#funny that you mention eurydice because that piece is inspired by hadestown the musical AND guess who just watched hadestown on Broadway !!!
wavesmp3 · 1 year
I’m sorry if this feels weird to say or anything but… I really love your mind 😭 when I first discovered your fics I would get upset by the open endings because it was something that I wasn’t used to in the slightest. I’m too attached to having full closure by the end of a story, but after I read more of your writing I really became enthralled by it. Your style feels like I’m transported completely to a sort of dream realm. I’m not sure if it’s your wording or the way the story plays out but your fics really feel like dreams more than anything to me. If I could describe it then I would say it feels almost like “All About Lily Chou-Chou” or “The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” in it’s atmosphere, what I imagine the stories look like when playing out and that sort of filter/cinematography. Hopefully that makes sense and I mean this comparison in the best way as I love both movies! eurydice was the first fic I read from you and it was such a different experience from what I usually am used to and it challenged me to think further into the implications and symbolism throughout the story. I guess your writing brought me out of my comfort zone and then I got hooked on your writing! I think the way you write is so unique and special and I’m so glad that I came across it and I really hope that you get more attention for it! So yeah, I just wanted to make sure that you knew how absolutely beautiful and captivating your writing is and how thankful I am that you’re sharing your talent with us. Keep doing what you do, you’re amazing!
hi, omg. thank you for this ask! definitely not a weird thing to say at all :) I’m glad to hear that my writing was able to push into a new kind of style I guess, that means the world to me! and i am so honored you think so highly of my writing. i haven’t seen all about Lilly Chou-Chou but I have seen (and love) eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. it’s one of my favorite movies and one that has (as you’ve picked out here lol) really inspired the way I like to tell stories. the comparison feels undeserved but thank you nonetheless. and what you said about my pieces feeling like dream….mwah. that’s kind of the goal I’m going for with my more recent and shorter pieces. im so happy it came across like that for you too.
again, just thank you for this ask! it’s always a pleasure to hear what someone thinks of my pieces. and I’m so glad you found my fics and that my fics found you :)
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wavesmp3 · 4 years
director’s commentary asks !
hehe thanks for asking amal, i think i’ll chose my most current piece eurydice 
so this piece i got the idea for maybe like two or three weeks ago. as the title suggests, it’s a retelling of the greek myth about orpheus and eurydice which is basically like orpheus and eurydice are in love, eurydice dies, hades lets eurydice leave from the underworld but she has to walk behind orpheus so that orpheus has no way of knowing whether she’s there or not and orpheus can’t look back, which at the very end he does look back and eurydice gets sent back to the underworld. 
before even thinking about this fic, i had wanted to write something based off “mr. hollywood” by joji because i absolutely adore that song and it’s just one of those songs that make me want to write something yknow? and then i think i saw a gifset from the movie portrait of a lady on fire and the myth is a theme in that movie as well. which led to me realizing that “mr. hollywood” and the greek myth surprisingly work really well together. and then also before writing this piece, i watched the musical “hadestown” which is about the orpheus and eurydice as well. SO what i’m trying to say is that i had a lot of sources of inspiration while writing this fic lol. and then the piece just also happened to fit into one of the prompts for carat writer’s club fall fic fest so i decided to add a couple more steampunk elements to my retelling of the myth to make it work better for the event. and some of the steampunk elements were inspired by @/lxveille’s fic “seventh albatross” like the rain scene. 
and more on the rain scene in eurydice.... so one of the parts that got cut from the rain scene was the rain song. which the whole premise of the rain song, was that mc had this song that they would sing whenever it rained, so in the underworld when it starts to rain minghao suggests mc sing the rain song and that would be the cut to the rain flashback. but the funny part about all this is that the rain song i was gonna use is from barney LOL the song goes “oh mr sun, sun, mr golden sun please shine down on me” and i genuinely intended on putting a barney song in my fic for a quite a while.
another part of this fic is the different regions (?) in this world, so from best to worst quality of life it goes: center circle>ironport>the plains>and the wallows. (which full disclosure, i named the wallows region after the band: the wallows). but this little aspect of the fic only came around when i had like two scenes left to write, which i feel is very on brand of me, to make a world that was supposed to be simple more complicated at the last minute for absolutely no reason. but i just like how mc’s dream on earth is to get to center circle, but when minghao brings it up during the walk, mc says “i stopped caring about that the day i met you” i’m just proud of how that part came together.
also i feel obligated to mention the ending of this fic, i don’t really have anything to say about it except that i just love how i ended it so much. every time i read that last line my head implodes a little
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