#galvar bladerender
brightwingedbat · 10 months
I was inspired
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
Okay honestly seeing him hold this sword up is actually kinda terrifying?
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This man is over 9 foot tall when stood straight up like that. This is like over 20 feet length from his toe to the tip of that sword.
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
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Oh dear, looks like Galvar's changing room locker wasn't as secure as he thought it'd be. And now he has no choice but to come out and ask.
A shame for him, he never brought a towel to hide, favouring his guardian magic to dry off. Something he very much regrets, at least he can hide a little with the flames.
Meanwhile his twin sister is having the time of her life getting her brother into yet another overly humiliating situation. She thrives in getting a laugh out of her sibling's misfortune.
Alt version available on my usual other sites.
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
Anet really gonna give dual pistols to my two men who should never be given a gun
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
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I love charr they are so big
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
Oogh I tried to match Galvar's armour with the Paladin Decree weapons and
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I am not changing him back from this, he looks fucking amazing
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brightwingedbat · 2 years
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A commission I got of my Commander Nastazya Ragewelder and her mate Marcus Furyclash with their first two cubs, Galvar and Vita. (1332 AE) Always loved this, a rare quiet moment for the family.
Artwork by Vermine: Twitter / FurAffinity
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
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Ask Galvar why does he dye his hair spikes red Expectation: "Envisions the blood of my enemies." Reality: "My mom dyes hers and I wanted to do the same."
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
A quick scene that I wanted to make, Nastazya's cubs training, Galvar using his first defensive guardian bubble.
Nastazya and Marcus are visiting their cubs at fahrar once again, watching intently in a training room. This is one of the first times they're watching Tyrana Lifeguider guide the cubs in a training match, ever since Tonold's forced retirement. The rusty-furred boy Allius and the sandy brown-furred girl Patia are watching from the sidelines. On the training mat is orange and brown spotted Vita, wielding a large wooden sword. The similarly coloured Galvar is opposite her with a raised dainty wooden shield, and a hollow-looking club in his right paw. Behind him stands the other girl, the white and grey spotted Lorranu. She has two wooden daggers, but seems on the defensive as well.
The young black-furred primus speaks, a gentle yet deep voice. "Focus, Galvar. You want that will to protect to well up through your arm, and out your shield." Her attention shifts. "Vita, your target is not your brother, aim for Lorranu. And Lorranu, keep up your defences. Understood?"
"Yes, primus!" The three cubs all say at once.
Soon, Tyrana nods and her voice calls out. "Begin!"
In that instant, Vita charges forward with her large wooden sword held with both paws. The other two cubs stand defensively, though the assaulting kit darts to her left into a leaning swing as soon as she gets close in an aim to strike Lorranu.
Galvar has to quickly move his stance to block the swing, lightly growling, though his earlier focus is interrupted by his sister's move. Lorranu moves to strike Vita while she's occupied by the shield. The orange kit's ears prick up as she weakens her attack and hops back.
Tyrana speaks out once again. "Vita, watch your left foot. More out, else a real sword that size would topple you. Galvar, keep focus. Predict what Vita will do. And Lorranu, good timing, stay defensive and keep it up."
The second assault Vita charges much the same, and follows the same trick though with her foot balancing her. Only this time she doesn't swing, she slams her other paw into a kick against Galvar's abdomen, managing to knock him onto his back.
"Galv-!" Lorranu utters in surprise, so distracted by him she doesn't realise Vita's incoming swing. The dull wooden sword bashes off her upper arm, making the grey-spotted kit drop her training dagger with a mewl. She drops her other dagger and rubs her arm with a pout.
Galvar sits up whining with some tears beading in his eyes, his shield paw holding over his stomach. "Th-that's not fair…"
Vita responds by sticking out her tongue. "Crycubby, it was only a kick, gonna quit?"
"Vita." Tyrana huffs loudly, her attention shifts to the other two. "Taunting aside, Vita did perfectly. She got through your defences, and struck the target. Lorranu, you dropped your guard, Vita's kick was a time to prepare a parry for her next strike." She brushes her claws through her tied mane of hair beneath her neck. "You cubs want to take a short break or keep this up?"
Galvar stands up, wiping the tears from his eyes with his arm. "I'm- I'm not a quitter."
