#funnily enough we were passing through times square and my sister wanted to go to the disney store
trashcandroid · 7 years
oh yeah! i saw the new ducktales being promo'd at frickin TIMES SQUARE earlier today!! and also apparently they had ads for it in MOVIE THEATERS before cars 3?? :O
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viscountessevie · 8 years
America Singer Week Day 2: America & Family
Someone Like You Pt. 1
A/N: I am giving Kota the redemption arc he deserves, worry not America appears in this and I have incorporated in one of her birthdays into this and there is a tribute to her at the end of this fic. It has come to a long amount of pages and words on Google Docs so I’m splitting it into several parts. I hope you enjoy reading this as much I enjoyed writing it!
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I've always known Kota Singer. Back when the Singers could afford tutors for their children, Kenna and Kota Singer were sent to my parents' home for their general education. I studied along them and a few other childrens in the neighbourhood. Another prominent person who comes to mind is Aspen Leger who was Kota's best friend. Not only have I always known Kota, I've observed him over the years. He was the only student who came to my parents for tutoring who was worth watching. He was a rather interesting character. I have never seen such a strong drive in anyone. He was also wildly ambitious. He never had to say anything about it but if anyone watched him carefully would see he'd always carried himself a little taller than his family. The hunger was also ever present in his eyes. Not to mention, in every test, quiz and assignment he would compete with his sister and other children with such tenacity. He has always wanted to get out of his caste. So it was no surprise when he struck the gold mine when his sculpture was sold to a Two and he gathered fame. I was truly happy for him when I first heard. When I went to congratulate him, his family told me he had left. Which confuses me greatly, I never pegged him to be disloyal to his family; I've seen how hard Shalom and Magda Singer worked for their children. After that, all the admiration I've held for Kota Singer disappeared. We may have been close in our classes together; I was the only one evenly matched with him. He used to joke about that, saying how having my parents as my tutors gave me home advantage. He used to be such an amusing and clever boy, my amusing and clever friend. What happened to that boy? I would soon find out years later. It was amazing how differently things could have turned out if I had tried harder to be in Kota's life. I could have convinced him to share his fortune with his family and his sister wouldn't have felt pressured to enter The Selection. Now look at her, Princess- soon to be Queen America Schreave. I wouldn't have anyone else - other than the lovely late Queen Amberly - leading this country. I never knew her personally but she was a natural born leader and I had followed bits and pieces of her Selection journey. Her plan to demolish the castes is genius.   I was on my way to the screening of her official coronation as Queen at Carolina's Town Square when I passed by an art studio. Something about it seemed familiar. Then I saw the signage. Kota's. It was odder still to see that it was open. Why wasn't he in Angeles at the actual coronation? I know they had their fair share of fallouts but surely they must have tried to mend it? I have no idea what came over me but I found myself going in. The bell rang, indicating a new customer for him. Before we even saw each other, I heard his hostile tone from the other room. "Get out! I'm closed!" I follow the sound of his voice to an isolated room. I put my hands on my hips as I see him staring out the window, wallowing in his own self pity. "That's not what your sign says." I say nonchalantly. He turns to me slightly taken back. He thought he had scared me off. When he finally recognises me, he stands up slowly and blinks rapidly. 
