The Wolf Among Men
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WARNING : RATED M, Smut, and Death
A/N: This will be my first GOT fanfic, I will being going along with the plot on the show with my own twist. I haven’t read the books so if I get something wrong or the plots are all over the place. Let it be. My story my rules. Please note comments are welcome. Enjoy! -L
Summary: Jon was told that his eldest sister, Y/n arrived to Castle Black. He was surprised when Y/n arrived with The Hound, Sandor Clegane.
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Chapter One
Jon stood by the door as he watched the most feared and best fighter in the seven kingdoms worried at your bedside.
He was lost for words when he saw his sister, Y/n laid on a wagon being pulled by Sandor on his horse. The band of brotherhood stood behind them. A couple of wildings had found them around the perimeter and were about to hold them in a cell when Sandor told them about you.
“We have Y/n Stark of Winterfell. Where the fuck is her brother?” He hissed at the men then pointed at your body on the wagon. They were allowed to enter.
Jon thought you were dead after Sansa told him that you left King’s Landing with the hound during the battle of Blackwater. Jon was cautious of the hound. He heard the stories of Sandor and his brother. Sandor told Jon how you became ill during the trip to Castle Rock. You had a horrible fever during the journey. You became more ill and passed out.
Jon watched as the maester looked over at you with Sandor standing in the corner watching. Jon looked over at Beric and Thoros who stood behind the door frame of the room. Jon sensed they had come to care for you very much. He still felt unsure, you were Jon’s older sister. His favorite, he would tell everyone. You had been there for Jon since he was a young child. Catelyn had hated him for being a bastard while you had nothing but love for him.
Jon walked outside the room to know more about the situation. He asked Beric and Thoros about Sandor and you. Beric told Jon how they met both of you. They tried to convict Sandor for his crimes along with his brother's.
“Y/n told us everything as she begged us not to fight Sandor.” Beric said.
“They had escaped from King’s Landing after the Battle of Blackwater. She even had asked us for any news on Sansa or you. Sansa didn’t want to join her.” Jon nodded, they were telling the truth. Sansa had come to Castle Black as well after she escaped from Ramsey.
“Your other sister was there too, Arya.” Thoros mentioned Jon.
“What happened? Why isn’t she with you?” Jon asked, looking at the men.
Thoros shook his head and sigh. “Girl was mad at her because Y/n refused to leave Sandor behind. Told Y/n to fuck off because she was with the man that killed her friend.”
“Arya ran away. Sandor and Y/n tried to look for her but it was no use. Little girl is quick. Afterwards they left too. We found them again after the murder of septon Ray.” Beric told Jon how they got Sandor and you to join them and travel up here.
“Why is he so attached to her?” Jon asked but no one spoke. He looked over at Beric, who looked away from his gaze. Thoros did not speak as well and it made Jon very angry, all the horrible possibilities ran through his mind of you being alone with him. He’s the brother of the mountain, the murder and the rapist.
Jon was quick to unleash his sword as he turned into the room. Sandor was watching you as the maester checked your pulse when Jon walked inside the room and pushed Sandor against the wall with the tip of his sword digging into his neck.
“Jon!” Beric yelled as he walked inside.
“It’s not what you think.” Beric told Jon before looking away from Sandor’s harsh stare.
“What are you to my sister?” Jon screamed as his eyes narrowed. Sandor didn't say anything but stare at Jon.
Sandor didn't know what to say. How can he tell Jon that he’s in love with you? He didn't want to fall in love with you at first, the eldest daughter of Eddard Stark but he did.
“Well?” Jon shouted as Ser Davos entered the room when he heard the commotion from outside. The older man went up to Jon and spoke to him trying to get him to calm down.
“Jon, this isn’t the time or place. Your sister is what matters” Ser Davos said, looking between Sandor and Jon.
“Jon, please.” Ser Davos pleaded.
“If you want to kill me do it then, bastard. Kill me and when Y/n wakes up tell her what you did.” Sandor said. He knew his words worked when he saw Jon's eyes soften when he mention you.
“Take him to the cell.” Jon said, removing his sword from Sandor’s neck then walked away from him. Jon stood by your bedside as the frighten maester kept looking at you.
Ser Davos signaled Sandor to the door. Beric and Thoros watched as Sandor took one last look at you and walked away following Ser Davos.
