#gabe just wanted to share his sincere thanks for raising him ;; and javi is so awkward bec he doesn't want to be an uncool uncle
7-oh-ta1 · 2 years
"Thanks a million..." 🙊
"You're welcome a million!" 😊
I don't think you're paying attention besties I don't think you're paying attention to how much Gabe's praise means to Javi I don't think anyone is paying enough attention to how accurate their familial relationship is......
#lindsay speaks#twdg#gabe just wanted to share his sincere thanks for raising him ;; and javi is so awkward bec he doesn't want to be an uncool uncle#plus based on the dialogue javi doesn't think he deserves gabe's praise which;; you do king...#gabe: *pours his heart put* | javi: wow... buddy... 🧍 I. well.#thanks to david it's hard for javi to articulate his love in a non-joking manner -- not just for gabe but everyone n everything#it's just. the perfect depiction of javier still harboring the scars of his childhood with david while doing his best to make sure#gabe is as safe from those injuries as he can.... but gabe already has some scars from david of his own that javi couldn't prevent...#that he feels guilty he couldn't prevent... even though gabe isn't his son... he kind of is now.#and for gabe to open up and gush about how amazing he thinks javi is -- that he would be honored to be a man like him...#javi's soft ''thanks a million''.... gabe's enthusiastic ''you're welcome a million!''#I'm just... IS ANYONE ELSE JUST PEELING THROUGH THE LAYERS AND LAYERS EMOTIONAL REPRESSION IN THIS INTERACTION#WE'RE SEEING IN REAL TIME THAT GABE CAN ARTICULATE HIS GENUINE FEELINGS. WITHOUT FEELING INMASCULINE.#SOMETHING BOTH DAVID AND JAVI STRUGGLE WITH IN DIFFERENT WAYS.#WE GET TO SEE IN REAL TIME HOW JAVI WAS ABLE TO PUT A HUGE DENT THE CYCLE OF TRAUMA. WHILE STILL STRUGGLING WITH HIS OWN.#''You may not... be my father Javi but you were a great dad.''#BRB SOBBING FUCKING SCREAMING RN
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kaywinette · 7 years
Perimeter check
Javi sends Gabe and Clementine on a "perimeter check," and the two decide to instead spend some much needed time together.  A quick Gabentine for the soul bc I miss my kids.
"Gabe, Clem c'mere!" Javi calls from the kitchen, leaning over some map of Richmond. The adult smirks when he hears two teens groan before footsteps make their way into the kitchen where Javis standing.
"Javi, it's almost midnight, what do you need?" Clementine asks with a frown, crossing her arms as she looks up at the male. She had just finally gotten AJ to fall asleep, so she keeps her voice quiet, knowing if he wakes up again, there's no hope of getting him back to sleep. Gabe stands close behind Clem, arms crossed as well as he waits to see what his uncle wanted.
"I need you two to go do a perimeter check. You guys haven't done one of those in a while, just don't want you guys to forget what the layout of the city is." Javi shrugs out a quick excuse, then beckons the kids over with a wave to point out where he wants the pair to check on the map. Clem and Gave share a confused look before walking over.
"Javi, I'm sure we won't forget the layout of Richmond because we haven't done a perimeter check in a couple days," Clem raises a brow in skepticism.
"Yeah, plus again...it's like midnight Javi?" Gabe speaks up, and Javi just rolls his eyes.
"Cmon, all I want you guys to do is head here," he points to a spot not too far on the map, "and then come back. Just to make sure nothing...suspicious is happening?" He shrugs again. Clementine squints at him, trying to see if there was any double meaning in his words. But he seemed sincere enough.
"Gah...fine. C'mon Gabe, let's get it over with." Clementine answered finally. Gabe begins to protest, but when he meets Clem's eyes, he gives in. Shoulders slumping in defeat as he looks back to Javi.
"Ugh, fine. Whatever." He states, already walking to the door, but Clementine stays out for a few more seconds.
"If AJ wakes up again tonight, you're going to be watching him." She states.
