#furniture delivery app
slutforsidewalks · 7 months
Really missing the luxury of food delivery this week
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 6 months
Hello! Can I request Wukong crushing on a new member of the Monkie Gang?
Like maybe almost love at first sight but he's trying to hide it and being a lovable dork lol (Gn is fine)
AGDKDH THIS JS SO CUTEE ☹️☹️ also hope u don’t mind this being in a headcanon format!!
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Something about you | Sun Wukong x GN!Reader
Relationship: romantic Warnings: None!
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You were introduced to the group by MK and Mei, someone whom they met while out and befriended
You were new to the city and excited to meet new friends, so went along with them to hang out with all their friends
At the place, you got introduced to everyone, the last person being Wukong
You greeted him nicely, slyly telling him he was handsome shortly before MK and Mei dragged you away to eat Pigsy’s food
Wukong on the other hand was taken aback
You were so attractive!?!? And you called him attractive? He thought he was going to have an aneurysm.
During the whole get-together, Wukong watched you from afar (Which wasn’t creepy at all)
He couldn’t quite place it, but you set his whole body into tingles, and he felt his fur stand up. Every time you laughed, it would ring in his ears and bounce around in his head for a while. Great Jade, if you laughed at any of his jokes? He might as well be in the Heavens with all the other gods.
Before Wukong could gather the courage to ask for your number, you had to leave, stating that your furniture was at your place. Mk was the one to take you home that day and Wukong swore that the next time there was a function, he would be the one to take you home. 
A couple of days later, Wukong was waiting around for his order from Pigsy’s when he got a knock at the door.
“Ugh, finally. MK, Kid, can you be a little faster next time,” Wukong said as he opened the Temple doors. “I’m starving he-”
“Uhh. Hi?” You say, standing there awkwardly. Wukong stares at you for a moment, it took him a while to process the fact that you were not MK.
“You’re not MK.”
“That I am not.” You laugh, shifting the food in your hand.
“Where is MK? Why are you here?” 
“Doing other orders. I am here because I took the job up, need the cash.” You say with a shrug. You pull out your phone and show him the app Mei had made to help with deliveries. “Anyways, order for Wukong?”
“Uh…Yeah. Thanks, kid,” Wukong says, still looking at the app as he takes the food from your hands. You gave him a small smile as you pressed complete on the order and turned to leave before stopping. You turn back and hand him your phone. He looks down at it then at you, confused. You roll your eyes and open your contacts. 
“Input your number. MK talks about you all the time and says we would get along. I would like to see if that is true.” You explain. 
Safe to say, he wasn’t the one to ask for your number. 
How could you not blame him? You were sweeping him off his feet time and time again, and you weren’t even aware of it!
It was after you left after giving him his order did he realized that he liked you.
With a smile on his face, he gave you five stars and went into his temple to enjoy his food, a pep in his step knowing that it was in your hands. 
Shortly after getting your number, you asked him to hang out. 
He never jumped onto his cloud and sped to the city at the speed he did.
That one hang-out had turned into once a week, to every other day, to every day. At some point, you kinda lived with him, going to his place so often. You would occasionally go with MK when he trained, even getting from some lessons. Other times you went to his place, and he took you there. You were quite familiar with the other monkeys, even bringing some snacks for them (something that Wukong had to tell you to stop since they were beginning to ask for you very often). When Wukong would go to your place, it was mainly to make a quick stop before heading out. 
If you thought Wukong was smooth with his flirting you would be wrong, especially if he fell first.
You are so stunning that any pickup lines that he would use just fall flat. 
He is also very clingy, thinking that if his words fail him, he always has physical affection to woo you. 
Once MK and Mei find out about his feelings for you, they begin to push you two together, planning hangouts before suddenly canceling, leaving just you and Wukong.
Safe to say they aren’t slick with it either (they are both bumbling over Red Son, there is no way that they are going to help Wukong win you over)
After months of schemes failing, MK and Mei had one last trick up their sleeve.
The last scheme that they planned was at one of the yearly festivals. This wasn’t something that they couldn’t just ditch, so they just left you and Wukong alone.
The entire time, Wukong is fumbling his words and making a fool of himself, making you giggle
This would make him feel a little better, knowing that through his poor way of expressing himself, you were finding him amusing.
At the height of the night, shortly before the main event started, you pulled him aside to a quiet place of the festival.
Wukong followed behind you as you dragged him away from the large crowd. It was much quieter wherever you were taking him, the music of the performances now faint. This part of the festival had sparse people, though not empty as there were some couples walking hand in hand or families heading out to leave with their sleeping young in their arms. 
You stopped in the middle of a bridge, which was over a lake that surrounded the venue where the festival was taking place. The moon was shining over the water, reflecting on it and lighting you both up. As Wukong looked at you, he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you look under both the sun and moon. 
“Was there a reason you pulled me out here?” 
“Yes. Now we have to wait.”
“Wait? Wait for wha-” Wukong was cut off by the sound of a boom. He turned his head and caught the briefest glimpse of the sparks of fireworks before he felt hands grab at his face. It happened so quickly that Wukong didn’t even register that you had pulled him into a kiss. Once he did, he returned the kiss, equally as excited as he was nervous. Tilting his head, he deepened the kiss as he wrapped his arms around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck. After a moment he pulled away and looked at you, his heart beating so fast in his chest that he could hear it. “You know how long I have been wanting to do that?”
“I do. You weren’t slick, old man.” You laugh before pulling him into another kiss, the fireworks going off behind the both of you.
Safe to say, MK was right.
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abbysimsfun · 1 month
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 24 (Waiting For Baby)
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To prepare for her son's arrival, Heather pored over job applications at the clinic. Once her son was born, she wanted to spend as much time with him as she could, but she was confident leaving the place for Marcus alone would be a mistake.
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Despite Marcus' endless flirtation with customers, the clinic had done well enough that Heather could hire another employee, and she found Kaori Hayashi enthusiastic and hard-working from the start. "I hope you'll be able to lead by example," Heather said when she hired her. "I won't be far away once my son's born, but I'll be happy to know the clinic's in good hands. I think you'll be a great help to Marcus while I'm away."
"I'll try, Doc Nesbitt. He told me this morning my butt looks great in these scrubs."
Heather sighed. "I'm sorry, I'll talk to him."
Kaori laughed. "No, it's okay. I told him thanks but his butt could look better, and now I think he's afraid of me."
"If fear motivates him better than I've managed, I guess that's a win. But if he tries anything again, please tell me."
"Will do, boss!"
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Heather made friends easily with Brindleton’s many strays. The town had no mayor, but the locals' favourite stray was a tuxedo cat who wore a tiny donated top hat – to the town, he was their honourary “Mayor Whiskers.”
After her arrival in town, Mayor Whiskers took a particular interest in Heather and followed her everywhere. No one in Brindleton grew better catnip than Heather!
But soon, he was spending so much time at Heather’s home with her other two cats, speckled grey King Tut and fluffy white Boomer, she officially adopted him.
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It had been a long time since she’d had to think about training bad habits from her well-behaved felines, but even with exhaustion and back pains in her third trimester, she was up to the task.
Mayor Whiskers had spent his life chasing birds as a stray. He didn't know what was wrong when Heather lectured him about eating trash or scratching furniture, but he loved his new home, and slowly changed his habits to please his new human.
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Despite the summer heat, Heather worked hard at her clinic right up until delivery. She knew raising a child would be expensive, and she needed to make as much as she could from the clinic before giving birth. Marcus Flex, her perpetual work issue, even picked up some of the slack when she grew tired more easily.
"You shouldn't work so hard, boss."
"I enjoy working, Marcus."
"And you're really good at it! But it can't be easy carrying that thing around." He glanced casually at her bump.
"I wouldn't mind being able to work a little less, but royalties from my VetConnect app took a hit from Petcare's splashy new competitor in the app store, so the clinic is the only way I'll be able to care for my son."
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"It was pretty uncool for Petcare to do that," agreed Marcus. "Why didn't they offer to buy your app if they wanted the same one."
Heather sighed. "I have a feeling they knew I wouldn't have sold it to them."
"Too bad, Doc. Selling apps can be good business. Maybe you should design another one! Maybe instead of a vet finder service, you could do a pet finder service! Like one stop, with breeder reviews, highlighting shelter pets."
"What? Like PetConnect?"