Sandor doesn’t know how long he’s been staring at the ceiling of the cell while he laid on the cold bench. He tugged on the thin blanket around his body, he felt horrible and tired. He needed a warm bath and a bed. He needed you. Months traveling with you and sleeping next you had him missing your company and your warmth. He was missing you. Sandor was about to drift into sleep when he heard someone walking towards his cell.
“Are you ready to tell me?” Sandor looked over at the sound of Jon’s voice.
Jon stood in front of the door looking at Sandor through the metal bars. Sandor rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up to sit. He spread his legs as he leaned back against the wall.
“You're not the same as before, bastard.” Sandor admitted as he stared at Jon. Remembering the naïve look on Jon’s face when he visited Winterfell with King Robert. Now, Jon stood in front of him as a man. He can tell Jon had done and seen some shit that can change a person.
“Have you changed?” Jon asked. Sandor did not respond.
“I can just send you back to King’s Landing. I know Cersei would like that.” Jon said, making Sandor nod knowing all too well the bounty on his head.
“Beric said you’re close to Y/n. Do you care for her?” Sandor looked away from Jon cursing silently at the one eyed man for telling his business.
Sandor looked back at the sound of keys. Jon opened the door and walked inside, sitting down on the bench across from Sandor who had a surprised look on his face.
“I thought she was dead after the news of my brother and father. I wept for her.” Jon said, looking down at his hands on his lap.
“She wept for you too.” Sandor added. “She missed you especially during her stay at King’s Landing. She prayed for you.”
Jon let out a sad smile. “She told me you were close with her. Closer than anyone.”
Jon nodded, “Aye, we were. She never treated me or called me a bastard. Always treated me like her brother. Sansa and their mother would fight over that.” Jon stood quiet for a moment as he looked over at Sandor.
“Thoros said you had protected her in King’s Landing. That's what Y/n told him. You protected Sansa and her.”
‘Bald cunt yapping his mouth.” Sandor mumbled.
“That bald cunt saved your life.” Jon answered back.
Sandor frowned at Jon. “I wanted to execute you but he was the first to vouch for your name. They all did, the brotherhood without banners.”
Sandor couldn't believe they had vouch for him. All he did was shouted and called them names but of course, you were always there to calm him down and ease the tension. Sandor knew he had to tell Jon the truth. He had too because he needed to get back to you. He wasn't going to leave you alone not after everything both of you have been through.
“She started to talk to me after your father and sisters arrived at King's Landing.” Sandor said and shook his head with a small smile.
“Couldn't get the girl to shut up or quit following me. She kept telling me people there were all snakes. She didn't trust no one.”
“She trusted you.” Jon said. Sandor couldn't stop thinking about you in King’s Landing. He could remember you crying over Sansa after she was humiliated in court, when the news of Robb and your mother's death arrived. He frowns at the memory of Joffrey slapping you as he showed you and Sansa your father’s head on a stick.
“I wish I could have protected her more.” Sandor blurted out. “Joffrey had it out for her when your father died. He hated Sansa more since she was weaker.”
‘What did he do to Y/n?” Jon asked as he felt the uneasiness coursing through his body.
Sandor took a deep breath before answering. “He hit her around, he showed her the head of her father on a stick. He threatened to have her raped.”
“Did he ever…” Sandor shook his head at Jon’s question. Rage filled Sandor at the though of it.
“Fuck no. I would have murder everyone who tried to touch the woman I love."
Jon’s eyes widened in surprise at Sandor's answer. He couldn’t believe it.
“You love her?” Jon watched Sandor who looked down at the ground as his cheeks turned pink from the sudden outburst.
“I know what you’re thinking.” Sandor spoke. “A dog like me with someone like her. I have told her many times. I’m not good for her, I told her my kind don’t get to have a woman like her.”
“Your kind?” Jon asked as rising a brow at Sandor.
Sandor looked at Jon with a look and pointed at himself. “A killer, a hideous monster. Fucking got nothing to offer her.”
“It’s funny.” Jon said with a smile. Sandor was about to curse Jon out when Jon spoke out.
“Father wanted Y/n to get married for so long and she kept refusing. She practically went down on her knees, and begged him not to marry her off. She never liked any man that father brought home. She would tell me how she doesn’t trust them and she would rather be dead than be with any man she didn’t trust.”
“If my sister trusted you. It meant she liked you. You even offered her protection.” Jon said as he rose up. Sandor looked up at him as Jon walked closer to him.
