byfurries4furries · 1 year
Furry Music Omnibus 2
So another group of musical artists to recommend. Like last time, I'll post about three musical artists in the furry fandom with genre labels and links
Gabuislost (Indie Trap)
One of the new rising stars of the furry music scene, by which I mean his songs can get thousands of streams instead of hundreds. His music has this real chill vibe with great hooks and dope trap beats. If there's any furry music to get high to, it's his. If I had to pick a favorite song of his, it might be either "Give Love a Chance" or "Crush on You". But all of his stuff is great if you just want to chill. I would describe his music as indie and chill teetering on the edge of RnB and rap. Something like Travis Scott with more lofi production, more singing, and a lower body count.
Scratch21 (Pop Punk)
Probably the biggest band on this list and one who seems to be taking the throne Pepper Coyote once held before being canceled for a lot of awful shit (I know "No Cock Like Horse Cock" is extremely funny, but please pirate it instead of streaming it on Spotify). If you love Blink 182 but wish they were actually gay instead of joking about being gay, Scratch21 is perfect. They got the vibe of mall punk completely nailed down. They also have very cute and fun animations of a lot of their songs.
Dog Weekend (Indietronica)
So at the time I'm writing this, this guy only has one song out, "Rituals". Normally, I'd let artists build up more of a discography and usually people who have very few songs tend to be pretty mediocre as they go through growing pains. "Rituals" though is such a good song on its own that I think it deserves to be an exception. It's truly an anthem and really takes me back to when I was a teenager listening to indie rock with my brother. It's a high tier MGMT or Capitol Cities song in terms of quality and that's astonishing for any furry musician, but especially for a debut song. It's criminally underrated and a true gem of the furry music scene. I would certainly love this song to be a furry anthem moreso than "No Cock Like Horse Cock". If there's anyone you check out, please make it this man.
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beetleyeen · 1 year
BGB HORSE VRCHAT AVATAR BASE OUT NOW!!! https://bubblegumbark.gumroad.com/l/bgbhorse Music by GABUISLOST!!
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nataliezaki · 1 year
furry r&b bedroom pop goes hard
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luuurien · 2 years
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GABUISLOST - partners
(Indie Pop, Alternative R&B, Cloud Rap)
Gabe Rapoza's second album of the year is an even stronger and more varied listen, exploring ebullient dance-pop, dreamy indie rock, and his usual drum 'n' bass and trap blends. The wider range of production he brings to the table here makes partners another quick, but electrifying listen.
The pull of Gabe Rapoza's music as GABUISLOST is how it blends the bright, bubbly sound of modern alt-R&B and hip-hop with the comfort and familiarity of contemporary pop and DIY production, songs that are energetic and catchy yet sound like they could have been made by your roommate in their free time. It's with this balance of energy and intimacy that his first two albums, Some Songs a Hyena Made and friends, turned out such lovely and charming bedroom pop songs that had enough bounce and personality to them to stand out from the pack. His third album partners, the second of this year and a companion piece to friends, is his strongest outing yet, using the DNA of friends' sound (hell, S0LARDOG even did the cover art for them both) and refining it with sweeter production, stronger performances, and more confidence overall that gives a bolder and brighter presence to the music. partners is its own entity, but by jumping off the solid starting point friends built, Rapoza carries his music more assured in himself than ever before. Comparing the two of them is a surprisingly efficient and understandable way to lay out all the things that friends improves on compared to its predecessor, most clearly of all being Rapoza's forwardness as a vocalist and producer. The fuzzy, lo-fi drum 'n' bass tune say you love me that opened up friends is completely flipped on its head with NEMESIS!, partners' first track that also utilizes D'n'B in a faster and forceful fashion, Rapoza kicking things off with a fireworks show you can't pull yourself away from. partners is a show of composure and determination more than anything else, Rapoza now with a greater understanding of his skills as a producer and songwriter and using it to the fullest on tracks like something to hold, the album's most sensitive song with its downtempo drumming and light-footed vocal melody with a sound like little else in his discography, or even the mellow take on The Postal Service's The District Sleeps Alone Tonight whose more direct take on synthpop gives the song a delicate, flowery scent entirely his own. Nothing here is too far off from what he's done in the past, sure, but it's in how he structures these songs and the slight changes to production here and there - the deep house throb of GIVE LOVE A CHANCE! and glossy dance-pop kick of reality surf (a surprisingly fun and faithful recreation of the song off Bladee's 333) - that partners is able to take on such an appealing shape, with more defined peaks and valleys to it than the more strict and rigid sound of friends. It's also just a ton of fun to listen to, even without thinking of it in terms of its relationship to friends. These songs are more outgoing and glowing than anything Rapoza's put out in the past, the trap-pop bombast of LEARN TO LET GO sugary enough for his graceful hook while having enough acridness to it for Breezoo Tha Goat to throw down one of the album's best verses, and the blend of cloud rap and D'n'B on DON'T MISS IT a few songs later linking the sedative nature of both genres and making one hell of a party drug blended like this, playing with the usual GABUISLOST formula and seeing what happens when he mixes and matches them on each track. There's still softhearted, introverted indie pop with tracks like the scuttlefuzz-written crunch and something to hold; there's the crooning cloud rap of LEARN TO LET GO and BAD ENDINGS that brings the heavier side of Rapoza's music with conviction and verve; the more experimental side of his music with the house-infused GIVE LOVE A CHANCE! or the trap/dancefloor D'n'B crossover DON'T MISS IT who bring a refreshing taste and unique perspective on his music - Whatever makes it  click for you, all of that and more are brought to the fullest on partners. Its short length does leave you wanting more, to see what Rapoza could do with a longer runtime and more tracks working towards an end goal, but the developments he makes on his sound throughout partners tease the potential for a more widescreen project in the future, even if it hangs out at around the same runtime as its predecessor. partners does just enough with its new ideas to make it a strong step forward from friends, and Rapoza has the production ear and songwriting abilities to make it all lovely to listen to. By far his most solid and well-rounded listen to date, partners gently expands on what Rapoza's previous two projects cultivated while letting the album take an exciting new direction. He's nothing if not consistent, and the wider range of styles he uses to his advantage throughout partners makes sure that the music never becomes stale or uninteresting when there's so much he's doing with his sound. At this point, Rapoza knows what he's doing, and by letting go of the reserved nature that always left you wanting more of him, partners is more engaging, impactful, and flat-out fun than anything he's done in the past. He's quickly become one of the most enjoyable new names in the indie electronic scene for a reason, few out there able to compete with his honest and warm-hearted take on pop and electronic subgenres and the incredibly unique and thoughtful ways he swirls them together with his velvety production as the canvas. At its core, partners is another killer collection of songs that continue developing on Rapoza's gorgeous sound, and that's the only thing he needs to win you over completely.
