#ganon carrying link around like a bag is very funny
milich96 · 1 year
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"It is useless, hero. I won't let you go until we find the steed of mine you lost"
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jinmukangwrites · 6 years
"I’m not too sure how big of a Zelink fan you are but could you write about the other links meeting Wild’s Zelda? Like everyone else is ready to bow and be all forming but Wild just straight up runs at her. And then Zelda pulls a Steven Universe and says smth like ‘I’ve been waiting to kiss your cute face,” (if you haven’t seen Steven universe I’d recommend it it’s pretty cool)" -anon
The stable could be seen through the distance and Time couldn't be more relieved. Everyone was aching; Wild's Hyrule was such a wide and vast place, most of the others in their group were simply not used to traveling long distances like him. Wild was the only one not stopping every few minutes to rub at his feet or take a gulp of water. Four and Wind were both exhausted, thankfully Sky offered to carry Four on his shoulders and Twilight did the same with Wind.
They would have stopped earlier, but Wild told them a stable was close by and after a few minutes of discussing the issue, it was decided that a soft bed with a roof over their heads was more desirable than the hard forest floor with the chance of rain.
"That's the Riverside Stable," Wild said pointing at the towering building that looked like a horse head.
Riverside Stable was a very fitting name for the building. It bordered a beautiful river with little bridges connecting small islands where goats laze around, eating grass and enjoying the company of their shepherd dog. Soft music could be heard as they approached and the air of civilization whispered over them.
"Let's go," Twilight said, sweat lined the top of his forehead and his arms were slightly trembling with exhaustion as he carried the practically asleep Wind.
Legend took the first move towards the stable with Warriors following close behind. Time gave the rest of the group the go ahead before they all began to follow after. As they walked, Time noticed Wild's eyebrows come together.
"What is it?" He asked.
"There's soldiers…" he said quietly. Time looked back to the stable and sure enough, there were two armed soldiers standing guard at the entrances of the stable, not allowing Legend (who was yelling at them) inside.
"Are there usually not?" Time asked wearily. Everything about Wild's Hyrule was almost barbaric, not that he'd tell them that. Time was used to a land filled with guards and soldiers watching over and protecting every inch of their land. He was used to order. Not the hastily glued together pieces of Wild's world.
"We don't have a big enough army," he said quietly. He reached up and brought down his hood and began to stride over towards the stable.
Time looked at the others before following after.
"I'm sorry, but we cannot let you in-" one of the soldiers were saying. He was strong looking, like he'd lived doing labor his whole life. The stature of knight, yet his armor looked like a rusted puzzle instead of what a knights should be. The other soldier looked much the same.
Wild ran up and shoved Legend aside before a fist fight could commence. The soldiers looked shocked for a moment as they stared at Wild with wide eyes glinting behind their rusted helmets.
Legend rubbed his arm and glared. "Wild, what the-"
"Sir Link!" One of the soldiers said, gasping.
And before anyone could do anything, both the soldiers fell to their knees in a low, respectful bow. Time stopped and Twilight gave him a confused look with Four looking at the oddity with half open eyes full of interest.
Wild took a step back, as if he himself were shocked by the action, but he shook his head and cleared his throat, but no noise came out. The next shock came when Wild signed, and the soldiers understood.
What are you doing?
"We cannot let travelers in, sir," one soldier said, slowly rising to his feet. The other nodded as the stable master leaning against the counter scoffed. "The Queen needs to freshen up-"
"Queen?" Wild asked, his voice choked with surprise. His mouth hung open and his eyes flicked past, trying to catch a glimpse inside. She's here? His hands asked.
The other soldier nodded, "we're returning from Hateno Village, Queen Zelda has had a long trip and needs to-"
"Zelda!?" Hyrule gasped, voicing the other's surprise and shock. Even Time found himself shocked at the information, sure, it's been a few decades in his time, Zelda eventually married and became queen, but… they were older. Zelda in this world couldn't be older than eighteen. It seemed the others were also expecting a princess, not a queen.
A feminine voice suddenly called out from inside the stable. "Are you not letting people in again?" The voice asked, sounding annoyed. "This is a traveler's stable, not a royal-"
The voice stopped as a girl dressed in a blue traveling cloak and brown trousers stepped out of the stable and ended up with her mouth open, standing right in front of Wild. Her hair was golden and her eyes were a beautiful green. Time didn't have to ask who she was, and neither did the others in their group.
"Link," Zelda breathed.
Time watched as Wild stared at her. Wild had never told them what his relationship with Zelda was, in fact, he hardly spoke about her unless he was talking about his fight against Calamity Ganon, which was very rare.
Suddenly, Zelda surged forward and grabbed Wild around his jaw and smashed her lips against his. Behind Time, Sky gasped and Wind made a small snort of disgust, yet Time remained silent as Wild gently wrapped his arms around her waist and returned the kiss hastily. She broke it for a moment, running the tips of her fingers lovingly across  his scared cheek. "I've been waiting to kiss your stupid face," she said.
They stared at each other before a moment more before Zelda pushed herself from him, smiling at the rest of the heroes. Wild too turned, though he was blushing hard enough to almost hide the scars on his cheeks, clearly he had forgotten the rest of the group were there.