“You offered her something that many women wished they had. Do you love her?” Sandor nodded at Jon.
“Can I trust you that my sister would be well and happy with you?” Sandor quickly rose and nodded.
“Aye, I don't know why she loves me but she does and I finally have the balls to admit it now. I couldn’t before but now seeing her all laid up and not moving. I regret not saying it sooner.”
Jon smiled at him for a second. “Alright.” He said as he began to walk to the door of the cell. He looked over his shoulder at Sandor.
“You can see her if you want. The maester went to check up on her again.” Sandor followed him but froze when Jon pointed a finger at him.
“You hurt my sister, Clegane. I’ll kill you.” Sandor let out a chuckle at Jon’s threat and followed him.
-After escaping King’s Landing -
If someone had told Sandor that he would be with a lady in the future. He would have laughed and cursed them out. Sandor sleeping with someone with a name would have been the last thing he would have done.
However there you were laying next to him. You’re on your back in a deep sleep. Hair tousled, bite marks on your neck and chest were red on your skin. He felt like a creep watching you sleep. Your chest softly rose up and down with each breath you took.
Your nipples were hard from the chill air in the room. Your lips were slightly parted, Sandor couldn't help but raise one of his hands up to your face, his thumb rubbing your bottom lip. Same lips that were around his cock not so long, same lips that kissed him. Sandor was the first to be up since he was a light sleeper. Both of you were finally able to rest well for the first time in a long time since Sandor and you fled from King’s Landing. It’s been a few weeks since Sandor finally found a friendly Inn. No one knew who both of you were. He could finally fuck you in a bed instead against a tree or on the ground.
He couldn’t help but remember last night's events with you as he stared at your sleeping body.
You, Y/n Stark from Winterfell, eldest daughter of Lord Eddard and Catelyn Stark had confessed your love for him. He wanted to say it back, but he couldn’t. He was scared. Scared that it wouldn’t be true. When he didn’t say it back, you kissed him and told him that he didn’t have to say it back. You told him the day you arrived at King's Landing and officially met him was the day he plagued your mind in a good way.
When everything went to shit, your father was killed. Sansa and you were tormented by the king. You tried to endure the tournaments from Joffrey so Sansa didn't have too but Joffrey didn't like it one bit. You wouldn't crack down and cry in front of him like Sansa did. You held your head high as he had his men beat you down. If it wasn't for Sandor who brought Tyrion Lannister to your aid, who knows what would have happened. As the maester tended your wounds Sandor was in the corner of your chambers along with Tyrion who was giving you his deepest apologies. It fell to deaf ears though, Tyrion knew that when saw you looking at Sandor. He looked over at the bulking man to see him looking back at you as well.
During the Battle of the Blackwater, Sandor came back inside the castle mid war and looked for you. You were with Sansa in her room when he found you. He begged for you to come with him. Sandor vowed to return you and Sansa back home. You trusted Sandor but Sansa didn't. She was afraid of him and had said that Stannis wouldn’t hurt her. Sansa hugged you when you were contemplating on whether you should stay or go but Sansa had seen how Sandor looked at you. She saw how you were with Sandor. You weren't afraid of him and as much as she wanted you to stay with her. She knew Joffrey would have kept bullying you into an early grave. She gave you one last hug and held you tight. She kissed your cheek and told you to leave right away.
Sandor held on to you as you rode in front of him. The journey for the first couple of days was the hardest but both of you managed. You were the first to kiss Sandor. He took you on the ground that night between the trees. He had gotten a cloak from the knight he killed the day before. He laid it on the ground and you gave yourself to him.
Sandor was lost in thought as he stared at you.
“I can feel you staring.” You mumbled in a sleepy tone as you shifted on bed.
You opened your eyes and smiled at him. "Did you sleep well?” You asked Sandor as you brushed his hair out of his face.
“Aye.” Sandor said, kissing the palm of your hand.
“But It's a bit hard when you're there looking like that.” Sandor told you as you stretched your arms over your head, arching your back.
“Looking well, I hope.” You said as you let out a yawn. You hummed when you felt his large callous hand on your stomach. The tips of his fingers caressing your skin. You feel his hand go down between your legs.
“Sandor.” You moaned as he leaned down to kiss you while he rubbed your clit. He grunt in your mouth as he felt your slit wet. He dipped two fingers inside of your cunt, he can feel his cum from last night still inside.
