#g2 perkz
enarratives · 9 months
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Right, I've done everything right So where's the karma doc? I've lost my patience
Failed Golden Roads + Karma by AJR
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wunzork · 1 year
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Guess who was headed to Korea? And it dawns on me that the whole G2 2019 roster will be in Korea 🤯. Reunion content please!!! Also Wunder sneak a meeting with your boy 😂
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ahiruuun0 · 8 months
I made memes abt G2, they are funny for me at least-
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mikyx-daily · 7 months
"am i doing it hard enough? hard enough for you, boy? or should i do it harder?"
mikyx dies in jankos' arms *emotional* | bmw driving school ep. 2 [sept. 21, 2020]
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daily-esports-hug · 6 months
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Day 16
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leagueoflasagnas · 2 years
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lck-toilet · 2 years
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The gangs all here 🥲
I’m unwell
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livikattt · 2 years
ppau headcanons except it's my universe so i don't think they qualify as headcanons (part 1??)
half of these are thanks to @aryasage as usual :3
Meiko and EDG have a ridiculous amount of fun figuring out his shape-shifting abilities, even if it does come with a few near-death experiences. He turns into a fly exactly ONCE without telling anyone it's him, and Jiejie almost murders him with an electric flyswatter. They silently agree to never talk about the incident again, and from then on, when Meiko turns into bugs, he makes it obvious that it's, you know, him.
Now they have trust issues because that potted plant in the bathroom probably isn't him but what if it IS? Is that a regular spider or is it Meiko fucking with them? The world may never know.
Perkz has two closets, one for his normal clothes and one for his Xayah clothes, since it's kind of hard to wear normal shirts when he has two giant wings attached to his back. The whole inconvenience of having wings is part of the reason why he goes bothers getting rid of them before becoming a mid laner again (although after the events of "brute force and style combine"... he's probably going to have to do that again.) Mikyx gave him a few shirts to start him off, and then taught him how to make his own.
Xayah and Rakan Summoners have a lot of struggles with clothing and also sitting in cars or laying on their backs. They can fly, though, so cars are kind of obsolete anyway. It's really depressing for them to see a shirt that they really like only to remember Oh Fuck I Have Wings. CoreJJ learns to stop saying that out loud when he sees a nice jacket on a mannequin, mentions how much he wishes it had wing holes, and barely has the time to keep Tactical from turning it into an impromptu DIY project.
Gumayusi is really, really fucking good with a bow/crossbow. The bow was his first weapon, but he switched to guns after seeing Doublelift's customized one. He learns to master the crossbow when he realizes that both of Keria's past ADCs, Teddy and Deft, used it as their weapon of choice, and isn't about to be third place in anything.
Speaking of Teddy and Gumayusi, sometime after the events of "someday both of us are leaving here", Gumayusi manages to beat out Teddy for the high score in the T1 shooting simulator. With Keria cheering him on from behind the training room door, of course.
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lys-jeorge · 1 year
Why are LEC rosters so consistently uninspiring?
Like, you don't even have to be good, just be interesting please.
It's like, there's MAD, I like several of them, this is good, then there are a few teams which I have nothing against, and then there are like. G2 and Heretics, and Vitality. Who fit into neither the I like them, nor the I have nothing against them groups. :)
But me not liking them? That's fine if I can dislike them consistently against another consistent roster which I do like and plays at a similar level to them over an extended period of time in an established back-and-forth rivalry in which either roster has times when they are better than the other.
But the rosters change before they can have rivalries, or the stupid nationalism thing makes it just be well there is Spain here and France there and Germany there so we assume you will buy into that as a genuine rivalry... and I'm like? This is the dumbest thing I ever heard but go off I guess, like I'm not gonna either love or hate someone based on whether I understand their native language or not, and I am gonna resent any member of the broadcast who tries to make that a thing, because we clearly need less of that not more.
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hejustcancelledit · 2 years
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The gang's reunited at Perkz's wedding 🥺🥺🥺
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heronetworkgg · 1 year
Perkz afirma que G2 Esports tiene muchas debilidades y que Team Vitality ganará la LEC
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Cada vez falta menos para que el split de primavera de la LEC llegue a su fin. Por lo menos, ya conocemos a los ocho equipos que se enfrentarán en una serie al mejor de tres para buscar su clasificación a los playoffs, la última fase de este split. G2 Esports está buscando repetir su […]
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enarratives · 8 months
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LEC + Internet - Weeks 1 + 2
feat. Broxah, Finn, BDS Nuc, SK Nisqy, G2 Hans sama, Laure, FNC Oscarinin, MDK Elyoya, VIT Carzzy, GX Patrik, Rogue LEC, Karmine Corp, Hysterics, Dagda, TH Flakked, TH Perkz
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ahiruuun0 · 8 months
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Little post to quickly present that i have a whole pinterest board about G2 and i will keep it update troughout the year so if needed, just click on the link below :))
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theywrites · 5 months
This kid is getting on his nerves, Perkz decides. First off, he comes into the stream and chirps at him about his rusty Irelia game. That was his first game in 10 days, dude. Of course his mechanics and decisions were a little off... But who does he think he is, bantering with Perkz? They are not even that close, but Luka decides, perhaps this is a polish thing- to be brute and enjoy poking at people's mistakes.