"Alright, alright! Now get out of here." Javi smirks, putting a hand on Clementine's head to push her towards the door, laughing when she shoves his hand away and readjusts her cap. The teens send him one last glare before they shut the door and make their way out into the street.
"Do you really think he wanted us to do a perimeter check?" Gabe asks, shoving his hands into his coat pockets as he squints into the semi-dark street ahead of them.
"Nah, I think he just wanted us out of the house," Clementine responds with a shrug, crossing her arms once again as they walk. She was glad that the city was able to get some power working again since they could actually see where they were going without flashlights.
"So...why did we agree to do one then?" Gabe asks again, bumping her shoulder with his. Clementine sends him a small grin and a shrug.
"I wanted to get out of the house too," She replies. "Ever since I got AJ back, he's kinda been my main focus, and we haven't been able to have any time to each other, which really sucked."
"Yeah, it totally sucked." Gabe pouts, making Clementine laugh softly and again bump shoulders.
"So- I thought we could ditch this so called 'premier check', and just hang out for a bit. What do you say?" Clementine stops walking, smiling at Gabe under one of the street lamps. Gabe seems to hesitate. He doesn't want Javi to get angry at them for not actually doing the check, but on the other hand, it was completely pointless anyway.
"Alright. Where should we go?" Gabe asks, watching as two people walk into their apartment building. Clementine looks around before slowly looking up.
"Why don't we head to the rooftops?" She suggests, crossing her arms as she looks back to Gabe. He looks up for a second as well and nods.
"Sounds good to me." They share a smile before walking back towards their own apartment building. Quietly heading up the stairs all the way to the roof. They aren't too winded by the time they get up there, thanks to all the years of cardio from running for their life.
Clementine moves to stand near the edge of the, placing her hands on the cement as she looks over Richmond. Gabe stares at her figure for a couple seconds before moving to stand next to her.
"I'm glad you decided to come back." He says softly, hands still in his coat pockets as he looks at her from the corner of his eye. A small smile pulls at her lips at that and she shrugs.
"It's the best thing for AJ. Being around people. Having a normal childhood. Or well...as normal as a childhood as possible." Clementine turns around to seat herself on the cement. "Plus, Javi promised that he would teach AJ some baseball." She smiles up at the boy.
Gabe can feel himself deflate a little when she doesn't mention coming back for him. But he quickly scolds himself. 'Why would she come back for you. It's not like she likes you or anything?' Gabe frowns to himself and he looks past her and down towards the city. Clementine seems to notice his deflation and speaks up again.
"I also couldn't let you live alone with Javi and Kate. That'd drive anyone crazy." She jokes, reaching to gently take hold of his sleeve to get his attention. "And I would miss hearing your annoying jokes." She smiles softly when he finally looks at her. She moves her hand down to take hold of his for a couple seconds. They look each other in the eyes for a couple seconds before Clementine looks away, a blush starting to form on her cheeks.
She turns her eyes upwards, smiling up at the sky. "There aren't any clouds tonight." She observes, taking her hand from his to point upwards. He follows her hand and gazes up at the night sky that's filled with stars, slowly lowering himself to sit next to her.
One good thing to come out of the end of the world is the view of the night sky. Without all the light pollution, the stars are brighter and more apparent than ever. The pair stares up at the sky for a few minutes in a comfortable silence. Slowly, Clementine finds herself looking towards the boy at her side. She finds herself staring at his profile with a smile and a blush on her cheeks.
Gabe can see her staring at him from the corner of his eye, and he feels himself start to blush as well from the attention the girl is giving him. His hand twitches for a second before he slowly moves to place it on top of Clementines. She then flips her hand over so they can lace their fingers together. Clementine eventually pulls her gaze away from Gabe, at the same time, Gabe turns his gaze toward her. His eyes going over the deep scar on the girls cheek, before slowly moving to the girl's lips. Clementine finally catches him staring and turns to smirk at him. She goes to tease him but he cuts her off.
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asks suddenly, making the two blush brightly when they realize exactly what he said. He bites his tongue to keep himself from speaking again and make things worse.
"I...I mean...no?" Clementine laughs softly, glancing away with a bashful smile, her stomach doing flips.