"Sounds good to me, boss. I'd download it in a heartbeat!"
Heather cocked her head at her vet tech as he exhibited a flash of brilliance she never saw coming. "It's a great idea, Marcus. If I ever put it together, I'll owe you credit."
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With Petcare's app replacing hers on the market, she was even more grateful Malcolm kept his distance after his visit. Just as she’d hoped.
With Petcare and Landgraab Corp. actively working against her ability to care for their son, she wouldn’t have anything nice to say if she saw him again.
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Heather was beginning to feel like she'd been pregnant for an entire year, and couldn't wait to meet her son. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
Outside of the fox
Chapter 12 of? 4058 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
"Good morning beautiful, how was your weekend?" Taehyung says too loudly as he walks into the office.
You glance around but none of your co-workers even acknowledge his entrance. He practically glides across the foyer to stand with you behind the front desk.
"Any messages for me today?" He asks grabbing your lunch bag, not waiting for you.
"My weekend was... interesting. Mostly lazy I guess. We can talk about it more at lunch." You answer his first question knowing he isn't really listening as he reads Jimin's note to him.
"He wants to meet me?" Taehyung asks, eyes wide.
"Well, the pack wants to invite my only friend outside the house to spend winter solstice with us... but yeah you can interpret that as him specifically wanting to meet you if you like." You shrug.
He sticks his tongue out at your response, deciding you were just jealous of the connection he and Jimin were clearly forming through their two post-it interactions. Then he steals your lunch away and continues into the office. You hope he is putting it in the fridge, but you don't remain optimistic.
It's a long day, Taehyung has a meeting at lunch, although you aren't overly sure what kind of meeting an office mail guy would need to be privy to. You eat your lunch quietly by yourself and return to the desk 20 minutes early to try and keep yourself busy. The torturous day drags to an end, and you finally head home.
You are the first to arrive.
As usual Jungkook is in the living room on his switch, although no one had had chance to reset the furniture, so he still lay on the blow-up mattress. His ears perk up as you walk through, but he makes no move to look away from his game, so you continue into the kitchen. The fridge is empty save a few bottles of juice, the cupboards have only a few cans of soup, and the bread in the container is going mouldy.
Apparently no one had had a chance to go grocery shopping this weekend.
You pull out your phone and create a new order in the supermarket app, setting the delivery time for the next evening. You try to remember everybody’s preferences, including Hobi's seeing as he was practically living at the cottage now. He claimed it was all to do with his creative process, but the whole house could hear what he and Yoongi were talking about in hushed voices in the early hours of the morning. The walls were reasonably thin.
"Kookie, anything you want on the food shop?" You call.
"Can't do the food shop until Joonie is paid on Wednesday." He calls back.
"Don't be silly, we have no food. I'm doing one now. What do you want?"
The bunny finally pauses his game and shuffles into the kitchen. He glances around at all the open cupboard doors and thinks for a few moments.
"I guess I'd like some carrot gummies... If they aren't too much." He says sheepishly.
"Of course they aren't too much, they're only sweets."
"Yeah but sweets aren't necessities, sometimes we have to go without extras." He shrugs.
"Jungkook? Are you guys struggling with money?" You ask.
It hadn't occurred to you before. You knew they weren't exactly living like kings, but they never seemed to want for anything... And they took you in without a second thought to themselves. They kept everybody fed and Yoongi and Namjoon were always working. You knew how stressed Namjoon was, but you thought it was because of deadlines not financials.
"Um... I guess so. I didn't know they hadn't mentioned it... Please don't tell them I told you. Namjoon is so proud, and all he wants is to take care of us. He is doing such a great job I can't believe I've made you think he can't look after us." Jungkook starts to hyperventilate. "He is going to be mad at me."
"Namjoon won't be mad at you Kookie." You try to re-assure him, moving to him carefully. "I won't mention it to him if it makes you feel better. Just help me with the food shop and we won't mention this conversation again okay?"
He nods and sniffles. You put a hand on his shoulder, and he lent into the warmth. He then plucks your phone from your hand a starts adding all the things you've forgotten to the shop. Each item being the cheapest option available, no name brand items anywhere to be seen. After he is finished he presses order and hands the phone back to you.
"What about dinner tonight?" You ask.
"I think Yoongi is using the last of his advance to bring home Chinese food." He answers.
You send a message to the group chat to tell them you put an order in so they could add anything they wanted. You were met with some resistance by Namjoon who insisted he would give you the money back as soon as he got home but you refused. Making up something about doing the food shop as long as you weren't paying rent, refusing to back down until he gave in.
He tried again briefly when he got home but eventually accepted his fate when Yoongi told him to shut as he lay the dinner out on the table.
It was a rare night when Hoseok hadn't joined you for the evening, instead having plans with his parents. It was oddly quiet when he wasn't there to fill in the silences. His cheerful laugh usually echoes off the walls. The house felt a little bit like it did that night Jungkook spent in the hospital, but nobody addressed it, instead blitzing through little anecdotes about their days to try and fill the space.
"Oh! Taehuyng said he would love to come for winter solstice, if that's still okay?" You look across at Jungkook and he shakes his to make sure your earlier conversation doesn't resurface.
"Of course it's okay, we love having company." Namjoon says the smile on his face genuine.
You study his face closer than you ever had before. His dark circles were getting worse by the day, fighting his need to hibernate in order to keep the pack afloat. His hair is frazzled and desperate need of a cut. And his beard is patchy and rough. Your heartaches that you didn't realise how badly the stress was getting to him sooner.
"Hobi is joining us too." Yoongi says through his spoonful of noodles.
He is met with a chorus of 'duh' that has him questioning why he bothered speaking in the first place. The rest of the evening they walk you through all of their traditions for the solstice. They start with a huge meal at sundown, filled with meats, pastries, and dessert. It sounded delicious and had your mouth watering at the thought. Then they would go up on the hill in the back garden and watch the stars if it were a clear night.
They'd light a bonfire and let go of all the things that had happened over the past year, lighting symbols of their previous misfortunes. Bonfires were common on solstice, but your husband had never liked the smell, and your parents deemed them too dangerous.
After the bonfire they would then make origami stars with their wish for their next year and keep them all in a jar together. It sounded so romantic.
As Namjoon spoke you watched Jungkook's face light up, knowing this would be his first solstice with them too. It seemed odd to picture just Namjoon and Yoongi starting these traditions together. You didn’t know the story of how they became a couple, but neither seemed to be so romantically inclined. Their love for each other was evident in their little touches and hushed moments. But wishes in jars seemed too much.
Still, you were more than excited to spend this holiday with them. It was less than a week away and you only had three more days of work until you would be given time off to spend at home. The winter solstice allowed for two weeks off to spend the time with family.
Your husband had never bothered taking the time away, owning his own company meant he never had any spare time. you'd always have a nice meal, just the two of you, but then he would be straight back to work.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach all week at the thought of actually having a big celebration.
The rest of the week work continued to drag by but Taehuyng made sure he was around for every subsequent lunch to cheer you up just a little.
Every day when you went home something about the house was different. Instead of playing on his switch all day, Jungkook had taken to watching DIY videos and making little ornaments out of scrap paper. He had strung paper stars to the sealing on Tuesday, using Namjoon's old unedited manuscripts. On Wednesday he had made hundreds of little snowflakes out of his comic books that he had finished with. Thursday you came home after a half day to Jungkook covered in papercuts trying to make paper swans.
He had frustrated tears in his eyes as he throw another crumpled ball onto the floor, landing in a pile of about twenty failed attempts. On the table sat two completed swans that looked perfect. You shuffle noisily over to him, making sure he can hear you coming before you sit on the floor next to him. Namjoon had finally moved the blow-up mattress back to the loft yesterday, but no one had replaced the sofas yet.
"Having trouble?" You ask.
You pick up one of the crumpled pieces of paper and smooth it back out until it's useable again.
"It looked so easy in the tutorial..." He grumbled. Falling back onto the floor dramatically.
"Well you managed it twice, so you are getting somewhere." You shrug, absentmindedly folding the paper in your hands.
"They took me an hour each." He sniffles.
You finish twisting the neck on the bird in your hands and place it on his forehead. His eyes open and he looks inward and up, crossing his eyes to see what you had given him. When he realises what you've done he springs up and grabs the two swans from the table to make sure you didn't cheat.