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"Lee?" He sounded like he had seen a ghost. I'm sure I was the Ghost of His Past. I simple raised my eyebrows as if asking him to figure out for himself whether I was real or not. He only gets a reaction out of me when I see the cigarette dangling from his lips. I march over him and rip it from his lips. I threw it onto the floor and stomp it out. "That stuff will kill you, Koko. Each stick takes 6 minutes off your life." His childhood nickname just slipped out. We both smiled fondly at the nicknames we had still preserved for the other over the years. After standing about in silence for a few minutes, Kota sits back down by the window and pats the space beside him. I dust it off before joining him. Clearly he wasn't going to say anything so I cleared my throat and spoke up. "Don't mind me asking but why aren't you in Angeles? With your family where you're supposed to be." I cocked my head slightly waiting for a response. I only received a scornful scoff. "She didn't want me there and made sure of it." His tone was as bitter as my morning cup of coffee. "What happened, if I'm allowed to ask?" Momentarily I didn't recognise the Kota sitting beside me. He seemed at a loss for words. Kota Singer always knew what to say and I have always admired him for that. Now he didn't quite know where to start. I prompted him by asking him to start from the very beginning if he had to. "I just wanted out. You knew that, Lee. I didn't want to be trapped by my caste. So when the time came for me to shine, I knew I had to leave and make a name for myself. Call me selfish but I couldn't do what Kenna and America did for our family. I did not want to resent my family even more for holding me back. I promised myself once I achieved what I needed to, I'd help out. I was all too consumed, I was mad enough to want to buy my way into the upper castes. I was a foolish boy and when America suggested the caste elimination, I was outraged. I brought that rage and resentment for my parents for cutting my education short from way back then, back to the house when Father died. I was awful and yet still I don't regret it." He goes on to tell me how he is remorseful but can't bring himself to apologise. She gave up on him and so did he. It was truly heartbreaking but after he was done recounting all the horrid things he had done and said to his family, I whacked the back of his head. "You admit you are foolish yet you are still being an idiot. It's great that you feel bad, Koko but DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!" He frowned at her while rubbing his head to soothe the pain of her sharp blow. "Was that really necessary?" He asked annoyed. I nodded stubbornly and urged him to fly Angeles himself and apologise properly. He protested, claiming that it's not his fault they gave up on him. I groaned frustrated. I stand up and walk out. Before leaving, I call out to him, "When you feel like doing the right thing for once in your life, come get me. You know where I live." I spend the afternoon watching his sister get coronated in awe. *** Every day for the next three months, I watch the door. I wasn't the type of girl to wait around for a man, so of course I went on with my own life. As soon as I came of age, I took over my parents' tutoring business. Kota wasn't the only one trapped by his caste and family but he doesn't see me being a prat about it. Even while I continued with my everyday life, tutoring and copywriting for my parents, I kept a watchful eye out for the door. Just hoping the doorbell would ring and he would be there standing, telling me that I was right along and that he would go to Angeles to apologise to his family right now. I've had multiple variations of this daydream, most of which ends in him asking me to marry him. It's awfully silly. Of course I know not everyone can have a fairytale story like America and Prince- King Maxon. It was bordering on the fourth month since I last saw Kota when he finally came. Funnily enough, the doorbell never rang when he came. He came through my room window like he used to back when we were extremely close. He would initially come over to get extra books for studying but he would end up staying and we would talk for hours about anything and everything. I was in my room preparing for my next lesson when he jumped in through the window without any warning. I screamed and started hitting him not having seen who it was and assuming it was a burglar. "Lee, Lee, Lee! LEAH IT'S ME!" I dropped the textbook and started apologising profusely. He was starting to bruise. I swipe the first aid kit from one of my drawers and sit him down to treat his bruises, especially the soon to be black eye forming. I dab the area with antiseptic cream to soothe the pain and prevent infections. He winced as it slightly stings. Without thinking I reach out to gently caress his face to distract him from the pain. He leans into my touch and we stay like that comfortably for a while. The spell is broken when my mother calls up to tell me that my students have started streaming in. I get up to leave when Kota clasps my wrist to stop me. I turn to him with a single raised eyebrow, somewhat asking him the silent question yet at the same time daring him to make me late for class. He knows how I hate being late. He lets go but stands up to face me and clears his throat nervously. Kota Singer being nervous, now that was truly a sight. "Lee I will always regret not staying in your during our later years and I no longer want to waste