"Well, you are. Like...a lot." Gabe continues, scratching the back of his neck as he looks away as well.
"I'm 'a lot beautiful'?" Clementine teases, a smirk pulling at her lips as Gabe groans.
"Oh c'mon, you know what I mean!" He laughs, shaking his head.
"Yeah, well you're a lot handsome." Clementine bumps his shoulder with him, her smirk fading into a gentle smile. Gabe finally turns to look her in the eyes again.
"I'm really glad I met you, Clementine. You're a cool girl." He says softly, squeezing her hand. Clementines cheeks turn red once more as she playfully rolls her eyes. She glances away for a few seconds, thinking something over before turning back towards him. Slowly bringing her free hand to his cheek.
"You know... I always thought I'd be alone. But then...I met you." Clementine speaks softly. Gabe looks down for a few seconds before he seems to fully understand what she's saying. He looks her in the eyes again with a tiny smile.
Slowly, the pair lean in. They pause a breath away from each other, both too scared to close the small distance for a few seconds. But eventually, Clementine pushes forward to close the gap. Their lips meet and their eyes close. Nothing else matters but each other. No walkers, no death, no fear. Just the feeling of each other.
The kiss doesn't last long. They pull away, but not fully. They stay close enough to each other to feel the breath of the other on their lips as they take in the moment. Gently, Clementine rests her forehead against his, her hand still gently holding his cheek. They sit like that for a few moments before Clementine slowly opens her eyes.
"I guess you really do have a crush on me." She teases. Gabe laughs softly and raised a brow at her.
"Hey, you're the one who kissed me. So if anything, you have the crush." He smirks, and Clementine rolls her eyes.
"You kissed me back!" She laughs, moving her hand from his cheek to gently shove his shoulder.
"I guess we both have crushes on each other then." Gabe raises his hand in defense. Clementine seems satisfied with that and nods.
"I guess we do." She says, unable to keep the smile off her lips. She then glances towards the door they came through. Sighing softly. "We should probably head back and get to sleep." She says, slowly standing up, still holding his hand.
He stands up after her with a nod. "Yeah, Javi is probably wondering where we are by now" he shrugs, and the two start walking towards the door. They hold hands the entire way down back to the apartment, but Gabe stops Clementine from opening the door.
"Hey wait... can I have one...one more kiss?" He asks, not looking the girl in the eye as he speaks. He hears a soft laugh and she takes her hand away from holding his. He gets ready to backtrack and say that he was joking until he feels both of her hands taking his cheeks in a gentle hold.
Clementine has to stand on her toes a little, but she leans forward and presses her lips to his again. This kiss lasts a little longer than the first as Gabe gently and carefully rests his hands on Clementine's waist. Soon, Clementine pulls away with a soft laugh.
"Of course, you dork." She says, and Gabe goes to respond before the door next to them is opening. Both Javi and Kate stand there smirking at the kids. And the kids stand there, frozen in shock. Clementine turns to look at her hands still holding Gabe's face, and Gabe's eyes go to look at the hands resting on Clementine's waist.
At the same time, the kids quickly push past the adults to rush into their shared room while Javi laughs.
"God took you two long enough. One more day and I would've owed Kate a candy bar." Javi grins, outing the bet he had with Kate before the woman shushes him.
"Javi, leave them be. We can tease them tomorrow." Kate grins, patting the shoulder of the male.
"And you can get me a candy bar tomorrow too." Javi nods. Kate rolls her eyes and goes to respond before a small voice cuts her off.
"Javi?" AJ waddles unsteadily into the living room, rubbing his eyes with his chubby fists. Javi quickly looks towards the toddler and gives him a smile.
"Hey, buddy, What're you doing up?" Javi asks and picks up the small child.
"Good luck with him tonight Javi. I'm going to bed." Kate smirks, pressing a kiss to Javis cheek and to the top of AJs head before heading into her room.
"So...want to play with some building blocks?" Javi asks as he looks back towards the kid who clapped happily at the offer. "Alright then. Let's play with some building blocks then." Javi nods, moving towards the little toy basket they have for the kid, preparing for a long night.
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