"How did you do that?" He asks in awe.
"I had a lot of spare time at school... let’s just say I had no friends. Did you want me to teach you?"
He nods enthusiastically, pushing his stack of fresh paper towards you. Today’s choice seems to be homemade recycled paper. Likely old, shredded documents. It was tougher than regular card stock to fold and explained at least half of his issues, but you decided against pointing it out. Instead walking him steadily though each fold for a couple of birds until he felt confident doing it himself.
The two of you had an army of swans surrounding you when Hoseok let himself in.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asks looking around at the colourful array coating the table.
"No, but can you start putting these up around the house? Maybe hang them with the stars?" You ask, handing him a bunch.
"Yes mam." He salutes and takes them from you.
He tries to make them even with the stars. The whole room looked like a grade school class room when the three of you had finished but it also had a touch of magic to it. When Namjoon came home he brought a little shrub with him to act as a ceremonial offering for the holiday and each member of the house placed their gifts underneath.
It was easy to tell who brought each pile of gifts. Jungkook's were evidently handmade. Jimin's were tied with parcel string and had hand drawn hearts on the tags. Namjoon's wrapping skills were awful, with the tape peeling away at the edges. Yoongi's on the other hand were meticulously wrapped. Hobi's were mostly just made of tape, they were going to require scissors to cut.
You had tried to make each of yours match the men. You were nervous about the presents suddenly worried you had perhaps spent too much. You had bought them before your conversation with Jungkook and had used some of the money left by your husband so you could thank them properly. Really they had meant to be goodbye presents until Yoongi had talked you into staying through the holidays.
You were still considering new apartments you could move to in the new year, but with each new day you spent at the cottage you found your will to leave slipping away. You spent much more time thinking about Jimin and what Yoongi had said and how that made you feel. You also thought about the others and what you really wanted. You had been so sure you were ready to be alone. But maybe that was never the problem with your previous life.
On Friday everyone had a lazy morning. No one surfaced from their rooms until 11am. Namjoon didn't make an appearance until Yoongi opened the door to Jungkook's room and blew the smell of freshly made pancakes in, luring the bear slowly to the table. You all ate your brunch happily, munching quietly as you enjoyed the sweet treat. In the afternoon Namjoon finally got dressed and declared he would be going to brave the supermarkets in order to pick up the remainder of the supplies they would need for the feast on Sunday.
You offer to go with him, and he accepts. Although you hadn't realised quite how vicious this experience was going to be. The store had a line halfway around the building and Namjoon just laughed your shock off as if this was normal.
"I hope you're wearing enough layers." He says glancing at your puffy coat.
"How are you so okay with this. It's one day, are all these people insane?" You ask.
"This is normal for this time of year... Have you never been shopping at solstice?"
"No, I guess I've never had to."
Your family had people to do this. And your husband would've never let you go grocery shopping with him or whomever he had sent. You weren't supposed to do anything so menial.
The line shuffles forward every so often when somebody leaves. Shopping trollies filled to the brim with online orders and last-minute presents. You're freezing after half an hour on the outside, the building doing very little to shelter you from the chilly wind. It would be at least another half an hour before you reached the safety of the foyer.
You glance up at Namjoon, but he seems unphased by the harsh weather. As a bear it probably came with the genes. He notices you staring and turns back to look at you.
"Shit, Y/N your cheeks are really pink... Are you that cold?" He looks around as if a solution might appear out of thin air.
"It's okay, it's not too much longer." You put on a brave face and smile at him.
"I'd say go sit in the car, but I forgot to fill it up..."
His eyes flicker like he is lying but you don't call him on it, you assume he just didn't want to waste extra money.
"Honestly I'll be fine." But your teeth chatter and betray you.
"This might help... If it's okay." He unzips the front of both coats and pulls you into his chest.
He is like a radiator; the heat fills your bones instantly. You melt into his embrace, allowing him to warm every inch of you.
"I'm not going to make you cold am I?" You ask looking up at him.
You hadn't realised how close his face would be to yours until he looks down to speak and his lips are barely a centimetre away. Quickly you look down and bury your face into his cable knit jumper. Missing the blush on his face as you rush to hide yours.
"It's.. um it's hard to make me cold." He coughs awkwardly as his arms encircle you to keep you close. Every so often he takes one arm back to push the cart forward as he shuffles the two of you in the queue.
You chat absently as you move, careful to only turn your face up to look at him when you know he isn't looking at you. The second half of the wait definitely goes a lot quicker now that you are warm and as soon as you are inside he lets you go. The heat drains from you and you shiver as you reacclimatise to your regular temperature.
"I can definitely see why you are Jungkook's favourite cuddle partner." You say as you rezip your coat.
He shuffles awkwardly and redirects your attention to the task at hand. He runs the shopping trip like a military plan of attack. He starts with the ordered food knowing it will take the longest. He leaves you there with strict instructions to text him when it arrives. You salute him jokingly, but he just nods and continues with his mission.
By the time the order arrives he is already halfway through the remainder of the shop. He has a space in the trolley carved out specifically for the order making sure not to crush any of the food. You then follow him around the remainder of the shop watching as he inspected veg and date checked fresh sauces. Having only seen the forgetful and clumsy Namjoon at home, watching this version of him was like he'd been body snatched.
One hour later you were stood at the till as he pulled out all his coupons and finished backing his bags. You were careful as you watched him pack, waiting for your opportunity to strike. As his back turns to check the list one final time, you slide your card into the chip and pin and pay before he can stop you. He starts to argue with you, but you look around and remind him not to make a scene.
He huffs aggressively but takes a hold of the cart and pushes it back to the car. He doesn't speak to you as he opens the door for you to jump into the driver's side. He refuses your help when it comes to packing the bags into the car. You can hear the clang of the cart as he puts it back where it came from, and you start to wonder if you'd pushed it too far this time.
"Namjoon?" You ask tentatively as he slides in next to you.
"Why did you do that? Do you think I can't take care of everybody?" He asks, voice filled with disappointment.
"Of course I think you can take care of everyone." You answer calmly.
"Then why do you keep insisting on paying when that should be my job, to provide for my pack."
"Because someone should provide for you sometimes too." You reach out to touch his hand.
He doesn't pull it back but he doesn't meet your eyes either. He stares dejectedly out of the front window.
"Namjoon, I live in your house rent free, and everyone is so kind, I just want to do something for you guys too. I didn't realise it made you feel bad."
"Everyone lives in our house rent free Y/N not just you. Jimin's job certainly doesn't pay enough for housekeeping and it's not Jungkook has a job."
"But they're your partners, I'm a freeloader." You chuckle trying to lighten the mood.
"You are so much more than a freeloader. Do you not see how happy you make everyone just because we come home to you? Even Jungkook gets sad when you aren't around. He actually whined when I came home first on Wednesday not you."
"Yeah, he really has come around in the last couple days."
"I don't think you quite realise the ability you have to light up a room when you walk into it." He says it to be nice, poetic even, but it just reminds you of things your husband would say.
He and his friends would always talk about how your appearance would change the dynamic in a room, as if that was the best gift you could offer the world. Your presence was enough, no one needed to hear you too. You know it's what Namjoon meant but it still makes you hesitate. He finally meets your eyes when you pause for a little too long.
"Namjoon... that's lovely. But it doesn't appease my guilt of taking what’s not mine and giving nothing back."
"I think we might have to agree to disagree on what you owe us." He says putting the discussion on hold. "We have frozen stuff we should get home."
You make a note to revisit the conversation late, but the opportunity doesn't arise again. The remainder of the afternoon is spent marinating meats and cutting veggies ready for the next couple days.
Taehyung calls around 7pm claiming to be bored at home alone, but you suspect he may just be overeager to meet your friends. You give him the address and immediately he is on his way to the house.
He knocks the door rhythmically, leaving the last two knocks to be completed by someone on the other side. Jimin is practically giddy as he answers the knocks, enjoying this impromptu game that's been created.
The red panda opens the door coming face to face with the great panda for the first time and it feels like electricity sweeps through the room.
"Pretty." Taehyung says.
For the first time since you've meet him it seems like he might've been knocked speechless. Jimin also doesn't speak, he stutters and moves aside so Tae can walk through the door. His cheeks are as red as his hair as he takes a bag from the newcomers hands to help him into the house.
"I've never seen him so flustered." You whisper to Yoongi.
