#gabriel luna gif pack
axolotlgifs · 1 year
❣  gabriel luna gif pack.
      [   ❥  commission ! ]   by clicking the SOURCE LINK below you will find 330 gifs of american actor GABRIEL LUNA from his appearances in FUBAR & THE LAST OF US. all these gifs were made from scratch by me, so please do not repost / claim as your own / edit for public release / use them in t.aboo plots / to play real-life celebrities. please LIKE/REBLOG this post if you find it useful ! ♡
❕ my COMMISSIONS are currently OPEN, click here for more info or please consider supporting me on KO-FI (axolotlgifs) ☕ !
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tloujoel56 · 2 years
tommy miller head-cannons
couldn’t get gabriel luna and his slutty little moustache out of my head
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the biggest ladies man!! pre-outbreak tommy was a playerrrrr not necessarily on purpose but he just has a charm to him that people are naturally attracted to
a natural flirt! he definitely does that thing where he’ll tease and lightly mock you just to see you get flustered
PROTECTIVE AS FUCK we all know that Tommy is a bit of a trouble maker so it wouldn’t be a shock if he packed a punch at a sketchy guy or two
does that thing where he’ll always have his hand resting on the small of your back or loosely around your waist
likes to keep you close or atleast within eyesight he knows you can protect yourself but is still weary
grew out his hair for you because you commented one time on how you liked when you could see his natural curls
if you didn’t already know how to use a gun he would teach you whilst doing that super cliche move of standing behind you with his arms wrapped around you so you can “shoot properly”
a total gentleman
would always be opening doors for you even if you tell him he doesn’t have to
would call you everything you could imagine sweetheart, darling (with his texan accent kill me), sunshine… you name it
a total cuddler
he’d never admit it but he loves when he’s the baby spoon
dies and comes back to life when you run your fingers through his hair while he rests his head on your chest or lap when he’s tired/upset.
the first person he goes to when he gets injured or hurt
i don’t want to get into details but the sex would be amazing that man knows what he’s doing
he’s definitely the type to talk you through it if you know what i mean wink wink
i feel like he’s the type that likes to sleep shirtless
speaking of sleep he’s definitely not a morning person either you practically have to drag him out of bed to do his patrol
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bexwrites · 3 years
AT THE SOURCE LINK, you will find 261 gifs of GABRIEL LUNA in his role as ROBBIE REYES in 4.04-4.06 of AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. These gifs were made by me from scratch. Please do not redistribute them, add to other gif hunts, or claim them as your own. If you like these gifs or plan on using them, please consider giving this post a like or reblog!
Please note: Gabriel is of Mexican ethnicity. Please cast him accordingly!
CONTENT WARNING: fire, violence, imprisonment, death, murder, gore
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pgrdorms · 3 years
hey! it's the hoe for roland anon here! i hope you're doing well. i finally know what to request after years of contemplation lolol, anyway, may i request a fic for roland using the line, "i forgive the world because it has you" ? it can be sfw or nsfw or both! /hj i'm just thirsty for him, forgive me whdbejd
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I-it accidentally became angst LMAOO I HOPE U DONT MIND
Roland angst
SFW | angst
mentions: bit of blood, death
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At first he didn't understand. He was an ascendant, enemy of humanity and Babylonia, someone who thrives off the chaos and destruction. Yet here you were, commandant of Gray Raven, a human, helping him. The squad had just defeated him and yet, their commandant was sparing Roland. "Kill me now, I'll only get in your way later," he hisses at you. You just chuckle and finish wrapping his wounds, packing away your medical kit. "I only had a bit of serum left so don't push yourself," you get up and begin to walk back to your squad who were patiently waiting.
"Why did you spare me?" Roland always wondered to himself why you didn't kill him then and there. If you did, humanity could've more easily won against the corrupted ravaging the earth.
He bumped into you again a few months later, watching you and the Gray Ravens fight against the corrupted. You had caught Roland's eye, the way you selflessly got in harms way to protect your comrades piqued his interest. "Funny...she seems different from the others."
Roland now had a routine when it came to you, whenever you were out on a mission, he'd watch you for a bit before revealing himself. He was always expecting you to strike him down immediately, but you would only smile at him and say how relieved you were that he was still alive. That really caught Roland off guard, what was this warm feeling? A feeling that he had been missing for years.
It became quite obvious to the other Ascendants that Roland had a soft spot for you, instead of fighting you he would just approach you casually and hold a conversation. He enjoyed bantering with you, especially teasing because you would pout so cutely at him. It was a starry night when the both of you were talking again, you were sitting on the edge of a building with Roland.
