#fuuko sorano
lilium-dragomir · 8 months
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bunnnali · 1 year
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good morning tumblr its been a while since ive posted here :3 heres (mostly) all  the tn art (i think) that ive been working on in my absense
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charmspoint · 3 years
what r ur thoughts on fuuko
Ahh I really love Fuuko tbh. She marked the start of side characters actually sticking around in a meaningful way and she's just a wonderful addition to the supporting cast.
She's a great straight man to Kyouya and it's honestly just so nice to see them have a little friendship, especially since Kyouya had such a hard time making friends. The scene where he makes a point to introduce Fuuko to Nana as his friend even though Nana already met her is just the best. She also provided Kyouya someone to bounce off of when Nana's not around and it's really nice that Kyouya has someone whos fully on his side since Nana got plenty of sidekicks
There's not that much to say about her as a character cuz she is supporting cast in talentless nana and supporting cast just very recently started like...getting fleshed out, but I like her a lot because she's such a fun duo with Kyouya and I hope she's here to stay
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anime-end-cards · 3 years
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Talentless Nana
Episode 10 end card
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coffeemillee87 · 4 years
Manga spoiler
If you don't want to get spoiled just scroll down quickly
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New chapter is our for couple days and I know I'm bit late but I'd like to talk about new chapter.  Soon I'll post my thoughts on talentless nana. 
In last chapter Daisuke met Nanao who is working for Tsuruoka. They discussed about Daisuke's way of life, using violence to get what he wants. Moe leaving school to visit her grandmother. Moe on her way sees Daisuke running over Saijo.  She witness it and in panic and hurry leaves the place. Daisuke is aware of Moe seeing but knows she won't interfere because she in hurry.
Now let's move on this months chapter. The chapter starts with Sachiko telling Nana what happened and teleporting her to crime scene whrere Kyouya, Fuuko and Daisuke are investigating. According to Daisuke police left the scene not long ago after learning the victim is talented. Just like in many superhero manga police is useless. I understand that if police played bigger role main characters won't have their time to shine.
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Let me say this Kyouya is amazing detective.  Cases he solved may not be so difficult but he is good for someone his age.  Daisuke asks why was Saijo doing in deserted place in middle of the night and why was he run down. All of this seem to strange to be an incident. Daisuke says he will find the car owner and close the case. This gives Daisuke a chance to forge the evidence or make false claims.  Plus the car Daisuke drove before he met Nanao wasn't his so chances that Daisuke is the suspicious among others is small. Kyouya acknowledges Daisuke's efficiency to which Daisuke wants everyone to work together and slove the case. He of course turns to Nana and tries to prove her talent isn't reading minds.
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Daisuke wants Nana to read Saijo's mind to see who killed him. Daisuke wants to prove Nana has some weak and useless talent. Sachiko tryes to stop the fight but Nana just leave to investigate the scene on her own. This doesn't stop Daisuke form trying to pin president's murder on her. It's true that everyone Nana was with is either dead or missing. Nana tells him that Moe went home. Daisuke clearly isn't happy about Moe bing eyewitnesses but he believes he can handle it.  Chapter switches to Moe going home and talking to herself she will prove that Daisuke is the killer.  She was happy to see her grandmother again but that happiness didn't last long. And the chapter is finished with another cliffhanger as expected.
I feel like Moe's grandmother will either die or barely make it out alive. Tsuruoka said he want granma to die still believing he is a good person. Officer saving grandma seems unlikely because 1) he is too far to help her, 2) I doubt Moe is capable of saving her grandmother and 3) grandmother doesn't play big role in the series so one character less isn't big deal, many characters already died. I'm not 100% we know what Daisuke's talent is but I think the second  panel has to do something with his talent.  If I'm wrong than it's odd place to put his hand. To me it looks like Daisuke is choking Moe's grandmother.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Talentless Nana – 11 – Proper Ventilation
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Nana arrives late to the latest murder scene with Detective Kyouya already working the case. He questions those in the adjacent room: Muguo and three acolytes, whose talents are voice mimicry, astral projection, and magnetism. They apparently didn’t hear a struggle in the Ryuuji’s room last night.
Ryuuji’s girlfriend, Sorano Fuuko, is the most suspicious to us because she’s in the opening credits and also just framed suspiciously. Fuuko demonstrates her power to focus atmosphere into a powerful weapon on a willing (and invincible) Kyouya. She does it outside because she finds it hard to focus in a closed interior space.
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After the demo, Kyouya goes off to ponder, while Nana checks out the crime scene. If Fuuko needed air, that explains the open window and bugs that got in the dorm, as well as the messy state of the place. Michiru tags along, and Nana senses something has been off about her since last night.
Nana is also surprised to find she can’t hold back her emotions when Michiru thoughtlessly talks about how great her parents are when Nana told her about her parents’ fate the previous night. The fatigue could well be getting to them both, but then Nana thinks she’s figured out the reason for Nana’s off-ness when the teacher comes by with a fresh uniform.
Kyouya told him to deliver it, and Nana recalls she had a bottle of poison in it. Thus she suspects Michiru is off because she found it, and like the incriminating photo of her, is torn between their genuine friendship and suspicions of her own.
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When Kyouya suddenly appears, her fears seem to be confirmed, but the detective only wants Nana to accompany him for an interview with Fuuko, hoping her mind-reading will help him determine if Fuuko is telling the truth. Interestingly, at no point during their time with Fuuko does Nana consider this is why Kyouya brought her.