more time, so would you like to go out on a date with me?" He was so cute and meek but I knew what my answer was and he was not going to like it. "No." I said plainly. "No? Do you know who I am? I am Kota Singer!" I shake my head at him disappointed. "It is saying shit like that, that made your family give up on you. I will not go on a date with you until you sort things out with your family. You have a family who loves and supports you. I bet they didn't even actually hold you back, they wanted you to be happy so the least you could do, you impossible boy, is to support them in return." When he was just sullenly looking to the floor instead of responding, I left him be, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to teach." I didn't see him for another week; this was so typical. I was however pleasantly surprised when he showed up by the end of the week at the front door with cornflowers in hand. I was never a particular fan of flowers but cornflowers were my favourite. Father answered the door and Mother followed behind. They called out to me telling me I had a guest and of course I had no idea who was waiting for me downstairs. As I descended the stairs, my lips formed a little 'o' at Kota's presence. "Kota tells us he'll be taking you out tonight." Mother seems happy, she's always lamenting that I never go out. Father was seizing up Kota until he realises this was the Kota Singer. I couldn't very well turn him down in front of my parents, that was very sneaky on his part. I was adequately dressed and all I needed was my purse which I quickly grab from my room while applying a little makeup before going to greet my date. He holds out his arm and I take it gratefully. I can hear my parents whispering happily behind us before they close the front door. Once we were a considerable distance from my house, I turn to him and he smiles at me sheepishly. "I am not mad." I say simply and he seems surprised at this.   "You aren't?" I shook my head at him.   "I admire your ability to think out of the box far too much to be angry but that being said I won't be as forgiving in the future if you ever put me in a spot like that ever again." He nodded solemnly before taking my hand in his and leading me to a nearby restaurant. When we entered the restaurant, I shrunk into myself. I considered myself to be a confident person who was sure of herself but I was severely underdressed. This was also the moment I realised exactly how well off Kota was. He noticed my reluctance, pulled me closer by his side and rubbed soothing circles at the small of my back.
“Don’t worry, darling, you look perfect.” Darling? That’s new. I shrugged to myself as I leaned closer to him, taking in his scent. He just had a touch of cologne that went well with his natural musk of oil paints and sculpture rubble. I was too consumed with the ambience of the restaurant to listen to Kota speak to the host. Several chandeliers sparkled from above, giving the room an extra touch of glamour to it. The rounded tables were arranged in a perfect manner, dressed in silk table cloths with champagnes flutes and silverware arranged impeccably. The whole setting felt as fancy and classy as a wedding reception would. With my plain silvery governess dress, I really felt extremely underdressed. When we were seated - Kota being a gentleman and pulling out the chair for me - I hissed at him.
“Why didn’t you tell me we were coming to a place like this?” He frowned.
“What’s wrong, love? Don’t you like it?” “I am not your love! Are you kidding me? I’m definitely not dressed for this place!” I was trying to stay calm but I couldn’t tell if Kota was trying to humiliate me or not. I will not allow myself to be his charity case. He sensed my bubbling anger and reached out for my hand. Instantly I calmed down, I look at him quizzically. How did he do that?
“You look astounding so don’t you worry about how you are dressed. Everyone else is simply overdressed.” I snorted, that was a little funny.
“Next time, a fair warning would be nice.” He agreed and we went about with our dinner. It’s been too long since we properly talked - not since we were 14. I missed having him in my life, you never quite realise how prominent someone’s presence is in your life until there is an absence of it. Like old times, we conversed about anything and everything.
“How is Aspen Leger? You used to be best friends with him, right?” I asked, remembering that name out of nowhere. Kota let out a bitter laugh. I raised an eyebrow in inquiry. I wonder what happened.
“Turns out he was after my sister.” My eyes widen, was America with him while competing in The Selection? He nodded, answering my silent question.
“At least that’s what I gathered, not mention when I blackmailed her about at the funeral, it evoked a reaction.” I pursed my lips at the mention of him blackmailing his sister. I wanted to point out once again that this is why he has been estranged but he seemed torn up about Aspen even though he was trying to hide it behind his scorn.
I suppose that’s why despite all the horrid things Kota has done thus far, I could tolerate him. He does them for a reason but he just hides it under his façade of being jerk but I always see right through him. He needs someone like me to keep him in check as for me why did I need him?
Well the answer was quite simple, though I’d never admit it to anyone even if they held me at gunpoint, I have been in love with him since I was 8 years old.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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