sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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A beach date wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t fans following Daphne around.
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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Julius helped Daphne move into a small trailer in Oasis Springs.
It wasn’t much, but it was going to be Daphne’s new home.
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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Alicia may have caught fire to the stove...
Alicia: Daphne, let’s make a baby
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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The next evening, Daphne heard a knock on the door.
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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There wasn’t enough money from the insurance company to purchase a new computer, so it was time to hit the library!
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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As soon as she moved in, Daphne started writing, and writing, and writing … until she completed her first book and began the publishing process!
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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Daphne took at her phone and made a call.
Daphne: Dad? … I know we haven’t talked for a while but … yes I miss you too … do you think you could help me?
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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Being a child of Scarlett Falberry is a very difficult task. Never having her around was one thing, but once Julius left, things just got worse for Daphne... and Scarlett started neglecting her even more.
After Scarlett’s final promotion in her career, she moved Daphne and herself into a large rich penthouse with a current girlfriend that she was most likely cheating on anyways. While Daphne was celebrating her birthday, Scarlett was preparing herself for her tile placement on the walkway of fame... so Daphne celebrated her birthday alone.
That night Scarlett brought Daphne to the ceremony … but still ignored her. Daphne stood on the side looking sad, knowing that this was not the life she wanted to live anymore.
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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If that wasn’t enough, there was something weird about the way Alicia glowed when she was feeling flirty.
Daphne: You know, Alicia, it’s okay if you’re an alien, you don’t have to hide that around me.
Alicia: Wait, how did you-
Daphne: Nothing else can explain the glowing..
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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???: Hi, I’m Alicia.
Daphne: My name is Daphne, what brings you to my front door?
Alicia: I am sorry to show up unexpectedly, but I was hoping you wouldn’t mind sparing some hospitality?
Daphne: Of course not, come on in
Alicia performs a task that resembles that of an alien ... Daphne raised her suspicions on her new friend.
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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Daphne finished building her rocket and traveled to Sixam! However, to her surprise and disappointment, there were no aliens around. Not a single one in sight...
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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Happy birthday!
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sweetenedberrytea · 4 years
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Maybe burning incense wasn’t the best idea...
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