"Y'know I've always wondered...why did you save me that day?"
"Hmm...well people say I'm too kind but...when we retake earth, I want everyone to live peacefully in it, including you! I believe you also deserve a chance at happiness."
After that Roland knew what this warm feeling was.
He was slowly becoming more human, but that did not sit well for the Ascendants.
"It's a shame really, but you have become a nuisance."
"Gabriel...Miss Luna!"
It was a rainy day. You found Roland crawling on the ground covered in blood. "Roland!" you scream out running to him. You propped him up against you, holding him close to your chest. "Hang in there! I'll get Liv to heal you and-" you were stopped by a hand reaching up towards your cheek. "Before meeting you...I just wanted to destroy everything..." he coughs up more blood, the light in his eyes fading.
"But...I forgive the world...because it has you...I'm sorry..." his hand falls to the side, you don't see him move again.
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opheliawillowbrook · 4 years
It’s Time we Had a Little Chat...
So as I’m sure you all know by now, the kids are mad, the kids are fighting... it’s been interesting to say the least. But aside from the title, I’m not here to name names and call people out (expect Tim Sherdan, who apparently can’t handle having his tender sensibilities challenged) I’m simply here to represent our side of the argument. And by our side I mean anyone who doesn’t ship Raven and Beast Boy. Because believe it or not, not every Raven fan ships her with BB and vice versa. So on the that note, let’s unpack this mess, and get to the bottom of what's really going on. And before y’ll start screaming at me, please read to end, because there is an overarching point that is beyond fighting over ships and is beyond this entire controversy that has been building for a for years now. So Stay tuned for that. Now with all that said let’s begin, shall we?
So I’m sure by now you have all heard of or read the IGN article that started this whole mess, (click here to read) basically showcasing the unbridled bias of not only Sherdan, but also one Gabriel Picolo’s overall OPINIONS of how they perceive Best Boy and Raven’s relationship. Because that is all this article is OPINION, and framing is everything. And well, this article is framed with one intention in mind, giving BBrae the appearance  of being canon in places where it was not. Yes, this relationship was canon in the comics, and was widely received well, but was also widely loathed among those of us who thought Goeff John took the easy way out. Yes some us think Johns is a lazy writer who had a few good  runs and should pack it in, but I digress from my unpopular opinion.
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And as for the 2003 animated show, Beast Boy and Raven being considered canon is simply a matter of opinion. And framing (which is a word I’m gonna be using a lot of to make my point) is by some an IGN writer who fashions himself a journalist, but doesn’t know a thing about it. 
“They were an unlikely pairing – after all, it's hard to schedule a date when Deathstroke is on the prowl. But the parched, unrequited nature of their romance made the duo an obsessive fanship for dreamy-eyed geeks everywhere in the early aughts. In fact, I'd reckon that there's been more treacly fanfic written about Beast Boy and Raven than heavyweights like Harry and Luna or Edward and Jacob. They're perfect for each other, even if it's difficult to explain why.”
But not be out done 
"Raven is stoic and Gar is kind of a dork, and yet their personalities complement each other," Picolo said, in a recent interview with IGN. "I can’t imagine Raven getting along with anyone as serious as her, for example.
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Well fuck a duck.
Again, this is a matter of opinion, and one that we must all of us who don’t ship this suffer. Not Only are BBrae fans getting the well funded and monetized fanfiction titled Beast Boy Loves Raven, but now they’re getting them in current DC cannon too, as they’ll be an established “queer couple” (which we will unpack that oxymoron later) in Teen Titans Academy and can be summed up by this little diddy of a thought:
“Eventually, some of them (BBrae shippers) inherited the earth (or, more accurately, got jobs at DC) and now Beast Boy loves Raven officially. The headcanon is simply canon. But when a worldwide front of comic-readers all decide that Beast Boy and Raven are meant to be, how do you satisfy the masses while still telling the story you already had in mind?”
This brings me to Tim Sherdan, who is basically a glorified fanfiction write paid by DC to well, piss of comics fans and the poor guy doesn’t even know it... I’ll him tell you himself:
"I want to make sure that I’m not just spinning my yarn, but, as much as possible, I’m also giving the people what they want." 
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You mean people like you, Timmy? Because that’s what you want, but that’s not what everyone wants. And judging by the shit storm that YOU started on Twitter (not anyone else, YOU. It’s not our fault you live in bubble of your own making because you blocked everyone with an original thought). And then, to top to off just threw fuel on the fire that has been brewing for well over year (years in fact if you look at the broader picture). Because you were hired for the same reason “writers” (and by writers I mean personal and political provocateurs?) like Zoey Quinn, Tom King, Donny Kates and Andy Kory (thanks for killing Vertigo btw) to only piss off fans, but demoralize and talk to down to them on Twitter so DC could get the sweet sweet social clout. 
