#gah i feel bad cuz i just saw this today but hi hello thank you for your kindnessss aaaahhhh 😭😭
2aceofspades · 1 year
*army crawls up behind the box in the oc no-thought doodle, drops off plate of snacks and a mug of Ace's preferred warm drink, then skitters away* ehehehehehhehee ~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
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You're literally adorable stop :')
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Eyyo I heard you like midorima. How about an adorably awkward first date with his shy crush scenario?
Boys never really piqued your interest. You weren’t at school to date, you were at school to learn, to prepare yourself for the vast amount of opportunities in the working world. Not like you were a hermit under its shell under a rock, you let the weekends take its course and hung out with friends sometimes, but you were known as the one who studied all the time.
Like, all the time. During class, in the library, in cafes, at the park, you name it. If you were somewhere, you probably had your nose deep in your notebook. You had that reputation at Shutoku, but you were quite thankful that it wasn’t necessarily a bad label on you, right?
I mean, it did spark up an interest in a certain classmate of yours.
You shared many of the same classes with the famous Midorima Shintarou. In each class, your seats were always near each other - in the same column, diagonally, but never next to each other. You didn’t know him on a personal level, but it was hard to ignore him when he was the only one in class with green hair and towered over you like a baby giraffe. Sometimes you’d exchange acknowledging nods, but that was about it.
Even with the minimal amount of knowledge known about each other, you always felt his eyes on you.
You never dared look back, though. You knew it was him because he looked at you with the same intensity he had during his games and it bore holes into the back of your skull. Even without peripherally looking at him, you could still feel his stare, and it sent shivers down your spine every day.
But today, you weren’t having it. You ignored all his stares, all your shivers, hell, you were even a little flattered that he gave you the time of day and attention that no other guy did, but today, you were not in the mood.
You both sat in your respective desks during your math class today. It was a few days before the big midterm, and you wanted to absorb all the information on this review you could get.
But you could feel it. You could feel his eyes from the desk behind you and it made you so jittery and uneasy that you couldn’t focus on the review and it frustrated you. Your cheeks were pink, hands shaking, and your eye even twitched a little.
Why did he stare at you, anyways? And you, of all people!? You were going to find out.
Your teacher finally dismissed the class for the day. Immediately, before you even bothered to pack up your stuff, your torso swung to face your four-eyed admirer. Your brows were furrowed, trying to look angry, but when your eyes met, you quickly faltered.
You never noticed how green his eyes were before.
You were never one to interact with strangers much, so you froze in your place when your eyes met. You thought he would be the one to give you a snarky remark, but he was lost in your gaze, too.
Internally, he was panicking; after all these months, you finally caught him. But he refused to show you any sort of weakness, let alone even admit he was looking at you.
After a long thirty seconds, you finally broke the spell.
“M-Midorima-san!” you sputtered. You cursed at yourself for stuttering.
“What?” he asked, a bit annoyed.
You were a bit taken back by his boldness, but you stayed strong. “Why do you keep staring at me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes, you do! I catch you staring all the time!” you lied.
Classmates packing up turned to look at you two bickering. Midorima blushed and immediately covered your mouth with his hands.
“Be quiet, will you! People are going to start assuming, like what you’re doing now!”
You pulled away from his large, engulfing hands and pouted. “Not until I get my answer!” Midorima clicked his tongue, removing his hands and rushing to go to the next class. Coincidentally, you were in that class, also, so you followed suit. “H-Hey, wait!!”
Throughout the whole day, it was your turn to stare at him until he burned, giving him a taste of his own medicine. Midorima’s eye twitched, suddenly realizing why you were so antsy today, but he wasn’t going to admit it to you. You did this for the remaining three class you both had for the day, and you even dared to follow him to practice.
You sat on the benches and watched the team. A few other students - mostly girls - sat near you to watch, also, fawning over how cool the team was. You had to admit, watching them was pretty intense, but you had one goal, and that was to make Midorima confess to you why he looked at you the way that he does.
Takao wiped his brow as he stared up at the benches. “Oi, Shin-chan! I didn’t know you had fans!”
“What?” Midorima didn’t take his eyes off of the basketball hoop as he flawlessly shot his three-pointers.
“A secret admirer has been staring at you this whole time! A cute one, at that. They tutored me for a bit, actually. How do you know them?”
“What?” Midorima repeated. This time, he turned his attention to his teasing friend and followed his eyes.
“Gah!” Midorima exclaimed. His cheeks flushed brightly when he saw you, your eyes meeting once again. “W-What are you doing here!?”
“I want my answer, Midorima-san!”
“Eh?” Takao raised a brow. “What are they -”
“I’m going to go shower.”
“Wha- but practice isn’t over yet!?”
“I’m not feeling well,” a blushing Midorima ran to the locker rooms to change. You groaned, running to go meet him outside of the door once he was finished.
You weren’t going to let him get away.
Midorima took his sweet time changing. He showered, deep-cleaned his glasses, and even steamed his tracksuit. After over an hour of killing time in the locker room, he finally left the locker room.