"I know... it's odd. When he met you he wouldn't shut up." He whispers back.
Taehyung seems to snap out of his trance quicker than Jimin when his eyes meet yours.
"Beautiful!" He exclaims sweeping across the room to hug you.
"Put me down Tae." You struggle in his arms as he twirls you around.
"But I missed you today." He pouts but does as he is told.
You introduce him to the room, reaching Jimin just as his voice seems to make a reappearance. He manages to actually ask Taehyung about his job, a question that Taehyung suspiciously dodges the specifics of. They disappear together as Jimin offers him the grand tour.
"Hey, I never got a full tour." Hoseok comments looking at Yoongi.
"You were never supposed to make it outside of the studio." He shrugs.
"Well that's rude. Maybe I'll leave if I'm so unwanted."
Hobi places the knife he'd been using on to the chopping board and swoops dramatically past Yoongi.
"No one said you were unwanted Angel." Yoongi grabs his arm and pulls the human back into his lap.
Yoongi kisses Hobi gently and holds him there, trapped in his embrace, not that Hobi makes any effort to escape.
They were so cute like this. Neither of them was particularly affectionate in public but they were slowly getting more comfortable with showing this side of themselves around the cottage. It was nice to watch their relationship developing past late-night talks and stolen glances.
Namjoon looks at Yoongi with all the love in the world and it doesn't escape your notice when Jungkook looks at them longingly, but it seems more like he is looking at Hoseok than he is at Yoongi.
Dinner is served by 8pm. The table is getting extremely cramped as Taehyung pulls up another chair next to you. Your elbows brush together as you eat, and it's almost too loud as three conversations carry on at once. And you couldn't be happier as you glance around finally able to say you have your own group of friends.
Outside of the fox masterlist
The next few days should be amazing.
Master list
I currently have a request form running for if you want to request one shots and drabbles. Please follow this link to the Google form If you have one you would like to submit. I will be writing these alongside outside of the fox. You can submit for completely new fics or for sequels for fics I've already done
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rideboomindia · 1 year
Now you can book small delivery truck with the RideBoom app
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RideBoom the unique ride-share app can help you and your business to move your stuff easily and affordably.
 Courier and parcel services have become a fundamental part of our day-to-day life and with the rise of many parcels business or real estate sector e-commerce, local businesses, and food delivery, furniture the demand for quick and efficient removal services has increased. The courier and parcel and removal market in India experienced significant growth after the pandemic.
 Now with the RideBoom app you not only can book taxis and bike rides, but you can also now able to book a small delivery or removal truck.
                                  How This Works
 1.   Select delivery on the app and enter your pickup and drop-off destination.
You will get the fare estimate on the app that is included the waiting and loading unloading time.
2.   Tap on book now and you able to see the nearest available drivers and the estimated time of the arrival.
3.   You can track the progress of your delivery and will get the fare in the end you can pay cash or pay in the app to the driver.
  At this stage, the RideBoom delivery truck service is available only in tri-city and very soon the service will be added to more cities.
                   Why use the RideBoom delivery service
 1.   Its affordable RideBoom gives you a fair and accurate upfront price estimate. You can save up to 50% compared to traditional providers.
2.   Conveniently, Our technology makes it easier than ever to book, track, communicate & pay. Request a Delivery Professional in one minute.
3.   All RideBoom delivery professionals are licensed, insured, background checked, and reviewed.
  Before making your final decision, make sure to consider what options you truly need in terms of delivery services. There is no better time than now to download and use RideBoom delivery service that can help to increase efficiency and lower costs for your business and personal items removal.
 Let's RideBoom your business.
 For more info www.rideboom.com/india
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octuscle · 1 year
Chronivac support?
HELP! My friend used the app on me but I don't know what he did, but I can feel myself starting to change!
Oh yes, your friend did indeed use the app to make some changes. He thinks your life is too boring and that you need to finally assert yourself to your conservative parents. And your boyfriend is a Chronivac connoisseur. He doesn't change you for that. He is changing your father. Every minute that passes, your father is no longer a gay-hating conservative for one more year. He's a liberal defender of gay activists. And his lifestyle changes in other ways, too. Gym instead of golf at the country club. Vacationing in South Beach instead of Palm Beach.
After just a minute, there are stark changes at your dinner. No one wears a tie anymore. But how sick is it to wear a tie to dinner with your parents. Your mom doesn't wear an apron anymore. And she didn't cook anymore either. There's sushi from the delivery service. And you and your boyfriend can hold hands at dinner without any problems.
Your parents' dining room is changing fast. The solid oak furniture is replaced by airy design. And you can watch your father as the workout takes effect. And he likes to show the results. After five minutes, he's sitting at the table in a tight tank top and flirting with your friend. Your mother is relaxed and just laughs. Since your father has started working out with you, your body is getting better and better. And you develop more and more pride for your homosexuality. And on the other hand, the interaction between you and your boyfriend is also more and more experimental and playful.
After a quarter of an hour there is nothing left of the stuffy atmosphere. Your parents are cool. They supported you from the first minute in your coming out. Your boyfriend and you have been living together for a few years and you regularly go out at night to clubs and bars. You no longer jerk off secretly in the bedroom behind closed doors. You are doing it all the time and everywhere. More than once your father had to defend you for causing public nuisance.
You and your boyfriend kiss your mother goodbye and hug your father. You take the elevator to the parking garage, but you don't make it to the car.
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I would say that your friend's action was successful. Your relationship is many things. But not stuffy and boring.
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It’s already time for my last post from China for this trip.
I’ve been in Xi’an the last few days, in the province of Shaanxi in central China. Xi’an is an enormous city, nowhere near the size of Beijing or Shanghai but definitely a huge city. It is very very hot and dry here. For whatever reason the UV rays are also extremely intense here, every day the weather app has had a warning for extreme UV rays. It really feels like the sun is like a laser whenever you stand directly in it. Definitely missing the coolness of Lijiang now.
Xi’an is hot, fast paced, and very crowded. Everyone is constantly on the move and there are always way more people or vehicles than you ever would have thought possible in any given space. Even to cross the street you had to go into an enormous system of underground tunnels to avoid the traffic in the road, because the traffic never stops.
I think I’ve really been coming to grips with the fact that lack of personal space is a cultural thing here. People have no qualms about pushing, shoving, cutting in line, elbowing, etc. It’s nothing personal, it’s just how things are done here. You really have to stand firm and be assertive when you move or you’re never gonna get anywhere.
The hotel I’m at is a nice oasis from all of this. It’s very serene and my room has Japanese style tatami mats with all the furniture directly on the floor and a Japanese smart toilet which is super fancy. I spent Monday evening and most of Tuesday in my room because traveling at the end of a long trip is exhausting, especially in the heat, and I’ve still got about a week to go. The staff at my hotel is really nice and they even helped me order delivery food Monday night because I wasn’t up to going out to look for something to eat.
On Tuesday evening I ventured out a bit in the evening after it had cooled off. I’ve noticed in general in China things tend to stay open pretty late and the liveliest time of day is between 7pm-11pm, the streets will be very busy and lots will be going on. Even families and young kids will be out and about. I walked by a giant shopping mall and the bell tower and drum tower and ended up on the street referred to here as “Muslim Street”. Xi’an was for a long time a stopover on the Silk Road and there is a large population of Chinese Muslims in Xi’an which in turn has influenced a lot of their typical dishes. There is a large concentration of restaurants run by Chinese Muslims on this street and it has become a very popular walking street and a place for street food. I knew about this street but didn’t realize I had stumbled upon it on Tuesday and was blown away by the sheer size of the crowds there. Almost equivalent to the density of the crowds in Fenghuang but the street itself was enormous and yet still very crowded. I went in a few shops and noticed that every time I went in a shop I was surreptitiously followed the entire time by an employee who was pretending not to be following me around. This happened several times in several different shops so I don’t know if it was because they thought I was stealing or because as the only foreigner they thought I wouldn’t understand what to do and would have questions but it was a weird experience.
I ate a gigantic spiral cut potato on a stick and pomegranate juice and then hid in the dairy aisle of the 7/11 to escape the heat and humidity.
On Wednesday I geared up to go see the Terracotta Warriors. These were made for the Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, upon his death in 209 BCE. He believed that if he constructed terracotta versions of his army and horses to keep in his mausoleum he could bring them with him to protect him after death. They were only recently uncovered in the 70s and are still in the process of being excavated because there are so many thousands of them.