You see this nothing new, this unfortunately something I and many have to deal with everyday for years now. This goes beyond shipping because if you believe something contrary to the perceived view of the “comic creative” you are treated with contempt and seen in their eyes a some sort of troglodyte. 
Now to bring this to word of shipping (which has unfortunately become one of the more divisive aspects of fandom) You see just about a year ago, Damirae became cannon and well, shit hit fan. As it always does when one ship becomes cannon and one does not. Though to be fair, it was a sweet moment for once a small share of fans actually got what we wanted and other got to see real character progression and relation bloom from that. But alas, the shipping stakes were now higher and the two went to war. 
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Which brings me to my main point, this all comes down to a difference of opinion.  All of this is opinion and that’s fine. I like what I like, you like what like, all I’m asking is just keep your ball out of my yard because I am sick of finding your dog’s shit on my doorstep. So that means: No more tagging ships you seek to shit on to play up your ship and No more shitting on each other. 
You see, I recognize that we’re never gonna see eye to eye in regards to our shipping choices. We are never gonna concede that other is right. That would require one of us to bend the knee and I’m not gonna do that and neither will you. So instead, why don’t we all focus our attention on who exactly has their boot on all our necks.
I’m looking at you DC...
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Like for real, this is all on you. This is what happens when you you hire writers who seek to canonize their own agendas based on what 12 screaming people on Twitter want and paying these people to publish their vanity projects otherwise known as FANFICTION! And guess what, it’s not selling. People don’t buy fanfiction; it is free all over the flipping internet. Seriously titles like: Gotham Academy, I Am Not Starfire, Inheritence  (which is probably the most egregious to date) and the upcoming Best Boy Loves Raven (to name a few) are all over hyped fanfictions by “professional writers” personal and political provocateurs. And since now you’ve gone and done away with the concept of cannon you’re basically saying some head canons are better than others. I guess nobody taught you not shit where you eat, huh? Because you’re sales are in the toilet, nobody’s buying your books and to top it all off, you fucked over the people who spent their lives building businesses around your mythology, built around your characters, (created by other writers, many of which are retired or dead now). And then shop owns start speaking out about these writers destroying the American Comic Book hero and that you were affective destroying an industry the depend on to put food their table, you did what any corporatist establishment orginization does: YOU TOLD THEM TO SHUT UP! You called them names and shamed them of Twitter for the simple crime of looking out for their best interests. Then after insisting that these troglodytes were wrong and they should embrace the changing time, you forced these comic shop owners to buy your books from their largest competitor Diamond Comics, after giving them nothing but shit to sell for the better part of the last 7 or so years? Let’s face it, most of these books in release right now won’t be in print in a matter of years. You know that I know that, my fucking cats know that. Print Media is dying and you’re the one handing it the shovel to dig its own grave, but only after bludgeoning it to death with said shovel, while the rest of us fight over the shitty things you’re doing.  Click here if you’d like to learn more
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So since artistic integrity id dead, because DC smothered it in its crib, here’s my solution. Since canon is out the window and comics are a dying art you kicked the teeth and you’re pretty much just hiring people to write their fanfictions why not just let it go entirely? You’re not making any money off of this. And there are more users on a single fanfiction site than books you’re printing and selling. More and more of comic fans are turning to fanfction for fan made content and away from the content your writers are making. So why not just do the obvious: Monetize fanfction: Create a platform where users can write and publish their own work and you charge add revenue for brands and companies to post ads on the site. Writers and Artists get a kick back and are allowed to open a subscribe star or patron account. Think about it you don’t even have to be involved, writes and Artist and film makers are already making you free content free of charge and it’s not costing you a damn thing. So let do this the old fashion way, before copy write came into play. And this way BBrae shippers, and all the rest of can go to our own little corners of the internet, never to be bothered by each other again: A peaceful divorce if you will. Everyone wins... 
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And yes I know this would never happen because it would just make too much sense, especially at this point where all the characters that DC owns were created by other former writers. So we’re basically there anyway. Plus I know deep down DC would rather destroy what we love then just let it go. What’s power without control. But we should all being taking DC to task not thanking them for scraps when give so little time or respect... Oh and Tim, go read a dictionary, calling a straight couple queer... But to be fair?
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That’s you opinion.... Rant over. 
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