When he asks about Fuuko’s thoughts, Nana tells the truth: she wasn’t focused enough, but for what it’s worth, she doesn’t think Fuuko did it…yet. But when Kyouya starts piecing together the night of the murder in intricate detail, he ends up starting to convince her that it could be Fuuko. It’s great procedural stuff.
That brings Nana back to Michiru’s, as she didn’t like where they left things the last time they were together (Nana yelled at her and stormed off). Michiru is in the shower, so Nana searches her dorm for the poison. Instead, she finds Michiru’s open journal, which is full of beautifully pure, earnest entries about how much she loves and admires Nana.
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I should know better considering her conditioning prior to coming to the island and, ya know, all the people she’s murdered, but Nana seems…chastened by this journal…even a little guilty for ever suspecting Michiru? No doubt those suspicions were somewhat influenced by Jin’s fake “Dark Michiru”.
Right on cue, Jin appears. Turns out he took the potion from Nana’s clothes before Michiru or Kyouya could find it. He’s determined to allow Nana to “keep swimming”, i.e. continue her mission until he can draw out more about the people she answers to.
Jin then forebodingly mentions how Michiru has been in the shower quite a long time, and takes his leave. Nana suddenly panics and rushes in the bath, where Michiru is slumped over the side of an overflowing tub. Could this be the end of dear, sweet Michiru? Was Nana snapping at her really their last interaction?
Something else to consider: Is this the act of the one who murdered Ryuuji, or did that last terse interaction drive Michiru to kill herself? We don’t know, and at the moment neither does Nana. From the first episode she’s prided herself on being on top of things with regard to who is up to what; it’s what any serial killer needs to be to avoid ending up caught or dead.
But at the moment Nana herself is a bit “off”—both unsure of the second murderer and morally conflicted vis-a-vis Michiru. It’s an intriguingly uncertain place for her to be with just two episodes remaining.
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By: sesameacrylic
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lilium-dragomir · 9 months
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lilium-dragomir · 9 months
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bunnnali · 2 years
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bunnnali · 2 years
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talentless nana shipping chart!!! I’ve been working on this for a long time so I hope u guys like it djdjfjjr  free to use!
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bunnnali · 2 years
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meet the cast!
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bunnnali · 2 years
u should go check this out on yt too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI_BNDG2fl8&feature=youtu.be
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Talentless Nana – 10 – Just Your Typical Little Girl
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When Nana breaks free of her icy anklet, Jin uses Moguo’s fire Talent to stop her in her tracks, but apologizes for going too far. Still, her phone’s “potential kill count” messages cause him to suspect she’s a “crusader” like someone from his class who believed he was sent to kill the “minions of Satan.”
Jin isn’t interested in using others’ Talents to force Nana to talk. He wants to patiently build trust with her, human to human, something he wasn’t able to do with his class, whom he dehumanized all too easily when he used their own Talents to kill them.
Badly burned and about to lose consciousness, Nana gives Jin a little of what he wants: insight into who Hiiragi Nana is. She tells him she had an older brother she was too young to remember, and a mother and father who were murdered one night by an Enemy of Humanity.
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Before passing out, she smiles when he asks if she sees Talented as Enemies of Humanity, then he carries her back to the dorms, warning her that now that the bodies are starting to pile up, the psychopaths among the current class will soon “come out of the woodwork”. Basically, she’s not the only murderer on this island.
When Nana comes to it’s in Michiru’s dorm; Jin left her at her dorm and Michiru did what Jin knew she’d do: take Nana in and heal her. Michiru also mentions that an impostor went to class when she was too tired to go (due to Jin drugging her). Nana realizes if she’s more open with her traumatic past, her reckless actions will be more easily explained by her “noble vendetta.”
Michiru wants Nana to know she’s always there if she wants to talk. As Nana talks to her about how her house was broken into and her parents killed, Michiru exhibits all the qualities of an empathetic, caring, even loving friend. But after revealing Yuuka’s true colors, she can’t help but still wonder if even sweet Michiru has a dark side.
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In the meantime, memories of that horrible night well up and haunt Nana. As she ponders her next move in her dorm, Jin pays her a visit. He agrees to return her phone to her if she’ll “share more of her soul” with him via more information about her past. Then Michiru shows up , and Jin disguises himself as the kitty Nana saved.
Michiru and Kitty!Jin listen as Nana gives details about what kind of “typical little girl” she was. She loved games of skill like Chess, Shoji, and Go, and was so good at them that other kids didn’t want to play her. She also made a mess of all the games in her rooms, and played long into the night, often slipping out past midnight to go to the konbini to buy manga, another passion.
Her parents always told her to make sure her window was locked, but one night she fell asleep without doing so, and that was all a burglar needed to gain entry. The next morning she found her parents brutally murdered, and she carried her father’s head out in public. Nana begins to break down over the guilt of being the reason the murderer targeted their house and got inside, but Michiru offers her hand in support.
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At some point, Nana falls asleep at her desk, and wakes up the next morning to find Michiru sitting on her bed, awake and oddly alert. Before she can say anything, Kyouya bursts in and asks the two girls to come with him. There’s been another murder: a male student’s throat has been slashed, apparently by a sliding dorm window.
It’s clear Nana didn’t do it this time, which means there is indeed another murderer on the island. But who? The camera lingers on a girl with bangs and a pony tail whose eyes are always shut—according to MAL, her name is Sorano Fuuko. It could be her—whoever she is—or it could be someone else.
For all we know, it could even be Michiru, who may have left Nana’s dorm to kill after Nana fell asleep. That goes against everything we’ve learned about Micchy so far, but if this show has taught me anything, it’s not to trust anyone or anything!
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By: sesameacrylic
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