“Such a tight wet cunt.” He said as he pulled away to kiss your neck. You laughed as his beard tickled you. You held on his arms as he fingered you softly. He knew you were sensitive from the night before.
His thick fingers were soaking wet as he fingered you. The sound of your sopping pussy echoed through the room. You spread your legs wider for him.
“Such a dirty girl.” He said as he pulled his lips from your neck. You blushed hard from his words.
The bed creaked as Sandor moved between your legs. You looked up at him as you spread your legs for him. Sandor watched as your mouth dropped when he slipped inside of you. He leaned down to kiss you as he started to thrust inside of you. He moans in your mouth when you wrap your legs around his waist.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulder, tugging him down and closer to you. You felt him moan your name against your neck as he fucked you hard.
“Fuc-ck.” You moan as you hear him groan, he held you tight as he continued to fucked you. You felt his balls slap your ass as he fucked you.
“Cum in me, Sandor. Please. Please.” You whispered in his ear. Sandor turned his face to look at you.
“Please. Inside.” He groans as he grabs your face to kiss you. You slip your tongue inside his mouth as you come on his cock, tighten your walls around him.
He wasn’t far from his climax. Sandor looked down at your pretty face and he came. He let out a curse as he felt you cumming deep inside of you. Sandor was on cloud nine when he came. He didn’t notice you cupping his face pulling him for another kiss.
“Little wolf, you’re gonna kill this old man.” Sandor whispered against your lips making you smile.
“What a way to die.” You told him softly looking at him moving his hair out of his face. Sandor chuckled at your words. He was about to get up when you pulled him closer to you.
“Not yet. Please. Stay inside of me longer.” You asked him. He obeyed, just like every time you ask him to stay longer inside of you. He lays his head on your chest. His scared cheek against your chest. He shuts his eyes, enjoying your hands on his back.
He calms down while he hears your heartbeat. He liked this feeling you gave him.
“I love you.” Sandor opens his eyes but doesn’t move. He felt you kiss the top of his head.
“I know I said it last night but I meant it. I love you. I’m yours and you're mine but if you don’t accept my love then leave. Leave me here and go away.”
Sandor doesn’t move. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t want to move. No matter how many times he told you that he’s not good enough for you. You didn’t believe him. You kept being with him and sleeping with him. You kept making him feel warm inside.
You made him feel loved. Sandor was never religious, but he believed that the new and the old gods blessed him by giving you to him. He knew it was true since you didn’t leave him when the Brotherhood without Banner captured him and you. Arya was there with them. Arya was furious when she saw him with you. Arya told you that Sandor killed her friend, the butcher’s son. Beric wanted to charge him of his brother's crimes but couldn’t. You were there to ease the tension and cried out, telling them that Sandor isn’t like his brother.
Sandor was charged for the murder of the butcher boy. You saw the face Sandor had when Beric’s sword lit up in flames. You knew he was afraid of fire, since Little Finger told you and Sansa. At the end, Sandor won the duel to the death, slicing Beric’s shoulder almost in half causing him to die.
You held Arya as she cried and screamed when Sandor won. Arya and you froze when the drunk priest, Thoros, brought Beric back from the dead. Sandor saw how you begged Arya to join you and Sandor.
“You’re going to get kidnapped or worse. Stop being a fucking idiot.” Sandor had yelled at Arya.
“I hope you die.” She yelled at Sandor. She was about to run away when she looked back at you with an angry face. “You too.”
Arya ran away from you with no luck finding her Sandor and you decided to keep going on the road. During the war of the Five Kings, you heard Theon Greyjoy turned on the Starks and seized the undefended Winterfell since Robb wasn’t there. You wanted to hurt him, your father took him in and now your home is gone along with both of your younger brothers. Weeks later people were talking about the Frey’s wedding and that Robb and your mother would be at the Twins.
Sandor held you close and wouldn’t let you go when both of you made it to the Twins. He looked around frantically as all the Stark’s soldiers were being killed in front of him and the sight that horrified him the most caused you to scream. He held you that night as you wailed. You remained silent for a few days and it scared him so much.
“Look at me.” He told you when you finally spoke.
“I’m not gonna not let anything happen to you. Okay?” You nodded at him.
“I swear it.” He promised as you wrapped your arms around his neck to kiss him.