He jumped at the voice behind him. He turned to see you waiting patiently against the lockers.
“I-I don’t have time for your questions. I have an exam to study for,” he lied.
“Oh, me too. We are in the same class, you know,” your mouth curved into a teasing smile.
Midorima’s cheeks heated up for the tenth time today. “Then stop wasting time and let’s go.”
“H-Huh? Go where?”
“Do you want to study or not?” Midorima quickly turned away to walk towards the doors. You followed closely behind him.
The walk to the study spot was long and awkward. He chose some place outside of school, so you both walked in silence for quite some time. Youu dropped the revenge act and now you two completely avoided each other. It wasn’t until you both arrived at your destination that you finally spoke up.
“You like to study here, too?” you asked. Midorima saw your eyes twinkle at the caramel latte poster. You heard him make some weird noise of confirmation and you followed him inside.
When the two of you sat at a table, you both got to studying right away. It avoided any and all awkward conversations that could potentially be brought up. You were way too nervous to bring up the whole reason you followed him to the cafe in the first place, so you decided to drop it and just focus on your exam.
You were so enthralled with the review questions that you never noticed the small glances Midorima gave you now and then, and he was thankful. No matter how many times he tried to stop himself, you drew him back in every time, and he hated that he had no control over it at all. It frustrated him to no end, but after so long, he came to terms with his infatuation with you (he refused to admit that he ‘liked’ you).
After thirty minutes of trying to figure out a problem and another thirty minutes of deciding whether or not you should swallow your pride, you finally decided to buck up the courage to ask your new friend for help.
You looked up to ask your question, but your eyes met with his once more. His face was much closer this time; so close that you could see the gold speckles in his irises. His eyes widened, embarrassed of being caught for the second time that day, and he cursed to himself, but he couldn’t move. You were so close, just inches away. You could feel the fire in his eyes and it warmed up your entire body, not forgetting to warm your cheeks.
You broke eye contact when you felt his taped fingers tickle your hair strands.
“E-EH? W-What’s your hand doing there!?”
“Is there something in my hair!?”
“No! I, uh -”
“A-And you were staring at me!”
“I was not!”
“I just caught you! Don’t lie!”
“I’m not -!”
In the midst of your bickering, you both didn’t notice the basketball team walk in, staring with raised brows. You both turned back to look at each other and quickly receded to your seats as if nothing happened.
“Wow, Shin-chan ~” Midorima narrowed his eyes at Takao’s teasing tone. He threw his arms over Midorima’s shoulder and shot you a wink. “Why, hello there, _____-chan!”
You were no stranger to Takao. You tutored him once, and he was the first person you had fun tutoring. You gave him a shy smile. “Hello, Kazunari-kun.”
Midorima’s frowned at your informality. When did you two get on a first-name basis? And why were you smiling like that?
“What are you all doing here?” Midorima asked.
“We should be asking you that question,” Otsubo looked at him sternly with his arms crossed. He was so tall and intimidating that you sunk in your seat.
“Now now, senpai ~ We were going home and we saw you two in the window, so we thought we’d stop by and say hello! Looks like we interrupted something, though.”
You blushed. “O-Oh, no, there was nothing -”
“No need to explain, _____-chan ~ We’re leaving anyways,” Takao removed his arm from Midorima’s shoulder and lead the team to the door. “Have fun on your date, you two!”
“Date?” you and Midorima said simultaneously. You both turned your heads to look at each other when the team left.
“Is this…?” you began, but you trailed off.
“I was going to come her regardless if you came with me.” You smiled at the small pout on his lips. “You just followed me.”
“You didn’t stop me, though.”
You both went back to studying after calming down from the scene. As if it wasn’t already hard for Midorima to concentrate, it sure was now. He couldn’t get the word ‘date’ out of his head after Takao teased him. This wasn’t a date, was it? All you two were doing was studying.
In a public setting.
With food and drinks.
…. This wasn’t a date.
Midorima sighed and glanced up at you again. Loose strands were covering your face as you took your notes. After all his time paying attention to you from afar, he came to like when your hair was tucked behind your ears. Instinctively, he reached to tuck your hair for the second time, but this time without any hesitation.
When you felt the tape lightly scratch your cheeks, you looked up. Midorima’s face was as close as the first time, but when your eyes met, he didn’t falter. You felt the tape graze the shell of your ear as he tucked your strands.
He didn’t respond. The feel of his touch lingered on your skin after it left. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee, avoiding eye contact.
Midorima was someone you never understood. If there was anyone more studious, shy, and stubborn than you, it was him, and you found it charming. You came to accept that he probably wasn’t going to admit that he liked you, but you were ok with that.
With your non-dominant hand, you grabbed a hold of his across the table and gave it a light squeeze. You felt him tense up at your touch, and you smiled. You were too embarrassed to look at him, so you went back to your notes. He returned your gesture by running his thumb across the back of your hand.
He thanked the Gods that Cancer was number two today.
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