Then, he chooses to play Amumu because he wants to test the champion out and orders Perkz to play Lucian. Kid doesn't know his place. Perkz refuses cleanly, he chooses Irelia, he can chose a fitting champion himself, thank you. Then Selfmade starts to show off: "Watch ME WATCH ME WATCH ME". He acts like a three years old showing his parents all the new ballet moves he's learnt through the year./Selfmade doesn't stop talking about himself, about his account and his memories and Luka honestly doesn't care. Luka doesn't even bother to act impressed, and eventually there are moments of silence. He knows he is being harsh to the kid, but really- he invited him over to boost his elo, not stroke that guy's ego. And Luka cannot help but notice that there is some over-eagerness, (he was surprised when Selfmade actually agreed to duo and dug up his old account), like Selfmade is trying to prove himself.... Perhaps the kid holds some competitiveness and wants to be the better polish jungler. Perkz would be lying if he said Selfmade is not good, but if Selfmade is in his team— Luka would definitely change him a lot. (The kid has a lot to learn- starting with that moth of his.)
Luka allows Selfmade to boast a little, but never too much. Oskar can feel when he is threading on the line of Luka's temper, and when Luka snaps he makes Oskar feel like a useless child getting punished for attention seeking, for not following orders, for being too noisy. The feeling is degrading, and humiliating, but Luka doesn't care — he never thinks about sparing Selfmade some dignity. Is this how he treated Jankos?
(He cannot help but wonder at times- did Perkz shout at Jankos like he's a five years old who just ruined __? Would Perkz throw the same accusations if he were Jankos?
And how did Jankos - no, Luka calls him Marcin- respond? Does Jankos call him Luka too? (Of course, who deosn't? Perkz let's everybody call him Luka.) And Jankos? Is Perkz the only one who calls him by his real name?)
He is thinking too much, and it's no good, but he cannot stop wondering about these small details. He wants to know how Luka treats Jankos, if Luka treats him the same way. His obsession over this whole ideal makes no sense- no matter how Perkz is towards Jankos, this will not be relevant for Perkz's current relationship with him.
At least that's what he tries to believe. Yet the statement gnaws on his mind- Even though they are on different teams now, even though they barely ___...
Once Selfmade walked in on Perkz playing duo with Jankos when he was supposed to fetch him for dinner. Jankos never duos with anybody. Also, he still sees their banters. They used to banter before Jankos joined G2, and the banters didn't stop after Jankos joined G2. Seems like they don't stop even after Perkz leaves.
Whenever Selfmade tries to start a banter, Perkz brushes him off smoothly- like he's too good for him. Like he can never reach Perkz with his words because they are on different leagues. But the truth is they are on the same team, playing together, and Selfmade wants Perkz to look him in the eyes, because they are on equal grounds. Selfmade is here for a reason. Even when the whole world approves, it feels like Perkz would not agree to the fact.
The fact that Luka and Marcin got along fills him with... envy. It is an ugly feeling. He craves that relationship, he wishes Luka could trust him like he trusts Jankos— and it makes no sense, really, because Jankos acts all dumb and clumsy while Selfmade is smart and smooth, yet Luka does not believe in him. He knows trust takes time to build, but he wants it now.
He wonders how Marcin put up with Luka's temper, how he could shrug it off because he knows that he is right and that Luka is overreacting and that they are both fighting for the same goal. He cannot do the same, not when Luka speaks like a commander sees right through him.
Another ugly thought rises- Jankos is the better polish jungler. Perkz thinks so.
Selfmade proved himself the best jungler in 2019, but Fnatic fell to pieces and they kept loosing. Will Perkz approve of his skills? He knows he is the best mechanically, but he also knows that people criticize him for being selfish. It's his style, but what should he do when Perkz is assulting his strong points and pointing at his lackings? He is not Jankos, does not give before he takes, he refuses to give himself away as Luka wants. And what if he is wrong? What if he needs to to give himself away in order for the to succeed?
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largemouthbassnation · 11 months
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leagueoflasagnas · 2 years
Did I save this photo or did this photo save me?
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