I took a shuttle bus from Xi’an about 86 kilometers outside the city to the archeological site. The site sells 3,000 tickets per hour, so you can imagine how crowded it gets. The site is organized into 3 areas called pits. Pit 1 is the largest area. The crowd there was one of the largest I have ever experienced. I’ve only been afraid of being trampled once before, at a music festival in Guanajuato, Mexico. This crowd felt similar to that. I couldn’t control where my body was going, the crowd just kind of pushed me wherever I ended up going. It was all I could do to stay on my feet, let alone see anything. I ended up going out the emergency exit in a panic and then sat on the curb for about 40 minutes to recover. Then I pulled myself together and went to the smaller pits to try and see some things. It did somehow get slightly less crowded throughout the day, but it was still very packed. I managed to see all three pits and even went back to the first one again because I really did want to see everything.
It was very complicated to get back to Xi’an afterwards and so hot. I couldn’t figure out where the shuttle bus was so I had to take public transportation which took about 2.5 hours total to get back to town. Long story short, I was glad to see the terracotta warriors but my goodness was it exhausting.
I found a Starbucks inside a giant mall back in Xi’an to try and recuperate once I got back to town before walking back to my hotel. One thing I love about Asia is the malls. They are generally enormous and have just about everything you can possibly think of, like a small city, but its all air conditioned. I was at the mall for a while and was going to look for something to eat but I was so exhausted and didn’t have the brainpower to figure out how to look for somewhere to eat and translate the menu and order in Chinese; so I went to the McDonald’s purely because they have computerized ordering systems in English where you just click on what you want and scan a QR code to pay and you don’t have to talk to anyone.
Thursday was my last full day in China. I am definitely noticing how exhausted I am. I stayed in bed for most of the morning and ventured out briefly to visit a park at Wild Goose Pagoda and the Xi’an Museum. It ended up being way too hot and crowded and the museum itself was kind of underwhelming, I’m not much of a museum person to begin with and since I couldn’t read any of the signs and don’t know much about the local history it didn’t mean much to me although I’m sure if I knew more it would be really interesting.
I sat on the ground in the museum lobby for 45 minutes to recover from the heat and crowds and went back to my hotel until the evening. I wanted to end my time in China on a positive note despite how cranky I’ve been lately, I had to tried to book a walking tour but couldn’t because I was only one person and there weren’t any other foreigners signing up for tours. I eventually found a place that was offering dinner and a show at a hotel nearby and signed up for it just to get out a bit.
I didn’t understand anything that was going on in the show but it was showing the life of a famous Empress of the Tang Dynasty that was based in Xi’an and had a lot of traditional dancing and music. Xi’an is well known for its dumplings and I got to try a sampler of a dozen different kinds of dumplings which were really good. I ended up being seated next to the only other foreigner, a guy named Stefano from Italy who had just arrived in China that day. He was equally as confused about everything as I was but it was nice to have someone to talk to. He said that apparently this dinner show thing used to only offer shows for foreigners, then they opened it up for Chinese residents as well and it was about 40% foreigners and 60% Chinese people. Post-covid it is now less than 1% foreigners who attend tourist geared things.
Afterwards since it was cooler out I went and saw the old city wall and walked around in the park for a while, then I went back to Muslim street and got some 肉加缪 (roujiamou) a lamb based Chinese version of a hamburger that is a famous street food in Xi’an. I walked back to my hotel and made it just before a huge lightning storm that caused a power outage. It was literally like lightning multiple times a minute for over an hour, it was wild. I ate my food in the dark and reflected on this wild trip.
China has been fascinating. Traveling China mostly alone post-covid has been another level of travel. It has been at once very humbling and very empowering. While it was very difficult to figure out how things worked and to communicate, China is incredibly safe, well organized, and people are incredibly kind. I never once felt in danger during this trip which says a lot. It’s been a real shock feeling like such an outsider all the time for the last month. I have such a deep newfound respect for anyone who immigrates somewhere completely different from their home country, without knowing anyone and without knowing the language or culture. Being on vacation here has been hard enough as an outsider even with all the privilege I have as a white English speaking American.
Going several days at a time not talking to anyone while simultaneously being constantly surrounded by crowds and being stared and pointed at everywhere I go has been such a strange experience, but very eye opening. I’m glad to have had this experience and even though this entire trip was traveling on “hard mode” I feel sad to be leaving right when I feel like I’m starting to figure things out. China has been unlike anywhere else I’ve been before and despite being here a month I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’ll definitely be back.
I’m doing a quick 2.5 day stop in Seoul before heading home, will update again before leaving.
Until then,
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sleptwithinthesun · 2 years
this was. originally supposed to be the secret santa fic but i focused way too much on plot rather than the snz and ended up scrapping it. however i did still finish it (for some reason) so HERE is ~2.0K words of sick b/uck and exasperated e/ddie from the show 9/1/1!!
In hindsight, Eddie probably should have noticed it earlier.
The week's been almost nonstop, though, with the three inches of snow that hit LA driving everyone absolutely nuts. If there's anything Eddie knows about living in Texas, it's that people who aren't used to snow will lose their minds over nothing more than an inch, and clearly, the rest of the station is used to it as well. Every time the alarm goes off, Hen and Chim exchange looks with each other, sigh, and shake their heads. Bobby's the only one who actually seems excited about the snow, and Buck's been meeting every call with quiet determination. It's odd, considering that he's normally the human equivalent of a golden retriever, but none of the others have really questioned it. Winter is a hard season for a lot of people, and although Eddie's been at the station for almost four years, he's still not quite sure what baggage they all carry.
Still, he pulls Hen aside as they're heading back to the truck after wrapping up a call. "Hey, is Buck alright?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't he be?" she asks, brows furrowing. "Did he say something to you, or did something happen?"
"No, he's just been quiet. It's not like him." Eddie glances back toward him as Bobby wraps up the call, Chim loading their patient into the back of the ambulance.
Hen sighs, mostly in relief that Buck's entire life isn't about to go crashing down on top of him once again. "Yeah, I noticed that. I've been meaning to talk to him, but we've just been—"
"—busy," Eddie finishes, nodding. "I'll talk to him after the shift ends, try to take him home with me, if I can." It's well-known that Buck enjoys Eddie's house more than his own loft, likely because it's actually personalized and comfortable instead of being under lease and therefore impossible to make feel like home.
Hen smiles at him. "Take care of him, alright?"
He grins back. "Always."
Buck sighs in relief as he sinks into Eddie's couch, tipping his head back like it's a genuinely comfortable piece of furniture. "Do you need me to cook dinner tonight?" he asks regardless, closing his eyes for just a moment.
"No, I was just thinking we could order something, if you're alright with that. Chris is with Pepa tonight, so we don't have to worry about his food opinions," says Eddie, looking up from one of the various food delivery apps on his phone and smiling at his friend amusedly. "You look beat, man."
He groans. "Yeah. Dunno why I'm so tired lately; 's probably because I've been sleeping weird, but I haven't changed anything."
Eddie frowns to himself, concern only growing further. The absolute chaos of their last three hours on shift haven't distracted him from his purpose in inviting Buck over tonight, and he has until 8:30 tomorrow morning to pry the issue out of him. "You feeling alright?"
"Eh," Buck says, wiggling a hand back and forth. "It's fine. I've got it under control."
And that statement sends alarm jolting up Eddie's spine, and he's back in the living room before the other man can even inhale. "Buck, what's wrong?" he breathes, eyes sweeping over his figure as if he can assess the damage himself, despite the fact that he hasn't noticed anything yet, how could he have missed it, whatever it is—
"Eds, relax," Buck says nonchalantly, even a bit sheepishly. "It's just my leg, the cold always makes it hurt a bit more since the accident. That's all it is, I promise." The smile he gives Eddie after that is so innocent, so eager to reassure, that he almost finds himself believing Buck.
That is, until he remembers the way Buck staunchly refuses to talk about his own problems unless he's trying to convince himself that they're not that big of a deal. It always backfires, of course, because the 118 always ends up completely horrified by whatever it is he's sharing with them, but the fact that he's trying to play this off either means that he's about to be in a lot of trouble, or that he's actually unconcerned with the whole issue. Which, considering the ordeal of his recovery period and the blood clots, is unlikely.
