#furniture chewing sociopath gets the hots for wildly successful pyschopath
professorwillynilly · 7 years
finally back to writing my disappointing bleden mark/inkar trash ship fic
here’s a teaser so you can all yell at me if i get distracted and forget to finish this monstrosity again
“I think you might be giving our dear old Tunon a bit too much credit, kid.” At some point during their conversation Mark has abandoned his inelegant sprawl across the chaise to find his feet. He’s never particularly relished the feeling of being loomed over, not even if said looming is being done by his very favorite no-longer-student. Or, supplies his brain unhelpfully, you like that idea a little too much. “The guy would probably lick your boots, if you asked nicely.” Now there’s an interesting mental image. “Let him do the paperwork. You’ve got more important things to worry about than that old man.”
Something he says makes the corners of her eyes tighten in fleeting amusement as she closes the gap between them with unhurried strides. “Jealous, are we, Mark?” she teases, and then lifts a gloved hand to rest against his cheek. It takes more willpower than he’d like to admit to stifle the instinct to reach for the nearest sharp object and shove it into her neck. “Not to worry. You’re still my favorite.” I sure as hell hope so, after all of the shit I went through for you, kid.
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