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luuurien · 2 years
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GABUISLOST - friends
(Bedroom Pop, Indietronica, Alternative R&B)
GABUISLOST blends drum and bass, hip hop, and the bubblegum cordiality of modern indie pop for a short and sweet listen that makes up for its limited shape and scope with razor-sharp melodies and medium-rare production that never gets too heavy or unimmersive. friends hits the perfect balance of accessibility and off-kilter fun that always gets you coming back for more.
In just under 20 minutes, GABUISLOST plants himself firmly in your mind. The Charlotte, North Carolina musician's latest project, friends mixes the velocity of drum and bass with the consistent grooves and rhythmic thump of hip hop and the cheery, low-key nature of modern indie pop with his poised and light singing on top of it all, occasionally mixing in hints of other styles and ideas to make friends something all his own. Though the structure and delivery of friends will be familiar to fans of any of the genres Gabu plays with here, the tranquil nature of these nine songs makes it possible to sink into Gabu's music regardless: even when it's joyously using an unmodified amen break or using plainer indie pop rhythms and instrumentation, friends keeps you completely in love with everything that he's doing. While the drum and bass rhythms that make up a majority of friends' grooves make it easy to categorize as just that, Gabu incorporates them in ways that make them more contextual within the bounds of these hook-laden pop songs: say you love me takes an easygoing midtempo speed Gabu can easily croon over, the mix filled by a few synths and his voice that lends the song a breathability and organic feel hard to get with songs this steeped in electronica, but then you've got other songs like the following crush on you and why am i still in la that take the usual indie pop route of strong backbeat percussion and bubbly guitars that show Gabu can work well with the tried and true as well. There's even some nods to trap and cloud rap with midsection highlights LOWKEY and Love Rockstar, where scattered hi-hats and thick sub-bass coat Gabu's music in a digital sheen that's the most unexpectedly lush bits of friends, rivaling later successes two and anxiety is not a personality trait that close the album with their weighty chord progressions and intense builds that carry an earnestness and melancholy the rest of friends can't quite reach to the same extent. The short length of the album again helps make this an easier process than usual: if on the off chance that one of these songs doesn't land with you quite right, it won't be long before something new to try appears on your plate. Gabu uses this bite-size format exceedingly well, making the first hit of his music quick while repeat listens might have you looping friends for hours to get that same rush another time. These songs are unsuspectingly catchy for how mellow Gabu tends to play it: LOWKEY's earworm of a hook gets repeated so many times throughout its two-minute runtime that it ends up becoming one of those songs you quietly hum to yourself while doing chores or waiting in traffic, distant's barely touched-up amen break stays alive with the popularity and memorability of the sample as well as the prominent piano leads that have the richness in them to be a standout part of the listening experience; there's at least one thing about each song here you'll take away from it hours after you're finished with friends. It's practically a given he could do so much more with his production skills and ability to create killer melodies and hooks (anxiety is not a personality trait is the only song here that goes for something more dynamic by using scuttlefuzz's soft harmonies and sunny arpeggios before devolving into thick bass splatters, twinkly mallets and fuzzy synths that make for the album's most rewarding track by far), but friends isn't looking to do much  more than deliver a dazzling and carefree listen that shows off the best parts of Gabu's musicianship. friends' success often comes from how far away it situates itself from the normal "album" experience: these songs are short enough to fit on a single vinyl side, but Gabu uses a larger tracklist of shorter songs to make the album more memorable and interesting to listen to because of it. Stepping into his world and finding out how exciting and prismatic he can make just a minute of music makes it tough to ever get sick of listening to friends; these songs will have their hold on you longer than most. It's a quick trip through friends, and it's one where the sightseeing won't blow you away as much as plant a warm smile across your face, but there's not a thing to complain about by the end. You end up back at the top of the trail, and the temptation to explore the whole thing for the eighteenth time is impossible to resist.
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