#gahhhh hope you enjoy this first story hun!!
bapydemonprincess · 3 years
How about “one falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap” for Hannamey? 💜💖
Most of Mey Rin’s life had felt like one awful outcome after another, riddled with stress and anxiety galore.
Becoming Maid of Phantomhive was certainly not exception, as she’d had to learn a whole totally different set of skills to the ones she’d grown up learning while surviving as a child on her own, and then in the Qing Bang mafia just after that.
But then.. something even more unimaginable happened about five years after becoming the maid..
A unique noble house had appeared out of no where, deemed Trancy, and only sporting a young man by the name of Alois Trancy, his butler Claude Faustus, and a head maid calling herself Hannah Annafellows with three other strange, identical servants following her but no other specific positions in the household.
And of course this lead to a strange bout of back and forth fights and such between the two similar young noble boys, involving the servants as well.
But eventually.. after Alois had suffered a deep wound in a sword duel between him and the young master Ciel, and then apparently Sebastian managed to.. get rid of Claude at some point and return to them with no evidence of said battle nor any other explanation, things seemed to calm down once more..
At first it seemed as if the pretty maid of Trancy had disappeared along with Claude.. and the maid of Phantomhive had found herself forlorn, as she had so wished to get to know Hannah on a more relaxed, level ground, where they didn’t have to aim weapons at each other for someone else’s sake!
She’d all but given up on waiting to see if the Trancy boy or his maid or butler would return..
When out of the blue.. Hannah did appear.
Right at their door.
Even Sebastian had looked wide eyed and slack jawed as he stood before her.
They and the young master shared some words, then, that night, and next thing Mey Rin knew...
Hannah was simply.. there.. with a Phantomhive Maid uniform... and quietly seeing to the household chores along with Mey Rin.
And so this twist in everything felt like an unusual bungle, a strange bump in the road... a wrench in the--
“Mey Rin.. careful!!” Hannah’s voice suddenly broke through the maid’s internal monologue, going through a montage of all her past endeavors up to that point, and blinding her to the present, where she’d been trying.. or attempting to dust a parlor.. and ended up smacking a large bust on the fireplace mantle, making it fall and next thing Mey Rin knew--
“...Oooohhh..” Mey Rin groaned, coming to at who knows when, and finding herself.. 
.....IN HANNAH’S LAP????!!!!
Hannah smiled calmly from above, looking down on the other maid with what Mey Rin assumed was.. a relieved smile? (She was almost harder to read than Mr. Sebastian when it came to emotional responses, yes she was!)
“Are you.. alright, Mey Rin?” The other woman softly asked.
“U-Uh.. I-I.. I...” Mey babbled, still staring... up... and unable to ah.. look away...
Hannah chuckled softly, though, and Mey felt soft fingers gently comb through her hair.
“It’s alright, sweet thing.. you’ve been very, very busy all day. You deserve a brief reprieve. Don’t worry about the mess of the broken bust.. I saw to it while you were still recovering.”
“O-Oh.. that’s.. that’s good, it is, I-I guess...” Mey mumbled out, and then.. finally let out of a breath while closing her eyes.
She was still a bit.. dizzy from that awful hit to the head from that heavy statue! But it certainly wasn’t the worst thing to hit her in her life, no it wasn’t...
“That’s it,” Hannah’s voice cooed, and again her fingers could be felt gently running through Mey’s wild, fluffy locks. 
“Just breathe... rest... you deserve it... You must work so hard all the time as the only maid here in this giant manor... as well as your night time job as sniper... But it’s alright, Mey...”
Then Mey felt soft puffs of breath near her face, as the other woman had lowered her face closer, and her next words came out in a soft, tender whisper...
“...You’re not alone anymore.”
While half of Mey Rin’s mind managed to clutch onto those soft, sweet words, and she almost had enough energy to feel tears well behind her eyelids...
It wasn’t enough.. to stop... sleep from taking her.
As one tear escaped from behind her closed lids, from under light soft lashes... down over a flushed round cheek...
Mey Rin had had gone through so many stressful, scary things in her life...
But this new predicament didn’t... seem that bad.
Falling asleep on Miss Hannah Annafellow’s soft lap, while she pet her hair tenderly and hummed and whispered nice things...
Maybe Mey Rin could see herself getting used to this...
Yes she could!
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