So, he wasn’t going to move and leave you but fuck, he was so scared to say it back to you that he loves you too because he thought if he said it back that he would wake up and all of this would have just been a dream.
It was evening when both of you woke up again. Sandor had gotten up and dressed. He kissed your forehead and told you that he would ask the keeper for a tub to get you a bath. Neither of you didn’t spoke about what happened. Both of you didn’t have too, it was mutual understanding. You were his and he was yours. After taking a bath, Sandor walked with you to the tavern to get supper.
He was nervous as he ate his food. He didn’t know what to do next. Sliver was running low and he didn't know where else to go.
“Sandor.” You called out, he looked at you and nodded.
“We should go to my Aunt Lysa. We can go to the Vale, she'll accept me there. I’ll tell her how you saved me and how I need you to guard me while I’m there.” You told him. Sandor had to admit it was a pretty good idea but.
“She will know who I am. Knowing that cunt of the king, he probably has a bounty on me.”
You shook your head. “I’ll beg her if I have too. Lysa is the only best chance we have.” You told him while grabbing his hand.
Sandor agreed, you were right. “Alright little wolf, eat up. Tomorrow morning we’ll ride.”
You gave his hand a squeeze and smiled. You got back to your plate as he took a gulp of his ale. Little wolf, was something he started calling you in King’s Landing. He called your sister, Sansa, little bird. You missed her so much, you didn’t always see eye to eye with Sansa but you took the role of the older sister seriously when your father died. You held her as she slept and helped her whenever Joffrey tormented her.
Morning came and both of you were out on the road. You were grateful that Sandor knew where he was going. He pointed at certain mountains and rivers telling you the details and how to know where to go. At one point you felt incompetent with him, you didn’t know how to hunt or make a fire. After making a fuss about it and telling him you should learn something. He told you a lady shouldn’t know how to gut an animal or know how to start a fire but he agreed.
He laughed at you when you threw up as he showed you how to clean a kill. He snickered when you cursed at the pile of woods and moss when you couldn’t light it up. It was a few days when Sandor and you finally made it to a stream under a bridge. You sat by the rocks across from him. Sandor stood next to Stranger as the horse greedily drank from the stream.
Sandor was about to speak when he heard someone riding on the bridge. An older man along with his daughter rode on a small wagon.
You gave Sandor a look when he answered them sarcastically and with an attitude.
“Forgive my husband. We’ve been traveling for so long. We are just letting our horse rest for a bit.” Sandor looks over at you when you call him your husband. You didn’t notice the blush on his face. You gave a smile to the farmer and his daughter.
“Your husband is a soldier?” The farmer asked, looking wearily at Sandor. The farmer saw the armor and the sword strapped on Sandor’s hip.
“Yes, he fought for House Tully.” You answer quickly before any profanity came out of Sandor’s mouth.
You gave Sandor a toothy smile when the farmer told you to follow him since any man who pleaded for House Tully is welcome. He will provide a roof for the night and some food. Sandor watched as you talked to the young daughter, Sally. The little blonde girl was a shy thing but smiled at the idea of you helping her cook.
“Any kids?” The farmer asked as he watched his daughter laugh at the small joke you told her.
You looked over at Sandor not sure what to say. “No, not yet but if we do. We hope it’s a girl who looks beautiful like you.” You said looking at the little girl who giggle at your compliment.
Dinner was quiet for a bit after Sandor cursed at the man who was praying for so long. You begged for forgiveness at the farmer and told him to finish as you gave Sandor a cold glare. When he was done you served him and his daughter first. You wanted to curse at the farmer as well for praying so long. You were fucking starving but you knew you had to act nice. You weren’t going to get kicked out until you had some of the rabbit stew you helped the little girl cook.
Trying to ignore the slurping sound that Sandor made as he drank the soup straight from the bowl. The farmer asked Sandor about the fight at the Twins and mentioned how people were calling it The Red Wedding. You instantly felt ill to your stomach. You couldn’t forget the image of your headless brother with the head of his wolf sewn onto. It made you scream when you first saw it and made you mute for a couple of days.
“Are you ok?” You looked up from your stew when you heard Sally, the little girl speak.
You felt Sandor’s warm hand on your knee under the table as you looked over at her. It was his way to comfort you, a way to show you that he's here with you and he won’t let anyone hurt you as he promised. You placed a hand over his, giving him a squeeze.
“Yes, sweet girl. I’m just a bit tired, that's all.” You told her, taking all the strength in your body to give her a smile.
