hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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Subs are weird.
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We got White base out! YAY
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.... ohhhh oh no
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Space funeral
okay no that makes a lot os sense actually in a society with a lot of Bases off Earth
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.. what?
Didn’t he fall out of the hole you made back in ep1?!?!?!?
Isn’t he dead???
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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okay that’s interesting. 
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Wait. is the Gundam sentient then? or is it somehow giving suggestions to the pilot? or just saving the case studies for the pilot to review later?
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I get that the Gundam is newer and has better abilities due to the technology, I am just trying to wrap my head around some of the specifics here. hmmm...
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aaaaand an explosion went off. Probaly the mine Char set up in the hangar. 
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Emergency lights are on, the centrifugal gravity systme is out and the generator was hit. oh joy. 
Oh also, they’re stuck in that one room.
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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Fight fight fight fight.
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Did he have an axe before?
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Ryu had joined the fight!
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Yeahhh it IS kind of in the way.
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oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
No wonder they closed the blinders.
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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Magellan is on its way out and Char has trapped the entire dock.
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Problem now is that it is blocking the exit for White Base. 
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Some of the crew got out at least. (also Bright and Co are back on white base with Amuto and a few of the others are getting the Gundam back)
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So before they had the Gundam because convenience and escaping from Side 7 (with the Captain giving them permission) Now they’re just stealing it. 
To be fair, I am totally on their side. Wakkein did plan on getting them all court martialled.
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Yay the captain is here.
Also I find it hillarious that they’re just wheeling the entire bed around when he needs to speak. 
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YAY! Can we go and fight Char now?
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
Okay I had a break. And forgot to post the last post before I got back. ops.
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Where were we? Oh right. The team is trapped in a room with no gravity.
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You punched the door. and it opened.
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Okay let’s see how good what’shisname is at fighting and defending the base.
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Civillian life man!
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Amuro signed to the girl. is she gonna do a distraction?
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Good girl!
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Don’t point a gun at a 5 year old!!
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Amuro and Bright saved the day!
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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Magellan? What’s that??
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aaaand halfway through the episode. 
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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In the meantime, our crew are locked in their rooms. 
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I didn’t screenshot it, but this is the second time amuro has been stopped from waltzing right up to someone that he disagreed with (this time it was about needing to eat food)
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Aaaand the attack has begun. Let’s see how long it takes for them to be noticed. 
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At least Lunar II has some security. 
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Back to the gundam team. It looks like Amuro is explaining specifics of the Gundam vs Zaku.
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... Please be more specific Amuro.
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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He’s thinking about his sister (I am interested in seeing that backstory being revealed)
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wait. are we getting it now?
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What does that even mean!!?
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To be fair, Char, you WERE invading her home. 
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Okay so his objective is getting the gundam and white base. which is probably more realistic goals than taking out all of Luna II. (I assume Trojan Horse is White Base)
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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He won’t.
okay they took the Captain to recover. I don’t trust him to do this. 
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Aaaaand now he’s not listening to the people who’s actually fought Char. This is going to go splendidly. and have no casualities or bad repercussions at all. 
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I have a feeling that’s exactly what’s gonna happen. 
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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I agree!!! We. Demand. Am. Explanation!
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Oh... they’re using that as an excuse to take over the ship and the Gundam. Wait, didn’t the Captaint guy survive? the one in the bed?
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Dude. couldn’t you just have gone through official channels to get the authority over it?? no??? 
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*Rolls in the bed*
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
Aaaand that’s episode 4. 
We got through Lunar base II, and taking with us the civilians, while heading for Earth. We lost our most senior officer and are truly led by children and mostly inexperienced people now. 
I am exited to see more :)
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
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These names man..
But yes, please tell me why you can’t take care of the civilians. please.
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Can you tell us why? you said it was a state of emergency,but what is that emergency? I don’t think we’ve been told.
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okay  earth is good I think? wait... you’ll be SEPERATING people? I don’t like where this is going.
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okay they’re listing up the main characters and are now pointing guns at them. what is going oooon
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hawk-in-a-gundam · 3 years
Ep 4 start!
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I was planning on starting this earlier, but things came up, sorry!
Anyway, title card. Escape? I thought this was our destination? I guess since the enemy knows we’re here now that means we have to escape?
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ah okay, it makes sense they would want to get the civilians to safety instead of keeping them aboard the ship.
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Ah. it really couldn’t be that easy, could it. 
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