#fyr ama
If you do a follow up to this comic, would you consider doing a Faelocke or a Grimmlocke?
I will never do a follow-up to FYR. It's gonna be a single, standalone comic, and once it's over, it will be over.
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lisasungtan · 7 years
#eggs #fyr (at Ama Cuisine)
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What’s the best region to do an earthlocke in?
So tbh I haven't tried earthlocking many regions, but my favs are probably Hoenn and Alola. They have p strong availability of earth-types, not too scarce but not too excessive. So you get that nice trickle effect when filling up your team throughout the run. Hoenn has chad trapinch, Alola has chad mudsdale. It rules.
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who is your favorite character to write in fyr?
Cedar or Nauki. They're both fun as fuck and they make me happy, ESPECIALLY when together.
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AMA: Have you ever been lucky enough to catch a shiny while doing a Nuzlock?
Yeh! I once caught a shiny wingull and a shiny zubat while nuzlocking Pearl. All my other shinies are from shiny hunting though, p sure.
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How many comics have you started/planned but ended up either scrapping or putting on the back burner? I know you have a completed at least one and are currently working on three but was curious about the projects that didn't quite make the cut :0
I have about three comics that I started and never finished.
One was a collab duolocke comic called Stepping Over Shadows (2018), the second was a Kanto nuzlocke titled The Adventurous Adventures of the Adventure Club (2019), and the third was an ask blog called Ask Alolan Mudkips (2019-early 2020).
Stepping Over Shadows was canceled due to collaboration problems with my partner. The other two were scrapped because I realized they'd take ages to finish, and at the time, I was too anxious to commit to another long project aside from FYR. (This was back in the day when I still used to worry about canceling FYR someday. It's no longer a concern of mine.)
After starting and failing to finish both of them, I decided to try to commit myself to something shorter that I could feasibly finish, and that's where @thethingswehavecomic came from! I'm now quite good at working on multiple comics at once.
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What your nuzlocke success rate?
Low. :'D
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i think castform being like... a rather strong elemental would be fitting because while its stats are mid, the power to change its form and possibly change weather would be rather powerful.
I'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure.
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question if the AMA is still going! have you played scarlet/violet? if not, do you plan to? and if so, how do you feel about the game (/so far)?
I plan to! I'm probs gonna buy it in December.
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What kinds of holidays do Pokemon in the FYRverse celebrate?
Oh god idk. I can never be bothered to worldbuild lol. The only one I know of is the Earthsleep Festival, which is celebrated by earthens in Hoenn on the anniversary of Groudon going into her hibernation. That was the holiday they were celebrating in Chapter 6!
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heya!! i have a bit of a silly question,, but i kinda wanted to know how it's been from your perspective.. cuz every artist is different haha
..have you ever noticed your art getting better,, or does it seem for you that it's just.. getting better by itself..?
Uhhhhh kinda! Tbh I'm at a point in my art where it doesn't really get better unless I actively work to improve it. It would get better by itself when I first started FYR, but nowadays I have to deliberately study and tweak my art style to improve it. @zeropro is my art mentor, she helps me out a lot with figuring out how to improve my art!
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How many nuzlockes have you done, if you've done multiple ?
Soooooooo many. Tbh I don't have a count of how many nuzlockes I've attempted. I only have one nuzlocke comic, though!
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Doing a little Author AMA! Send your questions to the ask box and I’ll answer it while I’m hanging around before Thanksgiving dinner. I usually do this on Deviantart but wanted to try it on Tumblr.
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Any AUs you have for the gang?
Tumblr media
Just this one! Done by the lovely Kracken from my Discord group. It's about if Team Hearth was instead Team Seaspirit, a band of water elemental pokemon!
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do you have any tips for writing/making/maintaining a nuzlocke comic? i've always wanted to work on a complete run but it can be hard to do so, how do you update so consistently? btw i love your comic, it's an imaginative take on the hoenn games' storyline, the characters' designs are lovable and unique and the main team has great dynamics with each other!
I've got a few tips for this. This lil recipe is basically the secret to how I'm able to upload so often. (Also, thank you so much for the compliments aaaah!)
Simple art. Simple art, simple art, simple art. Do not overcomplicate it, don't draw in more details than you need to, don't use your comic art to try to one-up other artists. Your comic art should be good enough to not detract from the quality of the storytelling, and that's it. That should be as far as you go in a comic. Because FYR's art so so simple, I'm able to complete pages usually in about 2 hours of time. It's extremely clutch for getting a big backlog, it'll save your arm strength and help prevent injuries, and going faster tends to help me stay mentally motivated as well.
Build good habits. I habitually do some drawing every morning after breakfast. I'm a morning person so I have a lot of energy in the mornings, so it's a good time to sit down and try to crank out a page or two. Making comic art part of your regular routine is so important when you've got hundreds of pages to draw. You don't want it to be something you just get around to whenever you feel like it or have some extra energy. If you wanna upload consistently, like once a week or more, you've gotta keep drawing. And it's a lot better to steadily churn out pages on the regular as opposed to blasting through a bunch when you've got the energy and then cyclically burning yourself out.
Love your story. Love the story you're telling with your comic. Love your story so much your heart bleeds for it. Love your story so much you couldn't imagine not finishing it. When you do a comic, you wanna choose the project that is gonna draw the most passion, the most FIRE out of you. Trying to draw a comic for a story you're only lukewarm on is the reason most comic artists don't make it past chapter one. Love your story so fucking much that it grabs you by the collar and DEMANDS to be drawn. Draw the story that you couldn't possibly leave this earth without having brought into fruition. Love your work and it will breed loyalty for your work. Love everything you do. Cheer yourself on. Celebrate every panel, every page. They are all treasures. Love, love, love is the key to comicking.
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You don’t have to answer if you’ve answered this before, but what inspired you to make Finding Your Roots?
It was mainly the racial identity crisis I was having back in 2018. It got so bad that I literally pursued therapy for it. At the same time, I started FYR as a way to vent and try to process out some feelings and experiences. The therapy never worked, but FYR sure did.
I was also inspired to make it a nuzlocke comic because my friends and I were all working on nuzlocke comics at the time (the other one I was contributing to at the time never saw the light of day). I've said before that mainly my friend @pkmnmasterlyra inspired me to start comicking, cause she showed me that comicking could be fun.
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