#gamebreakers... sobbing through tears
yuridemon · 8 months
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you're an angel, i'm a dog. / or you're a dog, and i'm your man.
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also mugm and wyll and the Forever weed brownie i love this meme
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akaluan-dark · 6 years
Sentinel AU: Pt 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | ????
((Ooookay so I don’t know how quickly THIS au is going to get pieces done for it, because I certainly have muse for it but the start is... super fucking dark. Anyway this is the AU where Ichigo ends up with two sentinels because he’s gamebreaking like that anyway.
WARNING FOR THIS CHUNK: self-harm into self-mutilation, Uryuu watching his grandfather die in front of him. Uryuu is Not Healthy And It Shows.))
Uryuu comes online young. He comes online in terror and anguish, senses spiking and body trembling with the weight of power he can’t contain. He comes online while his grandfather fights for his life, fights to live until the Shinigami come to purify the Hollows the way a Quincy cannot.
His fingers dig into too-rough bark and it’s all he can do to remain standing under the sudden crush of /too-sharp-too-bright-too-loud/ that crashes through his mind. His eyes trace the blood that drips from his sensei’s wounds, his ears track his sensei’s labored breathing, and he knows—
He’s helpless.
Uryuu digs his fingers deeper into the bark and bites back his cry of terror.
(His grandfather is Sentinel strong. Quincy strong. He shouldn’t be able to lose!)
(Uryuu’s senses destroy the lie.)
He hears the way his sensei’s breath falters, watches his sensei stumble from exhaustion. And it doesn’t take his suddenly spiking senses to see the /glee/ in the Hollows, as they converge and /strike/.
Uryuu stands frozen, unable to force his body into action.
(If he was strong like his sensei, he’d fight!)
He’s frozen even as he listens to his sensei’s heart slow, then stop. Frozen even as the Hollows mill about and roar, the sound gouging deep into his brain. He loses track of time as the Hollows turn on each other, struggling for supremacy despite their previous almost-cooperation.
He can’t tear himself away from the tree he’s hidden behind, not even when one of the smaller Hollows on the edge of the scuffle turns towards him. It raises its head and sniffs at the air, mouth twisting into a hungry leer as it begins to step towards him.
It’s then that the Shinigami arrive. Far, far too late for his sensei. Barely in time for him.
Uryuu can hear their words, their irreverent chatter as they kill the Hollows with negligent ease. Not even the discovery of his sensei’s body seems to bother them much; it’s an offhand note to them—
(”Guess his age caught up to him at last.”)
(”Bound to happen eventually.”)
(”Ready to head back?”)
(”Yeah, let’s move.”)
—and they leave without even a glance his way.
Uryuu’s legs give out and he crumples to the ground at last. He digs his fingers into hard dirt and bows his head, tears pricking at his eyes. He can’t— he’s not— he can barely focus. His senses are scrambled, spiking and retreating in unpredictable ways, and its all he can do to focus past the blinding pain in his head.
(Sentinel. He is a /sentinel/.)
(He is /useless!/)
Uryuu bites his lip and struggles to rein in his twisting senses before he loses the last of his control. Control he can’t afford to lose. Not here. Not now.
(Where was his Guide? Or /any/ Guide? Shouldn’t they have sensed him, sensed his distress?)
He takes a breath and focuses within, diving deep into his reiryoku in hopes of finding peace. His senses can’t reach him there, held within the core of his own Quincy powers. A moment to breathe and rest, that’s all he needs—
Except there is no peace. His reiryoku is riled, twisting and writhing within his soul, tangled up in angry crimson light. It /infuriates/ him to see the origin of his powers so /mangled/, and before he can consider what it is he’s doing he grabs at the crimson light and /tears/—
Agony rips through Uryuu’s soul, but he refuses to back down. He refuses to let it remain twisted through his reiryoku the way it is. The light comes away slowly, tearing at his reiryoku and leaving deep, jagged wounds that his pale blue power only slowly fills in.
(It hurts. It hurts it hurts-/it-hurts-*it-hurts*/…)
Uryuu sobs from the pain. Gathers what he’s pulled free into a tighter grip.
/Rips/ as hard as he can.
He screams as his world goes dark.
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