That night the farmer let Sandor and you to the stable to rest. “You can cry if you want.” Sandor said as both of you laid. He had taken off his chest plate and was under a bunch of hay and a blanket.
You nodded at his chest as you felt tears rolling down your face. Sandor rubbed your back as he let you cry. You cried for your brother Jon and your family. Sandor didn’t make you feel bad for crying. He knew you loved your family, it was something he never experienced. Sandor tried his best to remember the last time he cried. He couldn’t remember, whenever he was feeling sad he drank his feelings away.
You finally calm down at the sound of the rain and Sandor’s heartbeat. His body heat warmed you as the night got chilly.
“Are you going to work for him?” You asked Sandor remembering how the farmer asked him if he wanted to work for fair wages.
“Not sure yet.” Sandor told you.
It was morning when you heard screaming. You woke up and looked around the stable. You quickly got up and saw Sandor wasn’t there with you but Stranger was. You grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around you as you ran out of the stable to the small cottage. You stopped when you saw Sandor coming out of the cottage with a pouch in his hands. He didn’t realize you were there until he finished counting the coins. Sandor stopped in mid step when he saw you.
“What did you do?” You asked him.
“We needed the silver.” Sandor told you. You shook your head.
“Not like this. It’s not right.” You snapped at him.
“We can stay here for a little while. We will help around the farm.” You tried to reason with Sandor. You knew both of you needed the sliver to make it to the Vale but taking it away from a father and his daughter in these times was not right.
“For fuck sake Y/n.” Sandor cursed loudly causing you to jump. It’s the first time he has yelled at you.
“He’s weak. He can't protect himself or her. He and his daughter will be dead come winter.”
“He fed us. He took us in. He didn’t have too. He’s a good man. We can’t do this.” You told him while following him when he started to walk towards the stable.
“Dead men do not need silver.” Sandor shouted and you felt like crying. You grabbed him by his arm. Sandor looked at you angrily.
“I thought with everything you been through that you fucking knew how the world works. How many Stark’s they have to behead before you figure it out?” He tells you. You let out a gasp at his harsh words.
Sandor had admitted what he said was a shit thing to say. He was upset and the look on your face when he mentioned your family killed him. He was going to walk away when you grabbed his arm again.
“I’m not the same stupid girl you met in King's Landing.” You told him as you walked in front of him.
“I know how things work in this world, it was beaten in me. Don’t you remember?” You grabbed his hands with yours feeling the pouch of silver.
“With all the beatings I had to endure and all my family members dying one by one. I refuse to do this.” You told firmly, standing your ground in front of Sandor.
“Just because the world is shit doesn’t mean we have to be like it. I know we need it, my love.” Sandor saw your eyes filled with tears. His chest tightens at the nickname you gave him.
“But they need it more. They don’t have someone to protect them like I do. They don’t have the experience of surviving like us. Please, if you can’t give them the silver back then do it for me.”
Sandor stared at you for a minute then nodded. He'll do it for you. You let go of his hands, he was about to walk back to the cottage when he looked over his shoulder with regret in his eyes.
“I’m sorry for what I said.” Sandor said to you then walked back to the house.
You quickly walked back to the stable, grabbing the reins on Stranger. You petted the horse softly as you led him out of the stable. The horse obeyed, you smiled as the horse was finally getting used to you. You knew there was no way in the seven hells that the farmer was going to let you and Sandor stay after what he did so you started to get Stranger ready to ride. You kept petting him with a smile.
Sandor told you before escaping Kings Landing that Stranger wasn’t fond of people but you knew with some love and patience that the horse would be fine around you. You laughed to yourself as Stranger reminded you a lot of Sandor. You saw Sandor walking back from the cottage. It was quiet as both of you continued the journey to Vale.
Sandor didn’t mention the farmer and the daughter. He went inside the cottage to see the daughter crying over her father as he lay knocked out on the ground. The girl let out a sob when she saw Sandor walk inside.
“Hush girl.” Sandor snapped at her before dropping the pouch of silver on the table.
“Sorry.” Sandor mumbled before leaving the cottage and shutting the door behind him.
You had officially thought you were cursed. You had to be cursed with everything going on. Aunt fucking Lysa was dead. Sandor watched as you took a deep breath and walked away. He froze and the rest of the knights of Vale. When you cursed fuck and shit at the sky and began to kick at the small rocks on the ground.
