow, she moves fast! She deserves all the happiness in the world and I’m so happy she’s finally being noticed by someone... someone who is really right for her and will make her happy. #Rudy #Mooby #Spurgillis ?? Somebody please come up with a good ship name for them.
Now Anne is considering Charlie? “Sloane? Sounds like “moan”, “tone”... I guess Gilbert deserved that with today’s behaviour, though.
Miss Stacy asking Matthew to dance just to “drive Rachel mad”... I love it.
Could that be Diana and Jerry holding hands in plain sight in the dance? Could it be? Am I dreaming? Pinch me. Or better don’t. I never want this to end.
Good thing news travels fast so Anne could hear about Josie. Otherwise no one might have ever found out. Victims rarely ever tell and that’s a big mistake. 
I so wished Anne would punch Billy in the face Hermione-style, though. The vibes she was giving off suggested she might do it, and yet she didn’t. 
The next day at school, Anne is just... completely savage in the best way of saying it. “Need to catch a train to Charlottetown?” She has no time to waste worrying about Gilbert now, she has an important cause. I love it. Too bad nobody is listening to her, though. This is too much like reality. When the activist talks about the real issues and tries to find a solution, people just change the subject and talk about insignificant petty problems instead. And the worst part is that this isn’t just in that time and place - it happens today, it happens everywhere. People still haven’t learned not to cover their eyes when a real problem arises. This has to change.
To sum up today’s episode: the county fair pulls people back into their everyday work while also sparking the fire of youthful courtship among them; Gilbert is not Gilbert; Anne is Book Anne; Shirbert takes a giant step backwards; Jerry takes  a cautious little step forward, Diana leaps into the unknown with open arms; Matthew’s radish and Anne’s person are most unusual in the best way possible; the Andrews family has some achievements and some issues; Miss Stacy is a feminist icon; Ruby and Moody are very much a thing; Anne is now an ignored activist.
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dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Wednesday, february 17 of 2021 with Proverbs 17 and Psalm 17, accompanied by Psalm 59 for the 59th day of Winter and Psalm 48 for day 48 of the year
[Psalm 17]
Listen while I build my case, God,
the most honest prayer you’ll ever hear.
Show the world I’m innocent—
in your heart you know I am.
Go ahead, examine me from inside out,
surprise me in the middle of the night—
You’ll find I’m just what I say I am.
My words don’t run loose.
I’m not trying to get my way
in the world’s way.
I’m trying to get your way,
your Word’s way.
I’m staying on your trail;
I’m putting one foot
In front of the other.
I’m not giving up.
I call to you, God, because I’m sure of an answer.
So—answer! bend your ear! listen sharp!
Paint grace-graffiti on the fences;
take in your frightened children who
Are running from the neighborhood bullies
straight to you.
Keep your eye on me;
hide me under your cool wing feathers
From the wicked who are out to get me,
from mortal enemies closing in.
Their hearts are hard as nails,
their mouths blast hot air.
They are after me, nipping my heels,
determined to bring me down,
Lions ready to rip me apart,
young lions poised to pounce.
Up, God: beard them! break them!
By your sword, free me from their clutches;
Barehanded, God, break these mortals,
these flat-earth people who can’t think beyond today.
I’d like to see their bellies
swollen with famine food,
The weeds they’ve sown
harvested and baked into famine bread,
With second helpings for their children
and crusts for their babies to chew on.
And me? I plan on looking
you full in the face. When I get up,
I’ll see your full stature
and live heaven on earth.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 17 (The Message)
[Psalm 59]
My God! Rescue me from my enemies,
defend me from these mutineers.
Rescue me from their dirty tricks,
save me from their hit men.
Desperadoes have ganged up on me,
they’re hiding in ambush for me.
I did nothing to deserve this, God,
crossed no one, wronged no one.
All the same, they’re after me,
determined to get me.
Wake up and see for yourself! You’re God,
God-of-Angel-Armies, Israel’s God!
Get on the job and take care of these pagans,
don’t be soft on these hard cases.
They return when the sun goes down,
They howl like coyotes, ringing the city.
Then suddenly they’re all at the gate,
Snarling invective, drawn daggers in their teeth.
They think they’ll never get caught.
But you, God, break out laughing;
you treat the godless nations like jokes.
Strong God, I’m watching you do it,
I can always count on you.
God in dependable love shows up on time,
shows me my enemies in ruin.
Don’t make quick work of them, God,
lest my people forget.
Bring them down in slow motion,
take them apart piece by piece.
Let all their mean-mouthed arrogance
catch up with them,
Catch them out and bring them down
—every muttered curse
—every barefaced lie.
Finish them off in fine style!
Finish them off for good!
Then all the world will see
that God rules well in Jacob,
everywhere that God’s in charge.
They return when the sun goes down,
They howl like coyotes, ringing the city.