And Eddie just stares at the other man, incredulous, until he asks, "What?" just a bit too defensively, and Eddie snaps out of his shock.
"It's not cramping or anything, is it? It's just pain?" he asks.
"Just pain," Buck confirms, and it does little to settle Eddie. "Please don't worry about it; it's happened every year since. I'm used to it."
Yeah. That really doesn't do anything to make Eddie feel any better about the whole thing.
Still, Buck's giving him that puppy-eyed look again, the one that Christopher always gives him, and they still have food to order if they want to eat tonight, and really, pain is to be expected. Buck's leg was crushed under a ladder truck; it's a miracle he's even been able to continue with his job, after everything.
He does his best to shrug it off. Buck would tell him if anything was seriously wrong, wouldn't he?
Wouldn't he?
It's when he wakes up in the morning that he realizes the answer to his earlier question is no, absolutely not.
The thing is, his couch is terrible. Buck complains about it every other time he's over at Eddie's house, and even Chris is starting to get on his case about how uncomfortable the damn thing is. Eddie's been meaning to get rid of it, but, well, he's been busy. It's really a nonissue, so he's been putting off dealing with it.
(And if having a terrible couch means that he gets Buck, who always runs just shy of uncomfortably warm and practically acts as a personal space heater, albeit cuddly and octopus-like in his sleep, Eddie really doesn't see the point in getting a new one.)
But instead of waking up with the soft warmth of Buck tucked in around him, chin tucked into his chest and snoring quietly, Eddie wakes up to Buck tucked in around him, chin tucked into his chest and snoring loudly.
Well. That's new.
But also, not really. This is the same way Buck gets in the middle of the spring, when all of the plants really start kicking up pollen and the Zyrtec he takes isn't quite enough. It's a sign his allergies are acting up, which isn't a possibility, not in the middle of winter.
"Buck?" Eddie whispers, shifting slightly and watching as Buck's head dips, then shoots up as he makes it to consciousness. "Hey."
"Mordig," Buck says, then shakes his head in dismay. "Aw, fugck."
"You alright?" he asks.
Buck shrugs. "I didnd't thingk I was getting sigck," he explains, sighing into his hands when he brings them up to his face. His voice is muffled when he speaks again, rough and anxious. "And I probably jusdt godt you sigck, too."
"You can try your best," Eddie says, then laughs when Buck does a neat little double take. "Immune system of steel, man. I haven't been sick in almost six years."
"You have a child?"
Eddie can't stop the grin from spreading across his face. "I'm pretty sure that's how I managed to avoid getting sick in the first place," he explains, and Buck only shakes his head in disbelief. "Let me call Bobby and tell him we're not coming in today, hang on."
"You dond't need to tagke the day off," Buck complains, twisting in protest amongst the covers while Eddie fumbles for his phone. "Eddie!"
"Buck!" he mimics, unlocking it and switching to Bobby's contact. "It's fine, Bobby can just swap in Shiv and Alazo from C-shift."
Buck only whines wordlessly and flops back into his bed, and Eddie laughs as he waits for Bobby to pick up the call.
"You're a terrible sick person, you know that?"
"So I've been told," Buck says, not looking up from loading the dishwasher. "Don't worry, I've restricted myself. I'm not actually touching anything clean."
"That's not what I'm worried about," Eddie says, rolling his eyes. "Why are you even standing right now? I thought I told you to lie down on the couch."
Buck scoffs, then turns to cough into his shoulder. "Your couch sucks, Eds. It's like lying on bricks covered by a blanket."
"Which you've said, multiple times."
Buck pauses at that, hands stilling in the sink. "Did I?"
Eddie sighs heavily. "Go back to sleep, Buck."
His shoulders slump, and he nods resignedly, even as he puts another plate in the bottom rack. "I can't."
"Restless energy?"
"Yeah." Buck rocks back on his heels sheepishly, glancing up at Eddie. "I don't know. I just need to keep moving."
Eddie gives him a close-lipped smile, then leans in so that their shoulders are touching, and Buck lets his head rest against Eddie's collarbone. "Tell you what," he proposes. "You go back to bed and try to rest for fifteen minutes. If you're not asleep by then, I'll figure something out, but if you are, I'm not going to wake you up."
"What, are you just trying to get rid of me?" Buck huffs amusedly, turning on his heel and beelining for Eddie's bedroom. "See you in fifteen minutes, Eds."
"We'll see," he calls back, laughing silently to himself as Buck pouts. Sure, Buck is stubborn, but he's also sick, and if there's anything that will knock him down, it'll be some ridiculously mild inconvenience that really shouldn't have the impact that it does.
Sure enough, when he checks in on Buck again, he's completely dead to the world.
Buck's face is buried in his elbow as they sit on the couch later, and Eddie's doing his best to soothe him through the fit of sneezing as he watches with increasing concern. In front of them, an episode of Community is paused, the screen glowing brightly.
"You alright?" Eddie murmurs, handing Buck the box of tissues when he finally looks up again. His eyes are shiny with irritated tears, and he seems more annoyed than anything.
"Fide," he murmurs, carefully grabbing two tissues and folding them before blowing his nose. "Ugh, I feel fucki'g gross."
"Yeah, that's kind of how being sick works." He laughs when Buck groans and slumps further into the couch. "Don't worry, you'll be over it in a couple of days, and then you'll be able to go back to the firehouse. Not that I don't love having you around, of course, but man are you a nightmare when you're sick."
Buck laughs tiredly, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, that's fair," he says before he twists away to sneeze again, shaking against Eddie's ribs. "Sorry."
"Salud," Eddie says, and unpauses the episode so they can continue watching. Buck's the one who introduced him to the show Community in the first place, and he's the kind of person who likes watching a show he knows with other people to see their reactions, so Eddie's been waiting to watch it until Buck is with him. It's gone pretty well so far, but it's rare they have enough time together without Chris to actually get through a ful episode, so Eddie's grateful for today's opportunity, although it did come at the price of Buck's health.
He finds his fingers carding absently through Buck's hair about halfway through the episode, the action having gone unnoticed by the both of them until Eddie's fingers snag in a random knot. Then, they both freeze, and refuse to acknowledge the other until Eddie continues, and goes back to playing with Buck's curls while the younger firefighter relaxes gradually into his touch.
All in all, it's a pretty good day.
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3141
after working with the kids this morning, i discovered that my mom's plan for moving things today was never told to the other people who were supposed to be involved. i cleaned my room an additional three times and i got my stuff out of the office as best i could. with one arm, there was no way i could move the furniture in the office. you need two hands for that. so i'm feeling pretty useless. but i got my shit out, and that's gotta count for something.
i also figured out a better way to deal with my laundry that's easier to keep up with and can be hidden easily. i've had this storage ottoman that's held stuffies for a long time, so i moved the stuffies to boxes and put my laundry in the ottoman and moved it near my bed. my fan is now on top of the boxes and is at a better height, i can get to my window, and i can put a lid on my laundry that i no longer need to have up all of, just the dresses and work clothing. which is very exciting. my pjs and dresses and work stuff and shoes are all in there while everything else is in the ottoman. success. unexpected and unintended, but success nonetheless.
but yeah. lotta shit. lotta moving shit.
and then because no one was here, and my shoulder was already in a great deal of pain from cleaning two days in a row, i didn't have dinner. also two days in a row. i rely so much on other people right now because i can't fucking drive and it's impossible to do much of anything to save my goddamn life. i didn't realize how much i truly need to rely on other people right now until i sat down and looked through my food delivery apps, all of which were like "get this in 45-65 minutes" because i live in the middle of goddam nowhere. and i didn't want to eat cold food, because that shit sucks. and i had mcdonald's for lunch so i couldn't order that, that's unappealing.
so dad got home at quarter past 8 having had dinner and i was just like.
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because dad wasn't gonna go back out. it's becoming increasingly obvious that my usual strategy of saving my own ass was the right decision because no one is coming to help me. the only person who does right now is my mom, and since she's away my ass is stranded because everyone else has shit to do. so that's fun.
i can't wait to drive again. i wanna see joel. i wanna be out of the house of my own volition. i wanna control where i go and when and i cannot wait until i'm free to go without my sling. shit fuckin sucks.
broken record: i miss the joel. i want to hug the joel. hold the joel. give affection to the joel. sit in the same room as the joel. do nothing with the joel. simply be in the company of the joel. go to dinner with the joel. give a kissu to the joel. i am a sad.