"Hrrm, alright. But Lorranu can sit this one out, Vita hit hard." The primus orders, she turns to the rusty-furred boy in blue-violet robes. "Allius, go take Lorranu's place. Galvar's there to protect you."
The slim boy's bright orange eyes peek up from his long draping mane of black hair, meeker than any usual charr cub. "Y-yes, primus…" He mutters, slowly walking onto the mat with a wooden staff held in both paws, tightly and in a rather fearful way.
Lorranu moves off from the mat and sits beside the sandy brown kit, the two talk idly between each other.
Galvar looks more than worried about this, Vita doesn't hold back in training and he knows this well, what if he can't protect him…? "But- Primus-!"
"Allius needs to train too, even if he's scared. But he doesn't have anything to worry about with you defending him. Right?" Tyrana asks rhetorically, firmly.
"…Right." The guardian-in-training mutters weakly.
The primus squints at the cub. "What was that?"
"Right!" Galvar repeats, stronger this time.
"Good, now get back to your places and ready yourselves." The primus commands once more, Vita, Allius and Galvar get to their places. The meek boy standing rather closedly behind the orange cub.
Nastazya and Marcus are both watching keenly, the mother of the twins making a small comment. "Vita's a lot like I was back in those days. This reminds me of how Tonold taught Dinky how to use guardian magic, had him protecting Clio, and I was the one trying to get through."
"Mmh. Think Galvar's gonna manage it? He didn't look too confident there, I admit..." Marcus mutters, looking a slight worried for his son.
Ragewelder lightly huffs, crossing her arms. "He is a few years younger than when Dinky made his first guardian bubble... But let's just see how this goes."
"Begin!" Tyrana's voice calls out, and with it do Vita and Galvar ready their stances. Though Allius seems to cower further behind his cousin.
It's much a repeat of the first rounds, though Allius keeps cowering behind Galvar as the brother defends from his sister's attacks. He's not letting her through this time, and knows when to look for her kicks.
"Your arm'll get tired before mine!" Vita taunts, she once again kicks, right against Galvar's shield.
"Rrgh-!" The cub gets pushed back some, his short fangs bared at his overpowering sibling. He's not going to be able to protect Allius at this rate. His arm is staring to ache… His ears prick up, a whimper, right behind him…
Allius for certain, the poor cub sounds terrified. Wide eyes stare as he watches Vita raise her wooden sword for an overhead slash, putting all her strength into it.
"Stop!" Galvar shouts and puts all his effort into preparing to parry his sister's weapon to the side, the sword comes down-!
The cub's shield glows blue, a blue bubble of magic rapidly expands from the defending boy. Both he and Allius are completely unaffected, but Vita-
Vita's sword clashes against the bubble, stopping flat against it, and being pushed back and out of her paws. But not only that, the vicious kit also ends up being sent back as the magic slams to her muzzle first, then her body. Her paws leave the floor and she lands with a thud on the opposite end of the mat with a grunt.
Everyone stares in surprise, all except Tyrana, she's got a large grin. "Yes, that's it! Your first defensive bubble! Great job, Galvar!"
The bubble vanishes as the cub stares at his shield… "I… I did that?"
Vita sits up and rubs her snout against her arm, a small streak of blood, that magic must've hit her nose pretty hard. But she doesn't seem bothered, if anything she looks happier than anyone else. "Took you long enough to finally knock me back, Galv!"
Nastazya's jaw hangs a slight agape, her son at four years old already using guardian magic. "Burn me, he did it... Our little cubs are growing fast…"
Marcus shares much the same expression, which shifts into a small smile, he places his arm around his mate's back. "They sure are…"
Galvar and Vita both dash up to their parents, with the son wearing an excited grin as he rushes his words out. "Ma, Da, did you see what I did!"
Nastazya cheerily kneels down, ruffling her son's hair. "I did, you did very well. Already using magic… And you too Vita, you're just like I was at that age."
"Heehee!" Vita wears a big fanged grin, before suddenly her father's paw plants softly on her snout. A small glow, her snout freed again but without any small streak of blood.
"Little magic of my own, nose doesn't hurt now, eh?" Marcus looks between his two children, a pleased expression. "I'm proud of you both, so you keep working hard."