“Can’t catch a fucking a break.” You mutter to yourself. You were tired, hungry and your ass was sore from riding. You smelled like sweat and your hair was starting to get greasy.
You made it back to the horse with Sandor following behind you.
You stood by Stranger with your hands on your hips as you looked over at the mountains. You didn’t know what to do now. You turned around to see Sandor who had a tired look.
“You think the gods are punishing me?” You asked Sandor as you remembered something that occurred with you aunt Lysa when you were younger.
“What for?” Sandor asked.
“I did something bad when I was younger to Lysa. She had a dog. Ugly little shit and kept yapping at me. It never liked me.” Sandor chuckled at your story fully interested in what you had to say.
“She told me to take it for a walk around the bloody gates. It wanted to kill me, Sandor.” You said with a sigh.
“I ran and ran. Little shit followed me, chasing me around until I tripped on a rock before the little shit could stop. It ran off a cliff.” Sandor laughed at the face you made.
“You think the gods are punishing you for killing that devil dog?” Sandor asked, walking towards you. His hands gripping your hips as you lean against him.
“If what you say it’s true. Then you did the world a favor for killing that little devil.” You sense the sarcasm in his words and roll your eyes. You laid your forehead against his chest with a sigh.
Sandor needed a bath as well. He smelled like sweat, the dirt and the trees. It reminded you of your father whenever he came back from hunting. You remembered your mother yelling at you when you jumped in your father's arms whenever he came back. He would laugh and tell you that he would get your dress dirty but you didn’t care. The smell of nature made you feel at ease.
“What now?” You asked.
“What about your brother Jon?” You looked up at Sandor. “Castle Rock?” He nodded.
You knew women weren't allowed in Castle Rock, you never mentioned it before but Jon is your last resort.
“I won’t let them hurt you there.” Sandor was quick to say knowing what was held in Castle Rock. Murders, robbers, and rapists.
“I know.” You said with a nod. You were so grateful to have Sandor with you.
“I take back what I said about the gods punishing me.” You told him, making him raise his brow up at you.
“They gifted me you, Sandor Clegane.” Sandor shut his eyes as you hugged him. He wanted to make fun of you for thinking that the gods gifted you a man like him. A man who was a killer but he didn’t say anything. He kept hugging you for a while.
It was just a few days after the Vale, Sandor and you were setting up camp. Sandor was pissing behind a large boulder as you washed his knives. Sandor had hunted a rabbit, you were excited since it was going to be your first time skinning it alone. He mentioned that he should start hunting for more since both of you were going to travel up north. The weather was going to get colder and that meant less animal to hunt.
You finished washing when you heard someone riding by.
“Sandor!” You shouted as you saw two people on horses making their way to you.
You shouted his name again as a tall blonde woman got off her horse and walked towards you with a shorter man behind her.
“Seven blessings.” She greeted you with a smile. You heard Sandor coming behind you.
“I’m Brienne of Tarth and this is Podrick Payne. We are looking for the bloody gates.”
The man behind her dropped his own smile and said “That’s Sandor Clegane. The hound.”
The woman frowned and looked at him then at you. Her eyes widened when she saw you clasp your hands together in front of you as your mother has done before when she was with her.
“You’re Y/n Stark. The rumors are true then.” You frowned.
“What do you want?” Sandor said, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword.
“The hound ran away from the fight in King’s Landing and kidnapped Y/n.” Her eyes landed on the love bite on your neck as she spoke.
“I swore to your mother that I will bring you home. I swore to bring all your sisters back home. I swore to protect her as well.”
“You didn’t though? My mother is dead.” You snapped her as Sandor looked at Brienne, up and down. His eyes stopped at her sword.
“Are you paid by the Lannister? Are you here for the bounty on me?” Sandor asked. You quickly grabbed one of his knives that you washed on the ground and held it.
You weren’t going to let them take Sandor away from you.
“I’m not paid by the Lannister.”
Sandor scoffed as he walked towards her. “No? Bullshit. I know what Lannister gold looks like. I've seen it all my life. Tell me where did you get that sword?”
“Jamie Lannister gave it to me.” Brienne answered him, Sandor looked over his shoulder at you. He was right.
“The bloody gate is 30 miles. Be on your way now.” You told her.
“Y/n! I swore to you mother to the old and to the new gods that I'll keep you safe and away from harm.” You shook your head at her.