"Where are my manners," Zelda said, as she folded her hands in front of her and smiled, "I'm Zelda, and you all must be-?"
Zelda and her small group of knights decided to stay the night at the stable with the heroes. She didn't seem surprised to hear about how each of them were previous incarnations of her hero, more fascinated than anything. She sat them all down by the fire and practically grilled them on their own Hyrules… or more of the kinds of things in their Hyrules.
"Interesting, so you're able to play songs with plants?" She asked Twilight, leaning forward. Twilight laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. Everyone was preparing themselves for a graceful maiden, not a geek. Not that that was bad, just surprising.
"You'll have to teach me," she said, "I have never thought that plants could create music, I was always more interested in the properties they pass on when consumed."
"Yeah," Twilight said awkwardly. Time smiled and brought his hands a bit closer to the fire toward the chilling night away.
Wild smiled and leaned against Zelda, "he collects bugs, too."
Her face lit up and she launched into a list of her favorite kinds of bugs and why they're interesting while Twilight gave a helpless look to the smirking Wild. She was in the middle of explaining why the Energetic Rhino Beetle was so important to the ecosystem before she cut herself off with a gasp. "I need to get something, I just remembered-" she untangled herself from Wild and half sprinted over to the Stable entrance. The two soldiers gave her a "here we go again" look as she ran past.
Wild was grinning over at the stable when suddenly Legend nudged Wild. Wild yelped, rubbing his upper arm. "What?" He asked.
"So what are you?" Legend asked, leaning back into the makeshift log chair below him. "Future king of Hyrule?"
Wild opened his mouth and gapped like a fish, blood rushing to his cheeks. "N-no! It's not-" his hands rushed in front of him before they were slammed onto his face, hiding his ever growing blush. "It's not like that…" he whispered.
Legend laughed and Warrior smirked as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Ah," he said, "so it's friends with benefits."
Wild whimpered and moved so both of his arms were wrapped around his face, curling into himself, as the multiple voices broke out into laughter. His protests went unheard.
"Wild, you sly dog!" Four said, laughing.
Time rolled his eyes as the laughter continued. Wild kept trying to tell them they were wrong but he was too flustered to mutter more than quiet no's and shake his head.
Twilight too was smiling until Wind nudged him. "What's friends with benefits? What's that?"
Twilight looked at Wind with horror as Time also came down with the realization that they had a child with them. "Warrior!" Twilight snapped, "there are children present!"
"Hey!" Wind protested.
Warrior had the decency to at least look a little shamed as the laughter died down. Wild looked relieved beyond measure that the attention was taken from him. Awkward silence sat around the campfire until Wind spoke up again.
"Is no one going to answer me?" He asked. When no one answered, all looking at the fire or in random directions into the sky, he growled and stood up. "I'm not quitting till I get an answer."
"Um," Hyrule said, he cleared his throat when Time gave him the don't you dare look, "it's… friendship is the benefits. Just- ah… super close… friendship."
Wind didn't look convinced but Zelda decided to return at that moment, stacks of papers towering in her arms. "Sorry I took so long," she said, plopping down next to Wild, "I had to search for all of them in my travel bag…"
She brought the papers out and placed the stack on her legs, nimble fingers flicking the corners of the pages. "I heard laughter?" She said, as she searched through the papers, "I'm curious to what was so funny?"
Wild looked horrified for a moment and no one could stop Wind from folding his arms across his chest and speaking. "Just about how you and Wild are friends with benefits."
Zelda visibly started as Legend desperately made motions with his hands, trying to tell Wind to cut it off now.
Zelda looked at each member of the group with wide eyes before she turned to Wild, who looked like he'd rather be a puddle. "Did you-"
Wild shook his head and in one fluid motions he brought his hood above his head.
"Yeah," Wind continued, eye's narrowed mischievously, "at least that's what War-hmoh."
Warrior lunged forward and grabbed Wind by the mouth and locking him against his chest. "I'm sorry your majesty," he said, his smile way to nervous, "kid hears things while traveling, gets terms mixed up. Grew up on an island, doesn't know how to treat royalty-"
Wild let out muffled curses and struggled to get out of Warrior's grasp while Zelda studied them for a moment longer. She cleared her throat and looked back down to the papers. "It's alright. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you can read this?" She asked. She held out a small group of the papers and Warrior let go of Wind. Wind sat back down, looking satisfied.
Time reached out and took the papers. They were ancient and browned. The edges were torn and crinkled, the writing faded from years of being left alone.
"I don't recognize it," he said, looking at the characters. He passed it on, each Link saying they didn't recognize the writing, until it ended up in Legends hands.
He flicked through the papers and looked at the faded characters for a minute before he looked up. "it's a recipe of some kind," he said, "looks like for a health potion."
Zelda reached forward and grabbed the notes, flicking through them herself. "We're rebuilding the lab," she said quietly, "and we found hundreds of these papers. All notes and recipes I believe. It's fascinating." She looked up at the group, "if… before you leave, if you wouldn't mind helping me translate some of the papers."
Legend cleared his throat. "Of… of course."
Zelda smiled brightly and then turned to Sky, "so tell me about Skyloft. Are the legends about it true?"
Sky nervously smiled and folded his hands together. "That depends on the legends you have heard…"
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