[Camp AU] Wilderness Explorers! || Belle & Rosetta
Belle heaved a sigh as the heat began to settle in, her mouth began to get dry and then with a rumble of her stomach she felt that she needed a break. Sitting down on a rock, she felt sweat dripping from her forehead and onto her nose. Taking the water bottle out of her backpack, she sucked for a moment, a gulp of water letting out until nothing. She squeezed the bottle, hoping more water would come out. Belle shook her head. 
Ughh... if only there was more water. 
Her mouth was still parched. She liked her lips, trying to get more moisture. She reached into her backpack again, trying to find anything only to find the one thing she did not pack for their overnight backpacking trip was in fact the most important thing of all: food. She had a couple of books, The Complete Guide to Surviving the Wilderness, Animals, Bugs and Other Things That Can Kill You and Fire: How to Start it, Save it and Contain it. 
She turned to her hiking partner before pulling the books out. 
“Do you have any water?” Belle asked to her small companion. “Or food? I forgot them. I think I grabbed my books and forgot.” 
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healthcare-robot · 9 years
Rosetta was overcome with curiousity as she stared at the giant white... Marshmallow. At least, she thought it was a marshmallow. She had only seen a few marshmallows from the human world, so she was not quite sure. Either way, whatever this was, was massive. She flew over to it, making circles around it as she tried to figure out what it was.
Baymax wasn’t technically lost- his internal GPS system let him know where he was at all times- but he wasn’t exactly sure how he got here. The only moment cataloged into his recent memory banks was his activation. Baymax was currently scanning the area, trying to find whoever turned him on because surely they needed his assistance, when something darted across his scanner. His head swiveled as he targeted the movement and after a quick scan, he determined that it was a tiny life form. Strange. His data search yielded no results. “Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion… are you the one who activated me?"
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"GET IN THAT WATER!" {Using pixie dust to lift them of course.}
"YAY!! BATH TIME!!!" Mabel squeals. "Just what Dipper needed!!"
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