The two cubs nod happily, encouraged even further to keep improving. And the parents have all the proof they need that Tyrana will raise their cubs and the warband well.
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
Since I have them all in game now, time for a full roster of the main five Render Warband. A future group made up of Pact Commander Nastazya's grown twins and friends. They're Blood Legion, and I headcanon that even if they don't all wear red, they have the Blood Legion symbol emblazoned on their armour. ---
Galvar Bladerender - Legionnaire Guardian - Firebrand/Willbender - Strategist, defender, balanced in combat in most forms. Nastazya Ragewelder and Marcus Furyclash's son
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Once a crybaby as a cub, Galvar learned and grew strong with his time in fahrar. Determined to be his parent's pride, he studied hard in fahrar and trained all he could. He's strong, endurant, smart and wise. A dangerous combination for a leader of a Warband. Though he is a little clumsy, don't mention using bows or rifles around him.
Despite all that, he's got a very soft and caring heart and finds it difficult to commit to punishments if his warband (Vita) acts out of line. He'll often make excuses to his centurion for her, and end up dealing with punishments himself. At the very least, this is only a problem for the first few years as Legionnaire.
--- Vita Limbrender - Frontline / Motivator Warrior - Bladesworn - Weaponsmaster, overwhelming close quarters fighter, inspires warband to fight mightier. Nastazya Ragewelder and Marcus Furyclash's daughter
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The wildcard, the ball of energy that never rests. Vita brings the spark of life to the warband that fills the days with laughter, or annoyances. Also wanting to earn the pride of her parents, though more in combat expertise than leadership. She could tell you so many different methods to use a large amount of weapons, and she's deadly with each one.
She's a feisty one, and very cocky. She likes to taunt charr in her off time, hoping they'll give her a good punch. And when she gets it, a grin spreads on her face as she puts her all into a rowdy brawl. She's just as her mother used to be, though with the added snark of her father.
--- Patia Skullrender - Frontline / Repairs Engineer - Scrapper - Tech prodigy, speedy close quarters fighter. Enhances allies with speed. Ursa Metalcrunch and Maxim Woundbind's daughter
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A prodigy with tech, Patia was crafting machinery years above her typical age grade. Adept with a keen eye, she loves to figure out how things work and how to build them.
Her mother is Blood Legion, and she inherited some of that ferocity in battle with a hammer, despite mostly using tech otherwise. Her keen eye also assists well in keeping her allies weaponry in good condition.
Starting at 18, Patia and Vita become mates. They're always together on missions and their combat styles complement each other perfectly.
--- Lorranu Fangrender - Scout / Second-in-Command Ranger - Soulbeast - Ambusher, longbow for range, dual daggers for close combat. Has a devourer called Spines and a smokescale called Ripper. Nal Venomtooth and Fulvius Smokelash's daughter
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Lorranu is a respectable and dignified charr woman, a natural with animals. Her devourer Spines was hatched from an egg she pocketed while she was still in fahrar. The smokescale Ripper was a gift from Commander Nastazya.
She also serves as the best cook of the warband, no one can outmatch her, though Allius is a close second.
At the start of their 20s, Galvar and Lorranu become mates. And accidentally end up with their first cub a year later. Tygil. The son takes mostly after his mother. --- Allius Stormrender - Support / Medic Elementalist - Tempest - Strong healing and protective magic, offensive less so. Tantalus Locksmith and Igna Earthvein's son
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Allius is a quiet charr, rare to speak, though when he does it's in an eccentric form reminiscent of a storybook wizard or sage. He is autistic, though no one really knows this, not even himself. He spent his very early years not fitting in, bullied by other cubs in fahrar before being approached by a young Galvar. He opened up as the two of them are avid readers, and later found out the two were cousins. (plus Vita of course.)
He's rather avoidant of combat, he doesn't like fighting despite the culture he was brought up in. He takes solace that his warband appreciates him staying in the back and using his magic to protect and heal them. He's also very knowledgable in too many subjects to count, as a result of his heavy fixation on reading.
Additionally, he's ace and aro, a general disinterest in the subjects, though not one of avoidance. As long as his warband- his family are happy, he's happy too.
