#g1 Starscream might be a traitor but he's not a criminal
Killing the Decepticon Emperor of Destruction is legally how you can become leader if the Decepticons in an one-on-one fight.
One of them accidentally kills G1 Megatron and now they have to deal with the political fallout of the Decepticons refusing to answer to anyone else including MTMTE Megatron who gets forced to try an elect like their Starscream or Soundwave to leadership and gets back:
"Per the Decepticon Code of Conduct-"
And G1 Starscream is counting down the days until a coup is legal while brutally putting down any disagreements with new leadership because he is going to succeed excuse you.
The funniest options have to beike someone who isn't Whirl or Rodimus or the Command Staff.
Like IDW First Aid, who is definitely not a pacifist which G1Tron would find out too late, getting forcefully elected. Or something.
Starscream's just constantly checking his clock "Do you have to be somewhere?" "No I'm just waiting for something"
Mtmte Megs really does not like the idea of voluntarily putting g1 Starscream in charge of anything but he just won't with leading the g1 decepticons so it'd be way funny. sO THEY HAVE TO HELP G1 STARSCREAM WITH A LEGAL COUP! and dear Primus that just sounds so funny, mtmte Megs forcing himself to work with g1 Starscream. Oh there's angst to be had there regarding their dynamic in their respective universes, but now is not the time for angst
Also idw First Aid becoming the leader of the g1 decepticons (even if it's just for a bit) is hilarious as hell, would be such a power trip actually, and is exactly going into the Lost Light's scrapbook of shenanigans
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mk-wizard · 4 years
Proof that the Decepticon Way is Not Evil
Hello, Transformer fans.
After doing an essay on the glaring flaws in the Autobot way, I wanted to do one that points out the virtues in the Decepticon way. Note that these good points do not make Decepticons like Megatron or Starscream any less evil. A criminal/terrorist is still a criminal/terrorist regardless of how they identify as and nothing Megatron, Starscream, Knockout or anyone else says or does will dismiss their crimes. Also, Starscream is just a stinker in general. He is NOT the standard of how Decepticons are as even other bad ones don’t like him and think he’s a stinker.
This essay is meant to point out the TRUE things the Decepticon way stands for and why many bots believe in it, and how Megatron and other criminals don’t stand for it as much as they claim they do.
They allow free speech. - If there is one thing that we consider as the bedrock of all freedom, it is free speech even if we may not always like what the other person has to say. While most of the time, this practise of the exercise to say whatever you want is taken too far among the Decepticon terrorists to the point where they show no respect, but the fact that they can is telling. While I myself don’t encourage unkind words, I will chalk one up for the Decepticons in how a Decepticon can say what they want even to Megatron’s face and while he will chastise them vocally for it, unless your words have treacherous implications, he will not so much as give you a slap on the hand. In fact, Megatron will actually listen to someone if they have a good idea or will point out the flaws in his idea. A society that allows people to say what they mean even if it is “my leader stinks” is one that has the right idea. After all, how can you become a better society if no one is allowed to say what is bothering them so the problem can be fixed?
They assign leaders based on merit not a title. - Though the lineage of Decepticon leaders is passed on by default from the one Megatron/Megara to the their child, they are more than willing to make exceptions if someone better for the role comes along. Heck, heirs/heiresses have even been known to refuse the role of leadership. I have to admit that a system that recognises that leadership is not a trait that is passed down genetically is progressive. And for that, I give a point to the Decepticons in that. In Autobot society, a leader system is either hierarchical (from one Prime to their child) or the Autobot Matrix “selects” a leader (and might I add, sometimes, people have been known to misinterpret the Matrix’s reaction or lie about it entirely). The Autobot people have no say whatseover.
They respect individuality. - Did you know that an Autobot can live in a Decepticon community without converting? It’s true. In fact, there are many Autobots who live among Decepticons. Another thing that Decepticons allow is the freedom to believe in what you want meaning they permit people to be Atheist and allow varying levels of how devout you are. They believe religion is a personal thing. Another thing that is obvious about Decepticons is how different all of them are and not just visually. Their alt modes are very diverse. You change into anything you want even if it has nothing to do with your job because they accept that your alt mode doesn’t hinder you from doing your job. Look at Knockout who changes into a luxury car while being a Decepticon medic, Soundwave who changes into a palm sized cassette player and is Megatron’s confidante, and Reflector who change into a camera and is a force to be reckoned with. The only exception are the Seekers and from what I have seen, the Seekers are a special case of which they have the same mold because it is uniform in their case which they consider as an honour to wear. And even then, you can choose your own colours. Another thing that I notice and actually is rather heartwarming is that among Decepticons, they are even more diverse in terms of culture. They have bots of varying origins which you can tell by their accents. Among Autobots, you either sound American (even when oriental). From what I recall, only Perceptor had a European accent (British specifically). When they said “till all are one”, I they didn’t mean all had to be the same.