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shop-korea · 4 days
KIKI'S DELIVERY SERVICE | Official English Trailer
THAN - $72.92 - WAY - CHEAPER - 4 SAME
Personal Property
Your stuff got stolen or damaged? This is the maximum amount you’ll be able to claim. Add Extra Coverage to protect your high-value jewelry, cameras, bicycles, art, or musical instruments.
Personal Liability
If someone gets hurt on your property and decides to take legal action, this is the max amount we’ll pay to cover damages you’re legally required to pay.
Loss of use
We hope this never happens, but if your place is unlivable, we’ll put you up in a nice hotel or similar rental home. We’ll also include living expenses to get you back on your feet. This is the max that we’ll pay in such an event.
Medical payments to others
We’ll cover medical expenses up to this amount if a guest or neighbor is injured on your property.
A faulty Christmas light or your attempt at deep frying can cause some smoke and fire damage. We cover you for both.
Bad Weather
Wind, lightning, and hail are scary. You're covered for all of them. Flood insurance isn't part of the basic policy.
Your home is full of stuff: furniture, clothing, appliances. We cover you if any of it is stolen or damaged.
Medical Payments to Others
Your date cuts a finger while chopping veggies for dinner at your place and needs stitches, or the babysitter sprains an ankle running down the stairs to answer the door. Don't worry. These medical expenses are covered.
A person slips and falls at your party breaking a leg. Your friendly dog Fido bites a guest. Stuff happens and you get sued. Not only do we hire a lawyer to defend you, but we cover the costs to get you out of this jam.
Your pipes may be feeling a chill, or your neighbor's bathtub is leaking through your ceiling. Aka, if there's sudden or accidental water damage, you're covered.
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LIGHT - FIXTURES - $209 - $199 - BUT
THEN - THE - RENT - $0.25 - PER - DAY
$0.25 - PER - DAY
$0.25 - PER - WASHER
$0.25 - PER - DRYER
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medhey · 5 days
Ditch the Big Guys, Embrace Perth's Best: Shop Local with Medhey!
Tired of the same old online shopping experience? Forget the international giants with their impersonal service and generic products. Perth's vibrant retail scene is brimming with unique finds and hidden gems, just waiting to be discovered. Medhey, your one-stop app for Perth online shopping, connects you directly with these amazing local stores, offering a shopping experience that's both convenient and exciting.
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Faster Than International Shipping: Ditch the frustration of waiting weeks for your purchases to arrive. Perth-based retailers offer faster delivery times, so you can get your hands on those must-have items quicker. No more agonizing waits – satisfy your shopping cravings with lightning speed!
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When it comes to hauling and moving, finding the right service quickly can be a game-changer. Whether you’re relocating, decluttering, or in need of heavy-duty items moved, professional hauling and moving services can make the process stress-free. If you’re in or near Halethorpe and need to find reliable professionals in a hurry, this guide will walk you through the fastest and most efficient ways to secure the help you need.
Define Your Hauling and Moving Needs
Before you start your search, it’s important to clearly define your needs. Do you require help with a full house move or just hauling away a few large items? Are you looking for short-term storage, furniture assembly, or junk removal?
Knowing exactly what you need will help narrow down your search and ensure you get accurate quotes. Common services include:
Full house moving
Junk removal or hauling
Furniture and appliance delivery
Packing and unpacking services
Loading/unloading for DIY moves
Search Online for Local Movers and Haulers
One of the quickest ways to find professional Movers and Haulers services near Halethorpe is to search online. Use popular platforms that specialize in connecting customers with local service providers. Here are some key tools to explore:
Google Search: Search for “professional movers near Halethorpe” or “hauling services near me” to find businesses in your area. Google often displays top-rated companies and their contact information right on the search page.
Yelp: Yelp allows you to filter search results based on customer ratings, distance, and availability. Look for companies with strong reviews and ratings to ensure reliability.
Angi (formerly Angie’s List): This site offers verified reviews and ratings from past customers, making it easy to compare moving companies and find the best one for your needs.
Use Apps for Instant Bookings
If you need services quickly, consider using mobile apps that allow for instant bookings and quotes. These platforms let you schedule a service and get a mover or hauler dispatched to you within a short timeframe.
Check Local Social Media Groups and Forums
Halethorpe’s local community groups on Facebook or platforms like Next-door can be invaluable when you need quick recommendations for reliable moving and hauling services. Post your request in these groups, and within minutes you’re likely to receive suggestions or personal experiences from neighbors who have hired similar services.
Look out for:
Halethorpe community Facebook groups: Members often share their experiences with local movers and may recommend smaller, yet highly effective, local companies.
Nextdoor: This neighborhood-focused app allows you to ask for recommendations from people in Halethorpe and surrounding areas. You can also browse local classifieds for service providers.
Contact Local Moving and Hauling Companies Directly
Sometimes the quickest way to get what you need is to go directly to the source. Call or email local moving companies to check for availability. Many companies offer free quotes over the phone or via their website, so you can quickly compare rates.
When contacting companies, ask about:
Availability: Make sure the company can meet your timeline.
Pricing: Get clear, upfront pricing. Some companies may charge by the hour, while others offer flat rates depending on the job.
Insurance: Verify that the company is licensed and insured to protect your belongings in case of damage.
Some reputable moving and hauling companies in the Halethorpe area include:
Baltimore Movers: A full-service moving company serving Halethorpe and the greater Baltimore area. They offer everything from residential moving to junk hauling.
Haul Away Junk Removal: Specializes in hauling unwanted items, from furniture to construction debris.
Two Men and a Truck: Well-known nationwide for local and long-distance moves, they provide quick service and can often accommodate last-minute jobs.
Request Multiple Quotes for Faster Comparison
Once you have a list of potential hauling and moving services, request quotes from at least three providers. This will give you a clear understanding of average costs in the Halethorpe area and help you make an informed decision.
When requesting quotes, provide the following details for accuracy:
Number and size of items to be moved or hauled
Whether you need packing or unpacking services
Distance between your current location and destination
Any special requests, such as fragile items or large appliances
Most companies are able to provide quotes within hours, especially if you provide all the necessary information upfront.
Look for Same-Day or Last-Minute Service
Some companies specialize in last-minute or same day hauling and moving services. If you’re in a pinch and need someone right away, ask potential providers if they offer emergency or same-day assistance.
Certain platforms, such as Dolly and Go Share, are designed specifically for urgent requests and can connect you with help within a few hours.
Read Reviews and Check Credentials
Even if you’re in a hurry, it’s important to check reviews and credentials. While speed is a priority, you also want to ensure that the professionals you hire are trustworthy and competent.
Make sure to:
Read customer reviews on Google, Yelp, or Angi.
Check for proper licensing and insurance.
Verify that the company has experience with the specific type of service you need, whether it’s moving or hauling.
Finding professional hauling and moving services near Halethorpe doesn’t have to be a stressful or time-consuming process. By clearly defining your needs, using the right online platforms, and comparing quotes, you can quickly find a reliable service provider. Whether you need help with a full house move or just hauling away some unwanted items, there are plenty of options available to make your moving or hauling experience smooth and efficient.
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memeticsolutions01 · 13 days
E-Commerce Game Changers: Top Tech Innovations You Need to Know
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In recent years, e-commerce has grown at an unprecedented rate, fueled by the constant evolution of technology. For businesses and consumers alike, keeping up with the latest innovations is essential to stay competitive and maximize the online shopping experience. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the key technological innovations that are transforming the e-commerce landscape.
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in E-Commerce
From personalized recommendations to chatbots providing 24/7 customer support, AI enhances user experience and increases sales.
Personalization: AI algorithms analyze user behavior and purchase history to suggest products tailored to individual preferences.
Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Automate customer service, answering queries instantly, and resolving issues efficiently.
Inventory Management: AI helps predict stock needs and optimize supply chains, minimizing both overstock and understock issues.
2. Augmented Reality (AR) for Virtual Shopping
AR has revolutionized the way customers shop online, offering them the ability to virtually “try before they buy.”
Virtual Try-Ons: For fashion, makeup, or furniture, AR allows customers to see how products will look on them or in their homes.