Bonus image, a small family tree of them
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brightwingedbat · 2 years
Random loredrops of Naz's cubs Galvar and Vita
Vita is very much her mom as a cub, feisty and bold. Though she can be kind of a bully, to her twin brother's detriment. Naz was a bully as a cub too. You tell Vita to stop doing something and she'll just grin and laugh at you before doing it more. She also picked up some of her father's jokey tendencies, so she's not as overtly serious as Naz was. This is not made better when she misbehaves and Marcus just starts giggling while Naz gets mad. Here is a quick example from a comic I saw once, but shifted to Vita.
--- Marcus watching over Galvar nearby. Nastazya, trying to teach Vita to speak more. "Can you say your name? 'Vi-ta'?"
The small cub just tilts her head.
"Mmh. Shit, this is tougher than I th-"
"Shit!" The cub gleefully replies.
Nastazya's eye widens in shock, meanwhile Marcus' ears perk up and he looks over. The expression on his mates face and what he just heard, he just bursts out laughing. "PFFT- GWAHAHAA!"
"It's not funny, Marcus!" Naz growls back at her mate, rubbing her brow frustratedly.
But the father is too busy in his laughter to respond. ---
Galvar is a clingy lil crybaby at first, very often he can be found wanting to be picked up by his mother, and he finds comfort in holding on to one of her braids while doing so. Poor boy cried his eyes out on the first day of fahrar. But he soon grew used to fahrar, especially after they got their friend Patia to join them.
He's more serious though very caring and also more dedicated to strategy than Vita is, but he's a bit more clumsy and prefers less dextrous tools, he often trains with a shield and club before he learns Guardian magic.
Other random details is he's a very heavy sleeper, the lad could sleep through a fight happening nearby him. Though there's some key things Vita does to wake him up... (from one of my writing pieces)
--- About twenty minutes pass while the cubs rest up, suddenly Vita can hear some ranting adults nearby. She sits back up, ears flicking as she tries to hear better. "Hey, do you hear that? Patia? Galv?"
The brown-furred cub grumbles as she gets back up to a sit, angling her head as she listens about. "The… Shouting?"
"Yeah, that. I wanna go check it out, hey, Galv. Galv!" The elder twin tries to get her brother's attention, but he's fast asleep. She huffs, then leans down close beside his ear. "…GALVAR!"
"W-agh-!" The poor sleeping cub near jumps out of his fur, paws scrambling up in the air as he tumbles off the cushion onto the floor. There's a small thunk as he bumps his head off the floor, a whine as he gets up holding a paw over his forehead. "Vitaaa… Why'd you do that…" He sniffles.
"You shouldn't sleep so heavy! C'mon, I hear shouting, I wanna hear it closer." The sister doesn't give much chance to argue back, she immediately starts sneaking off towards the sound. She climbs up the spiral metal staircase in the break room. ---
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
Thoughts about Generation Shift Commander Galvar
If he's replacing Nastazya in this universe, it stands to reason that he'll earn some similar wounds, so perhaps this specific Galvar gets eye damage too.
Just in the opposite eye as his mother in the main universe.
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
Galvar/Vita: Does either of you sometimes struggle with the attention or expectations you get because of your parentage?
(I'll be answering these from the perspective of the twins grown and in their early 20s.)
Galvar crosses his arms, lightly huffing. "Attention and expectations. Yeah, it can honestly be a lot to deal with sometimes. Especially the attention." He sighs. "There's a lot of times I'd prefer to not have people staring at me all the time."
"Yeah, cause of how much of a clumsy arse you are." Vita cheerily slams a paw to his back.
Galvar stumbles forward, uncrossing his arms to steady himself, he grumbles back at his sister. "My dexterity has nothing to do with it, Vita." Galvar shakes his head. "Ignoring that, the expectations I find easier to deal with. I've made sure I studied hard in fahrar, I'm well prepared for many situations and have the physical ability to advance-"
"Except for your bowmanship, or gunwork." Vita once again butts in, leaning forward with a smirk. "Never give him a rifle, the first time we did the recoil smacked him right in the face-"
"VITA!" Suddenly the brother grabs his sister's muzzle shut, though she just snickers through it. He lightly pushes her away. "Once again, without her interruptions. I feel that given time I can make my parents proud, I may only be a legionnaire currently, but it's a leadership role already. It fits me well, I want to follow in my parents footsteps as renowned leaders, for the good of all people."
