#fursuit commissoins
poeproductions · 2 years
🌟Poe needs some new suits to inspect!🌟
We're open for fullsuits, heads, partials, & artistic liberty fullsuits/partials. This is for our Quarter 2 batch, with approximately 5 month turnaround time!
💖Apps are open until 1/23 8PM PT. Please read the forms carefully! ✨https://www.cfstudiosonline.com/custom-application
Don't have a design? We can do artistic liberty! 💖 Email us with your idea for more details at [email protected]
Slots are very limited! Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status by January 26th.
Remember, QUOTES are NOT APPLICATIONS and vice versa! If you just want a price check send a quote form, if you want a commission slot send an application form.
Alternatively, if you're unfamiliar with our price range, see our price guide here: https://www.cfstudiosonline.com/fursuit-price As always, please check out our Terms of Service and FAQ! https://www.cfstudiosonline.com/terms-of-service https://www.cfstudiosonline.com/faq
Subscribe to our email list or Telegram chat for big updates like openings, convention appearances, and more! https://tinyletter.com/cfstudios https://t.me/CFStudiosUpdates
We're really looking forward to seeing all of your creative characters (and so is Poe!) ✨ We would really appreciate any boosts to our work or our opening. We're just two people working hard to bring as much joy to the world as we can!
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sjru · 2 years
[Blog] 2022 review and 2023 resolutions
2022 it’s wrapped up and done, with 2023 coming in comes new ideas, resolutions, objectives
2022 was okay for me, not bad at least, better than last year for sure, with the pandemic plateauing and fading away we can start trying to move on from that ugly chapter.
On my case luckily I did not lose anyone close nor family members but I can’t say the same for othes I guess.
I did get  to go in august to the second time I ever gone to a con, ARff 2022, which was a blast and I met again some amazing frends, and in decembeR I finally got new components for my PC, fullfilling the long quest to be able to actually play last gen games and stuff with next gen graphics, haha.
Over the year I also did improve art wise, I rthink considerably increasing my level on painting more than 5 levels or so, I guess I can say I’m slightly above average still tho as my art does not get a lot of interest on sites like twitter so am not there yet on pairing with other friends of mine, still working on it I suppose.
And now, leaving the past year behind I’m going to set some resolutions, last year I did want to learn animation or 3d I guess that did not go as planned, I was ‘too lazy’ and I did not consider me good enough on art to divert attention on that yet, we’ll see, I have different plans for things I want to achieve this year however:
I want to save for a fursuit, that would be nice, they are pricey so I’d have to get more commissoins goin,  so I’d end up publiziing those more.Ideally I’d like to also save to go to a con outside my country AFTER  I get a fursuit, so it depends on how things goes on that.
Upgrading my perks and levels on art, that goes without saying
And last but not least I know that sounds corny but I’d like to find someone to love and stuff I have been emotionally lonely for long enough, guess I’d have to see if I can actually ‘fall in love’ like they say at all shrug, we’ll see, I’d have to look faraway for it I suppose
Overall I think expectations for this years are doable, depending, I still try to not up expectations that much, cuz in the end I’ll look back and laugh again, and you never know what this thing called life has for you in the long term.
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