Enhanced Product Visualization: Detailed 3D models give a more accurate representation of items, improving customer satisfaction and reducing returns.
3. Voice Commerce
With the rise of smart speakers like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, voice commerce is becoming more common. Consumers can now search, order, and purchase items simply by speaking.
Convenience: Hands-free shopping allows consumers to multitask while making purchases.
Speed: Voice commands are faster than typing, streamlining the shopping process.
4. Blockchain Technology for Secure Transactions
Blockchain is becoming increasingly popular for ensuring secure, transparent transactions. In e-commerce, it’s used for:
Secure Payments: Blockchain enhances the security of payment processes by decentralizing transactions.
Supply Chain Transparency: Businesses can use blockchain to track the origin and journey of products, ensuring authenticity and reducing fraud.
5. Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce)
With smartphones becoming the preferred device for online shopping, businesses are focusing on optimizing their mobile platforms.
Mobile-First Design: Websites and apps are being designed to provide seamless experiences on mobile devices.
Mobile Payments: Digital wallets and one-click payment methods simplify the checkout process, reducing cart abandonment rates.
6. Subscription-Based E-Commerce
Many businesses are shifting to subscription models, providing recurring products or services to their customers.
Convenience: Customers receive their favorite products regularly without needing to reorder.
Customer Loyalty: Subscription models build lasting relationships between businesses and customers, promoting long-term loyalty.
7. Drone Delivery and Automation
Innovations in delivery systems, such as drones and robots, are paving the way for faster, more efficient order fulfillment.
Fast Delivery: Drones can deliver small packages within minutes of purchase, revolutionizing last-mile delivery.
Cost-Efficiency: Automation reduces the need for manual labor, saving time and costs for e-commerce businesses.
8. Data Analytics for Customer Insights
Data is the backbone of e-commerce strategies. Businesses are leveraging advanced analytics to understand customer behavior and improve decision-making.
Predictive Analytics: By analyzing past trends, businesses can forecast future sales and trends.
Customer Segmentation: Data analytics allows businesses to target specific customer groups with personalized marketing campaigns.
Conclusion: The rapid pace of technological innovations in e-commerce is reshaping how businesses operate and how consumers shop. Embracing these innovations can help businesses improve customer experience, streamline operations, and stay ahead of the competition.
How Memetic Solutions can help?
If you have any questions or need guidance on implementing these innovations in your e-commerce business, visit Memetic Solutions for expert advice and support. We specialize in helping businesses leverage the latest tech trends to maximize their success.
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candiceg3010 · 22 days
Sofas On Rent: A Convenient and Cost-Effective Solution
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Renting furniture, particularly sofas, has become a popular choice for many individuals and families. Opting for a sofa on rent provides flexibility, convenience, and affordability. Whether someone is relocating temporarily, setting up a new space, or simply wanting to refresh their home without a long-term commitment, renting sofas offers an ideal solution.
Why Rent a Sofa?
Renting sofas is an excellent option for those who seek high-quality furniture without the burden of ownership. Here are a few reasons why many people prefer to rent a sofa:
Cost-Effective: Renting a sofa set can be significantly cheaper than purchasing one, especially when considering high upfront costs.
Flexibility: Sofa rental allows customers to choose from various styles and sizes to suit their changing needs.
No Maintenance Hassles: Maintenance and repairs are often handled by the rental company, reducing the customer's burden.
Temporary Needs: Ideal for those living in temporary accommodations, students, or professionals on short-term assignments.
How to Choose the Right Sofa Rental
When selecting a sofa rental, consider the following points:
Measure Your Space: Ensure the sofa fits perfectly in your living area.
Consider Style and Comfort: Choose a style that complements your home decor while providing comfort.
Check Rental Terms: Understand the terms and conditions, including the rental period, maintenance services, and delivery options.
Sofa Rental Near Me: Look for local options to minimize delivery time and costs.
Benefits of Renting Sofas
Couch Rental for Every Need: Whether it's a compact couch for a small apartment or a luxurious sofa set on rent for a larger home, the options are plentiful.
Furniture Rental Flexibility: Customers can switch furniture styles or upgrade their sofas as their needs change.
Renting sofas offers a practical, affordable, and flexible solution for anyone looking to furnish their space without the commitment of ownership.
To locate “Sofas on Rent” effortlessly, download the Justdial app (JD App). Simply search “Sofas on Rent” within the app to discover nearby outlets , dealers and access detailed information about their offerings and locations. easy and convienient.
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dmablogs · 23 days
Carpentry Services in Singapore: Trends and Innovations in 2024
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Carpentry services Singapore have undergone a significant transformation over the years, driven by advancements in technology, evolving design preferences, and a growing demand for sustainable solutions. As we step into 2024, the carpentry industry is poised to offer innovative and trendsetting services that cater to both residential and commercial spaces. This blog will explore the latest trends and innovations shaping carpentry services in Singapore.
1. Sustainable Carpentry Solutions
Sustainability continues to be a major trend in 2024, with eco-friendly practices being prioritized across various industries, including carpentry. The use of reclaimed wood, bamboo, and other sustainable materials has become increasingly popular in carpentry services in Singapore. Clients are now more inclined to choose materials that have a lower environmental impact, contributing to the global effort to reduce carbon footprints.
In addition to using sustainable materials, carpenters in Singapore are adopting energy-efficient manufacturing processes. This includes minimizing waste during production and ensuring that the finished products are durable, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
2. Smart Carpentry
The integration of technology into carpentry is one of the most exciting innovations in 2024. Smart carpentry involves the use of advanced tools and techniques that enhance precision, efficiency, and customization. For instance, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines allow carpenters to create intricate designs with high precision, enabling the production of bespoke furniture and fittings that perfectly match clients' specifications.
Moreover, the advent of smart home technology has led to the development of carpentry solutions that are integrated with home automation systems. From built-in cabinets with concealed charging stations to furniture that can be controlled via smartphone apps, smart carpentry is redefining the way we interact with our living spaces.
3. Customizable Modular Carpentry
Modular carpentry has gained immense popularity in Singapore, especially in urban settings where space is limited. In 2024, the trend has evolved to offer even more customizable options. Homeowners can now choose from a wide range of modular designs that can be easily assembled, disassembled, and reconfigured to suit their changing needs.
This trend is particularly appealing to those living in HDB flats and condominiums, where space optimization is crucial. Modular carpentry allows for the creation of multifunctional spaces, such as a dining area that can be transformed into a home office with minimal effort.
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4. Artisanal Craftsmanship
While technology has introduced many innovations in carpentry, there is still a strong demand for artisanal craftsmanship. In 2024, there is a growing appreciation for handcrafted furniture and bespoke carpentry services that showcase the skill and creativity of the carpenter. This trend is particularly popular among clients who seek unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect their personal style and preferences.
Artisanal carpentry services in Singapore often involve the use of traditional woodworking techniques, combined with modern design elements. The result is a perfect blend of old-world charm and contemporary aesthetics.
5. Sustainable Packaging and Delivery
As part of the broader sustainability movement, carpentry services Singapore are also focusing on eco-friendly packaging and delivery options. In 2024, more companies are offering packaging made from recycled materials and are adopting green delivery practices, such as using electric vehicles or partnering with carbon-neutral delivery services.
This trend not only aligns with the values of environmentally conscious consumers but also helps carpentry businesses in Singapore stand out in a competitive market.
6. Digital Visualization Tools
Before committing to a carpentry project, many clients want to see how the final product will look in their space. In 2024, digital visualization tools have become an integral part of carpentry services in Singapore. These tools allow clients to view 3D renderings of their custom furniture or fittings, providing them with a clear understanding of the design, dimensions, and overall aesthetics.
Digital visualization tools not only enhance customer satisfaction but also help carpenters make precise adjustments during the planning phase, reducing the likelihood of errors and revisions.
The carpentry industry in Singapore is evolving rapidly, with 2024 bringing a host of exciting trends and innovations. From sustainable practices and smart technology integration to customizable modular designs and artisanal craftsmanship, carpentry services in Singapore are set to cater to a diverse range of client needs. As the demand for high-quality, sustainable, and innovative carpentry solutions continues to grow, businesses that stay ahead of these trends are likely to thrive in the competitive market.
Whether you’re looking to renovate your home, furnish a new office, or create custom furniture, the carpentry services Singapore in 2024 offer a wealth of options that combine functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability.
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