“I’m not going with you.” You yelled.
“You fucking heard her. She is not coming with you.”
“She is.” Brienne hissed at him. Both of them took their swords out. You looked over at Podrick who was ready to run after you.
“Valyrian steel.” Sandor said, looking at her sword then up at Brienne. “I always wanted some.”
“Come with me Y/n. I will keep you safe. Tell me if this man forces himself on you and I’ll kill him. I’ll take you to safety.” Brienne said, looking between you and Sandor.
“Safety! Brienne of fucking Tarth, you really are a dumb bitch. Where the fuck safety at? Her entire family is dead, Winterfell is gone. There is no safety. If you don’t know that then you’re the wrong person to watch over her.” Sandor yelled.
Brienne scoffed then looked at you over his shoulder. Brienne knew you had to be so afraid of the hound that you wouldn’t even ask for help.
“Is that what you’re doing? Watching over her or using her for your pleasure? You fucking dog.” Brienne fumed, looking back at him with disgust.
“I’m fucking watching over her.” Sandor answered, ignoring the fact that Brienne was stating that Sandor has been forcing himself on you. It wasn’t true. Sandor wasn’t like that.
Sandor wasn’t going to let her take you away from him. Brienne was the first to swing, Sandor blocked her and yelled over his shoulder for you to run away and hide.
You did what you were told. Podrick quickly followed you. You kept running as you heard Podrick call for you. You heard the grunts and sound of swords clanging against each other. behind you. You hid behind a tree, you held the knife in your hand as you heard Podrick pass by you. You waited for the coast to be clear and ran back to the campsite.
You waited for Sandor to come back after a few minutes the sun was about to set and he still wasn’t around. You felt dread fill you as you began to walk around the cliffs in hope of finding him, you stopped when you saw Sandor’s sword on the ground. You lifted the heavy weapon and saw blood on the grass. You carefully walked by the edge of the cliff and looked down.
You were about to cry when you saw Sandor at the bottom of the cliff. You dragged the sword back to camp and quickly began to pack up.
“Come on.” You told Stranger as you got up and rode down the hills where Sandor was at. You got off and ran to Sandor, he hasn’t moved.
“Sandor!” You shouted dropping down to your knees at him. Sandor sighed as he opened his eyes to see you crying over him
“What do I do?” You cried out as you ripped the hem of your dress to wipe the blood off his face.
“Leave.” Sandor hissed as he tried to push you away from him.
“No.” You shouted with tears running down your face. “I have to get you help.”
“I’m going to die! I’m going to die because of that tall bitch. You need to leave me here. You need to go.” He croaked out in pain. He felt like crying because he didn’t want to leave you alone.
“Remember what I told you. Don’t stop for no one. Keep a weapon near you.” He listed the things for you to do to be safe. He was worry for you. The feeling was heavy on his chest, the thought of you alone traveling up north scared him and thought of never seeing you again pained him more then what he felt from his injuries.
“I’ll help you up. You ride while I walk.” You ignored what he said as you tried to pull him from his arms. Sandor hissed in pain.
“I can’t fucking move. My knee is fucked.” Sandor said as you looked down at his knee. You shut your eyes at the gruesome sight of his bone sticking out.
“Fuck! Sandor! Please tell me what to do?!” You sob looking away from his leg at him.
“Kill me.” Sandor whispered.
“No.” You shouted at him. You shook your head frantically.
“Y/n. I’m done for. It’s over.” He yelled at you as he looked up at the sky, tears rolling his face.
“Look at me.” You sternly said, you carefully leaned over cupping his face with your face.
“I'm not leaving you or killing you. You can’t leave me. I love you, Sandor.” You cried to him. Sandor let out a whimper as he started to black out from the pain. The last thing Sandor felt was your lips against his. 
Next Chapter ->
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quiet--menace · 6 years
Lady Sansa…insisted…that she required no minding or guarding, that she was home, the safest place for her-” “There’s safety in numbers and there’s opportunity for mutiny.” Speaking from bitter experience, the wounds Jon’s own men had inflicted upon him still throbbed when he felt angry. “You swore to their mother that you’d lay down your life for both Sansa and Arya. Have you ever broken an oath before, Lady Brienne?” “Never, your Grace.” Brienne shared his sense of honour, but she was blind to pretence.
Dead Men Sing No Songs by Birdie Lo Green
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