They are more feminist. - As much as I don’t want to be “that girl”, I have to give hats off to the Decepticons in how they treat women and this shows most of all in how they DRESS the women. Even when a female Decepticon is very feminine that dresses femininely, she will be covered and be dressed for the part rather than show a lot of plating (skin) or be overly pretty. Just compare designs using this list. As much as I myself don’t see anything wrong with female characters dressing beautifully, sexy or being naturally beautiful and sexy, or even them dressing sexy on their own time (I do sometimes), but there is a definite night and day difference between how female Autobots behave and how female Decepticons do. The Decepticon females are more professional and don’t do cute. Note that Blackarachnia was originally a Predacon not a Decepticon and she is also the exception not the standard. And even then, Blackarachnia was honestly good at her job, she was a genius scientist in her own right and she could take care of herself. Even Prime Arcee doesn’t display this level independence or emotional maturity. Another thing that is telling about how they see women and what they value in them is the kind of woman Megatron fell in love with. In G1, Megatron was attracted to a robot ninja Nightbird who wasn’t even a Transformer and wasn’t dressed sexy or anything. She never even flirted with him. He was charmed by her skills as a warrior and how she got the job done. This speaks volumes.
Megatron gives Decepticons a choice on whether to follow him or not. - And no, I am not talking about how he deals with traitors like Starscream. Since the days of G1, there have been Decepticons who did not work under Megatron and Megatron did not criminalise these Decepticons for it. He gives Decepticons a choice on whether or not to serve him directly, and if they say “no”, he moves on. The only time he will ever criminalise a Decepticon is if they directly act against him which is really the only valid reason to criminalise them. Megatron has even been known to respect Decepticons who were independent enough to do without him.
They do not outcast or ostracise the misfits or handicapped. - If there is one noble thing the Decepticons do that I will always take my hat off to them, it is that they do not deem a bot useless or will lock them up for being different or imperfect and they recognise that having a handicap doesn’t make you disabled at everything. Heck, they even employ unchangers (Transformers who cannot transform)! And I can’t help but notice that almost every beast type with the exception of the Dinobots is a Decepticon. I mean, just look at RID. All of the inmates were beast types. They aren’t concerned with what you can’t do or whether you’re pretty to look at. They are just concerned with what you can do. I also want to point out that their own leader Megatron may very well be a mutant, beast type or both. And in the defence of the beast types, mutants and the handicapped, where did the Autobots expect them to go if they got deemed as freaks or were chased out of town everywhere else? As we saw in Animated, Blitzwing who suffers from split personality disorder was still a high ranking respected officer who served Megatron directly and proved to still be a force to be reckoned with as he has a multi-elemental arsenal, he is an amazing fighter, he is a responsible leader when needed and he is a genius. Then we have the Insecticons from Prime who are fiercely loyal to Megatron and not for nothing. Megatron stands up for them even when other Decepticons badmouth them.
The Decepticon way is based on freedom. - The whole reason the Decepticons came to be and all of the points I listed all come back to freedom in all its forms. And after seeing that the Autobot way is not very free at all, is it any wonder that the Decepticons came to be? Now, I am not condoning any criminal activity or terrorism, but I cannot blame rebellion and the demand for change. If you even look closely at the Decepticon insignia, it looks like there is a flying vehicle on it and it was confirmed that this was intentional. Another thing that was intentional since G1 is that all Decepticons can fly in robot mode at least like Superman (though some series forget this fact). The ability to fly is in fact a metaphor for freedom and the original Megatron who founded the Decepticons (not the one we know now) wanted every Decepticon to be able to fly because he wanted every Decepticon to always remember what their faction stands for. Like I said, nothing the bad Decepticons say justifies their criminal activity or terrorism, but it’s clear that the Decepticon way itself isn’t evil.
This is why I think it is also high time we saw more good Decepticons who refuse to convert.
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