"Bravo, bravo!" Vita adds on in a rather mocking tone. "Now that you've done throwing around your goodiness..." She stands proudly, a clawed thumb pointing to herself. "I thrive in the attention, everyone knows I'm the great Ragewelder and Furyclash's daughter, people always say I look just like mom too."
She flexes her arm, bare due to her sleeveless top. Muscular just like Nastazya's is. "I've got her strength, and people love to try challenge me, I always knock 'em flat on the floor. It's a riot." Vita looks very enthused about this. "I don't really care all that much for the expectations. Except maybe my mom's strength, I wanna be just as strong as her. So I keep training, with all the weapons I can. No one in our warband is as much as an expert with weapons as I am!"
Galvar sighs, crossing his arms once again. "That may be true, but you're useless with magic."
"Who needs that swishy glowy stuff anyway, I got all the 'magic' I need right here." She flexes again, this time with both arms.
The brother groans, rubbing his brow, an action his mother is often seen doing.
Vita continues, easing her stance. "Besides, not like I need to fulfil mom and dad's expectations right now. They were like 30 when they started the whole hero thing, I've got plenty of time to work up to that!"
"I suppose that's true." Galvar at least agrees with his sister on something. "I will keep working at bettering myself further, and you can..."
"Surpass you in combat?" Vita prods back with a snarky grin.
"...I think we're done here." Galvar disappointedly turns away, taking his leave.
"Burn me, what a wrench in the gear." The sister shrugs jovially.
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
I went to go play Galvar but I clicked Naz instead by accident
But can you blame me
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
Far future story spoileries for Naz and her son Galvar (Naz is almost 80 at this scene, and Galvar in his 50s) because it came up while I was talking to @commanderhorncleaver
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brightwingedbat · 2 years
Time for more random thoughts of my Charr ocs, had the idea while listening to Power Paladin's Ride the Distant Storm
This time involves Galvar and Allius at perhaps around 15-17, off doing some studying while listening to radio (because that's a thing according to EoD now)
And they just start singing along to one song, with Galvar starting off:
"Chaos and justice-" The guardian-in-training begins.
"...to ride the distant storm." A surprising quiet response from the elementalist.
Galvar grins as Allius actually starts joining him. "Wielding the magic-!"
"Hear the ancient force." The elementalist's voice heightens, more confidence.
"Glory and bloodshed-!"
"Towards a distant sky!" Allius starts smiling as he lets loose with the song he loves.
"Demons and goblins!"
"Fall by the might of the golden liiiiiight!" Allius' voice draws out and loudens much more than he usually does, he must be enjoying this.
But then a deep charr girl's voice. "Bravo there, you two!"
Galvar and Allius both immediately freeze up, eyes turning to the sound.
Vita, leaning on the door frame and clapping her paws up to the side. A smug grin on her face. "Didn't know you had a set of lungs on you like that, Allius."
If his fur was not already a rusty red colour, Allius' face and ears would sure be glowing red right now. He meekly covers his palms over his face as he turns away.
Galvar's ears have a slight blush to them as he pats his paw behind his neck. "Uh... Vita, how long were you standing there?"
"I heard the entire thing. You sure you two don't wanna be Tyria's next upcoming music band?" She says amidst a chuckle.
Galvar glances over to the heavily embarrassed cousin of his. The red furred charr has his chin on the desk and tail curled below him. The brother shrugs to his sister. "I doubt that's likely given..."
"Aw, what a shame. After that show of vocals I think Allius would do great as a main singer." Vita grins, teasing her brother is fun, but so rare she gets a chance to catch Allius out like this.
The shy charr mutters a whine, closing himself off further.
Galvar shakes his head, but he can't help but smile at all of this. "Alright, I think that's enough at his expense. We've got studying to do anyhow."
"Yeah, yeah. You go be bookworms, I've got more weapon training to do. See ya!" Vita waves a paw as she leaves the two alone to their studying.
Poor Allius takes a while to get back into it, despite Galvar's attempts to console him, knowing what it's like to be a victim of the sister's taunts.
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