They scavenge for bones,
And bite the hand that feeds them.
And me? I’m singing your prowess,
shouting at dawn your largesse,
For you’ve been a safe place for me,
a good place to hide.
Strong God, I’m watching you do it,
I can always count on you—
God, my dependable love.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 59 (The Message)
[Psalm 48]
A song of the sons of Korah.
The Eternal is great and mighty, worthy of great praise
in the city of our True God, upon His holy mountain.
Situated high above, Mount Zion is beautiful to see,
the pleasure of the entire earth.
Mount Zion, in the north,
is the city of the great King.
In her palaces, the True God
has revealed Himself as a mighty fortress.
Not long ago, enemy kings gathered together
and moved forward as one to attack the city.
When they saw Mount Zion, they were amazed;
amazement became fear, then panic. They fled for their lives.
They were overtaken by terror, trembling in anguish
like a woman in childbirth.
God, You shattered the ships of Tarshish
with the mighty east wind.
As we have heard stories of Your greatness,
now we have also seen it with our own eyes
right here, in the city of the Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies.
Right here, in our God’s city,
the True God will preserve her forever.
We have meditated upon Your loyal love, O God,
within Your holy temple.
Just as Your name reaches to the ends of the earth, O God,
so Your praise flows there too;
Your right hand holds justice.
So because of Your judgments,
may Mount Zion be delighted!
May the villages of Judah celebrate!
Explore Zion; make an accounting,
note all her towers;
Reflect upon her defenses;
stroll through her palaces
So that you can tell the coming generation all about her.
For so is God,
our True God, forever and ever;
He will be our guide till the end.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 48 (The Voice)
along with these closing lines of Psalm 48:
Then you can tell the next generation
detail by detail the story of God,
Our God forever,
who guides us till the end of time.
(The Message)
Yes, this is our God, our great God forever.
He will lead us onward until the end,
through all time, beyond death,
and into eternity!
(The Passion Translation)
[Proverbs 17]
Wisdom’s Virtues
A simple, humble life with peace and quiet
is far better than an opulent lifestyle with nothing
but quarrels and strife at home.
A wise, intelligent servant will be honored above a shameful son.
He’ll even end up having a portion left to him in his master’s will.
In the same way that gold and silver are refined by fire,
the Lord purifies your heart by the tests and trials of life.
Those eager to embrace evil listen to slander,
for a liar loves to listen to lies.
Mock the poor, will you?
You insult your Creator every time you do!
If you make fun of others’ misfortune,
you’d better watch out—your punishment is on its way.
Grandparents have the crowning glory of life:
And it’s only proper for children to take pride in their parents.
It is not proper for a leader to lie and deceive,
and don’t expect excellent words to be spoken by a fool.
Wise instruction is like a costly gem.
It turns the impossible into success.
Love overlooks the mistakes of others,
but dwelling on the failures of others devastates friendships.
One word of correction breaks open a teachable heart,
but a fool can be corrected a hundred times
and still not know what hit him.
Rebellion thrives in an evil man,
so a messenger of vengeance will be sent to punish him.
It’s safer to meet a grizzly bear robbed of her cubs
than to confront a reckless fool.
The one who returns evil for good
can expect to be treated the same way for the rest of his life.
Don’t be one who is quick to quarrel,
for an argument is hard to stop,
and you never know how it will end,
so don’t even start down that road!
There is nothing God hates more
than condemning the one who is innocent
and acquitting the one who is guilty.
Why pay tuition to educate a fool?
For he has no intention of acquiring true wisdom.
A dear friend will love you no matter what,
and a family sticks together through all kinds of trouble.
It’s stupid to run up bills you’ll never be able to pay
or to cosign for the loan of your friend.
Save yourself the trouble and don’t do either one.
If you love to argue,
then you must be in love with sin.
For the one who loves to boast is only asking for trouble.
The one with a perverse heart never has anything good to say,
and the chronic liar tumbles into constant trouble.
Parents of a numskull will have many sorrows,
for there’s nothing about his lifestyle that will make them proud.
A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul.
But the one whose heart is crushed
struggles with sickness and depression.
When you take a secret bribe,
your actions reveal your true character,
for you pervert the ways of justice.
Even the face of a wise man shows his intelligence.
But the wandering eyes of a fool will look for wisdom everywhere
except right in front of his nose.
A father grieves over the foolishness of his child,
and bitter sorrow fills his mother.
It’s horrible to persecute a holy lover of God
or to strike an honorable man for his integrity!
Can you bridle your tongue when your heart is under pressure?
That’s how you show that you are wise.
An understanding heart keeps you cool, calm, and collected,
no matter what you’re facing.
When even a fool bites his tongue
he’s considered wise.
So shut your mouth when you are provoked—
it will make you look smart.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 17 (The Passion Translation)
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